Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 105: 3 corner battle (6) 3 corner battle!

In the French court, Duke Louis de Bourbon of the Bourbon family was not a very popular person.

Many people think that this person is not only frivolous, but also vanity and likes to brag.

It is said that Anne of Brittany, the queen, did not like the country nobility of Navarre during the time of Charles VIII. After the throne of Louis XII, although the Duke of Bourbon seemed to have a different view, the queen The duke is still very unwilling to see, and everyone else thinks that this man will not have any great future in addition to pleasing the king.

Even the Duke of Bourbon himself did not think he could really take any important responsibility.

Even if the king gave him the task of capturing Florence, but including Louis de Bourbon knew it, it was only because it was not a very difficult task.

But now, the Duke of Bourbon suddenly found that the destiny of the entire French Expeditionary Force was in his hands.

Opposite this Roman Thesia general called Comparti surprised him, completely subverting the Duke of Bourbon's military knowledge that was not very rich.

Although he did not receive the hopeful support from Louis XII, the Duke of Bourbon believed that after such a long pursuit, the Roman Thesias were unlikely to attack him immediately.

So after rushing back to his troops, the Duke of Bourbon allowed the already exhausted troops to take a short break. At the same time, he should also carefully consider how to use the existing strength to maintain Louis XII to defeat the Naples.

But the sudden appearance of the Roman Thesias completely smashed his previous assumptions.

Even when the Bohemian light cavalry of Rome Thesia appeared on the flanks of his camp, the Duke of Bourbon did not fully understand the meaning that the enemy had launched an attack on the scout.

After all, the enemy is not only exhausted, but also constantly fighting the blocking French guards. In this case, any general will not be foolish to let the troops with low morale because of extreme fatigue invest so quickly. fighting.

Such a person is a lunatic.

And this Compati is such a lunatic!

This is the idea that the Duke of Bourbon still shouted in his heart until he was hit by a stray bullet and fell off the horse.

The messy attendants dragged the Duke under the mount, and dragged him to escape.

The fierce gunfire that suddenly came from time to time mixed with the soldier's dying prayers and desperate screams poured into the ears of the Duke of Bourbon. A group of soldiers ran in panic in front of him. Pushing aside with his entourage was just because they blocked their way.

At this time, no one had to consider the majesty and status of the Duke. Everyone only wanted to save their lives. At this moment, the humblest soldiers and noble nobles were also doing their best to keep running for the sake of life.

A group of soldiers wearing red felt hats and half-length garters not far ahead drew the attention of the Duke of Bourbon. He was surprised to find that these people could be arranged in an orderly manner under the command of an officer. This made the Duke, who was about to be completely desperate, very excited.

He ran towards the team, and at the same time shouted from afar: "Whose army are you, where is your team officer?"

The officer who was in a hurry to command the troops ran over immediately. He gasped and muttered to the Duke, "Sir, we are soldiers from Count Anvi from Barras, unfortunately our lord has been killed. Yes, but he died very bravely. "

"That's too bad," the Duke Bourbon responded casually and looked at the seemingly familiar officer and asked, "So who are you?"

"Victor de Conte actually, I am your cousin of the distant house." The officer replied loudly.

"No wonder I look familiar to you," Duke Bourbon looked at the soldiers in a hurry. "Tell me that they can still fight?"

"Of course adults are always ready." The officer named Victor de Conde continued to answer loudly with his unique northern accent.

"Okay, my distant relatives, whether you like it or not. Now you are the team officer of this army," the Duke hurriedly pulled out his sword and compared it on De Conde's shoulder. "I appointed you as my army. Deputy commander, who will take full command of all my troops on my behalf. I will allow you to use all means if you can win. "

"Admiral." De Conde hurried down on his knees and immediately got up and turned to give orders to the soldiers. At the same time, he pulled out his sword and personally stopped the soldiers who retreated, and then urged them to turn to face the enemies approaching. .

Looking at the army that was slowly escaping from the escape, the Duke Bourbon breathed a little. He asked the attendants to rediscover the horse for themselves. After jumping on the horse, he seriously turned to the opposite. Look at the enemy position.

