Conquer the World

Chapter 1227: Head sheep

Chapter 1227 Head Sheep

The room was warm, but it was still lit with charcoal at this time of the day. This is a water stove, so the room doesn't feel very dry. It's just that Jian Qi's injury made Fang Jie too weak, and the following people were very busy. Fang Xie wore only a single shirt, but still felt a little dull.

He looked at Cui Zhongzhen and smiled.

Cui Zhongzhen was glaring at him.

"Okay, don't slap ..."

Cui Zhongzhen has so many bandages on his body that he looks like something just jumping out of a large grave. He was pushed forward, and he was hanging on a wheelchair with one leg, and looked more desolate than the solution. However, he was all wounded, and his two-month rest was as good as ever.

Fang Xie's sword injury should be restored for at least half a year.

Fortunately, this is the kind of warmth that is stolen with my family during this half year.

"Slapping without beating, but also beating?"

Fang Jie said with a smile.

Cui Zhongzhen sighed, and moved his neck a bit hard: "I heard that Chen Xiaoru caught more than 1,600 people in one breath, which is not even the family members of those people. It is unexpected that the strength of Sky Control will be ingrained in Changan City At this point, the court, ministries, yamen, and divisions were almost arrested more than 60% ... a bit shocking. "

Fang Jiemu said slowly, and slowly passed over to Cui Zhongzhen for a cup of tea, then looked at the Dugu Wenxiu who was sitting on the other side and smiled.

"Look, he smiles brighter than me."

Fang Xie pointed at Dugu Wenxiu.

Dugu Wenxiu hurriedly bowed his head: "Chen ... just ... can't help it. General Cui looks like this now, really ... too ... Chen still doesn't say anything."

Cui Zhongzhen glared at him: "This is where it's unfair, why can you get out of your body?"

Dugu Wenxiu earnestly said: "Different divisions of labor and different sacrifices."

Cui Zhongzhen snorted, and stretched out his own left hand to shake the side. "The minister needs a lot of money to buy medicine."

"For silver?"

Fang Xie sat down and laughed, "You don't know me too much. If you ask me for a two-piece product, you can have this. You can have a Guogong with me. You can have this with me. You want silver? There are really too many. "

"Guo Gong?"

Cui Zhongzhen's eyes lighted up, and then he bowed his head in a wheelchair and said, "Belief, see Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live, Long Live, Long Live."

Fang Xie ignored him, and said after a while: "This time the move was too deep, and the entire court was almost abolished. So the next thing you do is much heavier than in the past. I was already mentioned by Sanjinhou. Three or four times, he intends to withdraw from the imperial court from the black flag army, and also hand over the goods to the imperial court. However, the most recent thing is that one day is too busy for three days. Wait a moment, he wants to rest before it's too late. "

"The matter of the newly elected courtier, you alone and Sanjinhou discuss it. As for liquidation ... let Wei Xiting do it."

Dugu Wenxiu now finally understands that Fang commented on the important thing to do when Wei Xiting returned. Wei Xiting's character is very cold, and there is almost no room for doing things. It is most appropriate for him to do the liquidation and control the rest of the evil. It seems that Fang Jie is not afraid to make things bigger, and by assassinating Fang Jie to handle some other things, it can be regarded as a famous teacher.

Wei Xiting is a radical who is better than Dugu Wenxiu in these respects. Dugu Wenxiu is a gentle person. Even those who bullied their mother and son at that time can forgive him. Such a modest and gentle nature is obviously not suitable for liquidation. Wei Xiting has no background, no family, and he is fearless.

As for how big a storm Xi Weiting can set off, Fang Jie didn't care.

Now he didn't care much.

"The minister understands that the minister feels that it is most appropriate to transfer some scribes from the Southwestern provinces. These people have been doing things in the Southwest for several years, and there are not a few people who can reuse them. Of course, some of them came with a purpose. But at this moment, they have long forgotten what purpose they were, and they dare not think of it. And the southwestern roads are the most stable, and even if they are transferred, there will be no trouble.

"Well, let it be."

Fang Jie nodded: "You can call more people in the southwest, and ... wait another year or two. After the overall situation is stable, you have to start doing things in the Jiangnan area. You can't move people on a large scale now, wait for Wei Xiting Let's ... wait for Wei Xiting to clear things up in Chang'an City, and I will let him go to Jiangnan. He is responsible for messing up the situation, and you are responsible for cleaning up the situation. "

"It's hard for Wei Xiting."

Dugu Wenxiu said.

Fang Xie smiled: "The two of you are different. You are determined to settle down in Anbang, and his mind is left in history. This kind of thing is handed to him more beautifully than you do. His heart is hard enough to kill, No matter how he catches people, he can go down. Jiangnan will not die less. Once Wei Xiting agitates the people, no one can stop him. "

When the topic came to this end, Dugu Wenxiu had to raise his own concerns: "Chen Jue ... if the scale is too large, it will have a huge impact on the state."

