Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 123: Pharaoh's Battlefield Interpretation

"Their soldiers are very brave, but this is not the most important thing, because our French soldiers have the same noble character, and bravery sometimes pays a higher price than cowardice. Your majesty, please forgive me for mentioning one that made us all unhappy. In the past, the tragic lesson of the Battle of Crecy was not only the generation, but also the sad and tragic event of the French so far. The tragic consequences of the brave unauthorized actions of the knights who participated in the battle of Crecy at that time led to a moment. It makes bravery and loyalty synonymous with stupidity and recklessness, which can not be said to be French-style sorrow and irony, but it is because of this that it proves how important discipline is in an army. "

Louis XII again read the letter that Charlene had written to him and looked at it carefully. He was actually very familiar with the contents of the letter, but now he reads it again and has a different experience.

In mid-November, when the cold north wind and the monsoon from the Mediterranean Sea collided with each other in the southern part of continental Europe to form an uncomfortably humid and cold climate, the French army first faced Montina stationed on the north side of the town of Tarot The Genoese regiment of the army launched an attack.

The battle started very smoothly. Although the Genoese swords and shields were very brave, as Sherron said, being brave is not a unique virtue of an army. The French braved the crossbow arrows shot by the Genoese when they rushed to the enemy. The bravery is enough for those sentimental knights to write a whole book of hymns.

So after less than 2 hours of resistance, the Genoese regiment could not withstand the French attack of superior strength. After all, they faced an enemy force that was nearly half the number of them. Louis XII sent his beautiful cousin, Henry, the Count of Chambresson, who came from Savoy, like Charlene, admired the young man Louis XII, and thought he would be his helper in the French court in the future.

Although Louis XII had the same respect for the elderly ministers, just as he respected his teacher Fischer, he still hoped to see a group of energetic young people in the court. He needed to look down on France. The palace did a major cleanup, whether it was from habit or strategy, or purely personal feelings, Louis XII felt that it was unbearable for the suffocating and enterprising spirit of the French today.

This has nothing to do with whether or not to initiate a war, it is purely a change of the whole French atmosphere. Louis hopes that he is a dynamic king like those monarchs in Italy who can be active in front of the people, not even from the people. After passing, what I saw was just a lifeless scene.

Henry, the Earl of Chambresin in Savoy, was a young aristocrat he liked. Unlike his cousin Charlene, this beautiful count was a pure knight. When Louis gave him the task, he immediately He assured the king without hesitation that he would let the king see the French flag flying on the tallest building in the town of Tarot before the dark of the day.

By the way, the tallest building in the town of Tarot Valley is not a church tower, but a barn with a strong stone wall that has been built in the center of the town for more than 200 years.

The attack started by Earl Henry was indeed very smooth, although the Genoese regiment found some trouble for his army, but when he ordered a team of more than 100 heavy cavalry to launch an attack on the Genoa regimen ’s flank, he could have been struggling for a while. The Tina army immediately gave up their positions.

Those were some pre-excavated trenches and refusal horses made with local trees, but these things did not stop the French knight ’s offensive tide like Cressi more than 100 years ago. Although there are only more than 100 cavalry, they are bypassing After the refusal of the horses, which were not very wide, the French cavalry immediately chased the retreating Montina army towards the town.

"At that time, many brave cavalry were still shouting 'for Crecy'." Earl Henry, who was sitting on the wooden pier opposite the king, was being wounded by the medical doctor to his head. He told the king what happened not long ago. The mud and blood stains on the face looked very embarrassed, and a deep mouth on the cheek turned the flesh up and down and kept shaking, as if there were two mouths talking at the same time "Then we were shelled."

"I already know," Louis nodded at twelve, although his camp was still some distance away from the town of Tarot Valley, and the violent artillery was not heard from here, but the bleak look of the soldiers who retreated He can also imagine what happened to them. "So you were shelled while attacking the town?"

