Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 69: Declare war, declare war

Lucrezia stared angrily at the somewhat embarrassed messenger standing not far in front of her, looking at his slightly embarrassed look. Lucrezia, who would have been flattered in the past, did not seem to speak so well this time.

"Don't you think your accusations are too harsh?" Lukreziya pushed the letter in front angrily. "Your duchess thinks that I haven't fulfilled my duty. Is she going to do something for her brother?" ? "

The messenger secretly whispered. Although he did not dare to express his dissatisfaction, he was involuntarily raising a thought: "Sure enough, Mrs. Barendi is more suitable to be the Duchess of Rome. The attitude is at least different from that of her brother. "

I do n’t know if I felt that the messenger ’s heart was sullen, and Lucrezia ’s face was angry: “Who will hurt his family, Caesar is my family, do n’t you think I should ignore this fact, you can take my words back , This kind of thing may be done by the Duchess of Rome Thesia, but I ca n’t do it. ”

Looking at the angry Lukrezija, the messenger resigned helplessly.

Thanks to the convenience of the national inter-city highway connecting the two places, if you do n’t have to worry about horsepower from Montina to Pisa, you can now run back and forth in one day, so although the messenger came to this road and was exhausted, because she knew that things were urgent, He could only take Lucrezia's so-called message and rushed back to Montina overnight.

Because of her annoyance, Lucrezia did not even read the sternly handwritten letter written by Barendi to her. She didn't pick up the letter until the messenger left.

When seeing Barenti in the letter as Alexander's ruling status, he announced that the entire Principality was in full preparation for war, Lucrezia was surprised by the accident first, and then could not help but feel a little nervous.

She knew that Barenti was very dissatisfied with her driving Caesar out of Pizza, but she did not know what to do.

Upon learning that Caesar took his guard to land in the port of Pisa, Lucrezia's first reaction was to immediately greet his brother in person.

But the pizza officials not only stopped her, but even suggested ordering Caesar to be arrested immediately.

This made Lucrezia very angry, she categorically rejected the ministers who made this proposal, but she also realized that Caesar's appearance was indeed a big trouble.

She knew she had to think about her daughter ’s interests and Estelles ’status could not be threatened, so after hesitating for a while, she ordered the expulsion of Caesar and his men from Pisa.

At that time, Lucrezia believed that she had made the most correct choice, which even made her a little complacent. She thought that if she saw Alexander again, she would be enough to win Alexander's favor with such a smart decision.

But Balendi's letter destroyed her good mood all at once. What was even more troublesome was that Balendi's order for comprehensive preparations had clearly affected Pisa.

Pizza's status is very special today.

As a city-state, Pisa is nominally independent, but everyone knows that Alexander is still the regent of Pisa in name and in fact, and as the daughter of Alexander, Estelles is also Florence Sovereign in name.

In this way, through the contact of his daughter, Alexander has almost completely controlled Romagna and Tuscany.

In this already rudimentary "United Kingdom of Alexandria", Rome has been implicitly included, and even a large number of troops have been stationed in the city of Rome for a long time, claiming to defend Alexander's army in the Palazzo Marino in Rome.

But the current return at Caesar seems to have shown signs of disrupting all this, and Barendi's actions also reminded Lucrezia that Caesar may indeed threaten Alexander's rule.

Although he didn't want to, but looking at the unkind accusations in Barenti's letter, Lucretia could not help but admit that she was indeed soft-hearted in dealing with Caesar.

Balenti's description of the situation in the letter made Lucrezia shudder.

Even though Caesar had offended and angered Alexander many times before, but because he had pleaded for him, eventually Alexander would forgive him,

But this time it was obviously different. Caesar chose to stab him from behind when Rome Thesia faced a crisis. This made Lucrezia realize that this time it was probably impossible for Alexander to be as usual as long as she worked hard in front of him. Pleading will forgive her brother.

Thinking of this, Lucrezia was instantly distraught, and she hurriedly took out the paper to try to write to her father, asking Caesar to dissuade him to continue to do things that would make Alexander and him completely separated. Even when Alexander VI was pushing, Lucrezia's pen could no longer fall. After a little silence, she couldn't help crying out loudly in a room with no one but herself: "What do you want me to do?"

But then, she suddenly seemed to think of something that grabbed the letter from Barendi, and looking at the striking "full war" in the letter, Lucrezia's expression kept changing, and after a while she pulled with determination. The rope of the bell at hand.

"His Royal Highness." A servant pushed the door in and stood at the door and waited respectfully.

"Ordered in the name of the Duchess of Estres," Lucrezia said solemnly. "Pisa and Florence responded to the order of the regent of the Roman principality of Thesia, ready to go to war!"

Lucrezia's order surprised the attendant. He stood there and moved at a loss. When he saw Lukrezia's impatient glance, the attendant carefully reminded: "His Royal Highness, in accordance with the laws of Pisa, The war decided to notify the aristocracy first. "

"No," Lucrezia stood up. "I will let the House of Lords accept my decision. All you have to do now is to convey my orders."