To the surprise of Duke de Bourbon, the enemies did not seem to form the battle formation as before. They were still a pair of columns. Between these columns, some looked strange and suspicious. The carriage followed these formations.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the Duke of Bourbon will find that he actually did not actually confront the Roman Thesia army. Before he was under the city of Florence, the whole formation collapsed suddenly because of a sudden shelling, and then along the way The escape gave the French no chance to engage in formal confrontation with the enemy. Even the chaos that had just occurred was caused by the sudden attack by the army of Roma Thesia.

"They are savage and mean and pagan, these people are not fighting like knights with honor, they are more like a group of robbers and tatars," Duke Bourbon said fiercely to the people around him, hearing them Echoing, the Duke angrily pulled a servant next to him with a whip "But they beat me, do you think I am even more stupid than these barbarians?"

Some of the followers looked at each other somehow and they knew that the Duke was angry and embarrassed by the previous embarrassment, but fortunately, the Victor de Conde Knight had reorganized the troops and fled back nearly two After Fari, the French army finally rebuilt a line of defense not far from the king's main force.

Gompati stood on a carriage and carefully watched the formation of the French army. He was a little surprised that the enemy was able to reorganize the counterattack in this case, so he looked at the Duke of Bourbon a little differently, but Then he smiled slightly and gave the order to the troops who could not even start to form because they pursued all the way: "Stop moving forward."

Finally stopped the two nearly numb legs of the Roman Thesia army barely maintained an orderly unfolding formation, but from a distance they could see that they were exhausted.

"This is a good opportunity," Victor de Conde, who was almost at the front of the position, shouted excitedly to a knight beside him. "If we do not attack at this time, then God will not forgive." our."

The knight looked dissatisfied at this unlucky guy. Even the less clever can see that Roma Thesia was in the most unfavorable situation at this time, really as the Cavaliers said, if you give up this opportunity Not even God will forgive.

"Lucky redneck." The knight whispered cursedly. He knew that the country knight would probably fly to the top after this battle. Perhaps he would pay respect to him next time, but this is probably God's arrangement.

Under the command of the German Conde Knights, the French army courageously launched a counterattack against the enemy. In order to encourage morale, the Conde Knight as the deputy commander walked in the forefront of the team. This somewhat inspired the morale of the French army. With a loud cry, the French knights began to leap out of the team. They were arranged in two tight lines in front of the formation. In the loud cheering of the soldiers behind them, the knights began to charge the enemy.

"This is really a touching scene," Compatiti said to the people around him. "If it were not their enemy, I would write a hymn for their bravery, but now I can only entertain them with death."

Said that Gompati gave the order to shoot the tanks that had already been waiting impatiently.

When the fierce and dense gunshots sounded, Gompati stared at the seemingly complicated weapons seriously. Although he had already seen the power of this weapon experiment, he really saw them slaughtering the enemy on the battlefield. For the first time.

Although he is quite interested in this expensive "toy", Comparty is somewhat dissatisfied. Although he thinks that this weapon may seem powerful, it still cannot be compared with artillery.

It was only after that intensive, chilling shot that Gompati felt that he should change his previous thought a little bit.

It must be admitted that this inexplicably named cluster musket, which Queen Queen of Naples posed as "Pamper of Alexander", poses a huge threat to the dense formation, but perhaps because of the amount of charge, it is not very powerful in the face of heavy knights. Big.

Bullets shot on the armor covering the whole body of the knights are often bombed everywhere. Even if someone is unlucky and happens to be shot in the naked body, it is often not the key. The real threat to these knights is actually War horses were hit one after another.

Perhaps to the soldiers who shot the knights with firearms, the majestic knight masters and their horses are all the perfect targets themselves, and "Alexander's favor" is obviously not just aimed at riding on horses. Master, so when the knights rushed forward desperately with their heavy helmets and heavy armor, their mounts withstood the same oncoming bullet rain as they did.

Even though the armor is also covered, the protection of the war horse is obviously unable to withstand the rain-like bullets. A horse of horses fell to the ground mournfully. Some knights broke their necks on the spot and whistled, some of them broke their bones. Folding and lying on the ground kept shouting, and more people simply couldn't get up immediately because the fake photos on their bodies were too heavy.

Some of them were trampled by the horses behind them, and some of them could only put their faces down to face the ensuing French soldiers for help. The fragrance of passion and romance when the French knight launched the charge a while ago was completely on the battlefield. The pungent gunpowder and **** smell concealed it.