"I know."

Fang Xie nodded: "Once the people start to lose their fear, they will become violent and uncontrollable. I can't remove all the resistance, but the people can. I need this power ... I worry about everything you worry about With that in mind, I have drawn a circle and told Wei Xiting not to go beyond this circle. "

"If it gets out of control ..."

Dugu Wenxiu looked to Fang Jie, and he stopped talking.

"It won't hurt you."

Fang Xie said, "I'm not confused."



"Now it's really up to nothing."

Wu Yidao leaned forward slightly and said: "This time, the courtiers will basically change their stubble. It is rumored that you are so angry that you can't stop anyone from killing some people. So those who have been touched by the interests are afraid to make inferiors for the time being. However, as Wei Xiting's errands get more and more fierce, it is estimated that the rebound will soon come. "

Fang Xiehan gave a glance and glanced at the blue sky outside: "When you came back from Dongjiang, you mentioned this to me. At that time, you were worried that once the liquidation initiative was released from the officials, In the hands of the people, the scale is beyond imagination. And once the wave is formed, no one can control it. "

Wu Yidao groaned a little and nodded: "The minister bluntly said that when the protagonist arrives, he will not be able to control it."

"Let it go."

After taking a sip of tea, Fang Xie said, "If you want to be truly liquidated, you ca n’t rely on the officials. Even the officials I appoint, it does n’t work because the officials do n’t have the courage to touch the root. But the people are different. Most of them People do not know how powerful they are. For example, there are 100,000 people in a county, and dozens of them are the ones they hate most. If these dozens of people let officials move, the officials will not dare to fear the place. Unstable. But the people have nothing to dare, to say something not very pleasant ... because they are ignorant. "

"I don't mean ignorance in terms of learning, but ignorance in the war between such classes. They didn't even think of what they were going to overturn in the early days, they just let out their hearts. Resentment and dissatisfaction. Once the wave is formed, the worrying situation will appear. Because once the wave is formed, the first people will become leaders. So-called opinion leaders ... These people come from grassroots civilians, and they become people by the wave. People are there, so they become arrogant. "

"I don't need these leaders because there can only be one leader."

Fang Jie pointed to himself: "I"

"But ... once these people have become opinion leaders, it will not be easy to remove them."

Wu Yi said worriedly.

Fang Xie shook his head with a smile: "It's easy to do, because I never thought about being a generous person. Remember how Wei Xiting told me at the beginning? He said, if I want to do this thing thoroughly, then You can only be a tyrant. That's right ... I don't need to think about anything, I just do what I think. This is a tyrant. "

Wu Yi silent for a while, feeling a bit cold.

What Fangjie has to do is a cruel thing.

He wants to mobilize the people and rely on the people to overthrow those great families. Only in this way will the power of the family be weakened indefinitely. If the Black Flag Army were to do this, the resistance encountered would be great. The strength of the Black Flag Army has not been seen to be unscathed in this war. However, the most powerful element in this world is the power of the people. When the people were launched, what were they afraid of?

They will become crazy, completely crazy.

In a certain period of time, they will uncontrollably smash and overthrow everything they think oppresses themselves.

This idea is crazy.

Wu Yidao couldn't imagine how Fang Jie thought of such a decisive way at first. Dugu Wenxiu's worry is right, everyone who knows it has the same worry. They worry that when this wave reaches a certain intensity, it will sweep towards the Black Flag.

Those people who have lost their mind no longer think about who has done what. Those generals who once protected them with great achievements will become the targets of their shock.

So Fang explained, "I don't need the so-called people leader."

"One appears, kill one."

So ruthless.

Fang Jie stood at the window and looked at the vast world outside: "I need the power of the people, because only this power is invincible. Only this power can remove all obstacles, and I now let this power out, Let him wreak havoc ... but I don't want to see an unordered world, this order is me. "

"How can we curb those leaders who are bound to emerge?"

Wu Yi frowned: "This kind of leader cannot stop them from appearing at all."

"So I first create a leader for them."

Fang explained.

Wu Yidao suddenly responded: "Weixiting?"

Fang Jie nodded: "I want Wei Xiting to be a hero in the minds of the people and make them feel that Wei Xiting can take them against all injustices. But this is not enough. I need a behemoth to always control the direction. Some people deviate slightly Will be removed ~ ~ Snap riding school? "

Wu Yidao asked again.

Fang Xie nodded again.

"Five years."

He said after a moment of silence: "I set this time to five years, and I will stop after five years."

"What if ... the minister said ... in case it can't be terminated?"

Fang Xie smiled: "You are wrong, you ignore a characteristic of the people. That is blind obedience ... It is like a flock of sheep. The sheep behind them all follow their heads and follow them. .They don't even think about the way, right, how to go. "

Wu Yidao nodded: "So, Wei Xiting should pay close attention."

"Do not"

Fang Xie laughed: "You are wrong again, Wei Xiting is not the head sheep ... I am."

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