Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 118: North-South change

Milan, Emperor Maximian of the Holy Roman Empire entered the city as a winner for more than a month.

The battle in Ostato has been over for a long time. For Maximian, the battle was not optimistic. If he was defeated in terms of victory or defeat on the battlefield.

His army suffered heavy damage near Varese, and the Austrian generals even had to throw away their artillery in exchange for a chance to retreat, which wiped out the face of the Austrian army in the battle of Ostato, if not they had not yet To the extent that even the flag of the army was lost, Maximian had to punish the generals severely.

But outside the battlefield, Maximian can proudly claim to be a winner.

The Austrian army that sent troops from Turin and Varese not only won Milan in one fell swoop, but also seized the opportunity to capture the largest supply base of the French in Italy. This made the emperor who had already retreated a bit because of the bad situation. .

He immediately vetoed the proposal made by the Minister to negotiate with Louis XII to end the war, and at the same time he ordered the palace minister Kotschah to continue to contact the rich Earl of Montina, because he now There are a large number of valuable gadgets in hand ready to be sold.

Many of Maximian ’s so-called precious gadgets are actually collections of Milan ’s Sforza family, and some are French trophies in Italy. These things were left by the French in Milan, and as Milan was occupied by Austrians Those precious paintings, carvings, jewelry and fabrics became the emperor ’s possessions.

However, Maximian is still very savvy. He knows that what he lacks is not the luxury goods that embellish the court, but the real gold and silver that can pay the military pay, so he is eager to use those things from a rich man. In exchange for a sum of money in hand, "the rich Count of Montina" seems to be a good choice.

Barondi agreed to this proposal made by the emperor almost without thinking. When he learned the details of some specific artistic treasures in the hands of the emperor from the messenger, Barenti assured the messenger that the emperor The requirements put forward will certainly be met.

When the messenger left, Barendi immediately could not wait to write a letter to her father, Old Rovere, in which she very directly asked the old Rovere to agree to pay her the portion she deserved from the marriage in Genoa. Then she wrote a letter to Lucrezia after thinking about it.

The content of the letter was very simple, but it was somewhat offensive. Barendi asked Lucrezia to "lent him temporarily" the share of Estrez's annuity as the protector of Florence.

This request was really a bit excessive. When Lucrezia saw the content of the letter, she was a little unbelievable because of the accident. She immediately responded with a very harsh tone and asked Barenti about the purpose of the request. In Lucrezia ’s opinion, Pakistan Lundi is undoubtedly mocking and mocking their mother and daughter.

But Barenti's reply surprised Lucrezia, because she replied in a dominant tone as Alexander's wife: "All this is to reassure Alexander, because as his wife, I have an obligation to consider And take care of all the descendants of my husband ’s lineage, although this is not a pleasant thing, but I will not evade my responsibility, so I think this opportunity is very rare for your daughter, because it can give us all a lot of precious Art treasures, these things can not only enrich the courts of all of us, but also make the young Gombré family look noble and respectable. "

The last sentence is what Barendi wants to say. After all, although it seems to be famous now, this family can't help but admit that the Gumbre family is still an upstart.

For upstarts to be affordable, buying large quantities of artwork to fill the facade has become a very useful way.

Barendi hopes that future generations will not only have enough wealth to be proud of any monarch, but also hope that their surname will make people respect and respect, and the reputation of an art patron or protector will become very important.

The large number of coveted masterpieces of art in Maximian's hands aroused great interest in Barendi, especially during the brief Second Romani War, the Austrian army appeared in time to contain the French movement. It made her feel good about the emperor for a time. In her view, doing such a business with the emperor can be said to be beneficial to both sides.

The letter from Alexander to her also made Barendi guess that Alexander had any new plans for the two countries.

This was because he first looted the Fugger's house fiercely, and even the emperor's treasury collapsed halfway, but then he suddenly loaned a large sum of money to the emperor through old Rovere to support him in arming his army It can be seen by continuing to contend with the French.

