Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 44: Do it

Philip walked down the street on a horse, a smile seemingly hanging on the corner of his mouth, as if he was aftertaste something interesting.

These days, Philip feels quite comfortable.

This is because he has not seen Juana for many days.

Since the last time Juana burst into hysterics like crazy again, even Isabella, who had covered up her status quo, finally realized how bad the situation was, so Juana was locked up again, and Isabella The Lapians found many doctors to see Juana.

But even so, Isabella still didn't agree with Thomas Tongomada's proposal to exorcise Juana.

Isabella would be so opposed to this proposal by Thomas Tongomada, it has its own deliberations.

But Philip did n’t care about these things. He also knew that Isabella ’s private priest had to exorcise Juana. Philip thought he might think of the weird and terrible practices in the exorcism rituals he had heard of. Then it will really work.

It's just that Philip doesn't think that Juana will benefit him if he recovers from it. He even thinks that Juana, who looks so crazy now, is better.

Because if this is the case, the nasty woman will not haunt him all day.

When he first got married, Philip was still obsessed with Juana ’s beauty. During that time, he was crazy indulging in Juana ’s love, but after a long time, he was naturally tired of it, which made him feel unacceptable. What's more, Juana actually intervened with him. She not only forbids him to contact any lady who thinks threatening, but also makes him unbearable. She even let the maid who appeared beside him casually let go. Completely ruined Philip's last favor with her.

Especially when he came to Castilla, Philip felt as if he was put in a cage, which he absolutely could not tolerate, so after Juana went crazy again, he not only beat hard She even moved out of the palace directly, although Isabella sent someone to tell him that Juana was receiving treatment now, but Philip still insisted on not visiting him.

Actually, because this time is really the most enjoyable time for him. Without his wife who bore him, he felt that he had become the free bachelor.

He is a gracious guest of the Red House, a king who those beautiful women are fighting to serve. Everyone here flattered him and pleased him, not because of his identity, but because they knew he was indeed a charismatic person .

Mrs. Olgala still refused to confuse him with color, but Philip believed that she just wanted to use this method to attract his attention, and he also had to admit that this method was indeed very effective. After Mrs. Olgala turned the heat on, he could only use the passion of other women to vent the flame of his heart.

But he still believes that he will be the final winner, and he is very confident in his charm.

Philip ’s body was slowly waggling right away, and he said that he had lived in the Red House for several days, which made his butler in the residence outside the palace somewhat dissatisfied, so after sending someone to remind him Don't go back and see.

Maximian valued the marriage with the Ferdinand couple. He hoped to form a strong alliance with the Ferdinand couple through this marriage, so as to effectively contain France from the southern Iberian peninsula.

Because of this, Maximian, who is very clear about his son's habits, sent a lot of confidants to stay with Philip. He hopes that these people can supervise and remind Philip at any time, at least not that the couple will have too much resentment because of the son's affair.

So when Philip was angry with Juana to leave the palace, his men did not stop it even though they dissuaded him, because even they thought that Juana was too unreasonable or even irritating, but when they heard that Philip actually took this After excusing the red house as his home, the entourages around Philip realized the trouble.

The entourage around him had to ask the duke to pay attention to his actions in the name of the emperor, and then gave him an idea that perhaps spending time alone outside the palace would allow his mother-in-law to give him more because of guilt. Compensation.

But the premise of all this is that he can't always live in the already infamous place in the city of Valladolid.

Philip had to temporarily say goodbye to the paradise in his mind and return to his residence outside the palace. However, when he thought about the long life of asceticism next to him, his mouth full of smiles twitched slightly. under.

Philip is not just a **** who has not made any achievements. His transformation in the lowland countries once gave local people hope, so that he was once regarded as a spokesperson for their interests by many lowland nobles.

It's a pity that the Duke's various changes in the Netherlands brought in question and opposition from the Austrian nobility, and because the voice of opposition was so strong that Maximian had to warn him with a severely worded open letter The changes that would harm the interests of the Austrian nobility must be stopped.

Since then, Philip has become decadent, and he has become more unscrupulous by nature, because Philip, who has no throne competitors and does not have to worry about it at all, simply starts his extravagant life of his brother-in-law. Once the corruption has penetrated into the bone marrow, it is difficult to get rid of it.

Philip has a very nice palace in Valladolid. The house is generous and there is a large garden that many people envy.

It ’s not very far from the place called Laoxueshe Street, so when Philip returned to his palace and lived a bitter and indifferent life a few days later, on a fairly warm afternoon, he was wandering in his garden suddenly I saw a carriage passing by the road outside the courtyard.

Philip saw Mrs. Olgala sitting in the car through the gap of the cotton curtain, which made him both surprised and excited, but soon he saw the Noor Earl Juliet sitting next to Mrs. Olgala Mezi, this made Philip suddenly upset again.

This displeasure made him very rude to avoid seeing Normezi when he came to visit the door suddenly the next day.

But that Normezi seemed to be very persistent and actually asked to meet again the next day, and this time it was Mrs. Olgala who accompanied him.

