Conquer the World

Chapter 710: I wo n’t give it to you!

Chapter 710 I'm Not Strangling For You!

If Yang Jian's words were to be described in one word, it would be to relieve hate. This thrill came only after the revenge, and now he was completely on his face. It is difficult to imagine that such a person with great achievements and a person who created a great empire should have a broader mind than ordinary people. But in fact, at this time, he is more like a demon who just killed the fairy, so proud.

Hearing that he had whipped 500 corpses after transporting the body of Wan Xingchen, the old dean, back from Jiangnan, everyone in the field had a feeling of vomiting. I don't know if it was the disgusting fantasy scene or the person who disgustedly stood in front of himself. This, they worship the Emperor Taizu who has been in awe of nearly two hundred years.

At this time, little emperor Yang Chengqian had no fear on his face, and even the hatred became very pale, and some just despised the Da Sui founder.

His hand and Yang Qinyan's hand were tightly clasped together. The younger brother and the younger brother may never have passed each other like they do today. Although this was not the first time, they felt warmth in each other's palms.

Perhaps it was the disdain of the siblings' two faces that made the great Sui Taizu Yang Jian's pleasure quickly disappear. Instead, there is anger.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Yang Jian asked with a somber face.

The little emperor sneered, "Don't you still expect me to cheer for you?"


Yang Jian looked at the little emperor's eyes and said, "You claim to be in front of me, you don't have that qualification. I allowed you to do this before because you are the orthodox emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty. But don't forget, I will always be big The founding emperor of Sui, I can give you the seat of Emperor Sui, or I can easily take it back. "

"If Da Sui is like this ..."

The little emperor smiled: "Why can't he be the emperor."

He felt the hand holding his hand tight, so the warmth in his palm was a little bit more real.

He looked at the emperor Taizu in front of him. His eyes had long lost the admiration and admiration when he looked at the portrait of Emperor Taizu in his childhood.

"You think you are Da Sui, and Da Sui is you, so whatever you do is not selfish, so you are not wrong."

The emperor said gently: "You made this toy yourself, and you can play it as you please. But please don't speak in the tone of our ancestors, because you don't regard us as your descendants. You think Da Sui is you, but in my eyes, Da Sui is a member of tens of thousands of people who live and work in peace. The emperor, the father of this family, has the greatest rights and the highest status. "

"The emperor came to decide how this family should develop. He led the family to a better life. Therefore, the father was embraced. However, when the father felt that the people in the family were his toys, he could casually kill them. Dispose whatever you want, because he is the parent. He has such rights ... So, how long do you think this family will last? Now it is those big family members who want to overthrow Da Sui because they are driven by interests. But I But I saw that if you let the family continue to persecute this family, it will be the people in the world who raise the flag! If you lose the hearts of the people, what can you do if you are the strongest person in the world? "

Yang Jian couldn't help but sneer: "What do you know is popular?"

He took a step forward and stood on the edge of the high platform and looked down at the little emperor: "The people's mind is just a weapon possessed by the strong. After I defeat all the enemies on the battlefield, I only need to issue a few nourishrs. The decree, then the people's hearts are still attached to the flying flag of Da Sui. "

The little emperor was silent, then shook his head: "Maybe you are right, but one thing the father emperor told me a long time ago, people who want to play with the people can only play to death in the end."

Yang Jian snorted: "Everything Yang Yi did was wrong."

The little emperor held his jaw high: "But he is taller than you, cleaner than you, purer than you, and more like an emperor than you. He is ill and sick, but he has the courage. He never felt death worthwhile. Fear, and you ... compared to him, you are just a coward. "

"Want to anger me and let me kill you?"

Yang Jian said coldly: "No, you are still the emperor of Da Sui. I also need someone to sit on the emperor of Da Sui. People in the world will not believe that the resurrection of Tai Sui ancestor, so you will not Death. I have all of you today to prove your identity, not to sit on the dragon chair again, but to tell you, Da Sui, now I will guard you again. "

"Protect your Da Sui!"

The little emperor said loudly, "That is your property, we are not. You are strong, you can control everything, but there is something you cannot control ..."

The little emperor put his other hand out of the wide robe sleeve, and there was a drop of blood in his palm.

He smiled at Yang Qinyan side by side, very gentle and gentle: "It was not as difficult as I thought ..."

With a click, a small box fell from his cuff. It was a small wooden box with a very delicate workmanship, which should be used by women for putting rings or jewelry. After the box fell to the ground, a small blue nail rolled out of it, making a faint, crisp sound.

"This thing has been hidden in my body since I knew you came out. I asked Dou Shuangfang to prepare the poison, secretly prepared by the Inner Guard, just need to pierce my fingers, and the poison can quickly penetrate into the blood. I ’m going to die in a moment. Just stab it, it ’s easy ... ”

The little emperor smiled so proudly: "I thought that I would never have the courage to stab it like that. That's why I succumb to you and tremble in fear in front of you. Because I'm attached to life ..."