When Lucrezia's came from the palace, the city of Pisa suddenly boiled like a frying pan.

The nobles dissatisfied sounded the bronze bell in front of the noble house. When the nobles who heard the sound flooded the not-too-large venue, people began to accuse Lucrezia of completely ignoring the laws of Pisa.

"This is a very bad start. The Duchess broke the agreement between the nobles and the Duke's family." An aristocrat stood on the table and shouted, "Although the war is the power of the Duke, the House of Lords has the right to know. Now the Duchess The aristocracy was completely set aside. This is the beginning of the sole rule of the Borgia Juliant Gumbre! "

The noble's words immediately aroused the response of many nobles below. They all called for a protest against Lucrezia, and even more shouted the slogan "Pisa will never get involved in unnecessary war."

There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the aristocratic courtyard. People did not notice the figure flashing through the door because of their emotions. When someone finally found Eccle Stretcher standing silently at the door and looking at them at the door, Lucrezia disappeared instantly. sound.

Everyone's eyes were on the mother and daughter at the door, and then their eyes moved as they slowly walked in.

Lucrezia walked to the stage in the middle of the meeting place. As she stepped forward, the next nurse tried to take Estrez, but Lucrezia refused her kindness.

Lucrezia did not hold her daughter up, but bent down and pulled her little hand upwards slightly.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath as they watched Estelles' hard hands and feet in a heavy skirt and climbed up the steps step by step.

When Estelles finally climbed the steps and stood on the podium, and then seemed to have done a remarkable thing and gave a "giggling" happy laugh, the nobles in the venue bowed their heads to salute her.

"My daughter is the Duchess of Pisa," Lucrezia picked her up and stood on the stone pulpit of the podium. "The fatherland of her father is under threat, but this is not the most important thing. I know that some of you think of Pisa You can stay neutral, but I want to tell you that Caesar Borgia will not accept your so-called goodwill. He has now returned to Rome, then he will organize an army next, and he will occupy my daughter ’s territory and principality , And her father was also threatened by this person and the French who collaborated with him. I want to protect the rights of my daughter. I did n’t inform the aristocracy of this decision because it ’s not someone else ’s business, nor is it one. An unnecessary war, this is my daughter, the war of Estres, the Duchess of Pisa, and the war of each of you. This is your duty and responsibility! "

"But the Duchess, we can't fight the French, Louis is too strong." Someone shouted below. "Maybe we can make peace with the French, knowing that we are after all Pisa, not a vassal of Roma Thesia."

This person's words immediately resonated, and the dissatisfaction that had been hidden because of the suppression by Alexander seemed to have signs of an outbreak at this moment.

Lucrezia's face was pale, her anger was more tense, but despite seeing the presence of a large number of soldiers at the door, she forced herself to calm down: "Then tell me who you want to be a vassal, or Who would have swallowed the pizza? "

Lucrezia ’s words made the nobles stunned. They were also very clear that if the Roman principality of Alexandria fell, then the fate of Pisa would be unimaginable. At least Florence would be freed from the rule of Pisa, and perhaps counterattack immediately. .

Not only that, Estrez ’s rule is bound to be overthrown, and will others really allow the Principality of Pisa to continue to exist?

"My daughter!" Lucrezia stood tall because of the waist of her daughter who felt funny and laughed, her face flushed and her voice was excited. "Her father once promised her a kingdom, he once said in public 'My daughter must be an amazing queen in the future', so how do you choose now? Is it a nobleman destined for the annexed city of Pisa, or is it someone who follows a future queen, destined for history, or you want Stay out of business? But it's impossible. The fate of Pisa and Roma Thesia has been linked together, either together brilliantly, or sink together! "

Lucrezia's words made the nobles look at each other. Everyone saw unexpected surprises in the eyes of others. They did not know that the Duchess, who had always been so cheerful and kind, and quite generous in the past, was so different because of something.

Her exciting speech even caused a lot of impulses in the hearts of many people.

And the nobles had to admit that what she said was indeed true. The fate of Pisa was indeed connected with Roma Thesia, except for those nobles who secretly colluded with the French, most people will face the only result.

"Hahaha," Estelles, who thought her mother put her in amusement, looked at the people below with a cheerful laugh, and then she suddenly reached out one of the small stone sculptures that stood on either side of the pulpit Slap hard.

The sound of "snapping" caught Lucrezia's attention. Seeing her daughter's fat little hands patting the statue's spreading wings, Lucrezia's heart moved quickly and whispered in the ear of Estrez Moved his lips.

Estelles seemed to be a little confused. She stopped and turned to look at her mother. Estelles immediately laughed when she saw her mother ’s encouragement and seemed to vaguely hold her favorite food source on her chest.

Then turned back to face the nobles who looked up at her. The Duchess of Pisa patted the armor of the man next to him, holding a sword, spreading the wings of the angel statue with wings, while using a childlike atmosphere. But because I thought about the big event of breast milk soon, I screamed in a very serious tone: "War ~ War ~ War ~"

All of a sudden, everyone looked at the duke standing tall on the rostrum, stroking the wings of a fighting angel with one hand while sending out the Duchess of the declaration of war.