The Pocket Knight was obviously stunned by this unexpected scene, but he immediately ordered an attack on the enemy again. His bravery and firmness obviously played an important role. The French army, which was originally frustrated by the knights ’frustration, was in a burst. In a rush of drums, he involuntarily followed the team and approached the enemy.

"I bet it's not the Duke of Bourbon who is in charge of the French now," Gumpati said strangely. "I don't know who this person is, but I have to admit that this is a great soldier."

The armor shone with dazzling reflections in the sun, and the sword flashed terrible sharp edges from time to time. Gompati looked behind him. He knew that even if he had collected all the pack horses and had a light artillery vehicle specially designed to transport artillery , But his artillery is still far away from the rear, and now he can only defeat the enemies in front of him in front of the battle.

"If none of us have died after this battle, I would rather know the man who is now in charge of the French," Gumpati nodded to several waiting herding soldiers, watching the herding soldiers turn around one after another. Horse heads ran to each other, and Compatiti glanced towards Siena, "I hope everything goes well, otherwise the Duke will not spare me."

This was already the sixth day of surrounding Montina. Charlene wrote down his mood on this day in his diary like this: "I was very upset. When I prayed last night, the candle in front of me fell, this Let me believe that it is not a good sign. My soldiers have bleed enough blood in this castle. The most terrible thing is that whenever we think that we have adapted to the enemy's tactics, we will find that this is actually just the corner of the maze. "

Charlene closed his diary and raised his head. He saw a thick smoke rising from a place on the castle. That was a method devised by one of the French gunners. He wrapped a thick layer of tar on the outside of the stone bomb. When the shells landed on the enemy's city head, even if they were not directly hit, the tar on the shells splashed and scorched hot enough to make a person's skin instantly cooked.

This method worked very well. This original "incendiary bomb" has caused a lot of casualties to the Roman Thesia soldiers in the city. More importantly, the traces left by the burns looked terrible, which was enough to be able to fight the enemy. Caused a big blow psychologically.

Charlene rewarded the gunner with a few florins, and then asked him to teach others to make this tar incendiary bomb. This is probably the only good news since the attack on Montina Castle, but this does not hide Charlene ’s heart. Lina's increasingly restless mood.

Charlene can now be sure that the main force of Gompatti ’s Northern Army has bypassed his march toward the south, which makes him more certain that Venice and the Austrians have finally joined the battlefield.

Charlene ’s speculation did indeed prove this fact, and the intelligence brought back by the service proved that the Venetians and Ferrara ’s forces had been forced in the direction of Montina, which made Charlene not only begin to face the French The situation worries.

After entering the territory of Rome Thesia, the powerful French army was finally divided into different parts for various reasons. These seem to be decisions made by the French themselves, but Charlene always feels this Everything seems to have been arranged for a long time. When I think of Florence, which is not fortified, Charlene feels that the city full of art and richness is actually tempting the King of France like the famous apple. .

Although the Duke of Roman Thesia, Charlene did not want to compare him to that viper, but now it seems that he increasingly feels that Alexander Juliant Gumbre is actually playing this role from beginning to end.

But immediately withdrew from Montina?

This idea was thrown aside by Charlene only at the flash of his heart.

The French King hopes to completely defeat the resistance of the Roman principality by occupying the castle of Montina. Even if they cannot be forced to withdraw from the anti-French alliance, they can deter the entire anti-French alliance by fiercely attacking the prince of Roman Thesia.

Charlene had to admit that, unconsciously, the Duke of Rome Thehir had become a powerful enemy of the king, and because of this the king slowly fell into the trap that the duke had laid for him a long time ago. .

Another scout came hurriedly, and the man could not care about the kettle handed over by others and reported to Charlene: "Venetian, sir, Venetian!"

"Are the Venetians already here, where are they?" Although Charlene already knew what the Venetians were doing, he still felt tight when he heard that the Venetians had finally arrived on the battlefield.

"There are about 5,000 Venetians and a Ferrara army of about 1,000 people," the scout said nervously. "They are not fast, but the striker has crossed the lower reaches of the season and will arrive at noon tomorrow."

The scout made Charlene suddenly raise his eyebrows. He quickly walked over to the map and looked closely. He saw the large inward bend between the lower reaches of the season and the castle of Montina, the heart of Charlene. Suddenly burst out.

