Lin Shangzhou walked into the building, the first floor was used to receive guests, and after explaining his intention to the staff, the other party took him up the stairs to the second floor.

After opening the door and entering the second floor, he saw that the entire second floor was an office area, and in some places there were separate rooms, which should be the offices of people like the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief.

Then he pushed the door and walked in, and after ten seconds, he pushed the door and walked out.

"Alright, let's go inside. "

Well, thank you.

Lin Shangzhou nodded, pushed the door and walked into the office, the decoration of the office was very simple, a middle-aged man sat behind the desk and wrote something in a notebook, and there were two stacks of documents on the table.

"Hello, Mr. Deputy Editor-in-Chief, my name is Filitz Hipper, and I was introduced by Editor-in-Chief Louis, and this is his letter of introduction.

Lin Shangzhou respectfully stepped forward and took the letter of introduction in his hand, and the deputy editor-in-chief looked up at Lin Shangzhou, with a slightly dissatisfied expression, I don't know if it was because of Lin Shangzhou or because of his own work.

Lin Shangzhou's heart chuckled when he saw the dissatisfaction on his face, could it be that the deputy editor-in-chief didn't like other people's relationships

? The deputy editor-in-chief took the letter in his hand, glanced at Lin Shangzhou, and found that he had become nervous and looked up and said to him: "Why are you so nervous? I'm not happy because the newspaper has some headaches for me recently, not because of you, you don't have to be nervous, relax a little."


, after the deputy editor-in-chief said this, Lin Shangzhou's heart was relieved and he was not so nervous.

The deputy editor-in-chief opened the envelope and looked at the contents inside, then looked up at Lin Shangzhou and said, "The editor-in-chief said that you are very good at telling stories?"

"Well, my previous audience said that the story was very good.

Lin Shangzhou nodded.

"Is that so...

The deputy editor-in-chief nodded slowly, with some expectation in his heart, folded his hands behind his hands and supported his chin

and said: "But your audience said that it was very good, it doesn't mean that others think it was good, you tell me your story roughly, let me hear it, if you can, I will let you write a story for our newspaper, if not, you don't have to worry, after all, this is the editor-in-chief's request, you can still get a job writing a report."

Then Lin Shangzhou told the deputy editor-in-chief about "Dark Souls 1" that he had told Alexandrin, and after listening to Lin Shangzhou's story, the deputy editor-in-chief felt very surprised and surprised, the type and content of this story were something he had never heard of, and the level of interest was quite high, at least he wanted to continue to know the content behind.

The deputy editor-in-chief of "Papapa"

stood up and applauded, smiled and said to Lin Shangzhou: "Okay, you have been hired, your story is very interesting, I believe it can be welcomed by everyone." "

Thank you, Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

Lin Shangzhou's words made Lin Shangzhou very happy, and he hurriedly thanked the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to you. "


Lin Shangzhou followed the deputy editor-in-chief out of the office, the deputy editor-in-chief clapped his hands, and the people in the office area stopped their work and turned their heads to look at him, quietly waiting for him to speak.

The deputy editor-in-chief stretched out one hand to Lin Shangzhou, and he said loudly to the people in the office: "Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Filitz Hipper, who was introduced by the editor-in-chief Louis to serve as the editor-in-charge of the story, his story is very interesting, I believe that it will be welcomed by the masses, come and welcome this new colleague of ours."

There was a burst of applause in the room, some of the staff of the newspaper really welcomed it, and some of them coped with the matter, Lin Shangzhou was happy and a little confused at the same time, why is

he the editor in charge of the story? Didn't he say that I was asked to write the story? How did I become the editor in charge? After the applause of the employees, the deputy editor-in-chief asked them to continue to work, and Lin Shangzhou was led by another employee to the personnel department to record his information and was taken to his place of work.

After Lin Shangzhou sat on the chair, the staff who brought him over said:

"Mr. Hipper, your job is to write all kinds of stories, and after the manuscript is written, you can hand it over to the publishing department, and they will publish the story you wrote in the newspaper, your basic weekly salary is 15 marks, and if someone feedback that your story is very good after a period of time, then your weekly salary will be increased accordingly, on the contrary, if someone complains that your story is not well written, then your weekly salary will not be increased." Lin

Shangzhou pondered his work, and then nodded to the staff member.

