Conquer the World

Chapter 642: This is really not a joke

The monthly ticket lottery changes, regardless of the number of one, two, and three. Each person who draws ten thousand coins. Maps. For Liu Dashen, who used my screen name. Contact me as soon as possible and leave the address. I will do it as soon as possible. Put ten thousand coins on your account. This month's lottery draw was not made by myself, but rather I let my daughter draw randomly among all those who voted. I wrote down all the votes last month, so it should be fair for my daughter to choose this.

Ask for a monthly pass! If this month is still in the top ten of the monthly ticket list, the monthly ticket lottery will increase by one place, four people each with 10,000 coins!

Chapter 642 This is really not a joke

The Qiang people have lived with the Shang people for hundreds of years, and their status is slightly higher than that of ordinary Han people. However, because of their wild origins, they have no etiquette, so they learned a lot of Han people with only a brain, just to advertise their national culture. It's not bad to change the Chinese etiquette.

Like drinking tea

In fact, the earliest people did not have the habit of drinking tea. After living with the Han people, they thought that drinking tea was a very elegant thing, especially the process of making tea, which was pleasing to the eye. But they didn't want people to say that they would just copy it, so they created some movements in the way that the Hans cook tea.

So Fang Jie looked in front of the small animal waist skirt wearing white flowers and a small waist, and two white-legged Dai girls made tea with a very strange action, he always felt watching. It's a striptease show. The girl who twists her waist like a water snake the next second will take off the animal skin skirt that could not cover her body. I have to say that the girl's good figure is memorable. Sitting cross-legged, the waist and hips are more fat.

The Han women make tea, which is a kind of graceful gracefulness.

The sultry girl making tea is a kind of primitive charm. If the fixation is not very good, maybe just looking at her twisting her body like this will have a stronger and larger response.

"General Fang, do you think it is beautiful for my tribe girl to make tea?"

Tu Hunduo's eyes that don't see the solution have been floating on the girl, and could not help but smile: "Maybe you make tea with your Chinese, is it slightly different?"

Fang Xie leaned on a wide chair, leaning, leaning with his hand on his jaw, looking a bit lazy. Don't ever see Luo Yao in Tuhundo, he will never forget Luo Yao's upright sitting posture. Luo Yao sat there, as if a mountain was standing in front of him.

The solution looks casual, but Tuhunduo don't dare to think that this young man is weak. Ever since Fang Xie walked into the big account, Tuhunduobei always had the illusion that he was being spotted by the beasts of famine, and his neck was cold for a while. For so many years he has said nothing to the Dai people, only when others are afraid of him, but when he is not afraid of others, but now, this young Han man brings him an unprecedented threat.

Although Luo Yao was under great pressure, he knew that Luo Yao would not easily kill himself. Because he is the highest-ranking chieftain of the Qiang nationality, Luo Yao will not fight him even if he cracks down on the Qiang people. Moreover, Luo Yao also needs him to help find wizards who resort to the sky.

The solution is different, although he behaves casually and lazily, but Tutu don't feel it clearly. The person with the solution is bloody.

"Everything is different"

Fang Jie answered with a smile, his eyes still floating on the young girl's pretty waist.

"If General Fang likes it, this girl is yours tonight."

Tuhundo stopped pointing at the girl who made the tea.

The tea-cooking girl froze a little when she heard this, then subconsciously looked at Fang Jie and then blushed. Taunting women are more open and do not have as many taboos and rules about Han men and women. When they meet a man they admire, they tend to pursue it, but they are not as meticulous as Han women.

Because during the Great Sui Battle of Shang Dynasty, there were too many Qiang men killed, so that the number of Qiang women was far more than men. In order to seek a wishful king, dozens of girls surrounded and pursued It is not unusual for a strong young man. Later, a big shaman of the Dai nationality suggested that on the 9th day of March every year, after the thirteen-year-old girl could bathe by the river, and the men also entered the river and mated freely.

