Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 53: "Barber in Seville"

The latest website: After many years, Seville will become famous for a drama. Many people will even draw the profession of the Sevillas and barbers. Invented by the Villars.

Now, this is not the case, and for the Andalusian Consul Caroly, if he can really solve the problem of Don Bavi, who can't be ignored by him, then let him be a haircut. The teacher is not bad.

It was precisely because the Queen ’s thoughts were clear that Caroline was so desperate to resolve Don Bavi as soon as possible.

Caroline thought of many ways, whether it was simply to wipe out this person completely, or to crack down on his reputation by means of strikes, which in turn destroyed his reputation for exerting influence. Caroline had conceived various means.

And he also assumed various actions that Don Bavey might take, including the most fierce speculation about possible direct rebellion.

But Caroline had never imagined that this situation would happen, and Don Bavey disappeared.

This was obviously beyond the expectation of the consul. He did not know how to deal with this situation for a while. The bad thing is that for outsiders, Tang Bawei is still the Duke of Buharanse, and is still the queen ’s most trusted and dependent. The nobleman, even about his rumor that he stood on Isabella ’s most critical moment, is still enduring today, so that Caroline has no excuse to disclose to this Castile ’s most respected person Take action.

Everything can only be done in secret, even Isabella has been telling Caroline to be cautious in this matter, after all, the queen does not want to get a bad reputation for revenge.

This undoubtedly limited Caroline ’s hands and feet, and this was also annoying the Archon. He even secretly vowed that if he could find the whereabouts of Don Bavi, he would immediately order the most drastic measures without hesitation. This nobleman is the biggest trouble for the queen and himself.

What worries Caroline even more is the news of hearing the Duke of Romesia from the Vatican. When he first heard the news, Caroline even flashed "The Vatican is away from Castilla It ’s still far away.

A nobleman from the Holy See who died in the backcountry of Iberia unexpectedly was nothing new, and Carole believed that if he gave orders, someone would have the courage to do so.

Iberia is still too far away from the Vatican, so far away that although the prestige of the Holy See is daunting, it still can't stop the locals from unscrupulously starting this big figure from the Holy See.

When writing to Isabella, Carol deliberately did not write about the Duke's arrival in Andalusia. In Carol's view, no matter whether the queen knew it, everyone remained silent on this matter. Is the best choice.

So when the entourage reported to him that the Duke of Roman Tesia suddenly came to visit the ruling mansion, Caroline was very surprised. He even thought of making excuses to refuse to meet, but after careful thought, he knew it was OK Nowhere, it is clear that the identity of the duke has been revealed with his visit, so that even if he refuses to meet, he cannot conceal the fact that the duke has arrived in Seville.

And the sudden visit of the duke puzzled Caroline. Although he did n’t know what kind of relationship between Don Barvey and the Roman Duke, but after seeing the duke, Don Bavey was indeed The disappearance is gone, but this is enough to remind Caroline a lot.

Despite the thoughts of the possibilities, the consul was surprised at the words of Alexander just after the meeting.

"Duke, do you mean that you know where Duke Don Bavi is?" Caroline had to ask carefully, he could not guess what the relationship between the Duke and Don Bavi, and therefore they could not guess them. What happened to Buhalanse, as for what role Sister Alft, allegedly "dead," played in it, he couldn't even dream of it.

Now the Duke actually brought the news of Don Bavi, which made Caroly happy and a little nervous, because he knew that the person should not let his whereabouts fall into the hands of others so easily.

Sure enough, Alexander said to the consul with a smile: "The Duke thinks he can put forward some conditions, at least under the premise of ensuring his safety."

"This is where we start. Duke Don Bavi is the most trusted and reliant nobleman of Her Majesty. The Duke is like the Queen's family. Even with the exception of her husband and daughters, Duke Buharanse can be said Trusted people. "

Carol seemed to be talking about Alexandria and accidents. He first chattered, and then the smile on the fat face suddenly disappeared, and then he walked step by step to Alexander: "But please forgive me, I want to ask, how do you know Tang · The whereabouts of Duke Bavi, I need to know that I sent someone to send him a letter because of some things. The person who sent the letter came back and told me that the Duke had left Bucharan for some time. We all know that the Duke's leg could not walk because of the injury. But he actually left Buhalanse. This is obviously something that is very important to him. So Dear Duke, do you know what happened to Duke Don Bavi? "

Looking at the unobtrusive Caroline with a threatening expression, Alexander was not surprised.

He is also known to the fierce Iberians. The fierceness of Catalan soldiers and Iberian mountain people is not inferior to the Balkan farmers. In fact, as long as you think about the locals in this place, they are actually being moored. Occupied for centuries, it has been fighting tirelessly with foreign invaders. Until one day, it not only completely recovered the lost ground, but even once once clamored to counter the East, hit the Mediterranean, and liberate the Holy Land. How brave and fierce the local people are.

But Alexander was not worried about what Caroline would do to him, because he was well aware of the difficulties facing the governor today.

"Duke Bavi thinks his personal safety is threatened, to be precise is threatened by the Andalusian consul, that is, you." Alexander made a gesture to Carol "Duke thinks you are trying to The Queen vilified and framed him, so he asked me to do two things for him. "

"Can I ask what it is?" Caroline's face was gloomy. He didn't know whether Alexander said it was true or not, but now Don Bavey seems to be raking, which makes the consul somewhat angry. "Duke I must declare in advance, any The conjecture that I tried to be unfavorable to the Duke was intolerable to me, even if it was the Duke himself thinking wildly. "

"The Duke thinks he has evidence, which is why he asked me to do it for him," Alexander's protest against Carole was unimpressed. When he saw Carole talking again, he continued "The two things In fact, it should be said that one thing is more appropriate, that is, Duke Don Bavi asked to be allowed to make an atonement trip, the purpose is the tomb of St. Peter in the Vatican, the Duke has vowed that once he arrives in Rome, he will walk over the seven hills, He did not complete his wish until he entered St. Peter ’s tomb and prayed at the place where St. Peter was martyred. He also requested to meet with you after obtaining the Queen ’s official permission, because he might be away for a long time on this trip, so The Duke has decided to dedicate Buharanse's land to the Vatican. "

Political asylum!

