Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 37: Religious Tribunal

Alexander did not expect that when he arrived in Valladolid on the first day, he met Philip.

This unexpected encounter made him almost miss the meeting with Normezi.

Normezi still lives in the home of the local couple who surnamed Belugat, but their son Alonso Beruguet has been sent by Normezi to Alexander's temporary residence in Valladolid.

Alonso Belugat was a very smart child. He knew that Lord Count Julipe had arranged him to the duke who was said to be very important. He was cultivated by the hearing guard, so he had been careful and obedient from the beginning.

But the boy found that it seemed that the people around the duke didn't get along very well, especially those guards who seemed to come from places like Bohemia always made him feel inexpressible tension.

In fact, it was n’t Alonso Belugat who felt nervous. The boy would n’t think that the bohemians who disturbed him in his opinion were also very nervous.

Although he didn't know the real purpose of Alexander, Schell could clearly feel that the master's coming to Iberia was not as peaceful as he said, and he could clearly feel that the master seemed to be on this trip. The Iberian trip wants to be taken seriously, and more importantly, this trip seems destined to offend many people.

The activities in Portugal let Schell already know that the purpose of Alexander ’s coming here is obviously not simple, especially when the Portuguese finally inexplicably whipped up the waves against the Queen Mary, Schell felt that after this kind of pitting of other girls When I ran to my mother ’s house, it was a little too arrogant.

Schell remembered that they had followed Alexandria to Naples and even Sicily alone, but those places were somewhat dependent on them. In Naples, they can rely on the power of Count Modillo and Russa. In Sicily, because of the speciality of Alexander and here Relationships can also make them rely on, but in Castile, they have no one to rely on, they are surrounded by completely strange people, and only when they reach Castile, they really understand Issa Queen Bella's great reputation and influence among the local people.

This was obviously different from those in the past, so that Schell had to find an opportunity to confess his concerns to Alexander.

"Sir, I can't protect you if you are in any danger," Sher said to Alexander directly on the day he arrived in Valladolid. "The guards are indeed very brave, but you also know that this is not brave. Solved, if something goes wrong, we ca n’t protect you at all, because as long as you leave this door, everyone we see is our enemy. "

Alexander felt Schell ’s nervousness. In fact, he might not be as calm as he looks. After all, this is the hinterland and capital of Castile. He can imagine that if his plan fails and his identity is broken, then he will There is not even a chance to escape. After all, on the way he came, he saw how the local people fanatically worshipped their queen. People in many places carried the queen of colored paper and walked in the field or prayed. , Voluntarily put the name of the Queen's family at the top of the list of blessings and wishes, this unusual respect for the royal family or the Queen himself can be said that Alexander has not seen it anywhere else.

This made Alexander clearly aware of how powerful the opponent he was about to face at one time. It can be said that the enemies in the past were much more "cute and pleasing" than this older woman.

So Alexander was also very clear about Schell ’s worries. He knew that if he made a mistake, he did not have any chance, even if he had the public title of the Duke of Rome and the secret bargaining chip of Enrique ’s cheap son, maybe even this He will only be sent to the gallows earlier.

"We have to be more careful, but don't worry too much," Alexander guided the worried Sher. "As long as you can guarantee that once we are in danger, we will not even have a chance to fight back, maybe things will not be as you think. So bad. "

Alexandria lives in a place not far from the Royal Palace in Valladolid. In fact, it does n’t make much sense if something really is far or near from the Royal Palace. After all, as Schell said, it ’s out. Everyone in this door is their enemy.

Alexander ’s residence is very comfortable and the place is also very large. When I first saw this house with a maroon exterior wall in the local color style, Alexander fell in love with this building with obvious characteristics of Valladolid.

And he will live here because of Count Modillo, who left him things that were truly invaluable to Alexandria before leaving, because it recorded that Modillo had left in Castilla over the years All kinds of preparations, and many arrangements in advance for his bold plan.

The riots in the town of Caslera were one of them. It was only that Modillo at the time would naturally not know how to prepare for many years later. He simply recorded the people and things that he thought would be useful in the future.

Now, after so long, some seemingly unimportant arrangements started to play a role.

Normezi came a little late and was surprised that Alexander had suddenly arrived in Valladolid, so that after seeing Alexander, he did not hide this mood at all.