"Your Majesty, it was actually attacked by the enemy before we were close to the town. It was just that we saw those Montinas retreating into the town, so we wanted to keep chasing them so we could reorganize them. Take down the town before fighting back. ”Henry shook his head and saw the king silently watching him, and the young count was helplessly spreading his hands.“ I admit that I am indeed underestimating the enemy, but at that time, even if I ordered to stop advancing, Probably, because no one cared about any orders at that time. "

Louis XII's left arm was across his chest, his right arm leaned on his left chin and nodded slightly. He remembered the words in Charalon's letter: "Then you are attacking under the bombardment of the enemy's artillery, Tell me is their artillery powerful? "

"Just like Charlie did it in Nancy."

Henry's words made Louis XII slightly surprised. He knew why his cousin said this. In the battle of Nancy, the duke of Burgundy's bold Charlie, was the last battle of his life. In the face of the brave and tough Swiss mercenaries, Charlie bombarded them again and again with artillery. Although Charlie ’s artillery was not much at the time, it still caused huge casualties for the Swiss. If it were not for Swiss mercenaries, they had strict discipline beyond most of the army at that time. The stubborn tenacity peculiar to the mountain people may not be able to stand up until the artillery positions where they captured the bold Charlie have been beaten.

Henry would describe the artillery of Montina's army with the bold Charlie's battle in Nancy. This made Louis XII first think that this cousin was making excuses for his defeat, but he quickly rejected this guess.

"They have a lot of artillery, I mean more than I thought before," Henry waved his hand to let the surgeon who just cut the wound suture away. "I thought they had no artillery, but after the shelling, I knew I was wrong. But even at that time I had n’t thought how terrible the mistakes I had made, "the count took a glass of wine from the servant next to him and took a sip of the wine. They first rushed towards us at the front of the cavalry. Shooting, of course, is useless. The shells at the beginning were completely empty and did not hurt us alone, but their purpose was only to prevent our cavalry from continuing to pursue. "

Louis nodded at twelve. Although the artillery was a terrible weapon, to be precise with the current artillery, it might not be as good as a wave of intensively shot bows to threaten the cavalry who is moving fast.

"They did achieve their goals, and the cavalry's horses were intimidated, so we watched the Genoese escape to the town."

"It's a Montina."

The King did n’t know why he reminded his cousin so deliberately, perhaps because he had vaguely guessed what shock Henry would report to him. After all, in Louis XII ’s mind, the Genoese should pay back There is no such skill that can hit the French army that he is proud of.

"Yes, the Montina people," Earl Henry seemed to be aware of this, so he changed his mouth. "They obviously thought in advance that they might not be able to compete with us in the wild, so they built fortifications on the edge of the town and in the town, and I didn't find that it was any different than before. "

Hearing the king nod, he almost knew what happened next.

"Guns, artillery, and the crossbows of Genoa, those Montinas refused to come out to fight us, but used the town to cause us time and time again and again, especially their artillery, and only then did I find the number of their artillery. It ’s more than I expected, and I do n’t know how they did it, but I think they must have some way to make their gunners more accurate, because I have noticed that every time our artillery fires, because The artillery's anti-shock always needs a series of corrections to shoot again, but even so, the accuracy of the shells is often frustrating, but the Montina seem to be able to aim again quickly, and the number of hits is obviously It ’s much higher than our artillery. Your Majesty, you know it means ... "

"This means that even if they are the same number as our artillery, they will cause more casualties because of the more accurate shooting."

Earl Henry silently nodded his head in agreement with the king ’s statement, as long as the enemy can use a shorter time and more accurate artillery to suppress his artillery when the two sides are evenly matched, this idea is enough to make people feel numb, not to mention Henry I don't think we have much advantage in the number of artillery.

