Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 60: Obstacle clearing

The latest website: Caroline is staring at the group of soldiers in front of them, although they are dressed differently, but they can still recognize the origin of the badges on some people.

These people were chased by him after crossing a few streets and finally blocked a dead road. Unlike other people who are robbing and messing around in the city, these people seem to be more organized and move faster. They always It's not that the looting is too greedy after robbing a family, but only the most valuable things are taken away, and then they quickly leave and look for the next target.

In this way, when Carole took people to find these traces a few streets away, they chased people several times because of their rapid and non-stop change of direction.

This made Carole realize that these people were unusual. He believed that these thugs must have been instructed. Perhaps there was a shadow of Don Bavey among them.

Caroly, who was eager to rush to the most violent urban area, decided to seize these people, and hoped to find clues from these people about what caused the situation today.

Caroline still does not believe that Wang Jun actively provoked those nobles. He feels that there should be some strangeness in this, maybe some people are instigating troubles in it, or all this is simply that Tang Bawei is making trouble.

Caroline apparently guessed the truth of the matter, but he did not guess the process. He did not know that he was walking towards a trap that had been carefully prepared for him, and he was looking forward to being able to fight with the king. The troops quickly joined together to control the situation in Seville.

So he chased the guard all the way after passing a few streets, and when he found that the mob finally had no way to escape, Carole laughed out loud, he raised his hand high, and followed him With the gesture, the spear in the hands of the guard immediately stretched forward. As the boots stepped on the cobblestone road, a tense breath filled the street instantly.

The thugs seemed a little flustered, they were crowded together messily, and someone from time to time shouted a sentence, seeming to cheer for the people next to them or to brave themselves, a move that was ridiculous and ridiculous to Caroline.

"I can forgive you, but you must tell me who is instructing you!" Carole shouted to the people across the street, but those people did not know that he had already spoken to the army next to him when he said this. A gesture was secretly made. Upon seeing this gesture, the guard army immediately whispered the order, and then waited for the commander to issue an attack on the mob.

"These people have to pay for their actions," Carole whispered to himself. He was indeed a character who looked nothing dangerous, and even his chubby appearance felt awkward and honest, but in fact when he was When his fangs are really revealed, his opponent will find out what the truth is under his clumsy appearance that is good at deception.

The people on the opposite side seemed to be negotiating. They were obviously afraid. These people obviously did not have the courage to confront him with the guard of the ruling officer. So after a while of discussion, someone finally came out from the crowd, and he was far away. Carole saluted, and then said aloud: "Sir, someone did instruct us to do this, and we can also tell you who that person is, but please forgive us for not surrendering to you."

Caroline looked at these people with a somber face, although he felt that these people should not dare to take the initiative to attack his guard, but now this time may not have any accidents, after all, most cities have now fallen into chaos, if These people took risks and immediately scattered around to escape. In such a chaotic situation, it may not be possible to find these people afterwards.

Caroline thought about it and finally nodded. It was more important for him to find the master behind the scene than to punish these people, and he believed that he had already remembered the badges on many of them. He believed that he could still find out Family of these people.

Thinking about it, Carol opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, a dull sound suddenly came from the street behind him.

He smelled the sound and looked back, and through the shadow of the guard shaking, Carole saw the army appearing from the fork in the distance on both sides.

These troops are crowded, and the spears erected in their hands are like shimmering jungles on the streets in the winter morning sun. As the team advances, the helmets of many people emit dazzling reflections, making the whole team look a little blurry. Unclear.

"Wang Jun."

A smile on Caroline ’s fat face, he no longer even looked at the leader ’s banner, but turned back to the thugs who seemed to have an inexplicable excitement: "You have seen it, In front of you is the heavily armed Wang Jun, and now I order you to surrender immediately, otherwise I will order the killing! "

Caroline's voice had just fallen, and the person opposite had already made a big laugh. He paid an exaggerated salute to the Archon, and then straightened up and said aloud, "Adult, according to your order, I will tell who is instructing us, They are right behind you! "

An instant anger floated on Caroline's face. He had decided not to count on negotiations at this time. When he raised his arm and issued the "Listen to my order ~" call, he suddenly heard what was heard from behind the guard. Horror!