"His Royal Highness, I do n’t know why you came here, but you know it ’s very unwise," Normezi directly expressed his mood at this time, and he did n’t want to cover up his true thoughts. You promised that I would give me a chance to take revenge on Ferdinand, so I did what you ordered, but now you are in Castilla suddenly, which completely ruins your previous promise. "

Looking at some angry Normezi, Alexander waved his hand to stop Xer, who was about to speak out and blame Normezi. He knew that Normezi never really worked for him. All he did was actually to revenge Ferdinand. First, he used his hatred to try to subvert Naples, and then to push all charges against him.

What he is worried about now is only because the arrival of Alexander may cause trouble for his plan.

Sure enough, Normezi continued angrily: "According to your arrangement, I have led that Philip to the woman's house. Now he is fascinated by it all day. I believe it will not take long for me to succeed, but this When you come, this may ruin everything. "

Alexander looked at the excitement and couldn't stop breathing, then Normezi started to cough and shook his head, watching him hurriedly took out a pus from his pocket with a thick stench of yellowish handkerchief under the mask, Alexander At first he signaled Schell to leave, then he leaned against the table and looked at Normezi gasping in the gasping chair in the opposite chair.

"Tell me Earl how long do you think you can persist?" Seeing Normezi insisted on speaking, Alexander raised his hand to stop him. "We all know that you are very sick, and there is obviously no way to cure this disease. It ’s because of this that you promised me to come to Castile, did n’t you know you are running out of time, and the only chance to revenge Ferdinand is this time, and I can help you fulfill this wish. ”

"But I didn't expect you to come," Normezi leaned back weakly on his chair, his lower half without mask covering his face with sweat, and his slightly swollen lips trembling slightly because of the fever. "The Duke can tell me why You certainly did n’t come to avenge me, so why did you risk Castilla? "

Normezi asked, then another cough, and after a stop, tired and barely raised his eyelids to look at Alexander: "You see, how terrible Isabella, her status in Castile is Unshakable. Unfortunately, I did n’t meet Ferdinand. I came for him. If I could, I would pay all the price just to let him **** pain now. Unfortunately, I might not be too late. "

After talking, Normezi had a fierce cough.

Alexander always leaned on the table and looked at him. He knew that although it was not necessarily Normez's last words, it seemed that he really could not hold on for long.

"This disease is like a devil that haunts me. I think I'm dying. I can feel that every part of my body is rapidly dying. I wake up every morning and wipe the rotten ones with a large pot of water. To cover the bad smell, I covered my whole body like spicy bacon with spices, and told me the Duke, what is wrong with me, you must be clear, right from the beginning? "

Normezi gasped and looked at Alexandria, with dark red bloodshot eyes full of eagerness to get an answer.

Seeing this scene, Alexander thought and finally nodded silently.

"Listen, I can tell you what you want to know, but as I said to you in Rome before you came, your illness cannot be treated, even if I put the best doctors in Pavia Medical College It ’s just that it can delay the time of your illness and make you less painful. I think you are also very clear. After all, you ca n’t really believe just because of my sentence. "

"Oh ~" Normezi smiled self-deprecatingly. He was always trying to find a cure for himself. He hoped that Alexander had lied only to use him, but in fact later he was completely disappointed, because as As Alexander said, he had an incurable terminal illness, and many doctors even claimed that they had never seen this terrible disease.

"Count, you know you are running out of time, tell me now, do you still want to take revenge on Ferdinand?"

The words of Alexander made Normez a little stunned, perhaps knowing that he might be dead soon, he seemed to have no interest in everything at once, and the idea of ​​revenge Ferdinand at this moment sounded even boring.

"The result you have now, your failure in Naples, isn't it all because of Ferdinand's betrayal, you said you want Ferdinand to taste your present pain, then tell me now Do you still think so? "

Alexander asked again, he saw that Normezi's eyelids that had been closed due to fatigue were struggling to lift again, watching him nod slowly, Alexander took a chair and sat opposite Normezi: "Well, now carefully Tell me what you have heard about Castile during this time, and believe that even if your illness is indeed hopeless, we can at least make them pay enough. "

In the palace of Valladolid, Isabella looked ugly and looked at the doctors who were cramped and not far below. These people were very nervous. They did not dare to look at the Queen ’s scary face because of her anger. Not even dare to face the queen's eyes.

And in this room they were more fearful than the queen, the man in a coarse robe standing next to Isabella, the queen ’s private pastor Thomas Tongomada.

If Isabella ’s ambition was to turn Casletia into the second heaven in the world, then Thomas Tongomada ’s ambition was to be the guardian angel of this heaven.

He longed to use flames and nooses to purify all the ungodly blasphemers and their actions that he believed. In his view, there was no cruel punishment and more appropriate means of salvation, and he was willing to be the one who mastered all these means.

