Conquer the World

Chapter 1151: See if you can

Chapter 1151 You Can See If You Can

The place where Mufu is located in Dongjiang is no different from Changan City in the Central Plains.

Since the Great Sui Dynasty could no longer control the place, Mu's status became higher and higher. The original intention of Mu Guangling was to lead Mu Fu soldiers who had been saving for decades to the west, and after entering Shanhaiguan, they would compete for the position of emperor with the Central Plains giants. Mu Guangling felt that the biggest difference between him and those people was that what he had been doing in Dongjiang was the matter of heaven.

Unexpectedly, the people of the Opulu Empire came from the other side of the sea, and the ships were strong, and the Dongchu Marine Division, which was known as the world's first, was wiped out in only one battle. Dongjiang was naked in front of the foreigners' muskets. At this time Mu Guangling made the most important first choice in his life.

He gave up preparing for the westward advance for many years, but took Mu Fubing to resist the invasion of foreigners.

At that time, the people of Dongjiang really regarded Mu Guangling as an emperor-like figure. Mu Guangling is the savior of Dongjiang and the most solid backer of the people.


From the battle on Penglai Island.

Five thousand Mufu soldiers fought on Penglai Island for more than a month, and none survived. He thought that his only son Mu Xianjun also died in the battle that was destined to be written in history books, so he became violent and lonely. In order to continue the incense of Mu family, he intends to bring the eldest son of his family Mu Zihuan, but this again breeds Mu Zihuan's ambition.

So much so that Mu Zihuan dared to run away and assassinate him.

The ending is of course destined. How could Mu Zihuan kill Mu Guangling who is famous in the world?

The defender of the city will stand on the wall and look back at the city. There are patrols on the street. He was a little confused, wondering what the grandfather Guo was worried about. First, the name of this big city was changed to Mufu City, and a curfew was ordered.

Now even in the daytime, the most people on the streets in the city are not the people but the soldiers with armor and knives.

The Grandpa Guo seems to have changed, becoming more incomprehensible. When Mu Zihuan assassinated him a while ago, he first smashed Mu Zihuan's head with a palm, and then ordered to kill Mu Zihuan's family. It was the eldest son of Mu Zihuan who took his own heart, and then let the chef cook the wine.

In the past, Grandpa Guo impressed them with a generous and charitable impression, not only for them, but also for those who came to join them. To know the entire Central Plains, there are only three thousand Mufu guests. But now, the grandfather Guo hates most are those rivers and lakes guests.

Not only were all the gatekeepers kept in the house expelled, but it was also strictly forbidden to enter the city.

The huge contrast before and after this made everyone's hearts tighten for a while.

Don't sigh for a long time, but in fact understand something in my heart. In these days, the black flag army's man named Nalandingdong became more aggressive. Instead of looting Mufu's food and grass, he even gradually replaced Mu's position in the eastern Xinjiang and became the center of fighting foreigners.

But who is to blame?

This individual will not know.

According to the truth, he should, like Mu Guangling, hate the people of Heiqi Army. But he was really confused and didn't know who he should hate.

The gate still opened on time, but few people in the city went out and few people outside came in, so the gate seemed very deserted, and compared to the scenes of crowded traffic, it was not the same world. The former Mufu City is the most prosperous place in Dongjiang. People who come in and out of the gate every day have to queue up.

There was a gong sound outside.

Don't have heard such a voice for a long time, it was the sound of a gong before the team opened when a big man arrived. A few days ago, he received an instruction from Mufu, saying that the leader of the Black Banner Army had been ruled by the king to come to Mufu City. This undoubtedly made the already nervous soldiers more nervous. Everyone knew that Fang Xie and Mu Fu's grievances. Everyone knows how much the current Grandpa hates the solution.

In front of the road is the four hundred and fifty riding Xiao Xiao riding school fine riding, wearing a dark blue brocade, wearing a big red cloak. Behind it was a train team, who did not know in which carriage the prince, who had already been famous all over the world, was sitting. Behind it is a cavalry team of at least thousands of people. Looking from the wall, there is a long black dragon.

The defender of the city can see how powerful this pure cavalry is.

The defenders on the wall were all tense, and some people clenched the hard archers subconsciously but trembled. The city gate was wide open, and there were many big figures in Mufu standing outside the city gate, but it was no surprise that Mu Guangling did not appear.

Mu House seems to show great sincerity.

Loess road, clean water splashed on the street.

The trees on both sides of the street were wrapped in festive red cloth.

Except for Mu Guangling, almost all the big men who can rank in Mu House came, one by one standing in the door with a solemn face, and no one laughed.

Don't take a deep breath, scold a few words at the nervous soldier who actually held up his hard bow and aimed at the outside, then sit down along the wall pile, close your eyes and rest.

The world of the big men has nothing to do with me.

He murmured.

But did not wake up, as the general of Mufu had such a thought, it was already very strange

Fang Xie was the only surnamed king in the 200 years of Da Sui's founding, so the purple robe of Kokoro on his body did not know how many people's hearts hurt. Fang Xie likes to wear black clothes, so when Changan City was crowned king, he was wearing a black embroidered golden dragon robe.

But today, he is wearing a purple royal robe sewed in strict accordance with the Da Sui system.

"Have seen the Lord!"

Hundreds of officials standing at the door saluted together, playing a large area at the waist.