"The following battle was also very bad. Our soldiers attacked again and again with fierce shelling, but the enemy showed a very strong fighting power in addition to the fortifications. This was something we had not thought of before. To know those Genoa People only resisted for a short time before retreating, but after reorganizing in the town they showed a very tenacious will. "

"Perhaps it was you who was fooled. Their purpose was to lure you out of town," Louis XII spread his hands. Because he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was not sure whether his judgment was correct, but it caused him. Note: "Those Montinas, do I mean that the Genoese panic when they retreat?"

"It's panic, this is where I feel weird. I can see that they are really retreating because of our offensive, but according to my previous experience, the enemies that have retreated like this often become chaotic because of panic. No one can. After reorganizing them in such a short time, many people might even slip away from the battlefield in such a panic, but those Genoese people were indeed defeated, but then they appeared again soon. On the battlefield. "

Louis XII listened silently. He knew that Henry was a talented young soldier, and he was indeed willing to cultivate this cousin. Now looking at his frustrated appearance because of the defeat, Louis XII was thinking about listening from him. Everything I got, while thinking about how to re-energize his fighting spirit.

At this time, Henry continued to say: "I found that their fighting style is not much different from ours. Perhaps they have more guns than us, but this is not the key. In addition, they are not as stubborn as the Swiss. I can't see it. There is something special about it, but our attack has failed time and time again. Although I am sure that they do have a support force in the town, I should not be defeated even if they are the same number as me. "

Henry ’s army is about 4,400 men. This is the largest French army corps in the south of Alexandria. In order to prepare for the Austrian army from northwest and southeast, Louis XII has divided his army into three different parts.

Before this, neither the French King nor Earl Henry had ever thought that a French army that had nearly twice the strength of the opponent would be defeated by a Montina army, or, as Earl Henry said, even During this time the Montina received reinforcements, but should not be defeated so easily.

However, Henry's words suddenly caught Louis' attention. He seemed to remember something. He immediately stood up and walked into another room. After the attendant helped the next rummage, the accompanying civilian found a memo from many documents.

This is an index of the content of many important documents signed by the king in the past. Although the originals are all collected in the local court, the transcript index must be carried at all times so that the king can query it at any time.

"Ah, here," Louis XII took the memo to the bright spot and looked carefully, and then found what he needed. "Here said that when Charlene was sent to Pizza, he had reached an agreement with the Earl of Montina. A copy of the sale of a batch of semi-finished muskets imported from China, etc. What does this semi-finished product mean? "

"Your Majesty is a musket with only a few parts, such as a rolled iron barrel, a wooden **** with a finished shape, and other things," the civil servant at the side explained. "If you buy these parts separately, sometimes you have to More cost-effective than buying a whole gun directly. "

"It turns out this way, that Gumbre is quite capable of doing business," Louis looked at the contents of the memo again, and then threw it to the attendant next to him. "The trouble now is that the Montina people seem to be using the weapons we sold them. It ’s really annoying to confront us, so should Charlene be held responsible for this. "

Earl Henry was shocked. He did not expect that the king would be held accountable for Charalon at this time. Although Louis XII was known for his generosity since his ascension, what kind of result would a minister disgusted by the king have? Is also conceivable.

At least if the king really angered Charlene, then the future of his second half of his life is at an end.

"Your Majesty, when we signed the contract with the Earl of Montina, none of us expected it to be like this," Earl Henry reminded vaguely that even the King did not think of the embarrassment of the situation today. The guns of the Montina army seem to be very different from the firearms we are familiar with, or even if they are indeed the same guns we sold them to, they do n’t know what method they used, the power of the Montina firearms It ’s much bigger than we know, or at least their musket fire rate is much faster than any musket we know. "

"Oh, again, accurate shooting, faster speed, and strict discipline and soldiers, all of which seem to tell me that the commander of this army is a great commander, then you tell me that I am dealing with a Who is Caesar? "Louis XII frowned," He is indeed called Alexander, do you think he is really the same as Alexander the Great in history? "

Seeing the king's rare unhappiness and anger, the attendants bowed their heads in fear, but Louis XII did not continue to furious. He sat down and rubbed his aching forehead, and then seemed to have forgotten the anger just now, King He tilted his head and looked to Count Champsang: "Tell me dear cousin, do you think if I give you another army, can you defeat that Montina?"