Thomas Tongomada is a keen advocate of religious trials. In his view, the Tribunal, which is temporarily organized only when necessary, is obviously inefficient, and many of the members of the temporary tribunal may not be rich enough. Relevant knowledge and experience of this sacred duty.

Therefore, he actively advocated the establishment of a special and long-established religious court. The duty of this court is to form a permanent jury by a group of priests who are familiar with various religious trial systems and jurisprudence. The purpose of this tribunal is only one, that is Set the review, arrest, judgment and execution of all acts that violate beliefs in a final trial.

The crazy idea of ​​Thomas Tango Madama was fully supported by Isabella, and the request to establish this permanent tribunal, which they named the Religious Tribunal, has been written by Thomas Tango Madama into a thick and large book. The statement was submitted to the Vatican.

However, before obtaining permission from the Holy See, Thomas Tongomada could not wait to perform his so-called duties, and according to his understanding of the need for the judge, those who have even a little bit of unusual behavior may be regarded as Enticed by the devil or witch.

As for the waiting for these people, although they are nominally subject to censorship and trial, it can be known from the things that Thomas Tango Madama did, that no one has ever been able to receive his mercy and forgiveness. The final result of all those who have passed his trial Only tormenting.

Juana ’s actions seemed to Thomas Tongomada to be a typical devil, so when she heard about the crazy behavior of the princess, the queen ’s private pastor immediately asked Isabella to drive the princess. Demon, just after working hard for a while, Juana's condition did not improve at all, and Isabella had ordered those doctors to heal the princess.

To Thomas Tangomad, Isabella's move was undoubtedly selfish, but he was clever and did not continue to persevere, now looking at the doctors who were embarrassed because Juana still did not get better, standing quietly In the side of Thomas Tongomad's eyes, a brutal look like the smell of **** sharks had already appeared.

"Tell me if there is any other way, do n’t say there is no way, I provide you with everything you need, all I want to see is that the princess is back to normal instead of always hearing someone report to me that she has done so much crazy thing."

Isabella stood up angrily and scolded those doctors who were already somewhat panicked. She actually rarely talked to people like this. Isabella knew that as a queen, she should treat her courtiers more fairly, no Proper anger won't do any good except make things worse.

But now she can't help but feel angry because it is related to Juana, Castile and even Aragon's future heirs.

At the thought of the future queen of the United Kingdom being a lunatic who may be ruined by hysteria at any time, Isabella trembles all over her body, almost unable to control her anxiety.

"Your Majesty, the princess's illness is something we have never seen before. She is sometimes as normal as an ordinary person, but once she is angry, she will completely lose her mind. We have nothing to do now. The only way is to prevent her from Let her emotional people and things come into contact, this may also make her calmer. "

"Oh! Do you mean that the future queen can't see anyone?" Isabella replied angrily to her doctor "Don't forget that you are talking about the future Queen of Castile and Aragon , Do you think she should be imprisoned? I want you to come and cure her, not to give me such a bad idea. "

Isabella yelled angrily, then she slowly shook her head in annoyance on the forehead: "That's not okay, if you do that, Juana can't inherit the throne, can you imagine what it means, do you know this again How terrible is it? "

Seeing the Queen who said such words casually because of her troubles, several doctors looked at each other, and no one dared to make a sound.

"Your Majesty ~ ~ Thomas Tongomad, who has been standing by the side, suddenly opened his mouth, and he bent over slightly in Isabella's ear and said," Maybe we should hold another exorcism ceremony for the princess, you know this Her appearance is obviously because her body is completely occupied by the devil. The only thing we can do is to drive the devil away from the princess. "

Isabella suddenly raised her head and looked at Thomas Tongomada. She knew what the priest meant, but she didn't know if she should be allowed to do this for a while. After all, the damage caused by the last exorcism to Juana And pain made her fresh.

"Maybe there are other ways, such as Philip," Isabella tried to find excuses and reasons. "If he treats her better, maybe things won't get worse, maybe I should remind him again."

There was a trace of disappointment in Thomas Tongomad ’s eyes, but he again wisely chose not to continue to be entangled in this matter. Obviously Isabella was still expecting to cure Juana ’s disease, and Thomas Tongomad knew that if he continued Going down may be counterproductive.

However, he also gave up on this, especially when he left the palace and returned to the monastery of St. Matthews where he was. When he heard someone saying that there seemed to be a Roman Duke of Tete from the Holy See to Valladolid, Thomas soup Gomada knew his chance had finally arrived.

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