This day of the year seems to be the grandest festival of the Tatar people. A woman over thirteen will get up early to dress up, put on her most beautiful clothes to the river, and wait for the men to arrive. Then they would bathe in the river one after another. If a man fancy them, they would embrace each other.

Only decades later, this has become a tradition.

Although this girl seems to be seven-points mature, in fact, she is only 13 or 14 years old, and the woman beside the king of the king, but will not go down the river. When she saw Fang Jie's handsome face, she also had a lazy temperament, and she felt satisfied. She thought that she would be taken away by this man later.

"Do not"

Fang Xie shook her head with a smile: "I just think she's twirling like tea, isn't she tired?"

Tuhundu don't take a look, then laughed: "General Fang is really courageous, none of those in my clan are in front of me, and none of them laugh and laugh like General Fang. None of the guys in Yongzhou City Dare to walk into my camp with only two followers. "

"Where is Luo Yao?"

Fang Xie asked.

Tuhunduo's other face changed slightly, then he smiled and said, "I'm not as comfortable as you are in front of Luo Yao."

When he said that, he was not pretentious.

Fang Xie nodded and said seriously, "I once drew a knife in front of Luo Yao to kill someone."

Tuhundu don't hold on tightly: "Really?"

Fang Xie laughed, but stopped talking.

Don't be silent for a while, Tuhunduo said a little awkwardly: "Let's talk about the business ... since General Fang wants to talk to me, there must be a lot to say."

"Really not many"

Fang Jie smiled and said gently: "Just eight words"

Do n’t ask, "What eight words?"

"Retire, call slaves, and pay for death."

Fang Jie answered.

Tuhunduo's eyes flashed coldly, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. Fang Xie's answer was beyond his expectation, and he didn't even think of it at all. He thought that the solution was to seek peace, and he was willing to pay a certain price in exchange for the peace in Yongzhou. Tuhunduobe is willing to talk to Fang because he knows Yongzhou is not easy to fight. Although his men are known as the Million Army, he knows how much water the Million Army has.

Especially the Qiang people are not good at siege, Yongzhou is too tall and strong.

"General Fang is joking?"

He asked coldly.

"Does the king feel ridiculous?"

Fang Xie asked.


Tuhunduo nodded his head very seriously: "It's as if you Sui people hit the city of Yongzhou under the capital of Shang State in one breath, and when they were just one step away from the city, the emperor of Shang State sent someone to You Sui people talk. The Sui people thought that the messenger of the Shang country came to seek peace, but who thought of the messenger of the Shang country told the Sui people, you retreat and call slaves ... Isn't it ridiculous? "

Fang Xie slightly leaned forward and said, "You may not have figured out something yet ... you are not Sui, I am."

Don't sneer at Tuhundo: "General Fang just came to show me how courageous you are."

"Do not"

Fang Xie waved his hand: "I'm not here to discuss something with you, but to tell you what to do. You can't agree ... that's your right."



The conversation was deadlocked at the beginning of the conversation. Fang Jie spoke in a very unreasonable way, but here is clearly Tuhun's many other sites. For a time, the little toasts who were under the control of Tuhunduo looked at each other, and no one knew what the arrogant guy looked like.

"Who is this person?"

Someone lowered his voice and asked, "Why is he so arrogant? Does he think that he can tell my million Dong army with a single mouth? Luo Yao won't have such a big tone! This person really doesn't know the sky is thick! "

Another sneered: "The Han people are all arrogant, with a sharp mouth and a self-righteousness in their own words. I want to hear what he will say next."

"If it were me, where would he be given a chance to slap him? People had been **** and thrown out to feed those beasts, and there was no bone residue left. Such a person is clearly a fool, not a fool but also a lunatic! "

"It's just a joke to pass it out, and you dare to threaten the king when you enter this big account alone!"

"Hey, I don't know if it's really courageous or stupid!"

