Conquer the World

Chapter 1190: Unexpected

Chapter 190th Unexpected

The soldiers of the Black Flag were sweating like rain, pushing the trenches forward. This advance is not a straight forward dig, but a zigzag advance. Amidst the dust, Mo said that the soldiers of the Black Flag Army were in a deep trench, and Opulu soldiers could not aim, even if the sky was not in the deep trench, their vision was blocked.


Lyman put his eyes down and coldly issued a military order.

If the previous attack was only to suppress the Black Flag, so as to protect the siege beasts from reaching the battlefield smoothly and safely, then from now on, the Opulian attack is unreserved. Because Lehman knew that if the Black Flag was allowed to dig into the trenches and move forward, the Opulian advantage in weapons would be lost.

The bullet will not turn, fire a shot diagonally upwards, and the bullet will not fall along the parabola to the position of the Black Flag Army to kill the soldier. But ... bows and arrows can.

The archer of the Black Flag Army continued to shoot feather arrows in the deep trench. Although they were unable to aim, their feathers were very dense, which was enough.

"Let the firearm battalion up and cooperate with the archers to defend."

Fang Xie watched the battle on the wall of Fenghuangtai, and the changes on the battlefield were under his watch. As the flags on the city wall waved, Andrew, who had already been screaming, could not bear, and the soldiers with the firearm battalion rushed forward along the trenches.

With the combination of archers and musketeers, the Opulian offensive looked fierce but could not approach it at all. The Opul artillery continuously spit fire snakes, but the shells could not cause large-scale killings of the Black Flag soldiers in the deep trench. The Black Flag's advance was extremely slow, but the Opulians couldn't find a way to stop it.

"The Han people often say that in order to win, they must be counted to the right place and the right people ... I counted to the right time, and I want to use the siege beast to change the right place, but I did not expect that the enemy's master will have such a soul mind. This tactic ... … Some rogue, but it works. "

Lehman, who couldn't sit still, said to himself, the solution tactics made him feel helpless.

If you can no longer think of a way, the Black Flag Army can continue to advance this way until dark.

"Your Majesty, I'll take someone to punch it."

The giant Han Augusta exclaimed: "These wicked Han people are too cunning and must stop them."

"I know they must be stopped."

Lyman's voice was a little cold.

"Let Siege Beasts Speed ​​Up!"

After a moment of silence, Lehman's face changed again, because he suddenly understood what the true intention of Fang Jie was. In this way, the excavation of the trenches was too slow, and the solution should not be expected to count on this attack to the Opulu camp.

Fang Jie is trying to stop the siege beast!

If you dig this way, the siege beast will not be able to approach the black flag army's camp. If they can't get into the range, even if it's downwind, the Opulu can't send the fire to the black flag camp.

"Fang Xie had already guessed that I would attack with fire!"

Lehman's heart shook!

It is indeed an opponent worthy of attention and respect.

Lehman had to admire it in his heart, and then pointed out aloud: "Tell Buekdor, advance one hundred meters forward, and then start digging trenches!"

Augusta apparently didn't understand what Lehman meant, but he knew he was clumsy and could not keep up with His Majesty's thinking.

Lyman held a clairvoyant eye, calculating the distance the Black Banner advanced. If Buicko topped another 100 meters forward, and then dug out a trench in the horizontal at no cost, this would block the Black Banner. After advancing one hundred meters forward, holding this trench, you can ensure that the siege beast is within range.

The ordered Buick went mad and growled loudly, urging the soldiers to charge forward.

The black crowd rushed forward, blocking the arrows and bullets. Some people kept falling down, and some people kept making up. The distance of one hundred meters is not to draw the two sides closer to one hundred meters, but to advance one hundred meters forward from the place ... How many people will be killed in the distance of one hundred meters in the face of the defense of the Black Flag strength?

By now, the body on the ground had covered the color of the ground.

"Ha ha……"

Fang Xie sneered: "The enemy has attacked, tell Nalanding Dongdong to let the reserve team rush out and charge back! At this time, the enemy's artillery is not dare to fire, so it is more fair, and the black flag army also fights face to face. Who have you lost to! "

The sound of artillery stopped, and the sound of horns on the wall could spread farther.

Hearing the sound of a row of giant horns on the city wall, Naland Dingdong immediately ordered a counterattack. The long-armed lancer stepped out of the trenches and rushed forward against the Opulians. Because the Black Flag forces deliberately brought the Oprah closer, the pikemen could reduce the probability of death.

As a branch of the army that is second only to the cavalry in speed, although the pikemen have a low defense force, they often play a leading role in the war. During the Sui Dynasty, infantry soldiers basically used hard infantry, but the manufacturing process of this weapon was too complicated and the process was too slow. Therefore, the Heiqi Army abandoned this weapon and used a low-cost long gun instead.

The two sides hedged and soon ran into each other.



Where are the Black Flag cavalry?

This is a problem that Lehman has been considering. Until the war has not yet seen the most elite light riding of the Black Banner, Lehman cannot be practical. He knew the power of light cavalry in the field, and the number of light cavalry in the solved Black Banner was so amazing.

