Conquer the World

Chapter 1203: Change hands

Chapter 1203 Changing Hands


Fang Xie and Lehman stood like a dozen meters, both bending over and panting. From the beginning to the present, there is nothing fancy about the battle, it is simple and straightforward. I don't know what Lyman changed his physique, but he could fight with Fang Jie for so long.

However, in terms of consumption, although Lyman does not need to support a realm to protect everyone, he consumes more than the solution.

In terms of combat skills, he is really not as good as the solution.

"My people are coming in."

Lyman smiled, bloodshot at the corners of his mouth.

Fang Jie also laughed: "I promise, I will kill you before your people come in."

Lehman shook his head: "You can never kill me."

Fang Xie answered with a sneer, and then rushed towards Lehman a little. Lyman took another breath, bit his lip, straightened up, and rushed to the side. Actually, two people have been fighting for less than ten minutes from the beginning. But these ten minutes are long for both of them.

Lehman saw Fang Xie rushing over, leaning down and hitting Fang Xie's chest with his shoulder. At the moment he bowed his head, Fang Jie stopped suddenly, and then his right leg and knees moved up to the top.


This time it was against Lehman's nose, and even heard a slight bone fracture.

Even though Lyman's body has been transformed to be more powerful, the bridge of the nose is still very weak. Fang Xie stopped and raised his knees in one go, and Lehman didn't expect it at all, so this one was particularly real. Lyman's body turned back immediately, the process from bending over to leaning back was extremely fast and sudden. In general, people were afraid that their waist would break immediately.

Lyman fell to the ground, and the back of his head hit the ground heavily.

As he fell, a blood spurted from his nose.

Fang Jie did not give Lehman any respite. After Lehman fell to the ground, he quickly stepped up and stepped on it. This foot was on Lyman's lower abdomen, and Lyman's body immediately bent forward, with his head and feet folded almost in half. The back sank into the ground under great pressure, and the dust shattered.

Fang Xie bent over and lifted Lehman in the pit, holding Lehman's neck with one hand and lifting it, then pressed down hard!


Lyman's body fell into the ground again.

In fact, Lyman had no advantage from the beginning. After seeing through Lyman's intentions, Fang Xie also found Lyman's weakness. Although this man can ignore the power of cultivation and has a very strong body, his fighting skills are very weak. However, it is understandable when thinking about it, that when Lyman faced the assassination so many times, he was able to fight back the assassinator, but it was still unexpected.

Without any practitioner, Lehman can be expected not to be afraid of the power of cultivation. After the shot, there will usually be a pause, this time is the opportunity for Lehman to fight back. With his strong physique, he can shoot immediately and kill in one hit. So when facing the assassination before, he only needed to be fast enough.

He has never met a guy who is good at close combat as a practitioner, and Fang Jie is no doubt a stranger.

Today, this alien has taught him enough.

Than the body, who did Fang Jie lose to?

Lehmann was almost at the end of his crossbow, and his movement was not as fast as before. Before, he could still carry Fang Jie's various blows by relying on his body, but now his reaction ability is not as good as the beginning. Fang Xie's left leg was bent, her knees fell sharply, and she knelt down on Lyman's chest. Lyman immediately made a moan and a blood burst from her mouth.

When he started to vomit blood, he could no longer hide anything.

He suffered internal injuries.

Fang Xie put his knees against Lehman's chest, and then punched them with two punches and hit Lehman's face. With each punch, there will be a splash of blood.

"Dwarf, I **** ..."

Xiang Qingniu rubbed his face, as if he all followed.

"It's so **** nasty. If this punch is hit on my face, I'm afraid that half of my head will be smashed. What is this foreigner born of? I always think that people can't give birth to such abnormal things. ... Well, that's not right. When I scolded Lehman like this, didn't I scold Fang Jie in it? "

Xiang Qingniu shook his head vigorously, and glanced at Fang Jie secretly: "Fortunately, this guy has no time to talk to me."

"He may wait for you to finish Lyman."

Shiwan said solemnly.

"This won't need us for the time being, I think I'll go somewhere else to help."

Ye Zhuhan looked at the direction of the city gate: "Although we are very weak now, we are still stronger than ordinary practitioners. If the four gates are breached, the plan for solution will be finished."

"Just be honest!"

Xiang Qingniu gave him a white look: "You and Fang Jie now have to look after so many practitioners separately. Only you two are safe and we are all safe. Those practitioners are just in case of preparation. Now the shell outside the meteorite is only A small hole was opened, so the impact on foreigners has not spread far enough. Instead of you and me going out to help, it would be better to see if we can work together to lift the whole shell open! "

The current situation is that the shell that sealed the meteorite was only bombarded by a shell about a half-meter square hole, and that kind of erosive force came out of this hole. So now the impact of meteorite is not great, especially for foreign troops outside the city, it has little harm.