A group of people were talking underground. Do n’t listen to the corner of your mouth and pick up: "General Fang, I know that you are a rare general in the Sui Dynasty, and you have led the army at a young age. Maybe it is I am proud because of my young age, so I feel a little bit flamboyant ... I am older than you, but I still want to persuade you to be a good person. The most important thing is to know the current affairs. There is one thing that you may not understand, you have the courage to Your companion may not be there. For example, people in Yongzhou City are afraid that you will die for me and no one will cry for you? "

Fang Jie smiled and shook his head: "You really don't know the Sui people."

He pointed out: "You can send someone to go a few miles north of Daying to see if there is an army waiting there. Although Lord Luo, the Governor of Pingshang Road is a literati, there is no lack of courage. We Han Chinese There may be some disagreement, but when outsiders come, we will forget all hatred and unanimity. "

"Come here!"

Don't tell Tuhundo: "Send someone to explore! General Fang, I should better understand Luo Qiu than you. If he is willing to lead troops out of the city to save you ... unless the sun rises from the west!"

"Change it."

Fang Jiedan said indifferently: "If Lord Luo Qiu really comes, how about you eat a shit? I can give you the right to choose, I know you have a beast camp, all kinds of strange beasts, what is it like? There is no shortage of shit. "

"The solution!"

Tuhundo don't stand up sharply: "Are you forcing me to kill you now?"

Fang Xie sighed slightly: "You just said that the most expensive person has self-knowledge. But the most failing part of you is the self-knowledge ... but I admire you a little. Although you came from a wild place, you know you have to learn The strengths of the enemy. For example, you like to read Chinese soldiers 'books, you like to learn Chinese soldiers' art of warfare, and even imitate the Chinese in every move, hoping that you can look noble and elegant ... "

"You know a lot."

Don't sneer at Tuhundo: "But it's no secret."

The temperature of the interpreter said, "I may have had a few cups of tea in the night before, and I could n’t sleep for a while, and I wanted to take a walk. I accidentally walked out of the city and walked into your camp. Here, I just heard you ask a Nanyan man how to explain the truth in the art of war, but the Nanyan man was an unlearned at first glance, in order not to let him mistake you, I left a note on your desk ... ... "

Tuhunduo's face changed suddenly: "That day is you!"

Fang Xie said: "I like people who are easy to learn, this is how I myself ..."

Tuhunduo's other minds are like turning over the river. He originally thought that the night's incident was that Mr. Zhao had been bought by the Hans, so it was a mystery, but Fang Jie told the incident exactly today. How could he not be surprised?

"No wonder you dare to bring only two followers."

Don't be silent for a while, Tuhundo said, "General Fang is still a major practitioner."

"This doesn't matter."

Fang Xie waved his hand: "The topic is a bit far away. You didn't say anything to me. Thank you and I don't mind, but what we are going to say today is the retreat of the soldiers and slavery ... if you are not sure, you can put Your ally please come out from behind the screen. He should be tired after sticking his ears for so long. "

After this sentence, the shock of Tuhunduo's heart has reached the point where it cannot be added!

"The genius who met in the 100th century of Da Sui ~ ~ It really deserves its reputation!"

Behind the screen, someone clapped his hands and came out: "I heard the name of the other general in Nanyan, and I realized that the rumors were true at first sight."

This man is about thirty years old, and he doesn't need to be white-faced. He seems to have a little book gas in his body.

"Murong Yongduo?"

Fang Xie asked.

The man nodded: "Exactly"

Fang Jie whispered and looked at him seriously asking: "I'll let you give you a word, have you received it?"

Murong Yongduo's eyes flickered, and then he laughed: "General Fang's character is straightforward and brave, admirable ... you let me bring back a message from the defeated soldiers, let me take thirty thousand Nanyan elite Atonement for suicide ... haha ​​... don't you think it's ridiculous? "


Fang Jie couldn't help laughing, "This is really not a joke."

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