Philippe changed his mind for only a short while and then asked the servant to invite the man to the living room, and then went to meet the two guests after a little dressing.

Not seen for a few days, Philip could feel that Count Normezi ’s body seemed to be a bit bad. He had a cane in his hand, and it seemed a bit difficult every time he stood up or sat down, but this did not cause him too much. Great attention, his full attention was entirely on the Lady Olgala, so that Normezi said to him how he could hear clearly.

"The Duke seems that you are not so interested in my proposal," Normezi seemed disappointed. He looked at Mrs. Olgala next to him. "Originally I thought you would look at the lady's face to help us, After all, there is a copy of her. "

"What?" Philip suddenly seemed to be awake. He looked at Normezi. After seeing Normezi's glance at his wife to Mrs. Olgala, he finally vaguely remembered what Normezi had just said. Are you talking about doing business, Count? "

"Yes, some maritime trade business," Normezi said. "Duke, you know some nobles or rich businessmen, they are more willing to taste some fresh taste. I mean the girls in the red house. Many of them are from the new The women in the colony seem to be more interested. "

Normezi's words aroused Philip's interest. He saw that Mrs. Normezi seemed to show a trace of expectation, which made him sit up slightly.

"Are you going to sell slaves?" Philip asked Mrs. Olgala "Are you from the new colony?"

"No, they are not slaves, I will not restrict their freedom, but they are indeed not voluntary," Mrs. Olgala explained. "Many of them were sold by their tribe. We know those new colonies. The indigenous people seem to think that doing so does not violate any laws, but we all know that we ca n’t have slaves according to the canon. "

"I know, you came to me because of this," Philip was a little excited. He knew that although anyone is free according to Christianity, even pagans can only kill and not become slaves, but In fact, many businessmen simply do not follow such a false canon.

Especially those merchants in coastal cities, they used to sell slaves from Africa in large numbers, and now it seems that some people are eyeing the new colony, but this kind of behavior is always against the doctrine, so the Count Normezi also found him. It ’s understandable.

As the husband of Juana, if there is no accident or the husband of the future heir to the twin kings, he does have capital worthy of many people, but Mrs. Olgala ’s request is obviously more impressive than anyone.

"So what can I get?" Philip looked at Mrs. Olgala, his eyes seem to be burning.

"You can get enough remuneration, but maybe you are more interested in those exotic styles than money, if we can arrange it for you." Mrs. Olgala said, seeing Philip frown slightly, she asked Before leaning slightly out of his upper body, he whispered, "Of course we know that this may be inconvenient for you, so we are willing to provide you with a small but comfortable house, where you can fully enjoy your hobbies , Which is one of our rewards to you. "

Philip's heart could not help moving.

When the entourage advised him to pay attention to the dissatisfied life that might cause Queen Isabella to be disgusted, Philip had to admit that they were right, although he was unhappy.

He knew that his father Maximian valued the Ferdinand couple as an ally. Because of this, he had to endure boredom to spend this boring life in this house.

Normezi's proposal now makes Philip seem to see another world.

He believes that Normezi will make this promise should be well thought out, and should not be found so easily, otherwise if Isabella knows he seduce his son-in-law, he will definitely punish him severely.

"So, what you paid me is a house?" Philip asked deliberately, and then he looked around. "I have to remind you that this is probably the most gorgeous house in the city of Valladolid except the palace. Do you think Is it really important to give me a house? "

"There you can enjoy everything freely. We can provide you with all the happiness you want. I think this is the most important thing." Normezi looked at Philip who raised his eyebrows slightly, leaning on his cane. Make yourself look more spiritual, "His Royal Highness, you are not free here, are you? There are rumors about Princess Juana everywhere in Valladolid, we all know that the maid who was almost killed by her has been immediately Barry Aduod, and it is said that no one is willing to enter the palace to wait for her, and no one is willing to wait for you, right? "

Normezi's words made Philip's face gloomy. Juana's jealousy had made him completely lost, perhaps also because of this. The strong resistance in his heart made him feel sick against the mother-in-law.

"Tell me, if I help you, can you really do what you just promised?" Philip was not good because of his annoyed mood ~ ~ At this time, he was not so much because of Olgala Madam, it is better to say more to prove that you are not under the control of the mother and daughter.

"You can rest assured that no one can disturb you, and all you have to do is to keep the inspectors of those churches from looking for our trouble."

Philip hesitated to weigh the pros and cons. In fact, he knew that things might not be as simple as Normezi said. Perhaps their sale and purchase had nothing other than the slave trade that might cause trouble, but at this time he suddenly lost interest .

Philip didn't want to know what these people really wanted him to help, as long as Normezi could keep his promise.

"I want a place that belongs entirely to me, even if it is in Valladolid," Philip said in a slightly grumpy tone, frowning at Normezi and Mrs. Olgala at this time. Suddenly he felt that he seemed to have no interest in this woman, or that he was more interested in her remuneration than the woman itself.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, you helped us, then we will give you enough rewards."

Looking at Philip's beautiful face, Normezi said leisurely, and at the same time could not help touching the mask whose wounds on the face were sticking together because of decay.

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