Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 99: 3 corner fight (2)

Louis XII woke up at night. The tent was sultry and humid. Listening to the "buzzing" sound of mosquitoes flying over from time to time, the annoying Pharaoh simply got up and walked out of the tent.

In the night, waves of cicadas rose and fell, and the lights shook slightly with the night breeze not far away. This is a very hot midsummer night that is inevitably upset.

The servant who was taking a nap outside the tent reluctantly opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and saw the king standing in front of him, and immediately stood up and waited.

Louis XII signaled the servant not to disturb the others, then put on a thin robe and walked to the river not far away.

This is the third day after the battle with the Naples army. Louis XII did not rush to launch the attack again in the next day, because the scout reported to him that the Naples were busy after the French army showed the retreat, even panic. Zhang withdrew from his previous position and then retreated along a tributary called Vashra on the southern bank of the Arno River.

This made Louis XII somewhat puzzled.

He recruited his generals. Although the first battle was unexpectedly defeated, Louis still believed in the ability of his generals, and he did not condemn any of them, just as he personally served his personal attendants. What they said: "If you or myself are out of their position, they may be defeated even worse. Since then I have the right to condemn them."

The king ’s trust of course greatly appreciated the generals, but despite this, it did not stop them from having a great disagreement about the intent and direction of the Neapolitans.

The French generals were divided into two diametrically opposed opinions.

Some people think that although the Naples army temporarily won after a battle, they obviously realized that the two sides were too disparate in strength, so they took the opportunity to withdraw from the position when the French army just retreated, and then prepared to change their tactics. Start a guerrilla war with the French army.

Other generals did not think so. They thought that the Queen of Naples should have such a conspiracy. It was like this when fighting with the French army in an unusual front, and now it is the same as the unexpected retreat after gaining the upper hand. It's just that the Neapolitans are planning what plans, but they can't tell for a while.

These two opinions made the French generals naturally disagree on what the French should do next.

One side thinks that it is impossible to give the Naples a breathing opportunity, otherwise they are likely to cause great trouble for the siege including Pisa and Montina.

And the other party is firmly opposed to continuing to get entangled with the Neapolitans, because then it may be fooled by the enemy.

"Immediately won Florence in one fell swoop, where is the key to this war. As long as Florence surrenders, the Principality of Rome Thesia will be divided into different pieces, and the entire battle situation will be beneficial to us," a general proposed this proposal to the French king. "Florence is the center of the Principality of Rome Thesia, and once captured here, they will inevitably be unable to connect with each other, which is a great opportunity for us."

This suggestion clearly moved Louis XII, and he knew that it was indeed the wisest choice, but when he was about to make a decision, Louis hesitated again.

Military speaking, it was indeed the right choice to capture Florence first, and even the only choice, but Louis XII had to think more.

After occupying Rome, Queen Naples Cosenza Astamara re-entered as a Roman conqueror. This previous identity with a completely different identity is more of a standing in the orthodox position, defending The identity of the hereditary territory of Rome.

This move undoubtedly puts the French on the identity of an intruder. This does not seem to be a big deal, but it has an extraordinary impact on Louis XII, who is now all enemies.

Unless he can quickly enter Rome to prove that he has a legal and reasonable claim to this land, not only the enemies who have declared war on him, but also the city states that have been conquered before may have two intentions for him.

"That woman is really powerful." Louis felt a slightly hot night breeze blowing on his body, whispering helplessly to himself.

This is politics. In many cases, a pure military action changes its taste once it is mixed with political reasons. It is like adding a disgusting condiment to the same perfect dish, which will completely fear the spoil of the whole dish.

He knew that Ruosha should take the initiative to retreat regardless of Florence precisely because he knew his current situation, because for Louis XII, the primary goal now was her Queen of Naples and her army, not Florence.

Just if he continued to pursue the Naples army, what would happen would worry Louis XII.

The French army has gradually moved away from the coastline. Although there is a French army protecting the rear supply line from Genoa to Florence, the fierce battle consumes a considerable amount of supplies.

Louis has come down to collect supplies locally when necessary. This was a blow to the French king who originally wanted to establish a good reputation in Italy, but from the news that Charlene brought him back, from France to the sea of ​​Genoa The traffic line was also attacked by Genoa ’s exiled nobles, and their fleet from Sardinia attacked the transport ship more than once, seriously threatening the French supply line.

This made Louis XII have to carefully consider what to do next.

Came from a short distance, and then Louis noticed that there seemed to be someone who hurried towards his tent. Later, the man came out hurriedly, and came to him under the leadership of a servant.

"Your Majesty, the message from Milan!"

