
Chapter 97: [Come here! 】

Chapter 97 【Here comes a seed! 】

After listening to the conversation between these two adventurers, Charya's eyes lighted up, and he immediately guessed seven or eight points, but he didn't say much on his mouth, and drank a few more drinks before he put down the glass. (Pm)

A group of cavalry woke up in the tavern before they dispersed. Dodoro, Soyt, and other concubines also triumphantly returned. It is said that the magician beat all the local gangsters who had robbed him to the ground, and threw the clothes to the wall.

Finally, the sorrowful magician's heart was at ease, and even when he washed the feet in the evening, he moved a little faster than usual.

There was no speech that night, and the cavalrymen temporarily stayed in the defensive camp in the city. The next morning, after Charlie got up, he wandered around the town for a long time. It was only at noon that he went to the garrison to start Bonfret. But at the gate of Shoufu Mansion, I asked someone to go in. Xia waited for a while before someone answered, saying that Lord Sir Bonfret drank a lot of alcohol last night, did not wake up, did not get up, and let Xia wait. With.

Xia Ya turned over and wanted to break in directly, but she always thought about it. Anyway, the mission of this trip gave ample time to the Seal of God. Since this little white face didn't want to hurry, it was just for the brothers to be in Wildfire Town. Have a rest day. After all, it was the task that was on the body, or to hold on to the temper, and let the messenger at the door go in to ask if Bonfredt meant to rest today today, before leaving for tomorrow.

In fact, in the garrison house, Bonfrey had risen long ago, and when he came to the garrison house, he was sitting in the hall drinking wine accompanied by the guard general of the wildfire town.

Although this hall is too large, it can also accommodate dozens of people to drink, and the middle of a brazier is filled with fine white charcoal, even if the flame is flourishing without a trace of smoke. An iron frame on a brazier, a lamb that has been roasted and crispy and fragrant on a hook, two women wearing a thin robe with a bit of wind and dust on their faces holding a machete, cutting the lamb piece by piece into the hands of a plate Bring it to Bonfret.

Bonfret sat in the middle, with dried fruit and some dishes on the case in front of him, and a jug of wine. At this moment, the handsome jazz has completely returned to his former style, and his face is no longer the kind of panic-like quail on the battlefield as before, but he has set the shelf high, squinting and staring at the sitting below. The garrison general in town and several intermediate officers.

Seeing the soup and wine dripping on the cases in front of these military men, Bonfret frowned as he hugged the wine glasses one by one.

Too crude. It's so mean ... this **** country place. These guys have almost no education or etiquette.

And the women around ... Every man in the house is leaning on a woman who is greasy. But these women are obviously all those who forcibly collected the dust from the Zhifen Street in Yehuo Town, although the guard generals tried to please Bonfret. One of the youngest and most beautifully arranged next to Bonfrede was an empire born in the Empire. Where can you see the prostitutes from such a low-level Fengyue place?

Once in the capital. Although he did not visit Fengyue. But those are the top-level golden caves where a lot of money is gathered. Where is the girl inside? This vulgar powder around you can be compared?

Bonfret drank a bit of depression. But my heart finally settled down.

No matter how the defending generals deliberately settled to please. Let him retrieve some self-esteem to drink and drink here. There are girls around to wait carefully ... er, ten thousand times better than being bullied by that **** in the 13th Corps!

Think of it here. Bonfret took a bitter sip.

With this in mind, when someone outside came in to report, saying that Charya was outside the gate of the Defense House, Bonfret screamed angrily, and then said fiercely that he was not up. Where is he willing to face Charlie at this moment?

Xia Ya waited for a while at the door, her heart was very boring, and she grew agitated, thinking that I was ordered to protect you. If I was too slack, I would be embarrassed in my heart, so I came to ask you a question, what you sell The tail lifted. That's it! Anyway, this little white face is also safe in the garrison house, so I don't need to worry about his safety. Since this old boy is unwilling to leave, uncle Ben should not waste time here waiting for the Seal of the Seal of God, just go and have fun yourself!