"Since it's all about giving Austrians money, why can't I take advantage of it and get enough benefits from it?" Balendi's calculations were shocked, and her so-called benefits are those that don't make much sense to Maximian now. Paintings, carvings, books and a large number of precious books and ancient scrolls originally collected in Milan Cathedral.

Barenti actually asked the emperor too much. When she heard that the French had dismantled the 12 bronze angel statues on the roof of the four corners of the Milan Cathedral under repair and prepared to ship it back to France, she immediately asked her to bring her to the emperor. Went to a message of interest to these 12 bronze angel statues.

Maximian heard this and hesitated for a while. The 12 angel statues were carved by the famous sculptor Bouviolivione at the time when the Milan Cathedral was still capped, although the cathedral is still there. Construction, but people ca n’t wait to put the 12 angel statues on the four-corner base of the cathedral. Since then, the Milanese will involuntarily look up at the angel statues as they pass by each day. It seems that they can be felt through these statues. The light from God.

But now these statues are going to be sold to others, which makes Maximian a little hesitant. Just after he announced that Sforza ’s status as the Duke of Milan was not violated not long ago, he was a little worried that this might anger Milan. people.

What Maximian did not expect was that Ludovico Sforza helped him solve this problem.

After being driven away for more than a month, the Duke of Milan returned to Milan under the protection of the Austrian army and finally obtained the emperor's public protection of his title. This made Sforza overjoyed, but he also knew that the emperor's situation was actually Not good, so he immediately took the initiative to deliver all the loot that the French grabbed to the Austrians completely, even if it was those robbed from his palace, he did not show the slightest intention to recover it, and After hearing that the twelve bronze angel statues could be sold for a good price, Sforza took the initiative to find Maximian and offered to use the twelve bronze statues to exchange more military expenses for the emperor.

Sforza's knowledge made Maximian overjoyed. After encouraging the Duke, the emperor once again sent someone to Montina to tell Barenti: "Everything is easy to discuss."

To the surprise of Emperor Maximian, it was n’t Barendi ’s reply that the messenger brought back, but Montina ’s Genoa regiment.

As the Genoa regiment that is not very optimistic in the Alexander army, its status in the Montina army is somewhat embarrassing.

Because he was born in Genoa, although according to the agreement, the command of this army is completely owned by Alexander, but this army is still nominally Genoese. So even if they also participated in almost every Balkan expedition in Alexandria and tried their best to prove themselves in the siege of Bucharest, they still have slightly different subtle differences from other Montina troops.

This is not just the difference between their unique Genoese equipment and clothing, nor is it because the Genoese flag they played instead of Montina ’s pennant, but because at least in name, the real master of their army is actually Barendi.

After returning to Montina, the Genoese regiment was handed over to Valentino by Alexandria, and Valentino had transferred the Genoese regiment to the north of the territory at the most critical time in the battle of Ferrara. Facing the French directly.

When life was at stake, Barendi instinctively chose to believe in his fellow countryman, and although the confrontation with the French was eventually avoided, the Genoese regiment re-established itself for the first time, because in Bucharest several times it almost caused others to be involved. The troops were in jeopardy and caused a great loss of reputation.

A small number of brave and sturdy Bohemian cavalry who entered northern Italy with the Genoese regiment. These cavalry were not left by Nashan, but Sofia used a very "reasonable" price. Sold to Alexander.

Many of these cavalrymen originally from Bohemia became mercenaries like the Wallachia. When Alexander returned to Italy, Sophia used them as laborers together with the Wallachia as "export goods" The output was leased to Alexander.

The appearance of this army with a total of about 2500 people did not cause much concern. After all, for the battlefield where the two sides have reached a total of nearly 80,000 people, 2500 people are really nothing.

But what surprised both parties was that the army did not stop after entering the Lombardy region, but moved along the northern road of Genoa towards the east.

The emperor, who was not accurately informed until the second day after Montina ’s army entered Lombard, could n’t help but be surprised. Although he re-occupied Milan, he was well aware that the defeat of the Varese battle caused great losses to his field troops, and if there was no branch The only thing he could do with the reinforcements brought by Czach was to return to Vienna with the defeated soldiers.