"Maybe, our duchess will really become an amazing queen."

At this moment, many nobles could not help flashing this strange thought.


The alarm bell in Pisa City sounded, which surprised the Bisabian who had not heard it for a few years. According to the laws of Pisa, once the alarm bell sounded, all men over the age of 14 would immediately rush to the city Meet in front of the church in the center.

Under the slightly inclined bell tower, adult pizzas came from all directions.

What awaits them is something called a mobilization order that is unfamiliar to them, or to the countless people of this era.

"In the name of His Excellency Her Excellency Duchess of Pisa, here announces that the Principality mobilization order will be issued throughout Pisa from now on. All manpower, resources and wealth will be used for the purpose of the upcoming war. The same price has the right to obtain all resources first. For houses, materials and carriages collected due to war, the Principality will pay the corresponding remuneration and compensation higher than the original price afterwards, so as to prove the fairness of His Royal Highness, just!"

The Pizza people looked at each other blankly. They did not know what the notice meant. After all, even if there was a war in the past, most of the time it had nothing to do with them. For thousands of years, for the people in the territory, the iron territory The lord of the running water has become an unstoppable truth. For the people, although the war will bring disaster to them, but also because they cannot decide their destiny, they become indifferent and uninterested in the war.

But now, this notice seems to tell them that they themselves have become part of the war.

Because of the need for war, the houses, food, leather, bronzes, and horse vehicles in the family will be requisitioned, and they will then receive higher compensation.

Although this sounds unpleasant, it seems to be no big deal. There are even a few people who think this is a good deal, which makes people unable to tell what is wrong after the accident.

Only a few people listened to this notice and discovered one of the worrisome things, that is, all compensation is "after the fact".

And when is this afterwards?

Is the war over?

But what if the principality fails in the war?

When someone found Lucrezia with this doubt, the Duchess who had just fulfilled her promise to feed her daughter this way replied: "Then people pray that God will let us win for their compensation, or if we want more Take advantage of it and join the army of the Principality, whether it is the Pisa or the Roman army, they are now short of soldiers. "

Lucrezia's answer made those people stunned. At that time, many people realized that their destiny was really connected with Pisa, Roma Thesia, and even the duke who is said to be not in the Principality now.

In Montina, Barendi did not have the trouble of Lucrezia. When she announced the order to prepare for the battle, she went into the vault to close the door, and then from the middle of the bookshelves almost touching the high vault A dark box in the box took out a locked box.

Open the box, and there are a few things in it.

Barenti put an iron crown with a size of only one armband and carved with many simple floral decorations on the side, and then took out a small book that was bound by a few thin pages from the bottom of the box.

"Roman Thesia General War Command, by Alexander Juliant Gumbre".

Looking at the familiar name in the handwriting, Barenti sighed gently, and then turned the first page.

A striking line of text appeared in Barendi's eyes

"War mobilization, centered on Montina, authorized the Principality's Regent Barendi de la Juliant Gumbre to mobilize all the Principality to prepare for the army. Given the agreement between the Principality and the Kingdom of Naples on the offensive and defense alliance, when the war broke out The alliance agreement takes effect today! "

Balenti took another letter out of the box. Although she didn't know what was inside, Alexander told her before leaving, and sent someone to send the letter to Naples when necessary.

"Zuosha Kosenza, how much do you love your brother?"

Barendi murmured to himself, and then pulled the ringing bell.

"Send someone to send this letter to Naples and it must be handed over to the Queen in person."

Watching the entourage bow back, Balendi's gaze turned to the distance beyond the window, which was the direction of Rome.

"Caesar has returned to Rome." Thinking of this, Barenti's heart could not help becoming heavy.

After being imprisoned for almost a year, Caesar Pogia miraculously escaped from Elba Island, and then he landed in Pisa. After a short stay, he took a 60-night guard with a team of loyal men ~ ~ finally arrived in Rome at noon on April 15.

When he saw his son coming from afar, Alexander VI was so excited that he ignored the Pope's dignity and walked down the stairs to meet him, then hugged Caesar tightly.

"Welcome back to my son." The pope said loudly.

"Thank you father," Caesar stood straight after embracing Alexander VI hard. His eyes swept over the clerics who stood far away when he saw a familiar figure standing under a pillar At that time, Caesar showed a strange expression that seemed to smash the smiles of the angel and the devil.

"I'm back, so someone will pay the price."

Mahimo didn't hear Caesar's implicit **** words. He looked at the Borgia father and son standing there far away, his hands hidden under his robe could not help but clenched slightly.

On April 17th, on the third day of Caesar's return to Rome, Caesar announced the expulsion of the Roman Thesia army in the city of Rome on the order of the Papal Commander, and announced that he accepted the French proposal and declared war on Rome Thesia.

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