After thinking about this section, Xia Haha smiled and left with a raised chest. There was a zigzag road in front of the gate of Fubei. The street was originally wide enough, but because half of it was occupied by Fubei, there were not many businesses on the street. Even if there are several of them, they have been temporarily occupied by the guards in the garrison government.

Charlie walked a few steps and saw a carriage head-on. A large cart full of dry wood and charcoal was pulled on the cart. The horse with the black fur on the cart was at the moment a good cavalry. Quite a bit appreciative, just looking at the horse, I couldn't help but knock a few more.

This one is covered with mud and dirt, but still can see that the skeleton is extremely handsome. Although the pearl was dusted by the owner to pull the cart and accompanied the steed, but the horse walked with great strides between the walks. The shape of the upper body is extremely shapely, majestic and strong ...

At the first glance, Charya was in a state of enthusiasm, but such a good war horse was actually brought to pull a car?

He was a little tempted at the moment, and he also had a lot of gold coins in his arms. Why not buy it from the owner ...

But think about it, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Yehuo Town, and God knows what the owner is doing ... Maybe someone deliberately kept a low profile to hide their identities, and rashly went up instead, causing trouble.

Xia Ya sighed, shook her head and continued to move forward, but took a few steps, but couldn't help but look back at the carriage. The carriage went to the gate of Shoubei government. The carriage was seated by a groom, wearing a thin leather jacket. He had a large piece of sackcloth on his head for the windshield, of medium build, holding a whip in his hand, leaning lazily on the car, pulling his legs weakly and waving the whip at will.

The dark horse, however, moved Xia's heart, always feeling a kind of indescribable feeling in her heart.

Can't remember, Xia could only shake her head, but went on to the end of the street for a while, turned around, took dozens of steps, Xia Ya's face changed arrogantly, and her steps stopped abruptly! !! Instantly, my mouth was dry, my heart throbbed, and I felt a stiff and soft feeling after being extremely excited and shocked. My heart was so heavy that I could hardly breathe! !!

wrong! wrong! !! wrong! !!

That horse, that horse ... I feel in my heart ... familiar. Very familiar! !! That black horse, I've seen it myself

The reason why I didn't recognize it just now is that every time I saw this horse before, it was on the battlefield! Every time I see this horse, even if it is a great horse, the light is covered by the horse's owner! Every time I see this horse, it is a full body armor, and even a horse is carrying a set of half-moon-shaped sickle! !!

Because of this, I didn't even recognize it myself! !!

This black horse ...

it is……

It's Hastings' mount

Where the street turned around, the carriage slowly reached the gate of Shou Bei Fu, but stopped suddenly.

The huge horse-drawn carriage blocked the gate of the Defense House and a few solid guards immediately screamed and ran down. The driver jumped from the carriage and dropped off, ignoring the calls of the guards. After unraveling the holsters on the horse's back one by one, the dry wood piled on the arbor was freely picked up and thrown aside.

Several guards rushed in front of them, screaming at the driver and sneered, without seeing how he moved, only a black light flashed, the two guards flew out directly, and when they landed, their bodies were all black. !!

The driver came out of the car with a few metal rods of egg thickness. The head was thread-shaped, and quickly connected to a spear. Then he tore off the cloth towel on his face and threw it on the ground!

The seemingly mediocre and wooden-faced face was paired with a pair of slightly more feminine eyes. Occasionally, there was a strange gleam in the eyes, and the original mediocre face suddenly became full of charm! !!

Heating! Odin Hastings! !!

He rolled over, and suddenly a long laugh, the jump horse rushed to the gate steps of the garrison house, amid the exclaimed anger of the guards around, the dark horse suddenly hissed, raised its front hoof, and kicked the garrison The gate flew straight out, and the door panel suddenly smashed several guards down.

Hastings pistol, standing on the horse, blocked the gate of the defender's house! At this moment, there were many guards coming on the street, and a team of iron armored guards rushed out with swords and shields, but Hasting sneered on his face.

With a loud shout, he jumped the horse!

