The air between the two fell silent instantly, and a solemn atmosphere arose between the two of them, Louis still had a smiling face, while Lin Shangzhou still pretended to be confused.

Even Napoleon on the wall seems to be looking his eyes on these two men, wondering what will happen next.

Lin Shangzhou was thinking about whether he should admit this matter, Louis was definitely not with Klein, he was a member of the Social Democratic Party, and it was impossible for him to be involved with Klein, and let him know that it would not have any dangerous impact on him.

Do you want to admit it? Lin Shangzhou's heart hesitated.

He can't be fooled for too long...

A few seconds later, Louis saw him put his arms around his shoulders and laughed and said, "Are you afraid of something? Don't be afraid, I won't eat you, don't care too much, I'm just asking, no malice."

Lin Shangzhou complained in his heart, just now Louis made the atmosphere so dignified, and now he deliberately wants to make the atmosphere relaxed, it is hard for him not to believe that Louis has no other thoughts in his heart.

"Don't believe it, I'm just curious.

Louis said with a grin.

"And the two of us have no grudges, even if I know about this matter to others, others will not believe it, and there is no way to make a fuss, right?"

Lin Shangzhou thought about this matter, what Louis said was very reasonable, what could he do if he knew about this matter? Who would believe that he was the Kaiser's driver in this remote place? He might really just be curious.

In the end, Lin Shang, who had hesitated for a long time, nodded to Louis.

"Yes, that's right, my uncle is the driver of His Majesty the Emperor, what are you asking this for?"

Seeing that Lin Shangzhou finally admitted this matter, Louis was not particularly happy on his face, but instead looked like "Ah, that's right".

"Nothing, just curious.

Louis withdrew his hand, picked up his glass, and drank the brandy inside.

"In that case, your uncle is the driver of His Majesty the Emperor, so the reason why you just said why you came to Berlin should not be entirely true, right?"

To Louis's surprise, Lin Shangzhou shook his head slightly:

"It's not, it's true, but I made harmless changes."

Louis asked curiously,

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Lin Shangzhou cleared his throat and said to him: "In January, my uncle chose to retire due to illness and let me take his place, and I became His Majesty's chauffeur and was framed by the Prime Minister's nephew Klein in February, because Alexandrine and Cecilia insisted on protecting me, so Klein finally chose to compromise, of course, the price of compromise was that I had to leave Berlin and come to Strasbourg in the end.

"Well, that's what that Klein guy would do, and you're here just right, and I don't like him, and he doesn't like the SPD and the other leftists here.

Louis nodded, he knew Klein too, of course he hated Klein, and Klein hated him.

However, Louis cared more about another point he noticed than the reason why Lin Shangzhou left Berlin, that is, Lin Shangzhou's name for the Kaiser and Cecilia, he directly called those two names.

What does this mean? It shows that he is close to Cecilia and Alexandrine.

Louis narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Shangzhou and said

, "You just called Your Majesty and Lord Cecilia by their names, right? It seems that you have a good relationship with the two of them." "


When he said this, Lin Shangzhou realized that he had just said it well, and it stands to reason that he should add the titles of His Majesty and Lord.

But he thought of one thing, Louis had a kind of forehead for Alexandrine... How to say it... This kind of psychology should be regarded as admiration...

Anyway, through this, Lin Shangzhou can be sure of one thing, that is, he is enough to make Louis envious.

So he looked at Louis smugly and said, "Well, that's right, I have a good relationship with Alexandrine and Cecilia.

Louis looked at Lin Shangzhou enviously, he snorted indignantly, picked it up twice, poured himself another glass of wine and drank it all.

"Don't mention that. Putting

down the cup, Louis's expression became serious, he now knew that Lin Shangzhou had been the Kaiser's driver, and he had some questions to ask him.

"Fritz, according to what you mean, you have been His Majesty's chauffeur for a month and have a good relationship with His Majesty, Lord Cecilia, then I have some questions for you.

Seeing that Louis's expression became serious, Lin Shangzhou also raised a little vigilance in his heart, he didn't think that Louis was asking any simple question.


years ago, at the beginning of the re-election of the Centre Party in 1927, there was speculation in the Reichstag that His Majesty was under house arrest under the control of Prime Minister Albert and had no freedom to speak of.

Louis's words made Lin Shangzhou's heart instantly nervous, and sure enough, Louis didn't ask a good question.

"And the only people who can enter and leave Sanssouci Palace to meet His Majesty are the Prime Minister and some people around him, and I and others who believe in this speculation have privately asked Lord Cecilia what is going on, but we have received a negative reply, she said that Her Majesty is very free, and only attends the Imperial Assembly on the first day of every month because she is still young and does not want to get involved in politics or have too much contact with dignitaries.

"We have no way to contact Your Majesty, so we can only take Cecilia's words as Your Majesty's meaning.

Louis looked at Lin Shangzhou with sharp eyes and said, "But now... You're here, you've been the Emperor's chauffeur, and you've been framed by Klein, and I'm sure you know more or less about it.

"So can you answer me a question? Is the guess I just said true or false?"


Lin Shangzhou swallowed his saliva, organized his words, and replied: "I don't understand politics, anyway, as far as I can see, His Majesty's life in Sanssouci Palace is very comfortable. "

Comfortable fart, the speculation in the council is very correct, Alexandrine is indeed under house arrest in disguise by the Prime Minister now, but can he

admit it? He admits that it is another fart, as long as Cecilia resolutely refuses to admit this matter and does not let her sister participate in politics, then this speculation will always be speculation.

"Oh~ understood..."

Louis nodded slowly, he knew what Lin Shangzhou was hiding, but he couldn't ask any further, after all, Lin Shangzhou was just a fired Kaiser's driver, who would believe what he said.

"But lately there has been another speculation in Parliament.

"That is, Cecilia wanted to seek the throne so she chose to join forces with the prime minister to imprison her sister, she was better than her sister in every aspect, but the emperor was her sister, so she was dissatisfied.


Shangzhou looked at Louis in amazement, but quickly reacted, it is not impossible that there will be such speculation in the council.

And his stunned appearance just now was seen by Louis, which made him guess in his heart that what Lin Shangzhou was hiding might be beyond his imagination, which also made him more curious about what Lin Shangzhou was hiding.

So he stood up, walked

to the map, turned his back to Lin Shangzhou and said, "Fritz, do you know what my ideal is?" "Your ideal?" Lin Shangzhou's face was a little puzzled, Louis took the wrong medicine, why did he suddenly talk about ideals?

"Do you want me to guess what your ideal is?"

Louis turned around and shook his head.

"No, I'm going to tell you what my ideals are.

After that, he pointed to France on the map and said resolutely and proudly: "My ideal is to bring Alsace Lorraine back to France!"


Lin Shangzhou was dumbfounded, doesn't Louis say this to prove that he is a thorough master? More importantly, he is still a member of a political party or a member of parliament, so for Germany, his nature is not the same as that of Wang someone?

Louis turned around and looked at Lin Shangzhou with a smile and said:

"Alright, Filitz, I have told you my ideals, and in exchange, I want you to tell me the truth about Sanssouci Palace.

At this time, Lin Shangzhou understood why Louis suddenly blew himself up, the purpose was to know the actual situation of Sanssouci Palace from his own mouth.

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