"Okay, I see, what do you call me?" said

the staff with a light smile

, "My name is Monchi Lukes, just call me Monchi." "

Well, then you can call me Filitz too.

Then Meng Qi left, Lin Shangzhou sat in his work position and picked up the pen and began to write down the thoughts in his mind on the manuscript paper, the first thing he wrote was the story of "Dark Souls 1", because he had previously storyted it in order to tell the story of the game to the Kaiser, which was the most impressive and the easiest to write.

Lin Shangzhou quickly threw himself into his work, and by the time he put down his pen to rest, two hours had passed.

Two hours of hard work made his hands sore, and he would stop because of his sore hands, leaning back on the chair Lin Shangzhou looked up at the ceiling.

Only then did he notice that someone was standing next to him, staring intently at his manuscript paper.


He greeted the man, who reacted and greeted him with a look on him.

"Hello, Fritz, my name is Jesús and I am from the Publishing Department. "

Hello, Jesus, when did you come over? I've been immersed in my work and didn't know anyone was coming.

Lin Shangzhou moved his chair and said to Hephaus.

Jesús raised his hand and lowered his watch and said

, "It's been ten minutes since I came, and I didn't bother you because I saw that you were concentrating on your work." "

What do you think of my story, can it be published in the newspaper according to the standards of your publishing department?"

Lin Shangzhou asked as he picked up the manuscript paper and handed it to Jesus, who took the manuscript paper and glanced at a few sheets before nodding with a smile.

"The story is very interesting, I believe that it can be deeply loved by the public, and it is much better than the story written by the previous story responsibility, although the person has a high education, and it seems that he has also been a film director in the past, but the story is too boring to write, and he was approved by the deputy editor-in-chief for a few days off to go home to rest.

Hearing Jesús say this, Lin Shangzhou asked with some curiosity:

"Oh, since he has been a director, he shouldn't have good ideas, what is his name?"

"Paul Goebbels."


After hearing the name of the former story editor, Lin Shangzhou was surprised and let out three transliterated "um", he was really surprised, he didn't expect the former editor in charge to be called "Paul Goebbels", if nothing else, this Paul Goebbels is the Goebbels he is familiar with.

To be on the safe side, Lin Shangzhou continued: "Can you describe to me what characteristics he has?"

Jesus was surprised by Lin Shangzhou's question, and he asked why he was doing this, but he still replied: "The most striking feature is that he has some problems with his left leg, which seems to have been caused by polio when he was a child, and he is also a little thin. Well

, Lin Shangzhou is confirmed, the former story editor is Paul Goebbels, who is known as the "Nazi mouthpiece" in the OTL, a loyal comrade-in-arms of the mustache, and also a murderer who has committed countless crimes.

But in this world, you can't call Xiao Huang that, at present, Xiao Huang is just an editor of a newspaper, writing stories for the newspaper, although what Xiao Huang has experienced in the KR world Lin Shangzhou doesn't know, but at present, even if he knows, it's useless, because the world line has changed.

Xiao Huang seems to have become a newspaper editor instead of politics, which is also a good thing, there is one less demon and one more newspaper editor in the world.

"You don't have to worry that he will come back and grab work with you, the editor-in-chief will arrange other positions for him, your story is written so well, I believe he is also willing to give you the position of story editor.

Jesús patted Lin Shangzhou on the shoulder and said, he thought that Lin Shangzhou was worried that his job would be snatched away after the previous editor in charge returned.

"I'm looking forward to meeting him, so I'll talk about it when he comes. Putting

away his hand, Jesús shook the manuscript paper in his hand to Lin Shangzhou and said, "Can I take these manuscripts of yours for typesetting and publication?"

"Of course, I am also looking forward to my work being published in the newspaper."

Lin Shangzhou readily agreed.

Then Jesús left, and Lin Shangzhou picked up the new manuscript paper and began to write the rest of the story.

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