Conquer the World

Chapter 756: Big time

Chapter 756 The Great Era

Zhu Zhitian left the city wall and went back to the city's main government. He did not instruct what to do. He handed over the guard at the east gate to Yu Xiao, so he would not arbitrarily assign anything. This is a kind of trust from his superiors to his subordinates, even if this trust is not absolute. Zhu Zhitian, who has been in the high post all his life, knows how to be a leader better than most people. He said that he must hand over the defense of Dongcheng to Yu Xiao, and he will not show the slightest suspicion. Smart people know that it is better to suspect such things before they are going to reveal them.

However, some people have become accustomed to giving pointers after having made a small achievement. Anyone who goes to any subordinate department must immediately intervene in the work. Such supervisors only get dissatisfaction from the subordinates. If you put doubts on the bright side again, then it is really not far from falling.

After Yu Zhang and Zhu Zhutian left, they breathed a long sigh of relief, only to find that there was sweat on their backs. The black flag army outside has also retired, since there is no chance to cheat the city gate, there is no need to stay. But this time, the Black Flag's offensive was not on the sword. The black flag general who scolded him was not innocent, he attacked not the city, but the human heart.

He is provoking the relationship between Zhu Zhangtian and Yu Xiao.

Yu Xiao realized this in the first place, so he was acting, but he didn't know whether he had cheated Zhu Zhitian.

That's right, he came to Zhu Zhutian and never planned to die for him. He only used Feng Ping as a springboard to prepare for the future. So he has been carefully hiding his talents and insights, and even pretending to be reckless. For example, just now, he could use his eloquence to scold the black flag general under the city, but he chose to tremble with pretending hands and feet.

He wanted Zhu Zhitian to think he was really angry, but he knew that Zhu Zhitian was not easy to cheat.

Watching the troops leaving the Black Flag Army outside the city, Yu Xiao struck his fist hard and vowed in his heart.

"Fang Jie! I will never allow you to take away what I am about to get, or let you climb over my head again. Feng Ping is mine. In the future, I will fight back to Chang'an for the Yu family. Revenge. No one can break my plan, no one! "



"The general knows the man on the wall?"

Chen Xiaoru asked.

Fang Xie nodded: "You know me too."


Chen Xiaoru froze: "I didn't recognize his subordinates."

"This person is called Yu Xiao."

When Chen Xiaoru heard the name, he quickly remembered: "My subordinates remembered it. It was the son of the former Tianzi Sixth Army Zuo Wuwei General Yu Manlou in Changan City. He was also a romantic figure in Changan City, but this person was in The guards in the Dainei Department and the archives of Dali Temple in the Criminal Department are already dead. It seems that the liquidation in Changan City was not complete. Someone helped him escape, and then he found someone to do it for the dead. "

Fang Xie nodded: "This is not important. This person has the real talents to learn. The important thing is that he will definitely help Zhu Zhutian die and defend the peace. He knows the training of the Da Sui army well, so he knows ours very well. Means of siege. When Fengping was sent to Qingyuan City to help the army in the valley, I felt that this soldier was different from Nanyan ’s army, but I did n’t care about it at the time. It is also a change in the battlefield of the Da Sui Army, but it is only unfamiliar, and the transformation is very rough. It seems that Yu Xiao has been helping Zhu Zhutian to train troops in Feng Ping. "

Wei Xiting, who had already arrived with the brigade, thought about it and said, "The subordinate has also heard the name of this person. His father, Yu Manlou, is known as the top three soldiers in the Sixth Guard of the Great Sui Dynasty. Character, if he got the true biography of Yu Manlou, he would certainly be very accomplished on the leader. "

Fang Jie said, "The main thing is that there is no one of us in Fengping City."

He said in a stunned voice: "At the beginning, there was a shortage of staff, and a group of Xiaoqi schools mixed with refugees had Fu Qingnan intercept the people and stayed in Qingyuan, so they had to say that it was luck to win Qingyuan. Murong Yongduo sent some people to The people who returned were sent back to Dali. Qingyuan did not leave Feng Ping, so our people did not have the opportunity to go in. Most of the Xiaoqiang School should be taken to Dali City. Without internal response, Feng Ping was more difficult than Qing Yuan. hit."

"Grand General"

Chen Xiaoru hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why don't we ignore Feng Ping? From Qingyuan City, you can go south to attack Pei City Jin'an and then go straight to Dali. Feng Ping's fight does not seem to affect the overall situation."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Destroy Nanyan and leave no city. If a city is bypassed because it is difficult to fight, I will eventually let the soldiers treat each battle as a decisive battle, and the morale will gradually dissipate. It ’s not the way to go.

"Subordinates understand"

Chen Xiaoru bowed his head.

"Since you can't get it out of the way, just hit it brightly."

When Fang Jie said this, his tone was raised a little, so that everyone who heard it followed, and then continued to command: "Order the army to camp ten miles away from the east gate of Fengping and wait for the subsequent siege equipment. The speed of the heavy battalion is slower, Let Xiahou's cavalry guard it, don't be surprised. "

"Chen Xiaoru, you follow me."

Fang Jie gave a command and walked to one side. Chen Xiaoru knew that Fang Xie had something to tell himself, and quickly speeded up.

"You pick the best skills in the Xiaoqiang School to follow you, and immediately go back to Qingyuan City, choose some precious jewels and play bands from the library of Qingyuan City, don't hesitate, bring more, and rush to Pei immediately city."