Standing in front of Baiguan was an old man in commoner's clothing. It looks like this person can be about sixty years old, very thin, but mentally sloppy. Especially those eyes, there was no cloudiness at all. Occasionally his eyes flowed, a sharpness that could see through the heart.

"Cao Min Mu Qinglin welcomed Wang Ye to the city on behalf of my father-in-law."

He stepped forward and talked down.

Fang Xie naturally understands what Mu Guangling's arrangement means. Letting a person with no fame and leadership greet him seems to be questioning Fang Xie's identity naked. At this moment Mu Guangling still doesn't want to let his performance be weak, his character is evident.

"Get up"

Fang Xie said calmly, "You're also Mu, see if you are the same age as Mu Guangling?"

Mu Qinglin seemed to have a respectful voice but answered very coldly: "The Caomin is just a river and lake idler kept by the Grandpa. Because he has done something for the Mu government, the Grandpa gave the surname a great glory."


Fang Jie nodded.

It turned out to be only a slave with a surname.

Mu Guangling wanted to humiliate the solution, but he was deliberate.

"It seems Mu is really no one."

Fang Xie didn't get angry, but just said in a very light tone: "So poor."

Mu Qinglin's face changed drastically, and he looked up to see Fang Jie, but when he saw Fang Jie's eyes turned towards him, at the moment when the eyes of the two were opposite, Mu Qinglin felt his heart beating. He subconsciously bowed his head and couldn't help putting the power of cultivation into his palm.

That second, he had delusional Fang Jie about to kill himself.

But soon he was awakened. If he hadn't held up the pressure just now, Fang Xie would justly execute him and then enter the city. Spreading to the world, the people of Mufu shot and assassinated while welcoming Fang Jie. For Mufu, which is now turbulent, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

Although Fang Jie did not bring many troops, Mu Qinglin could see that the cavalry's murderous strength was suffocating. Only through the battle-hardened real killing machine will there be such a breath.

Mu Qinglin was sweating on his back. He was glad that he had not shot under pressure just now.


He took a step back, bowing his body, and made a please gesture: "The Grandpa is waiting in the house."

Fang Jie couldn't help but look at the old man for a moment, this man's mood was quite peaceful. Just now Fang Xie quietly put pressure on this person with the original realm. This person was able to hold and hold back, which was not easy.

Mu Qinglin was originally instructed by Mu Guangling. Fang Xie was allowed to enter the city. Fang Xie was not allowed to enter the army. But the moment he saw Fang Jie, Mu Qinglin knew that this man was not with good intentions. If you order an army blocking Falcon into the city, no one knows what will happen to Falcon next.

He called to a subordinate and whispered a few words, and then followed the pace of solution. The man looked around and ran into the crowd and ran towards Mufu.

Mu Guangling eventually chose to leave the house to welcome the solution. The main entrance of Mufu, which has not been opened for a long time, has also been opened.

Seeing Fang Xie's car coming over, Mu Guangling made his face pile up with laughter and greeted him quickly.

"Xiaguan Mu Guangling, see Wang Ye."

At the moment Fang Xie got out of the car, Mu Guangling's robes fell to his knees. Fang Jieji walked quickly and stretched out his arms to help him, and the two of them trembled a few lines of arms, and the smiles on their faces were like a spring breeze in April. Where can I see any discord? Even the people below looked a little dazed, and never thought that the meeting between the two would be such a scene.

Like an old friend he hasn't seen in many years, Mu Guangling and Fang Jie walked into the gate of Mufu hand in hand.

At this moment, the firecrackers in Mu House are all screaming, and the drums are loud.

Xiang Qingniu, who was following him, couldn't help but smile, and muttered to himself: "They are all foxes who have the right way, compared to acting."

After arriving in the living room, the guest host took a seat. Mu Guangling had a chair moved, and two people sat side by side on the main seat. On either side, Mu Fu officials were sitting on one side, and the Heiqi Army generals were sitting on the other. After entering the door, the atmosphere became cold, and the smiles on Fang Jie and Mu Guangling's faces had disappeared.

"I heard that Lord Wang came with the will of the court?"

Mu Guangling asked with a smile: "If there is still a decree in the imperial court ~ ~ in the name of the Da Sui court, I will be given food and grass for the Black Banner Army, and cooperate with the Black Banner Army to fight the thieves. As a court official, Mu naturally cannot defy. "

He was accurate. No one in the court could have ordered it. The men of the Yang family were dead, and only one long princess, Yang Qinyan, was left. According to the ancestral etiquette, even if the long princess listened to politics, he had no right to move the country Imperial jade seal. If Fang Xie came up with the will of Long Princess Yang Qinyan, Mu Guangling had 10,000 words waiting for him.


Fang Xie sighed and smiled, "Will? That's easy to say."

He beckoned, and then two Xiaoqi schools held up the pen and ink paper, Fang Xieti pen crookedly wrote a few lines on the bright yellow imperial edict, and he was quite satisfied with his expression. You should know that Fang Jie's writing brush has never been regular. After writing, he asked Liao Sheng to come up, and took the Sui Dynasty's jade seal from Liao Sheng, took a breath, and covered the imperial edict.

Fang Xie handed the imperial imperial ink to Mu Guangling and said politely, "You can see if it works or not, and I can rewrite it."

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