A man without a hat and all the buttons on his chest was open, showing a sweaty look inside. He hurriedly saluted Louis XII. Although this kind of dress was really rude, but looking at his hurried look, Louis XII looked The rudeness that didn't catch him up immediately took the barrel he passed in his hand.

Opened the wax seal and set fire to the flash of Louis XII's face that saw the contents of the secret letter. He didn't escape the attention of the attendants, which made him even more curious about what was said in the secret letter.

"The Austrian has surrounded Milan," Louis XII handed the secret letter to the people around him. He turned back and forth impatiently, stopping at times and slamming his fist. "The thief of Maximian is using Those mean tricks. "

Listening to the king's words, the attendant nodded slightly in sympathy.

For the French King, Emperor Maximian was an opponent that was both difficult and very annoying.

Starting from Spider King Louis XI, whenever the French tried to reach out to Italy, Maximian would jump out at a critical moment to stir up good things, from Louis XI to Charles VIII, and now Louis XII, Maximian is entangled like a nasty snake, and is hostile to them everywhere.

Now, Maximian once again used his tricks to take advantage of Louis XII's troop in Milan when he was caught in a battle in Romagna. This gave Louis XII some kind of pain and anger that seemed to be stabbed from behind.

"The so-called sacred alliance must be completely defeated and broken, otherwise it will only be deadlocked again as before."

Determined in his heart, Louis XII ordered the generals to be awakened. Although he knew that this decision was not in his own mind, he had to make a choice at this time.

"Look for the Naples army and fight with them." Seeing how the generals looked different when they said this, Louis XII did not give them the opportunity to argue and distinguish, and then issued a new order "I To know their whereabouts immediately, I want to know what the queen is doing, and I want to let her know that I am looking for her. "

Seeing the king ’s determination, the generals who wanted to express their opposition were silent. They knew that compared to Charles VIII, the king might not be an excellent commander-in-chief, but he had a tougher character than Charles VIII. It can be seen from his two invasions of Italy shortly after his succession.

The French army moved quickly, and a large number of scouts were sent to find the whereabouts of the Naples army. At the same time, the French army ordered to collect supplies from the local area also became more violent.

They ransacked food, honey and wine in some villages. For villages that dared to rebel, some restrained French soldiers began to brutally suppress them in accordance with the orders of Louis XII. Some places hanged a few and refused to cooperate. Villagers, and burned down a lot of houses. For a time, the smoke in the countryside in the suburbs of Florence was wailing and howling.

The French army ’s actions on the lower Arno River did not hide Zuosha ’s eyes. In fact, the French army ’s every move was within her sight. This made Zuosha grateful to Alexander for the foundation he laid in Romagna. I also sincerely admire his unusual intelligence follow-up.

In the past, even if some people attached great importance to the role of intelligence in war, they were not as obsessive as Alexander thought that this seemingly boring thing would play such a big role in war, so that he even specifically recommended for this. Ruosha established a military servant position in her army, and then stuffed her with a group of soldiers who looked more like students than soldiers.

At first, Zuosha used these people out of trust in Alexandria, but now she feels that these people are still somewhat useful, and Alexander's original words to these people are: "Watch them, don't let them If something goes wrong, don't let them cause you trouble. "

Ruosha did not live up to Alexander ’s trust, she protected these people well, and at the same time got some help from them, as Alexander said, “These people can only do such things now, maybe one day they will be able to Create miracles, but now they just need to wear ears. "

"Louis has made a decision?" Ruosha looked at the news brought back by the scout. She sometimes felt a little tired. Compared with the trustworthy helpers around Barendi and Lucrezia, she obviously wanted to be herself. Carrying more responsibilities, which certainly makes her feel that this is Alexander's confidence in her, but it is indescribable to admit that the pressure on her is also indescribable.

"Your Majesty, the French are looking for us for a decisive battle."

A general was worried, saying that with 3000 people dealing with the main force of the French army, this was obviously crazy for many people. Although the victory of the first battle greatly inspired the morale of the Neapolitans, the generals knew what they were facing. Such a huge threat.

So when Ruo Sha ordered to take the initiative to withdraw from the position, many Naples officers couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Give me 2 days." Suo Sha suddenly said to the generals, "I want you to use all means to fight for our army for 2 days, everything will change after 2 days."

Zuosha's words made the generals look at each other, they didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being unreasonable," a young officer standing in the corner of the tent with those "student soldiers" drummed up and walked out with courage. His tone was a little weird, obviously not a local. "If you We provide more information. Maybe we can make a more accurate judgment, otherwise in this case we do not know how to help the next battle. "

"Soldier, what is your name?" Ruosha glanced at the young officer with interest. She had noticed that this person was quite active among the student soldiers. Now she wants to know if this person is like this. He has some real skills.