Carole suddenly turned around, making him an incredible scene in front of him. Those Wang Jun who were regarded as big aid by him were now slashing towards the unguarded Guard of the Guard!

Almost at the same time, those mobs who were timidly close together and barely confronted them suddenly rushed towards them with the outburst of bloodthirsty and excitement.

In an instant, the ruling guard, originally a hunter, was surrounded by their prey, and a massacre unfolded on the narrow streets!

When Don Bavi came out of Alexander's house, the sun had almost reached the center.

Although it is about to enter March, this season is still very cold. The sun in the sky looks icy white light, but there is no heat. The cold wind on the street is mixed with a bad smell of blood.

"February 29," Don Bavey looked up at the sun like a white shroud. There was a strange feeling in his heart.

He did not deliberately set the time for action on such a special day, but the development of things made this day full of extraordinary meaning.

According to the legend of ancient Rome, people only set this month as 28 days because they hated February. Although this statement may not be true, February always gives an ominous feeling, but this year ’s 1501, February But it was a special 29 days, and it was on the last day of this ominous February that everything finally broke out.

"Which is God's hint to me and Isabella?" Don Bavey squinted his head as far as possible in a wheelchair and looked at the sky, then he pulled the cap of the cloak down to block it. In front of me, "Is this telling us that only one of the two will stay at the end?"

Don Bavi said to himself in a trance, and then his mind seemed to suddenly clear, and then waved his hand to signal that the servant behind him pushed him forward: "Go to the official residence of the governor, it is ours It ’s time for the nobles to explain everything. "

The Duke's words excite the people who followed him. They knew that they took such a huge risk and decided to follow Don Bavey's efforts, and they would get the rewards they deserved.

Alexander stood in the window watching Don Bavey and his people gradually walking away. Hearing the footsteps behind him, Alexander did not look back, but slowly said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir," Uliu, still dressed as a firewood dealer, answered not far from Alexandria, "I can leave Seville now."

"Wait anymore, it's still a mess outside now," Alexander said without looking back. "If you leave at night, I will send two people to **** you out of the city, and then you will depend on yourself."

"Please rest assured, lord, I think I am even safer here than in Milan," Uliu smiled, showing his white teeth. "But lord, you have to be careful yourself, I believe Isabella should soon I know your news in Seville. "

"I know," Alexander nodded. He thought for a moment and then said, "I still don't know where Don Bavi hid that Sister Alfred, but I have a feeling he would not hide her." Too long, because maybe she will be used soon, so I hope you can prepare as soon as possible. "

"Master, please," Uliu gave a gift to his chest with his arms crossed. "I wish you all the best. I'm waiting in Valladolid to welcome you."

Alexander nodded slowly, listening to the footsteps moving away from behind. He reached out and patted the window sill in front of him: "Then we will watch the performance of all of us."

When Don Bavi's wheelchair appeared in the open space in front of the ruling official's mansion, opposite him was the closed door of the mansion and the guard of the mansion waiting for him, and behind him were the entire army of kings and a large number of noble lords and them. Army of the territory.

The two sides are facing each other, but everyone knows that this kind of confrontation is actually meaningless.

The number of guards in the official residence was too small. Looking at the open space not far from the front, it spread to the streets in the distance, and the crowd was full of enemies. The underwear of the guard commander was already soaked in sweat.

There was a sound of heavy objects crushing the road, and the crowded soldiers gave way to both sides, revealing an artillery that was pushed to the front.

This is a heavy eagle gun with a small caliber, although the shell is just a solid bullet that can be picked up and loaded by one's hands, but this is enough to make the soldiers in the official guards scared by the fear.