The Venetian did not cross the river from the nearest place but a little further downstream. This did not make Charlene feel a little relaxed. On the contrary, he smelled of conspiracy.

It ’s just that the conspiracy was aimed at him or somebody else. He had n’t noticed it for a while, so that Charlene felt very uncomfortable. He felt like he had stepped into a tight and huge spider web from the beginning. What happened now Everything is actually just a small part of a daunting and huge conspiracy in the future.

Charlene does n’t think he ’s thinking arbitrarily, because from the current situation, the army has unconsciously been divided into many large and small parts. This is for the French army that is in the huge war quagmire of Italy. It was extremely unfavorable, and Louis XII was clearly attracted by Florence, so that the main force of the French army had entered the Roman Thesia deeply.

Is it possible to withdraw immediately from Montina before stopping the situation before it gets worse?

Xiaer Lun flashed the idea again, but he knew that even if he could do things like this, it was not that simple.

If he withdraws without permission, Bowwicken besieging Pisa will surely face pressure from three aspects, and even a little carelessness may lead to annihilation by the siege. If so, he will be the biggest sinner in France.

"Send a letter to Count Provence immediately." Charlene began to write in a hurry. He wanted to make clear what happened to Bowwicken. Although the relationship with Bowwicken was a little more subtle, Shire Lun believed that Earl Provence would not deliberately ignore his advice because of personal grievances.

It's just whether all of this is too late, which makes Xia Lun worried.

On the whole day of July 15th, the central part of Italy was filled with the battle of the sky. In Montina, in Pisa, and outside Siena, the battle was fierce.

The French army has launched several successive attacks on the Naples army. At the same time, after the declaration of war, the Pope Army was also repulsed by the French army at the beginning of the active attack, and started from the direction of Siena to the French flank. Fight back violently.

The sound of the cannons blasting everywhere on the battlefield, and the intertwined fronts of the two sides can hardly distinguish the front and rear. Often, a team will find that it is the enemy who is fighting side by side after an attack, while others will After a failed battle was just withdrawn, I unconsciously found myself entering another battlefield, and became a forward rushing forward.

The casualties on both sides have become greater and greater. The neat and solemn and powerful troops have become embarrassed at this time. The damaged artillery was randomly discarded in the wasteland, and the lost horses of the owner were blindly running on the battlefield. There was a military flag erected or fallen, and no one could care for those who were wounded, and no one had time to take their lives, because their lives were threatened at any time.

Kurash is running back and forth on horseback. He feels that the current situation is not very good. The French clearly occupy the advantage of the so-called inside combat, which allows them to gather enough troops in a shorter time and speed. Because it is necessary to launch an attack from both sides of the southwest, it will likely become the target of each French army's destruction.

"General, Queen's order!" An infectious disease shouted.

"Well tell me what the queen is going to do!" Kurash said angrily, he felt very annoyed, a woman actually fingered on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty said her troops will move positions."


Not only was Kurash taken aback ~ ~ Even Skop who just happened to come out made an unexpected exclamation.

"General, you heard it right. Your majesty wants to move her position. She wants you to stabilize the formation and not move. Her army will come closer to you." With.

"Don't she know how dangerous the mobile formation is at this time?" Skop asked Kurash anxiously, "You must stop her as soon as possible."

"No, wait a minute," Kurash, who was also almost thunderous because of an accident, suddenly flexibly stepped on his horse and climbed a high branch. Standing there for a while, he laughed loudly toward the battlefield. " My God, I have to say that this queen is really a strange woman. I swear that if anyone refuses to obey her orders because she is a woman, I will fight him for the first time! "

Finally, Kurash jumped from the branch on his horseback, pulled out the saber and made a sharp knife mark in the air: "Listen to my orders, stop the attack, keep your position tight, let us wait for the meeting of the queen!"

On the afternoon of July 15th, after a stalemate in the fierce fighting for most of the day, the coalition began to use the force of the clamp to the king of France, Louis XII, at the cost of the tragic casualties brought by the violent French attack. The central part of the French army in the center launched a annihilation.

Also on this afternoon, after a difficult lobbying, a priest from Montina finally persuaded Pisa Regent Lucrezia, the Pisa garrison commanded by Nikolai Macheni, and began to fight back against the French army in the siege .

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