Conquer the World

Chapter 1232: Reasoning about the Northwest

Chapter 1232 Reasoning About Northwest China

No matter how beautiful the road is, it will seem a little boring after a long time. After passing through Yishui, everyone's leisure is obviously weakened a lot, of course, and has nothing to do with the desolation in the northwest. The slowest recovery of the war was in the northwest, which was a bitter cold place. After the war, the number of people in the northwest decreased by almost 80%.

Walking on this desolate ground, sometimes I go out dozens of miles or hundreds of miles, and I don't see a person.

The climate here has also been much warmer, although it is not as good as the Central Plains Jiangnan, but it is a rare good scene in the Northwest for a year. Running along the dusty official carriage, I can see small crops occasionally Stubbornly growing. It's like the heart, as long as there is hope, it will continue.

Fang Xie traveled all the way, thinking about how to improve the lives of the people in the Northwest.

Then Fang Xie suddenly thought of something.

This place is far more desolate than the Central Plains. Even if the weather is good, the crops may not grow well. He stopped the carriage, squatted on the ground and dug some soil with his hands to take a closer look. It was hard to see by naked eyes. But Fang Jie had an idea in his mind that emerged abruptly and naturally, something he had never considered before.

"What are you thinking?"

Xiang Qingniu squatted beside him and asked.

"I wonder why this Northwest is so tired."

"War ravages."

Xiang Qingniu gave a very casual answer.

But this ordinary answer made Fang Jie's mind suddenly bright. The idea that just came out suddenly seems to have been confirmed.

"I think I can probably guess some."

Xiang Qingniu said: "Don't sell off, hurry up."

Fang Xie returned to the carriage. In the northwest where water resources are extremely scarce, they also began to calculate. Even if they are overhaulers, water is still indispensable. After passing Yishui, I walked according to the map of Dasui, picking up the most water route, but even so, the number of peeing every day has been reduced a lot.

"You know, Mr. Jiu of the Moon Shadow Hall relied on this thing to make waves."

Fang Xie took the thing that could lead people through the void and said, "This thing is a product of a long time ago when the last civilization died. According to the normal development trajectory, people reappear after the death. It is a very long time. The process will take tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years. This is a terrible number, scary enough to make everything left over from the previous civilization to ashes. "

Although Xiang Qingniu didn't understand Fang Jie's words well, he still barely understood: "I know, it's like an ancient tomb. After a long time, open it and see that there is only a pile of bone meal left in it."

Fang Jie said, "However, this thing is not only well-preserved, but also usable. This shows that it has not been a long time since humanity re-ruled the world after the last civilization, at least 10,000 years ago. So long. In other words, maybe humans were not extinct at that time, but very few people survived. "

"These people are most likely those backward peoples living in the most remote places."

Fang Jie said: "The war may not have affected these places, and the terrible weapons that can destroy the world have not killed everyone. But it has destroyed the process of civilization, and even those who survive have to face a deserted world. . Therefore, they can only develop from scratch. And these backward nations are themselves underdeveloped, and after a few generations, they have no choice but to return to the survival mode explored by humans. "

Xiang Qingniu thought about it, and said very seriously, "Can you say the plain point?"

Fang Xie smiled and continued: "The people who have survived have spent thousands of years, maybe three thousand years or five thousand years, and let human beings gradually develop from the most primitive state of life to this state of life today."

"What does this have to do with northwestern fatigue?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

Fang Xiedao said: "There is nothing too direct, but it has to do with the environment. This place in the northwest, if it is in an era of extremely advanced civilization, may have only one role ... experimental weapon. This place There may be a lot of institutions with huge experimental weapons to develop horrible things that can destroy the world. So ... "

Xiang Qingniu suddenly understood: "So, once the war starts, this place is the first place where the opposing party strikes."

Fang Jie nodded: "Because of the large number of such facilities here, the enemy will definitely strike first at the place where such terrorist weapons can be fired. Let's call it a weapon base, generally this powerful weapon. It was developed in a deserted place. So, at the beginning of the war, the enemy ’s terrorist weapons began to pour into this place. "

Xiang Qingniu said: "Then the environment has changed even worse?"