Looking at the muzzle that was being pushed down and stretched towards the black hole of the mansion door, the guard commander finally couldn't stand the terrible pressure. He shouted loudly and stood on the mansion wall, looking at the glimmering door Terrible artillery, the commander finally put forward the conditions for surrender to Don Bavi: "Adult, you must ensure the safety of the family of the consul, otherwise we can only fight to the end."

"I swear to God that it will not hurt any of you. There is enough blood today, and we are not a rebellion." Don Bavey nodded in agreement, he waved to the people behind him, as a group of soldiers Going to the door, the gate of the mansion slowly opened under the eyes of countless eyes.

Under the protection of the guards, the servant pushed Don Barvey into the gate of the ruling mansion slowly. As he walked through the porch, Don Barvey looked up and looked at the hands of the liberator Fernando III of Seville on the stone porch. Holding the marble statue of the icon, Don Bavey pulled the cross from his chest and gave it a trembling kiss on the lips.

In the hall, a woman with her four children stood waiting for Don Bavi, it was Caroline ’s wife and his children, and now this originally the most prominent family in Andalusia shivered, watching The old man, who needed a wheelchair to push him, seemed to be about to die, but they knew his destiny was in his hands.

The woman slowly squatted down and reverently held Don Bavigan's skinny hands on her lips and kissed, and then she turned back to signal her children to do the same as she did.

"I won't kiss the hand of a traitor!" A sudden voice suddenly sounded in the terrified hall, a gorgeously dressed teenage boy who looked bravely stood staring at Don Bavey "My father said You are an ambitionist. He said that you will definitely become a traitor. He is right. You betrayed Her Majesty now. "

The woman looked at her son in horror. She wanted to speak out, but was stopped by Don Bavey's hand.

Don Bavi looked at the child seriously for a while, then he sighed softly.

"Are you a Castilian, kid?" In a woman's trembling fear, Don Bavi pushed the wheelchair slowly to the boy.

"Of course, like my father, I am a loyal servant of Her Majesty." The boy replied bravely.

"Your father is indeed a loyal person, but do you know why he failed," Don Bavey's cheek moved and smiled "because he didn't know who he was allegiance to," said He raised his hand to block the boy who wanted to open his mouth. "Do you think you are loyal to the Queen? In fact, you are loyal to the monarch of another country. When you grow up, you will find that Castile has perished. The ruler of this country Maybe it ’s an Aragonese, or an Austrian, but it ’s not a Castilian, so where did Castilla go, it ’s wiped out, hand-made by someone like your father who believes to be loyal It ’s a funeral. That ’s why we ’re going to stand up. If you think you ’re a Castilian, then you should know that I ’m right. ”

The boy wanted to refute, but after opening his mouth, it seemed that he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Although he was angry at Don Bavey ’s words, he did n’t know how to refute it, and even vaguely felt that this abominable traitor ’s words might really make some sense, but he could never admit this, so he could only bite Lips stared closely at the old man who had been called a traitor and ambition by his father until the mother suddenly came and slapped him on the face, then hugged him tightly in his arms again.

"Different worries, I promised to protect you," Don Bavi said to the woman. "But your husband may not be so lucky. There are many thugs in the city."

There was a cry of depression in the woman's mouth, but then she put her hand in her mouth and bite tightly to prevent herself from crying.

Don Bavi shook his head slightly, but said nothing. He motioned the servant to push himself forward, and people began to follow him into the hall of the mansion.

In the middle of the ornate and typical Moorish style hall, an oak chair inlaid with the sun symbol of Andalusia on the back of the chair was placed there quietly. Looking at the chair, everyone could not help breathing .

With the help of two servants, Don Bavi slowly sat in the seat of the Archon. He looked at the people who were looking at him. The thin face first pulled a smile, and then prepared to the side The good clerk nodded.

The clerk opened the declaration that had been prepared in advance, and with the announcement to penetrate the hall, a truly earth-shattering event was ushered in the Andalusian land.

