Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 111: Late appointment

Riominal is a small town on the north bank of the Darvik River.

This town is not big, half is located on the bank of the river, and the other half is formed on the **** of a rather steep mountain above the river bank.

Because it was built on the mountain, from a distance, the houses in the town seemed to be one after another, and the stairs were connected from the top of the **** to the river bank, and then ended by a small pier that entered the Darville River.

In July, the Darville River is full of blue water. From time to time, some children can be seen playing on the bank of the river, and some young women are holding clothes in large basins and beating stones on the riverside while talking and laughing. .

This is a midsummer afternoon that does n’t seem to have anything special. Many men who got up early to do farm work in the morning are taking a nap at this time. They will wait until the sun goes down a little before they continue to work on the ground. The dinner for two meals a day can only be eaten after the sun goes down completely.

A fierce horseshoe broke this rare tranquility. The women stood up and looked at the smoke rising along the coast. Then they immediately greeted the children who were only interested in playing, and watched the uninvited guests far away.

These horses still running in such a hot afternoon are those far-sighted far-sighted travellers. The back of their horse stocks is hung with a sturdy horse bag that bulges high. Although they ca n’t see what is inside, but It can be guessed from the long sword hanging beside the saddle that it should be armor or weapon.

These people looked tired, but they were still full of spirits. When they saw the women, they showed men's unique smiles. Some people cried out to them, and some flirted with them with the long and short whistle that was popular in Andalusia. This makes women seem a little angry, but some are secretly rejoicing.

The knight who spurs the horse can always arouse the imagination of women, even if these people often bring no good sign.

A tall man who was still wrapped in a dark robe in such a hot summer day pulled the reins. He was obviously the leader of these people, and the whole team stopped as he stood down.

A knight came and whispered something next to the man. The man nodded and turned and dismounted.

The women couldn't help but hurriedly dragging the children to the side to make room for these people. These distant visitors also arrogantly occupied the position of the river beach. They picked up the cool water by the river to wash their faces, and then A big rush was drizzled on the head, and at the same time a happy whine was made.

"Sir, we can't go forward anymore, otherwise we may be in danger."

A woman who was not far away heard the knight say to the leader, but the man just kept pouring water on his face, his hair was quickly wet on the neck, and the water was flowing down the hair. The silk flowed down and soaked the clothes on the upper body.

After such a good time, the man seemed to feel a little bit happier. He stood up and twisted his neck to the left and right, as if feeling better, and then said to his companion with a ridiculous look: "Why, is it brave?" Will Juan Marchu also be afraid? "

This made the knight seem a little angry, but he just shrugged helplessly and still said stubbornly: "Of course, I will not care if it is just me, but this is related to your safety, I do n’t know if What happened to you, what happened, but I believe the queen will not spare me. "

"Relax, our trip is safe because they need this meeting now." The leader's answer was a little weird, but from his confident tone he could hear that this person seemed to be quite sure what would happen next .

The knight named Juan Malchow looked helplessly at his leader. He was too familiar with his general, arrogant, arrogant, and sometimes even rude, but with some fascinating charm. It is able to persuade the people around him to do things according to his will, even the queen is obedient to him, with grace.

This is Gonzalo de Cordova, Queen Isabela's most beloved love.

Seeing a woman not far away cast a curious and admiring look on them, and his general responded with a teasing gaze. The knight shook his head slightly. He did n’t want to destroy the general ’s good deeds. time.

Seeing that his men were almost cool, Juan Malchow ordered them to immediately start patrolling around.

Riominal is not very big, and most of the people who live here are locals, so it is not difficult to inquire about something.

"Why should I choose here?" Marchiu was a little puzzled, but fortunately, it was not far from Cordoba, and even if there was any accident, he could quickly retreat back to his territory.

Riominal is actually almost exactly between Seville and Cordoba. It has always provided some convenience on the way for shipping trips between the two places, so Riominal this The place is still very rich.

Gonzalo brought some elite men. These people quickly toured the town under the command of Marchiu. After finding that there was no danger, he found again that he looked pretty. The woman's amused general reported to him.

"Okay, let me see what you can offer us," Gonzalo said to the young woman, and then he lowered his voice "Tell me if there are any men in your house now?"

The woman made a shy and joyful cry, and then seemed to panic but turned back from time to time and fled away with a wink, which made Gonzalo's men laugh, and they also Looked at the women who still glanced at the river like them from time to time, looking for their prey.

"The Duke of Rome Thesia came late enough," Marciu said with dissatisfaction. "Maybe someone should teach him how to be punctual."