Although he didn't know such a word, when he heard Alexander's words, Caroline's heart quickly flashed the idea with this meaning, and he felt that he already knew Don Bavi's intentions.

Obviously, Don Bavi had realized how bad the situation he was facing, so he used his fiefdom as a bribe to buy the Duke of the Vatican so that he could escape to the Vatican.

Caroline's face instantly darkened, and he looked at Alexander coldly, with an unspeakable stiffness in his tone: "Adult, I think you probably don't know that Duke Don Bavi's fiefdom was because his grandfather participated in the expulsion. During the Moorish war, His Majesty Juan II thanked him for his dedication to serving the kingdom before awarding him. "

"I think I know, and it is because of this that the Duke's piety is more reflected, isn't it," Alexander said to Carole with a smile. "A Duke dedicated the territory inherited from his grandfather to the church in his later years, but he dragged himself. A physically disabled person with a disability took the road to the Holy Land to pray for salvation. This may even be a one-way trip. He may even be unable to reach the Vatican because of his old age, but he still set foot on this journey without even turning back, or even giving it back in his hometown. Leave a little nostalgia for myself, the consul I must admit that this matter touched me, this is a good thing that is not inferior to those miracles reported to the Holy See, I even thought maybe this was his nun from Alfred The revelation he got there made him finally decide to give up everything that is so precious in the eyes of the world, and then let him embark on the right path to pray for forgiveness from the Lord. "

Caroline looked at Alexander gloomyly on the face. He actually wanted to refute loudly, and even directly ordered the guards outside the door to grab the cheap son-in-law of the Pope from the Vatican and hang it upside down on the post for a whole day to let him know. Where is this place, and who is he dealing with again?

But at the last point of reason, he told him that he could not do this. This man was not just a messenger from Rome, but also a pope-son-in-law who sounded rather annoying. It is said that this man was a hero who saved the Balkans. He even had a relationship with Ottoman. Sultan put the pinch on alone, and it is incredible that he actually won.

This made Caroline have to be cautious, because I do n’t know what the Queen ’s attitude would be in this matter, and because now the Duke of Roma Tesia is sitting in front of him like this, so that kind of wants to be in The way to secretly solve the annoying guy in front of him is obviously no longer needed. Carole suddenly realized that he didn't know how to deal with this person.

This annoyed Caroline, especially when he thought that this person even knew where Don Bavey was, he felt like he was going crazy.

"Duke, maybe you can tell me the whereabouts of Duke Don Bavi. I assure you that what you are concerned about the Duke is non-existent, and any conspiracy against Duke Don Bavi is non-existent. . "

Carole still tried to persuade Alexander, but his efforts were obviously useless. Alexander refused his request without hesitation. Before leaving, he even said to Carole that he could not be indifferent: " Please forgive the consul, I did not believe you, but because this was the request of Duke Don Bavi, he told me that this was the revelation he got from that Alfred nun, and obviously the nun said to him More than that, I think since Duke Don Bavi can give up status and wealth because of her words, he will certainly listen to her on other matters. "

Caroline stared at Alexander, who turned and left. He suddenly wanted to meet the nun who was said to have died. Although he was very suspicious that this might just be Don Bavey's trick, the nun obviously also caused His interest.

As for the Duke of Romatesia, Carole feels that although this person did not agree to his request, this does not mean that the whereabouts of Don Bavey cannot be found from him.

Caroly decided to send someone to stare at the duke. Although it was very rude to do so, the consul had no choice.

The news that Alexander brought to him was so amazing that when he thought that if there was a piece of land belonging to the Vatican in Castile, Caroline would know how angry it would be for Isabella without even guessing.

The church in this country does have a very strong power, but in the end this power can only be controlled by the queen.

Now if Don Bavi's actions allow the power of the Vatican to take advantage of it, Carol feels that this is even more serious than the Moorish invasion.

As the ruling officer, the people of Carole are all over the city of Seville, although this does not allow him to find that Don Bavi has actually arrived in Seville, and has even quietly occupied Philip on the other side of the river. Castle, but there is no difficulty in sending someone to monitor a foreigner.

Two locals stood under the corner of a house not far away. Because the sun can be shining here, it was still warm at this time of noon.

But even this kind of thing is a hard job in this season ~ ~ so they secretly curse those who are warm in the house until they suddenly walk out of the corner from the corner.

"Is this guy drunk?" One of the two said weirdly. He saw the man stumbling under his feet in their direction. When the man approached, they could not see what he was covering. Bleeding out on the stomach.

"What's going on?" The two people were taken aback, but just as they jumped back, the suddenly appearing person had fallen over in front of them.

The two immediately turned around in panic and tried to leave, but they didn't know when, there were already a few sailor-like people standing behind them.

Without waiting for them to speak, one of these people looked like the leader and pulled out the sword in his waist. Immediately a few shimmering swords were placed on the necks of the two.

"This man stole my money, but I didn't find it from him, but now they are coming to you," look at the broker who has swallowed on the ground, and then look at the sackcloth that was used by the person next to him just before the debate. The two people who closed their mouths, James shook his head to the two people. "I said guys, you are in great trouble."

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