Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 58: move!

Latest website: Caroline looked gloomy at a few men, he hoped to find out that Don Bavey ’s plan was completely defeated from the Duke of Rome Tesia, even if he knew what collusion between the two people, but that person was too much His sensitive identity prevented him from acting rashly.

How can that person not be at least in the light.

"I don't know how they did it, but I believe they must have been contacted," Caroly said, annoyed. He knew that there must be a conspiracy between the two, but what did Don Bavi do, he still got it Not clear.

And the Roman Duke of Tethys is also very strange. Since he lived in the city, he hasn't done anything else, which makes people who are stalking outside the house feel so boring all day long.

"It is certain that they must be planning a conspiracy, but we don't know," Caroline looked at the few people in front of her. "So all you have to do is stare at the Duke of Roma Tesia. I believe he will do something. Let ’s do it again. Do you need to be patient before you understand it, be patient! "

As the consul raised his voice, several officials immediately bowed respectfully, expressing their compliance.

Caroline scratched her long hair and looked upset at those who retreated, he was so upset because he had received a reply from Valladolid, and the Queen ’s reply made him aware of the matter. serious.

Isabella has decided to use a war to resolve the dispute with Portugal. The Azores incident is only a good excuse. Isabella thinks that Manuel I obviously forgot the previous lesson, so it is necessary Let him know who is the boss of the Iberian Peninsula.

In order to prevent the intervention of the French, Isabella has written to Ferdinand. While asking her husband to return as soon as possible, she hopes that Aragon will strengthen its military strength and military deployment in Italy. The containment on the battlefield was exhausted and had no time to care for Iberia.

Isabella didn't hide much about her plan, so in her reply to Caroline, Isabella asked him to find a way to resolve Don Bavi's affairs as soon as possible.

"I ’ve had enough of the arrogant old man who was arrogant and rude to me. He did give me a lot of help, but I ’ve gotten enough rewards, and when I need him to converge a little, he is right. My orders were ignored. "

Isabella wrote in the letter: "So it is time for him to pay the price for his unreasonableness and arrogance. I do n’t want to know how you do it, but I can tell you for sure that I do n’t want to hear more about Tang. · Bavi's arbitrary actions, so no matter what method I use, I want you to make sure he is honest.

Especially at this time, I want to put all my energy into the contest with Manuel and maybe Louis XII. At this time, I hope my kingdom is stable and safe. "

Isabella ’s letter did n’t make Caroly feel better, but instead he felt that things were more troublesome, especially when he heard that the Queen might have a war with Portugal recently, Caroly knew he had been given time Running out.

The thought of the Duke of Roma Teccia, Carole felt annoyed, originally thought that this person will act even if he is not in a hurry to contact Don Bavi, which can give him all kinds of excuses, but now that person has never What happened, Caroline couldn't find any reason for a while.

"It seems risky." A thought of helplessness flashed through Caroline's heart. If the emissary from the Vatican would have caused a lot of trouble if he died by accident, but now he can't care about anything at this time, and he believes in the Queen Will not throw him as a victim to the Vatican, which is enough to give him the courage to make up his mind.

Just how to do it, Caroline needs to think carefully.

As Caroline racked her brains to think of a way, Alexander was also wondering where to open the deadlock.

The news from Valladolid made Alexander a little surprised. Isabela's decision to challenge Portugal at this time made him surprised first, and then he could not help but sigh gently.

Alexander had never looked down upon Isabella. This woman could turn around in such a harsh environment, and eventually forced Enrique to even admit that her daughter was not born. This kind of wrist is not what ordinary people can do. Arrived.

But even then he still didn't expect Isabella to have such great courage to take the initiative to provoke the war with Portugal.

This is not because Portugal is stronger than her, but with the possibility of the French intervening behind the scenes, the situation is obviously much tougher.

But even then Isabella still chose to face the challenge from Manuel directly, which had to give Alexander a new understanding of the woman's determination.

After all, although the wealth brought by the new colony has become more and more important, but because of Columbus's mistakes, even now, people still think that they have reached India, so they do not know that they have explored the edge of an unknown world. Just waiting to push open the closed door, what appeared before them was a brand new world.

Similarly, the Azores has not yet fully revealed its true importance because the New World has not yet fully unveiled its veil.

For most people, it is just a desert island in the Atlantic Ocean. No one realizes that it will become a maritime hub connecting the old and the new continents on the Atlantic Ocean in the future. Even after a few centuries, it will still be here. It is an important lifeline of Atlantic ocean traffic.

But in this seemingly unimportant maritime conflict, Isabella seized the opportunity to show Portugal an unusually tough attitude. Obviously Isabella ’s purpose was not because of the maritime conflict, She should have been prepared for this war.

"Manuel seems to be in trouble." Alexander could feel the tremendous pressure facing Manuel. After all, if the war spread from the sea to the land, Portugal is not just facing the very strong Casti Leah, I believe Ferdinand will not miss this opportunity.

As for Louis XII, it seems that in Alexandria's memory, all the energy of the French is now devoted to the Italian War, at least in 1501, so even if Louis XII did intervene in the Iberian War in order to contain Double King's abacus, but the army he can free up to send is also limited.

Isabella may not be out of consideration for the new colony, but she clearly realized that the French could not really intervene in Iberia during this time.