Fang Jie nodded: "Almost that is the meaning, but all that powerful weapon is not a simple explosion, but a way to destroy the ecological environment. Here is already very desolate, plus a lot of that This kind of weapon exploded here, so that the Northwest might be a place where grass and grass could not grow for a long time. "

"After hundreds of years and thousands of years, the impact on this place has gradually diminished. However, it is obviously impossible to become a fertile ground."

This is the summary of the solution.

"very scary!"

Xiang Qingniu sighed: "It feels terrible to think about it ... that is a very different way of development nowadays. People now want to become a respected practitioner. They can change as long as they become practitioners. Your own life. But the people of that era were a group of ordinary people who dominated the world. It is just that ordinary people have more weapons in this hand than those of any major practitioner who can strike with all their horrors. They can even reach A precise attack of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of miles. "

"too terrifying."

Xiang Qingniu shivered: "If it is still the way of development, maybe the enemy has thrown a weapon of that kind tens of thousands of miles away from us, and we will die so unclearly."

"People are really weird."

Fang Xie said with emotion: "To develop in that way, human beings have developed weapons that can change nature to resist nature and even destroy great freedom. But after the way of development has been changed, people can actually rely on studying their own potential. Another booming development ... practice. "

Xiang Qingniu said: "If you say so, people are indeed the best."

Fang Jie smiled: "Perhaps, there are other potentials in the human body that have not been exploited."



The official roads in the northwest were originally built in accordance with the standards of the Da Sui. However, many years of wars have become potholes because of no people. Without the maintenance of local government agencies, roads that are strong and sturdy will be gradually destroyed by the gale in the northwest.

The carriage began to move and began to become less stable.

Xiang Qingniu rubbed his **** and complained: "In fact, this kind of place can be completely abandoned. At that time, in order to keep this buffer zone, Da Sui spent a lot of money and food every year. But even so, the people in the northwest are definitely living in harmony Since there is no copper coin in the four words, I want to say that no one has the obligation to be a victim of national interest here. Will you consider completely abolishing this place after you become emperor in the future? "

Fang Xie nodded: "It is really no longer necessary for immigrants to spend money to support the people. Instead of using all the money and food here, it is better to use it elsewhere. When I look back, I let Song regret it. Organize the people in the northwest to withdraw to the east of Yishui. After the war, the number of people lost greatly. Even in Jiangnan, which was not affected by the war, the population decreased. So the people in the northwest were integrated into Yishui. Edom, it's not a problem. "


Wu Yidao said: "This involves the problem of the national gate. At the beginning, Fan Gu was set up as a border city and sent 800 troops to guard it. Fan Gu is the national gate ... If everyone in the northwest is withdrawn, then the national gate becomes Yishui is on the front line. For the territory of the empire, it actually shrank a large part. "

"No one wants this place."

Fang Jie thought for a while and said, "This place in the northwest is just a symbol. It ’s enough to turn the garrison in rotation, and the people do not have to stay. However, this garrison is garrisoned, the supply line is too long, and the huge amount of materials consumed is also a let People can't stand the numbers. "

Wu Yidao said after a while of silence: "It's better to let the North Barbarian come over."

He pointed to the north and said, "Although most of the barbarians have migrated to the grasslands and grabbed territory with the Mengyuan people. However, there are many barbarians who are not used to the life of the grasslands. After the founding of the country, these barbarians must be subdued. They call the court, and let the barbarians' team exist according to our team system. Maybe give them some benefits ~ ~ will give them the northwest. "

Fang Xie didn't say anything.

Although this place in the northwest is exhausted, it is also a place to raise trouble.

"Let's talk about these things later ... Let's talk about Fan Gucheng first."

Fang Xiedao said: "I now suspect that the underground palace below Fan Gucheng is one of the weapon bases of the kind mentioned before. Because it is buried underground, it is protected from damage. And for some reason, this place is closed. So much so that it can still be used. The more curious I am, the better things are underneath. "

"I am also curious."

Xiang Qingniu was eager to try: "You said it is possible, and found a closed box, you open it and look, I rely on ... is a beautiful woman who lived thousands of years ago."

Fang Xie nodded: "Then I will let you in a lot of babies ... Iron guy, it must be very cold."

Xiang Qingniu thought about it and shivered: "Forget it, I'll pinch me again!"

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