"Go to Peicheng?"

Chen Xiaoru was puzzled: "The general made it clear what to do in Peicheng?"

Fang Xie whispered a few words in his ear, and Chen Xiaoru's eyes flashed at once: "This is a wonderful plan for the general!"

Fang Xie smiled and said, "There is no level of flattering, but Yin Yin still doesn't give you a boost ... You should act with care and care. I can only rest assured that this is left to you. Only the matter of identity is not easy to solve. Think about it yourself. You have to do this as well as quickly, so you have to choose the right people to start with, and the sooner you can do it, the better. "

"Subordinates understand!"

Chen Xiaoru nodded his head: "Subordinates will go and pick people back to Qingyuan."

Fang Jiemu said a few words from a dear friend, and asked him to bring his own token to rush back to Suzaku Mountain Camp of Huangyang Road.



Enclosed the third day

Dugu Wenxiu, who came from Huangyang Road, finally caught up with the team. He didn't care about changing clothes, and the wind and dust went into the big account of the solution.

"Lord, please be late, please ask him to punish him."

As soon as he entered the door, a great gift was given, and Fang Jie hurried to help him up. He called the protagonist instead of the general, which meant a lot of meaning. I don't know if Fang Jie didn't hear it clearly or didn't pay attention to this detail, but later the people of Heiqijun changed the name of the other party to these two words. There is no doubt that although the change in appellation is not unusual on the surface, everyone knows that when the appellation changes, its status changes.

San Jinhou Wu Yidao once said afterwards that the wisdom of Dugu Wenxiu lies in that he knows when to do something, and he does it naturally. Although Fang Xie's current status is still the general of the Black Sui Army, he has the title of the Great Sui Dynasty. But in fact, he has long been a prince.

In this way, Dugu Wenxiu highlights the position of Fang Jie, showing the cleverness.

"I'm tired of you, how can I blame it? Huangyang Road has just sent you over to Xinyang just after it ended, and I didn't allow you to rest for a few days. Are you exhausted on the way?"

Fang Xie let Dugu Wenxiu sit down and talk.

Dugu Wenxiu sat down and said, "The subordinates didn't feel tired, but they were afraid that they were too late to delay the main event."

Fang Xie said, "First talk about the situation over Huang Yangdao."

Dugu Wenxiu said: "Subordinates and General Cui began to prepare after receiving the secret letter from the principal. General Cui was injured and returned to the Suzaku Mountain Camp. His subordinates and General Chen succeeded General Cui and led the army to attack Xinyang. It broke the city in five days. In fact, The people in Xinyang City have already been frightened, and Luo Tu cannot reach the soldiers. Everyone in Xinyang City will not know how long it will last. After breaking the city, Tian Xin was beheaded, and all the Xinyang garrisons were separated and reorganized into the army. This time, The troops and men brought by them were more than 10,000 of them. They are now the Xinyang garrison. Now Chen Qianshan guards Xinyang and guards against Luo Tu's men. "

Fang Jie nodded, without interruption.

Dugu Wenxiu continued: "General Cui returned to Suzakushan, everything is in the plan of the protagonist. Now things in the camp should be almost the same, waiting for the protagonist's order."

Fang Xie nodded: "This matter can only be watched first, after all, it is good to prevent problems before they happen. You are doing very well, I am not in Huangyang Road, all depend on you."

"The prince is assured that since there are precautions in the big camp, there will be no big mistakes."

"I can trust you."

Fang Jie nodded.

Dugu Wenxiu said: "Just ..."

He hesitated, looked at Fang Jie's face, and lowered his voice, saying, "My subordinates were really shocked when they received the secret letter from the principal. If it was not for the principal's reminder, his subordinates really didn't care about it. After receiving the secret letter , The subordinates began to send people to investigate secretly, and the more they became more shocked ... However, it now seems that the other party has no direct goal, just preparing. But this preparation is even more disturbing. "

Fang Xie shook his head: "I asked you to investigate and arrange for you to work. Why isn't there a contradiction in your heart? But this matter is too big, it has to do with the future of the Black Flag Army, and I have to be careful."


Dugu Wenxiu took an envelope from his arms and sealed it with fire paint: "This is something that my subordinates and the Xiaoqi School team cooperated to investigate ~ ~ The subordinates are here after all. I dare not give it to others, I can only present it to the principal. "

Fang Jie took the envelope, but did not open it immediately.

"Hidden jade is okay?"

He asked suddenly.

"Fortunately, I'm still in the Suzaku Mountain Camp, but I don't see smiles every day. My subordinates were thinking about this time when they went south to invite her to come with them, but they can think about it. If the subordinates are here, they will She brought it, and it was not easy to confuse it. After all, it was extremely dangerous on the battlefield. In case of any mistake, it would be difficult to blame the subordinates. "

"Let her stay on the mountain."

Fang Xie's tone was a little stunned: "You go back to rest first, and come to the big account tomorrow morning. I have a plan for Feng Ping. Tomorrow, you can look at what is wrong. I want to win Nan Yan as soon as possible, and then I will take the southwest The roads are cleaned up ... a big time has come, very soon, very fiercely. "

He didn't know. On the distant Yangtze River, a man named Luo Tu said the same thing. The big age has come.

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