Queen Castilla has extraordinary wisdom and keen observation. It is this ability to grasp things that makes Isabella often achieve great success in many major decisions in the past.

This time, Alexander knew her choice was not wrong.

If possible, Louis XII would certainly not let go of the opportunity to intervene in Iberia, but the French, who are now immersed in the quagmire of the Italian war, do not seem to have so much energy to take care of others' idle affairs.

However, this was only temporary. Once Louis XII was relieved, the interest and ambition of the French kings in Iberia. Once the excuse of Portugal ’s request was obtained, it was only a matter of time before the troops were sent to intervene.

Isabella had clearly expected all this, so she decided to start as soon as possible.

Because for her, obviously the longer the time, the longer the preparation for the French, the more disadvantageous.

In this situation, Isabella did make a correct decision and acted preemptively.

Isabella's decision affected the entire Castilla in an instant, and even Seville in the south felt the changes brought about by the Queen's order.

The order from Valladolid has arrived in Andalusia, and according to the order of the queen, Carole ordered to send the conscription order of the queen to all parts of Andalusia.

From the city to the countryside, the Castilians on Andalusia started to move.

Many people took out dusty armor and weapons from the corners of their homes, and the horse farm became lively. Many soldiers and small nobles from all over the place began to think about buying horses and various equipment that need to be temporarily purchased. .

The entire Andalusia seems to be suddenly active, and some nobles of the territory also appeared in Seville.

Caroly was very careful about this situation. He knew that it might give Don Bavico a chance, but the Queen ’s order had to be executed.

So he ordered the reception of those nobles from all over Andalusia, and he ordered to closely monitor everything in the city, especially the Duke of Roma Tesia, and sent enough people to stare firmly at the group.

But even so, Caroline is still hard to rest assured, especially after the robbery of the merchant exchange, he felt that Seville's defense has never been so flawed or even vulnerable.

This made him unable to help raising the idea of ​​letting the army of Philippe Castle enter the city of Seville. Although this would give the impression of being timid and incompetent, but when he thought of the dangers he might face, Caroline felt that all of them Not so important.

Carole trusts the army in the Philippe Castle. This trust stems from the fact that these troops regained their lost ground with Isabella in the early years, and finally destroyed the glorious past of Granada, the last Moorish kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula. .

These troops were rewarded by Isabella for serving the queen. Although this huge army was faced with the severance as the war ended, the remaining soldiers became the queen's army in Andalusia.

It is precisely because of having such a king army that Caroline can perform the tasks that Isabella gave him so boldly.

It's just that this royal army has always been stationed in the Philippe Castle. Although they are only across the river from Seville, they never entered the city.

This is also Isabella's order. In order to prevent the local aristocracy from being too irritating, Isabella ordered that the king should not be easily dispatched until the critical moment.

And Carole thought that now is the "critical moment".

A lot of people have begun to march into the city of Seville. Every day, people can be seen entering the city. Obviously, Isabella thinks that the French cannot respond so quickly, but she still takes it seriously This upcoming war with Portugal.

Carole ’s speculation that Don Bavey might use the Queen ’s chance to declare war on Portugal to take action in Andalusia is obviously not cranky. With the news sent back by the people sent to Buharanse, since Don. After Bavi's disappearance, there has been little movement in the army in Buharanse's territory, and suddenly an abnormal behavior occurred.

Although the prestige of the Moorish kingdom was extinguished after the war, a lot of power was recovered from the nobles, but the big nobles with taxation rights still rely on their strong financial resources to build castles and expand the army, especially when the royal power is relatively weak. In the south, the influence of the aristocratic forces is still widespread in Andalusia.

This is also the reason why Isabella made up her mind to first attack the big nobles in Andalusia.

Now that Don Bawei disappeared and faced Sevilla to face each other, Buhalanse's army suddenly moved, which allowed Caroline to prove once again that his previous guess was correct.

Although Carole did not see the performance of Buharanse ’s army in the war, but he also participated in the campaign to recover the lost ground, so he knew very well that this army can be extremely honored, and it must be extraordinary. Even though most of the veterans in this army should be gone now, Caroline did not dare to underestimate this army.

So after hearing that Buharanse ’s army seemed to have changed, he immediately sent a command to Philip Castle on the other side of the Gwadar River. ~ ~ The command was simple: "Order in the name of the consul , The king's army of Philip Castle entered the city and stood by. "

When the messenger with this command arrived at Philip Castle, Don Bavi was sitting on the main hall of the castle hall, and he was full of officers in the castle on his two occasions. When the messenger walked into the hall with a confused face, The messenger was just puzzled when he saw a strange-looking old man sitting there, but when he finally knew that this man was actually Don Bavi who the consul was always looking for, the messenger's first thought was to run away.

It was just that he obviously did not have this opportunity. After seeing the order covered by the seal of the Andalusian Consul, Don Bavi was too lazy to ignore the messenger who kept struggling to escape. The noisy guy dragged out, ignoring the man's rude action of throwing the man straight down the city wall, holding the order like knocking the door of Seville, Don Bavey put his arm Raised high.

Although he was hoarse, he shouted to the officers with a strong voice: "In Seville! In Madrid! In Valladolid!"

Suddenly, the castle echoed and resounded through the sky.

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