Speaking of the king ’s raising his index finger, he stopped the earl who was about to speak: "I have to remind you that I do n’t have much strength for you, because I have to deal with our emperor. The direction is approaching us. I think the Austrian Grand Duke seems a little bit dazed by the so-called victory before, so I must remind him in time, so that I can give you limited help. "

Hearing the king ’s words, the young Count Champsang could not help but slightly raised his eyebrows. The enemy was unusually difficult to deal with beyond the Count ’s expectations, and now he even accepted this task so easily before thinking about it was a bit too hasty.

However, the king's attitude clearly told him that if he is in a state of stubbornness now, the next thing waiting for him will never be a good fruit. This of course made Count Champsang have to accept the king's order, and when he heard that he could get it When part of the reinforcements, the count had some fluke in his heart.

"Your Majesty, how many soldiers can you give me?" Count thought it would be better to inquire first.

"1500 people, give you a maximum of 2000," Louis XII shook his head slightly. "This is already the biggest help I can give you. Know that I have to deal with almost 50,000 Austrians."

Speaking of this, a slight annoyance appeared on Louis XII's face.

Louis XII had always believed that he knew Maximian as his opponent. In his imagination, the Austrians could use no more than 35,000 troops, and until the Battle of Varese began, everything was like the King of France. As expected, and more beneficial to the French, Maximian also divided his army into two parts without occupying an advantage.

So after the encounter with the Austrian in Varese, Louis XII ordered without hesitation to attack the Austrian army.

The purpose of the French King is very clear. He intends to first defeat the enemy of Varese before the arrival of the Austrian reinforcements, and then attack the Austrian reinforcements who are coming to support them in various ways.

Everything went smoothly, and even in Varese Louis has heard the horn of victory.

But suddenly, the Austrians did not know where to summon a new army, and the Austrian palace minister Kotschach who led the army attacked Milan, which was occupied by the French army.

The fall of the logistics base, the threat of retreat, and the sudden emergence of the Montina army after the enemy had already taken advantage of the force, all made Louis XII feel as if he was on the same path as his predecessor.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that even the scene when Charlie was under siege was very similar, except that the Milan army of Sforza became the Montina army of Gumbre, and the commander of the commanding coalition army also became Emperor Maximian himself.

"Less than 50000 people." When Count Champsang left, Louis XII whispered to himself while tapping the map on the table in front with a small scepter in his hand.

The situation on the picture does not seem to be very good for the French army. Almost 34,000 French troops who have been forced to retreat to Alexandria are faced with the alliance of about 48,000 troops, from Turin, Milan and Genoa. The approaching coalition forces are advancing towards Alexandria without any haste.

From the picture, even the Montina, who were actively attacked by the French, were detouring along the road in northern Genoa to the southwest of Alexandria.

Louis XII looked at the map carefully, and after a while the scepter in his hand was poked again on the map in the town of Tarot Valley where the Montina army was.

"Go and call Henry," seeing the attendant a little bit ignorant, the king had to continue to say "Go and call Earl Champsang ~ ~ The Earl who had just returned to his place and lay down to rest quickly heard the news He did not know what the king thought in such a short time.

"Tell me Henry, if I give you another 4,000 people, how long do you think it will take to defeat your enemy?"

The words of the king surprised Count Henry first, and then he was overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, if that is the case, I can assure you that in just one day I will be able to greet you in your royal car in the town centre of Tarot Valley."

Listening to the Earl's confidence, he obviously and blindly optimistically answered seriously, Louis XII nodded in satisfaction.

"Listen to Henry, take the town of Tarot Valley," the king said at a halt, and then said something that surprised Count Champsang. "Then we attacked Genoa directly."

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