"Relax, he will come. After all, the situation is not good for them now." Gonzalo smiled and patted the shoulders of his powerful men. It's them."

Hearing the general's words, Malqiu laughed.

About a month ago, the Andalusian noble coalition commanded by Don Bawi, Duke of Buharanse, fought a fierce battle with the royal army of Gonzalo.

The battlefield is in a place called Acarello, not far from Riominal town.

It was a battle that distressed Don Bavey. In this battle, not only did the Andalusian aristocratic army fiasco, but even the army of Buharanse he relied on suffered heavy losses.

The nobles thus became vacillating, and the call for negotiations with the Queen rose again, and some even suggested that Don Bavi was using everyone's blood in exchange for his own future.

Tang Bawei was very angry. Although he knew that it was because of the troubles caused by failure, he also knew that it was not necessarily that the restless elements of the nobility were taking advantage of it.

Not everyone, like Don Bavi, intended to die with Isabella. After all, the Queen ’s prestige has penetrated deeply into the hearts of these nobles, especially among the lower nobles and ordinary people, Issa Bella has an unshakable and noble position.

It ’s just that it ’s enough to make those nobles daunt her, but it ’s certainly useless for Don Bavey. He knows Isabelle too well, the key is that he knows that Isabelle ’s ambitions will never Because the surrender of the nobles disappeared.

On the contrary, she will eventually eat everyone without bones.

Become a bare Duke with only a short title? This is absolutely unacceptable to Don Bavi, so since the flag has been raised, then he has to grind his teeth and go down.

Tang Bawei was slightly relieved that the performance of the noble elders of the old capital was quite ambiguous. Although they also sent people to mediate, it was more like characterizing this rebellion as a dispute between the king and the nobility.

There are still many disputes in the past. In the end, no matter which side wins, we often wo n’t go to the point where you die, and because of the mediation of the elders, there may be a result that everyone can come to Taiwan.

This not only made Don Bavey a little relieved, but vaguely guessed the attitude of the elders.

Isabella ’s ambitions have made the old nobles uneasy, watching her reuse the new nobles that have risen after the war to regain the lost ground. Some keen old nobles have realized that it is likely that the queen will seize power from them. Signal, and her subsequent order to send the governors and consuls to all parts of the country completely revealed her attempt to regain power.

So despite the defeat, Don Bavi was busy cleaning up the mess, and immediately sent someone to the nobles in other places to explain his request for assistance.

It was at this time that Alexander suddenly offered him a proposal willing to negotiate with Gonzalo.

Don Bawei is not very optimistic about this proposal. Gonzalo de Cordova is the first stray dog ​​under Isabella's men. This is almost well known in Europe.

Such a person should not be easily persuaded, and in Don Bavi ’s view, the greater role of the Duke of Rome Thesia should be to help him get in line with the Vatican to bridge, if the Duke shows his head at this time, Instead, it may cause Isabella's suspicion and vigilance.

But Alexander is very stubborn. He first said that he and Gonzalo were old friends and might still be able to say something. At the same time, he thought that with his special status in the Vatican, it might have some unexpected effects.

After some controversy, Don Bavi finally agreed to Alexander ’s proposal, and then the two sides decided to meet and negotiate in Riominal, a small town that happened to be between the two parties.

The farmer ’s food was not delicious, but the farmer ’s taste was not bad. After dropping a few gold coins, the refreshing Gonzalo came out of the house.

In the afternoon, the sun was already slightly westward. Looking at a group of people who were going back and forth in the town, Gonzalo found a cool place to sit down, and then closed his eyes to recollect the "taste" just now.

The knight named Malchi came over and sat next to Gonzalo.

He is Gonzalo's most trusted cron. From his early years in following the battle to regain the lost ground to the recent fierce battle with the Ottomans, Malchiu has followed him, so he has more trust in this man than anyone else.

"Our people have almost turned the town, and it seems safe here." Malchow said to Gonzalo, who closed his eyes and leaned on the thick tree trunk. Seeing that he did not respond, Malchow opened his mouth again. , But said nothing this time.

"Is there anything else?" Gonzalo asked suddenly, although he didn't open his eyes, he seemed to see Mal Qiu's expression. "Oh, let's say Mal Qiu, I know you too well, you can't hide it in your heart. People who live in trouble, tell me what are you thinking along the way? "

"Sir, I heard that there are some bad rumors in Zaragoza right now," Malchow seemed to say with determination. "Many people are saying bad things about you. They said you were spoiled by the queen. They also said You do not respect Ferdinand's orders because you ran to Crete without permission. "

"Yeah I ran to Crete without permission, and brought them back enough for the greedy guys to eat the inexhaustible benefits, not to mention the parasites of Zaragoza, even Ferdinand himself was not very happy Accepted my gift? "

"But Ferdinand is, after all, the queen's husband, and is likely to become the father of the future queen." Malchow said with some concern.