That's why the solution will allow those practitioners to come out and guard the four gates.

"Smash the crater and you all back!"

There was a weak voice from Fang Xie in the distance: "Now I can violently blame this guy. I'm afraid I won't be able to control such a large area for a while, and quickly break away, and then you all leave!"

"We are all gone, you!"

Xiang Qingniu shouted.

"Hurry up! I'll get out of here more easily!"

Xiang Qingniu saw Fang Xie's eagerness, knowing that Fang Xie's power was almost exhausted, so he didn't dare to delay. The four men brought up the last effort and attacked the meteorite's shell. The shell has cracked a hole, and it is much better than before.

But even so, four people worked hard for twenty minutes before turning off the first half.

"Come on!"

Fang Xie shouted at Lehman and shouted, "I'm almost out of power, and you will die if you don't leave!"

"I can't go, you go."

Ye Zhuhan shook his head: "I'm gone. He's alone can't stop the erosive force of meteorite."

"I won't go anyway."

Xiang Qingniu smiled: "Let him shout."

Shiwan said in a sullen voice: "Master will not leave, I will not leave."

"I go"

Gai Yan took a deep breath and smiled apologetically: "Now is the best time for me to go, I'm a fool if I don't leave. This time is the best choice for you and me, otherwise you will return sooner or later To fight with me. "

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and ran out towards the gate.

Shiwan wanted to stop him, but was pulled by Xiang Qingniu: "Let him go."



All practitioners began to evacuate, and they left quickly before the meteorite's erosive force spread. Then a large number of Opulu troops poured in from the four gates. In addition to Fang Jie still fighting Lehman, the three remaining Xiang Qingniu just stood there so calmly, watching the foreigners rush forward.

"From the city gate to here, I have walked, and I have to run more than 1,600 steps. The person who was close to the meteorite just now, the farthest one ran back less than 700 steps."

Ye Zhuhan looked at the Opulu with a pitying look: "They are destined not to rescue their emperor, and they don't know how many people will die here today.

It's not long before his words are spoken. Those running in the forefront have gradually slowed down, then changed from running to walking, and then kneel down, some holding their heads and others around their necks. , Fell to the ground and twitched. With a round edge about a thousand steps away from the meteorite, almost no one on the round edge can take a few more steps.

At this time, another part of the iron armored guards left behind in the camp rushed away from the crowd. They are the guards of Lehman, numbering around a thousand. Before that, more than four hundred people were killed, and now the remaining groups are starting to storm. They had something on them that could resist the power of the meteorite, so it didn't seem to be much affected.

"It's our turn now to have a headache."

Xiang Qingniu smiled: "Shiwan, can you still use your bone shield?"


Shiwan nodded: "But it won't last for a long time, at most a few minutes. Their bullets should also be made by meteorites, which will hurt my bones."

"It can be insisted that there are multiple conferences."

Xiang Qingniu sat down cross-legged, trying to summon the black and white fish, but found that the two weak little ones were unable to swim out. It is not that they do not want to come out, but that they are weak. So Xiang Qingniu couldn't help sighing: "This time, we'll all have Qingshi's name."

He raised his head and shouted at Fang: "Hey! If you don't hurry anymore, we will die in front of Lehmann!"

Where does Fang Xie care about him?

At this time, Lehman had been sacked by Fang Xie. The whole person had lost the resistance, and the whole body was beaten by Fang Jie, and even the battle was not stable. Now every bone in his body is broken, but he just doesn't die!

Fang Xie ripped the clothes on Lyman's chest, and saw the purple light on Leiman's left chest. It's about the size of a palm-sized stone. This stone is weird in shape and looks like a giant purple spider.

The spider's eight legs dig deep into Lyman's flesh.

It can be seen that Lehman's strength comes from this thing, and the power of the eight legs split into his blood. It can now be seen with the naked eye that this thing is still beating slightly, a small amount of black blood-like things are released from the eight-legged bifurcation and enter Lehman's body. But the black thing was too thin, and it was barely enough for Lehman to stay alive.

Fang Xie didn't rush out to grab the purple crystal-like thing, because he thought about the time when he had previously caught a bullet with his bare hands ~ ~ the bullet almost damaged his skin. He hesitated for a moment, then turned a sharp force into his hand, and stabbed down sharply.

There is no doubt that the power of Jin Rui reached outside the purple crystal and was blocked.

"You dare not start?"

Lyman, who had a broken face, could still sneer: "Are you afraid? Hahahahaha, you are afraid!"

Fang Xie took a deep breath, and then nodded: "I'm afraid, but use my arm for your life, it's worth it!"

He reached out and grabbed the purple spider-like thing, and forced his fingers into Lehman's flesh, Lehman screamed in pain, and passed out. Fang Xie's fingers began to tremble because of force, and the back of the hand was full of blue muscles.


Fang Jie roared!

Pull up hard! r1058


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