His face began to turn yellow, and his exhalation became quicker. I don't know what the poison is, it happened so quickly. As he spoke, blood began to spill from his nose, ears, and even the corners of his eyes.

"I am nostalgic because this is what the Father Emperor fought for for me. I am afraid of death because I know that this life belongs not only to myself but also to the Father Emperor! But now ... in front of you, I Finally I have the courage to stab it like this ... "

The little emperor held his head high and looked so proud.

Yang Jian's complexion kept changing, and his clenched fist made a clicking noise. The blue tendons on his neck stretched, looking like unsightly earthworms. The tiny posterity before him finally really and completely angered him.

The little emperor shivered and took a step forward, welcoming Yang Jian's ruthless eyes.

He looked at Yang Jian one by one and said, "Don't you ... don't you like me claiming to be in front of you? Do you keep me to drink my blood when it matters most?"

He took a deep breath and shouted out with the loudest voice: "I won't give you death!"




Yang Qinyan looked at the world outside the window and suddenly felt strange. When she was six or seven years old, her father inherited the throne. Since then, she has often come to play in the vaults of Changchun Garden, and she is extremely familiar with it. She even remembered a hive behind a rock on a rock, knowing that the shortest row of trees outside the dome was the third in the horizontal column and the ninth in the column. She still remembers jumping out of the dome's back window after taking a three-step walk, because there is a small puddle there, covered with fallen leaves, and if you forget it, you will step in.

She remembered that Father Emperor Yang Yi liked to sit near the window of the earthen figure, and the tea cup was within reach of his right hand. The left hand side is the pen holder, because Yang Yi is left-handed.

She remembers that in the summer, the emperor always liked to let people grow vegetables outside the window, full of cucumbers and beautiful tomatoes. She once took Yang Chengqian to pick and eat fresh vegetables and fruits in that small vegetable garden, and never washed.

She remembers all of this, but why is it so strange to look outside?

Descendants of the Yang family were imprisoned in Changchun Garden, and the body of the little emperor was carried away by those armored soldiers who could not see the face. She didn't know how her brother's body would be handled, but she knew that her brother had succeeded at least. That demon-like ancestor, never think about drinking his blood again.

Outside the door stood a few ironclad soldiers with their backs to her. Looking at the back of those people, she felt that she was seeing a group of beasts. Coiled in the doorway, ready to pounce in at any moment to tear it up and swallow it.

She saw the Iron Armor soldiers drive thousands of eunuchs and palace ladies into Changchun Park, and then all the Iron Armor soldiers were killed where the little emperor poisoned himself. Then, the Iron Armor soldiers buried their bodies next to the big trees in the Imperial Garden in silence, and the blood on the bluestone was quickly washed away with buckets of water.

She knew why the palace people were killed. The palace people in Taiji Palace were driven to kill in Changchun Garden, and Yang Jian could announce to the outside that the little emperor would stay in Changchun Garden for a long time, and then give him a serious illness Excuse? Yeah ... Father Emperor has a physical illness. Yang Jian told outsiders that the little emperor also has this disease. No one should suspect it, right? It doesn't matter if someone doubts it, because no one in Changan City dares to question Yang Jian.

There will soon be a group of new palace candidates in Taiji Temple. They and they will feel very happy.

The Jinyi Schools that had previously stood outside the vaults eventually died, and none survived. In fact, the moment they dropped their weapon, they were doomed to death. As a Jinyi school, he did not even have the courage to protect the emperor. Yang Jian would never leave them.

Many things happened outside the window, but Yang Qinyan always had a picture in her mind.

The younger brother clenched her hand, as if she was playing with him as a child. Yang Chengqin loved sticking to her since she was a child, she always smirked after her like a fart and asked, "Where is my sister?"

Many times, she will be impatient, but she will still hold her brother's hand. Sometimes she will deliberately take her brother to some more dangerous places, and the born timid brother will be scared and pale, and then hold her hand tighter. At this time, she would be a little proud. When there are outsiders, my brother will naturally pull her hand. She knows that her brother is timid and seeks warmth and shelter from her own palm.

"Do you know if the boy wants to be independent?"

She always teaches her brother this way: "You are the only son of the father and emperor ~ ~ You will be an emperor in the future. How dare you be so courageous, how do you rule the people? When you see such a few people, you will be afraid. You will sit in the future On the dragon chair in Tai Chi Hall, I have to accept the worship of civil and military officials! "

"My courage must be very big in the future!"

My brother always does this, answering her with a small jaw seriously.




Yang Qinyan wiped away the tears on her face and said with a smile, "Your courage is the greatest."

The picture that has been appearing in her mind over and over again, happened not long ago. The brother held her hand and shouted loudly with his jaw raised.

"I won't give it to you!"

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