"Marchiu, your worries are really superfluous. Don't forget that we are the nobles of Castile. Only the queen can command and scold us. Well, I can see that in the face of the queen, you can keep Ferdinand at the very least. Respect, but that's all. Believe me, Marchiu, as long as the queen is one day I will be the most favored person in the court of Castile. "

Malchow leaned back a bit helplessly. He knew that it was really difficult for the general to pay attention to the rumors. As Gonzalo himself said, Isabella's favor with him had reached a sideways pace. The result of this was that Gonzalo, who was already reckless, was even more unscrupulous, as can be seen from his rebuke of Alexander VI in the Vatican and even in public.

It's just that Ferdinand is different from others after all, which makes the loyal knight somewhat worried.

"That Gumbre is late," Gonzalo opened his eyes, and he seemed a little impatient. "If he doesn't come, I will leave, although I miss him a lot, but the last time we met was not so pleasant. . "

"Adult heard that the duke has fought with the Ottomans?" Marchiu asked carefully, he knew how much this topic might make Gonzalo unhappy, after all, the battle in Crete finally forced them to retreat In the end, although Gonzalo has always claimed that it was the result of the Venetian's backwardness, they all knew that facing the increasingly unfavorable situation at the time, Gonzalo himself had already retreated.

"And won," Gonzalo did not deliberately evade, but instead had some interest. "You probably don't know that the tactics our model army is training now are that I studied with the duke when I was in Rome. Yes, now it seems that he may use these tactics on the battlefield faster than me, but do n’t worry, I have proposed to the queen to use the model army as a model to build a new army with a large enough number. I believe the queen Your Majesty will reply to me soon. "

There was a smile on Malchow ’s face. Obviously the general did not ignore the rumours that were against him. Proposing to the queen to establish a new army was a very good way. Imagine that once the queen agreed to build such an army, the only one who could train Only Gonzalo is in command of this army, so Gonzalo's position will definitely be more stable, even if Ferdinand wants to move him is not so easy.

Just when Mal Qiu wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed that a man on the road below the river bank was hurriedly rushing the horse from a distance, and Mal Qiu stood up immediately.

"Is that the Duke coming?" Malchow looked at Gonzalo, who was still leaning on the trunk. "Master, we need to make some preparations."

"It is necessary to make some preparations, this person Gombray ..."

Gonzalo did not go on, but looked sideways at several houses in the town not far away.

Because of the terrain, some of these mountain-built houses can be used as the main pass. Among these, Gonzalo is able to control the main roads and most of the towns.

Marc Qiu immediately greeted people to prepare, while Gonzalo still leaned on the tree trunk and looked at the riverside road just below which he could just see.

A team of knights came slowly in the distance. They looked as if they were outing. It was very leisurely, which was a sharp contrast to Gonzalo's haste before.

"Still like to be so pretentious."

Gonzalo muttered ~ ~ He will not forget that his Sicily was once pitted by this person, although he did take advantage of the situation to go to Crete and indeed made a lot of windfalls, but this is not It means that Gonzalo has forgiven each other.

On the roadside below, Mal Qiu was already waiting for the team, watching them actually holding the Vatican flag, and Mal Qiu showed a sneering smile.

Gonzalo ’s reprimand of the Pope had already spread in Iberia. His move was not condemned but became a good story, even because this person suggested that the church in Castile no longer needs to accept the Vatican. Any order, and although Isabella did not publicly support it, her attitude of letting these words go around but not suppressing it has already explained too much.

Now, seeing the flag of the Vatican, Malchow felt that the duke really couldn't see the situation, so when he spoke loudly to the team, the tone was also full of pride and arrogance: "With the regiment of the great Santiago Knights Long, in the name of Gonzalo de Cordoba, Duke of Breetta, the people in front stopped! "

Hearing the shout, the team that had been slowly moving forward stopped and a person in front of the team urged the mount to move forward slowly.

This young man, who was also wearing a white robe on the white horse, looked down on Malchow with a smile on his face, and didn't seem to be angry because of the unreasonableness of this Castilian.


"Take me to see Gonzalo," the young man interrupted Malchow's self-introduction and said directly, "Tell him that the Duke of Thesia in Rome has brought him good news."

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