Although it seems that there is not a lot of troops, an army with frequent activities behind him has appeared. Although he had received help from the Earl of Montina, the emperor still felt that there was an army with unintentional activities. He felt very uncomfortable.

For Louis XII, any army that appeared in Lombardy at this time was sensitive and suspicious.

In order to ensure the safety of the army, Louis XII, who lost the logistics base in Milan, immediately ordered the French army that was preparing to win the chase on the battlefield to withdraw quickly from the battlefield.

The French had to carry out a traumatic withdrawal like Charles VIII once again. At the same time, they were also pursued by the Austrian army from the Varese side who had been defeated by the unexpected counterattack. At the same time, the French had to be prepared for Turin. And surrounded by Milan.

In this difficult situation, they had to retreat to Alexandria.

It was only then that I realized the terrible place of the Austrian army deployed in Turin and Varese.

When Varese's victory was offset by Milan's fall, the Austrian army in the direction of Turin became a major threat that could intercept his return to France at any time.

This greatly surprised Louis XII and Maximian ’s ingenious arrangement on the battlefield. If it was not the Swiss who did get the right to independence, he might even suspect that the defeat of the Austrian army in Switzerland may have been intentionally used by the emperor to lure him. The smokescreen of sending troops to Italy.

When this kind of overestimation of the emperor's strategy was inevitable, the appearance of the Genoese army that had always belonged to Montina was even more suspicious to Louis XII.

Old Rovere ’s strange attitude towards the French has already attracted the attention of Louis XII. Especially after the old Rovere seems to have become more frequent with the emperor, Louis XII has vaguely guessed that this may be the key to the conversion of Rovere ’s family.

Suddenly such an army entered Lombardy at this time and then advanced eastward, Louis XII immediately became cautious.

There are indeed not many 2,500 people, but if they are united with the Austrian army, it means that the French will be faced with encirclement from three directions, and it is even more disturbing to Louis XII, what is the reaction of the Genoese.

If it were not such a single army, but the entire Genoa was openly on the side of the emperor, Louis XII felt that his only option was to immediately withdraw his troops and return to France. Even if he lost the opportunity to annex Milan and Naples, it would be better than his predecessor. It was much better to be forced to withdraw troops after the heavy losses.

Although the weather in Lombardy in November was very cool and not dry, the rich moisture brought by the Tyrrhenian Sea to this plain fertile the vast land, making Lombardy the richest grain-producing region in Italian history.

Louis XII lamented the fertility of this land and coveted the wealth here, but he knew that because Lombardy was so beautiful, the battles on this land in history were also the most.

"Your Majesty, it's a bit cold outside." A servant reminded carefully that although the king was known for tolerance, he was also terrible when he was in a bad mood.

"Don't come yet?" The king asked suddenly, but he never knew what the king was asking.

"No, not yet, Your Majesty." The attendant replied in a low voice.

The twelve Louis breathed out a breath of white mist, and then the white mist disappeared with the wind.

He raised his head to look at the clear but cool sky, and after a while turned around and walked to the house behind him, which was his temporary camp.

A rush of horseshoes suddenly broke the silence, and the sound of the horseshoe was very fast, almost coming straight in the direction of the king's camp ~ ~ Louis XII stopped and turned to look, although he was not sure Not the person he was waiting for, but what other important military situation might it be?

A soldier jumped off the horse, and before holding up the guards, he took out a letter and held it high.

"Your Majesty, a letter from Naples!"

The letter was written by Charlene. Louis XII, who opened the letter, looked at the two lines and closed the letter, and then opened it after a while to read slowly.

"Your Majesty, since Isatin and Corsica threatened Gonzalo de Cordoba to give up attacking Naples, the Naples army once again faced off with our French army. In the early morning of October 29, the Naples army suddenly attacked the station with artillery. Our army outside the city, then the enemy launched an attack on the city of Naples. At the same time, a large number of criminals mixed in the city and the enemy should cooperate with each other. Your Majesty, I have to ask you here for sin. On November 2, Naples fell behind. "

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