Solution is impossible, and it is not necessary to put such a powerful army.

Lyman just didn't know where Fang Jie would use the cavalry.

The war began to heat up from the beginning, but it is still in the tentative stage. Fang Xie and Lehman kept making moves and wanted to push the opponent's strength a little bit. Lehman knew that Fang Jie must be waiting, waiting for his flaws to appear, and then the light cavalry would come out and give him a fatal blow.

In fact, he ordered the construction of a huge siege beast, not just to set fire to the wind. It is also to fend off the light cavalry, and the soldiers on the siege can shoot and kill the cavalry, without being hurt by the cavalry.

But now the cavalry of Fang Xie does not appear. Obviously, Fang Xie also guessed what those beast-like equipment was used for, so he wanted to destroy those siege beasts first.

Two people seem to be playing face to face, constantly guessing where the opponent's killing moves are calculated. A little bit of layout, a little bit of breaking.

Thirty miles from the battlefield

Yan Kuang wiped away the sweat on his forehead. This once silly boy had already grown into a qualified general. After so many years of campaigning, he also experienced his state of mind.


He ordered loudly.

He seemed to have smelled the battlefield.

At this time, a team of cavalry in the distance came in front, and soon the team of cavalry arrived near them, and the head of the team swallowed up.

It was Chen Dingnan.

"General Chen, but the Lord sent you to urge?"

Yan Kuang asked anxiously.

Chen Dingnan shook his head: "The protagonist ordered that this thing should not be sent to the battlefield and directly sent to Phoenix Taicheng. The protagonist has sent someone to open the Phoenix Taipei gate and widen it. Before dawn, the meteorite must enter the city."

"Into the city?"

Yan Kuang stunned: "Aren't you going to the battlefield?"

Chen Dingnan shook his head: "I don't know how the protagonist intends, but just sent me to answer you. Now the battle is fierce, the protagonist is worried that the scouts of foreigners will find you, so he sent me over so that you don't go south of Phoenix Tai Now. "

Yan nodded madly, and quickly ordered to change direction.

"General Chen, do you know what the Lord is going to do with this thing?"

Yan Kuang and Chen Dingnan went hand in hand, asking Ma as he pushed forward.

Chen Dingnan shook his head and smiled, "When the protagonist found this thing in the north mountain of Chang'an City, I was already halfway. To be honest, the protagonist just told me that this thing is called a meteorite. I do n’t know what it looks like, let alone know this What role can things play. However, it's obvious that this thing is not trivial when the protagonist pays so much attention. "

This statement was tantamount to saying nothing, Yan Kuang had to suppress the curiosity in his heart.

On the way, he carefully delivered things, dare not slacken all the way. But he really couldn't think of any reversal of this thing to the war. Seeing the importance of the protagonist, it seems that this thing is the most critical. Even if this thing is very powerful, can it kill hundreds of thousands of foreigners?



Xiang Qingniu hurriedly paced back and forth on the city wall, apparently could not bear it. He walked to Fang Xie, opened his mouth and held back again, and came back to the circle again. After seven or eight laps, he couldn't help it: "When will I take someone up and kill me quickly?"

"Not yet."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Let all the rivers and lakes under you go back to rest. This battle will not use you today."


Xiang Qingniu said: "Now as long as we kill them, I guarantee that we can reverse the situation within half an hour. I bring people to press forward, and you let the army follow. Before dark, I can take Killed in the camp of foreigners! "

"Because I don't know my opponent yet."

Fang Xie shook his head again: "But the opponent understands us ... Lehman knows that I have a light rider, and knows that you, the practitioners, he cannot be unprepared. I must first hang Lehman's appetite and let him wait . He can't figure out what I think, and even his own ideas will change. If I do n’t kill, he wo n’t be able to kill. ”

"But it's hard to beat this way!"

Xiang Qingniu Road.

Fang Jie said, "I know you want to defeat the foreigners in the first battle, and end the war in one day ... I think more than you, but if you rashly use all the means, once frustrated, then It's hard to redeem. You see ... "

Fang Xie pointed to the Opulian team in the distance: "The foreigners who are attacking now are the troops that have been in Fenghuangtai before, not the troops brought by Lehmann. His immediate people have not moved by now . "

Xiang Qingniu didn't understand military affairs, he was just anxious.

"Relax, you will have a chance to kill a hurry."

Fang Xie retracted his sight from a distance ~ ~ and pointed to the city: "Go and rest. From now on, all rivers and lakes will rest without my order."

Xiang Qingniu stomped anxiously, sighed long and turned away.

Fang Xie raised his clairvoyance again and looked at the high platform in the distance. He could see the man standing on the high platform. Although vague, he knew it was Lehmann.

"What exactly are you hiding?"

Fang Jie muttered to himself.

On the high platform, Lyman raised his clairvoyance and slowly swept across the wall of Phoenix Terrace. He couldn't see the solution, even if he saw him, he couldn't confirm. But he knew Fang Xie must be watching himself ...

"You must be thinking, what am I hiding?"

Lehman whispered, "I'm thinking about what you're hiding ... you can't think of it, I can't think of it." Rg


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