"My name is Omo, Your Majesty, my brother is Kurash of Kachulica, and we are all studying at the University of Bologna." The young officer answered nervously.

"Oh, I know." Ruosha nodded first. She ignored the enthusiasm in the young officer's eyes, which was very familiar to her, but it was also the easiest to ignore, and then she seemed to remember something. He looked back at the young man again. "You said you have an older brother named Kurash?"

"Your Majesty, Kulash of Kachulica." Omo replied with excitement.

"I think I heard your brother's name," Ruo Sha smiled a rare smile "And if I am not wrong, you may soon see your brother."

Omo looked at Ruosha unexpectedly, and he quickly lowered his eyes until he realized how unreasonable his actions were.

"Please note that this is why I want you to fight for 2 days for me," Ruosha said to the officers who had not understood it. "After 2 days, we will fight Louis again."

Outside Florence, Louis de Bourbon stared angrily at the wall not far away.

The place where he is standing is very close to the city wall, and the nearest one only needs a good long bow to threaten the enemy on the opposite side.

Is just this distance, but it makes him unable to take a step forward anymore.

The French flag was flying on the city wall, which seemed to be good news. The Duke of Bourbon knew that the flag could stand there forever because neither one of them dared to pull it up.

In the morning, the French finally reached the city wall from that gap. After some unexpectedly fierce fighting, the French army drove the Florentines from the city wall and raised their flags.

At that moment Duke de Bourbon finally breathed out.

Next, he completely defeated the Florentines in the city, which was what he thought at the time.

It was just that Duke de Bourbon never thought that what happened next was more troublesome than he thought ...

The French army that first occupied the city wall had no time to penetrate into the city, and it was unexpectedly shelled by the city!

The streets and alleys that had been blocked before became another wall, and the guards attacked the French forces, mostly with melee weapons, from these places. The arrow rain projectiles shot by the muskets and the hard crossbows did not hesitate to cover. Almost every corner that can be seen on the city wall without the inward wall stack protection.

For a time, French soldiers were shot, and the artillery that was thrown down without hesitation when the city wall was about to be captured, was lying in the ruins under the city at this time, and there was no chance of being a French spoils. .

The French army who had swarmed into the city became targets because they had no cover, they had to crowd together, or they dared not to raise their heads when they were lying on the inside, and then they simply retreated from the gap and exposed them completely. The walls within the range of the enemy's crossbows were let out.

De Bourbon was forced to retreat by the soldiers who retreated when he was about to climb up the city wall. He looked at the flag standing there alone on the city head and couldn't help but be angry.

Only after sending people to the wall twice in succession, and being shot almost completely at the head of the city twice, the Duke of Bourbon had to change his strategy.

"The wall was completely collapsed with artillery." The Duke gave the order "Since they blocked the gate, let's open a gate ourselves."

Duke, who wanted to laugh out loud for his humor, looked at the gap on the wall that had been trampled by the climbed soldiers as if a cracked mouth made an ironic laugh at him, and his face gradually became difficult to look at.

The artillery moved slowly forward ~ ~ In order to accurately hit the gap, the Duke of Bourbon asked the artillery to move the artillery as close as possible to the city wall. When standing next to the artillery, the dark muzzle gradually aimed at the target Afterwards, Duke Louis de Bourbon finally relaxed.

He could no longer wait any longer, Louis de Bourbon secretly vowed that he must invade Florence before sunset.

"Seven minutes of medicine," a blackened gunner shouted to the secondary gunner, looking at the medicine added to the medicine trough with a graduated funnel. The gunner licked his lips and looked at the duke who could not hide the excitement next to his eyes. "Master, you A little further away, this sound is enough. "

"No, I'm watching here." The Duke of Bourbon said stubbornly, "Okay, do your own thing."

The gunner shrugged helplessly. After measuring the distance again, he picked up the torch and lit the lead.

A disgusting odor immediately floated, but the Duke Bourbon sucked hard.

A huge roar sounded, and the tremor on the ground caused the Duke's body to shake, followed by the second and third sounds!

Then, the Duke of Bourbon was surprised to see that, in addition to the first shell that accurately hit the gap in the wall and smashed a brick, the following artillery sounds fell one by one in the French army Lili, the bombs that flew flesh and blood!

Following the sound of gunfire, the Duke of Bourbon turned his head, and then he saw a figure gushing from the distant field.

Busac ’s sixth group of Bologna arrived at this time.

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