"In view of the failure of the Archbishop Fernando Carole to calculate the order of Andalusia, the welfare of the Kingdom of Castilla and the interests of Her Majesty the Queen, Duke Buharan Ned Don Bavi, as Andalusia's most distinguished nobleman and Her Majesty's most trusted minister, took over the post of Andalusian governor, and then fulfilled all the rights and responsibilities of that post! "

The clerk's voice echoed in the hall, people's faces were different, and some people could not hide the excitement in their hearts, because this means that from today, they can go back to the good days they had before.

And some people have vaguely expressed concerns on their faces, because they know that the Queen will never allow this to happen in Andalusia, even on the eve of the current war with Portugal, Isabella ’s The character will never tolerate the occurrence of a rebellion.

But Tang Bawei has not given them more time to think. As the clerk read the final signature, Tang Bawei has said: "I will perform my duties because this is what God has done to me. Revelation, and I will have a public mass at Seville Cathedral, at that time I will use facts to prove to you this evidence from God ’s revelation. "

Don Bavi ’s words made everyone instantly surprised. They did n’t know why he could so swear that it could prove all of this, even through a public mass, which made many people wondering secretly. Is it true that God is revealing Don Bavi?

Looking at the different expressions of the nobles, Don Bavey slowly sat down, his back leaning on the back of the chair, and his eyes swept the faces of everyone he could see.

"You will soon see a real miracle, and then you will make the right choice." Don Bavey spit out such a whisper that only he could hear.

Just when Don Bavi announced the takeover of power at the ruling residence, Alexander took the man to the bell tower of the Giralda Tower in Seville Cathedral.

Looking up at the huge bronze bell in the shadow of the top of the tower, Alexander pondered slightly.

"grown ups?"

Cher asked quietly that the Balkans did not like this clock tower. It was here that he lost the Duke, and now he still remembers the way he looked at him when he saw the old man walking back alone, but Shelle vowed never to let this happen again for the second time.

"This bell is really big," Alexander smiled when he saw Sier showing a bewildered look. He knew that the big brass bell in the bell tower of the Xilada Tower in Seville Cathedral should be the largest bite in the Iberian Peninsula. Bronze bell, which made him suddenly have a strange idea "I don't know what will happen if Comparti saw this bell, maybe it will melt it and make a cannon."

With that said, before stunned Sher spoke, Alexander stepped towards those who were already waiting at the door of the cathedral.

When the riot in the early morning just happened, Seville Cathedral was already surrounded by a sudden army.

The troops entered the cathedral after tightly blocking all the exit roads of the church, and then the Archbishop of Seville was politely taken away by the army that broke into the church, and no whereabouts.

Throughout the morning, the Cathedral of Seville was spent in a state of panic. The bishops headed by the auxiliary bishop have tried to impress the soldiers again and again, but these soldiers who usually respect and fear the church and the priests this time But there was no such kind of lowly timidity anymore. Although they did not unreasonably offend, they coldly rejected the request made by the priests, until finally someone came to inform them that an important church person would come to meet them.

This gave hope to the assistant bishop. The parish of Sevilla is the largest parish of Castile ~ ~ The archbishop even has the qualification to be elected as a cardinal, although they do not yet know that church member Who can at least explain that things should not be too bad.

It was only after seeing Alexandria that the auxiliary bishop gradually became disturbed from the unexpected, especially when he heard that Alexander had announced to recognize Don Bavi in ​​the name of the Vatican to take over the power of the governor, the auxiliary bishop ’s forehead was full It's sweat.

"But it was not in compliance with Castilian law to do this while the consul was still there," the auxiliary bishop also tried to resist. "And the archbishop is not here now. We cannot give the Duke any blessings, so this is not recognized. . "

The assistant bishop looked at the others after asking for help. At this moment, a soldier hurried into the church.

"Master Duke, we have found the Carolyn!" The officer reported aloud to Alexander from afar. "Unfortunately, the constable was killed in the riot!"

"It seems that the last obstacle is gone," Alexander looked at the assistant bishop.

Listening to this, the assistant bishop was dumbfounded.

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