"Bonfret, you timid guy, I said, I'm here to take your life!"

With this long laugh, the black horse jumped out, the spear swept over, bringing up a black stream of flames, and the few iron armor guards who were blocking their heads were smashed in the black light instantly! Even people with armor are broken into pieces!

The spear swept across, several guards flew out at once, and the sharp black light blade tore the person directly into half in midair! When it landed, a few pieces of the corpse were already burnt black by the black stream flames!

Hastings leaped into the crowd of the garrison government. Wherever the spear went, the iron guards screamed and fell down. In the black light, there was a blood rain! !!

There were originally dozens of iron armor guards in the courtyard, but they couldn't stop Hasting for a moment, so they were killed and killed!

Hasting bent down and plucked a long sword from the Byzantine soldiers from the ground. The long sword turned into a black light in his hand and shot with a bang, the door of the hall shattered! He jumped forward with his horse, and the horse trampled directly into the hall door!

In the hall, the defending generals have already completely stopped! Watching this man rushed into the hall and rushed into the hall, immediately riding a black flame shroud, as if he came out of **** to kill! !!

Bonfreder, who was sitting in the middle, had already looked as if he were dead. With a bang, the wine glass fell to the ground, and then the jazz trembled uncontrollably in his body. Gougegege voice ...

Others don't recognize Hastings, and Bonfredt, who had face-to-face with him on the battlefield, can't. !!

"Bonfret?" Hasting saw the guy in the middle at a glance, and his eyes were full of disappointment: "I said, I will kill you! I won't give you the honor to die duel with me! A cowardly person like you is only worthy of being slaughtered by me! "

With a shout, the lance in his hand suddenly released, turning into a black lightning bolt! Suddenly the black flames rose, and everyone else in the hall seemed to feel an unstoppable fiery face!

Black lightning struck Bonfrede in an instant. Poor little white face, who had a traitor, could there be anything to stop him? Not to mention Hasting's furious blow? !!

With a bang, his body was pierced by the black lightning, and then shattered! The burning black flames instantly burned his body into ashes! Poor Bonfret, no corpse left!

The woman next to her was already scared and paralyzed on the ground. Hastings horse moved forward, and the horseshoe trampled over the middle brazier, slowly approaching the seat above. A flaming spear with black flames was stuck in Bonfer Where Lette originally stood, Hastings gently copied the spear into his hand, and turned around. As the electric eyes swept across the hall, several generals there suddenly came to their senses, and pulled out their sabers and stumbled. Killed over.


The corner of Hasting's mouth was raised slightly, and the spear gently drawn a dim light with a black jet flame ...


More and more soldiers flocked on the long street, but the wall on one side suddenly burst open, the wall shattered and collapsed, and a black shadow came out through the wall, and several soldiers were hit by wild sprays of blood and flew out!

Hasting was at the end of the long street, looking at the Byzantine soldiers in front of him, pointing his gun at the sky and laughing loudly.

"Odin Hastings, kill the Byzantine samurai Frett with this !!!"

With a long laugh, Hastings suddenly leaned over and rushed towards the crowd of Byzantine soldiers in front of him! The spear rolled up a black light, and the crowd was suddenly bloody! !!

A gunshot flashed through ~ ~ The screaming, the crowd spread out! No one could withstand a shot from Hastings, and they saw the wind passing over the wheat field. The crowd fell down and the blood was spraying around. Hastings were alone and one by one, just like the rampant crowd from the Byzantine soldiers. Penetrating straight out! He hurried to the end of the long street before he stopped Malay. At this moment Hastings had bloodied his body and sneered, his gun fluttered, he shook slightly, and banged, and the tip of the gun pierced a nearby wall. on! Pick it at will, the entire wall smashes and collapses, and the broken stones are full of streets!

"The one who blocks me, die !!! The one who chases me, die!" Hasting's hoarse voice pulled away from the street, and his high-pitched tone was full of mockery: "If there is something, come here!"

(Say, the second one tonight is a little bit late. I ’m going out to participate in the grand literary exhibition road show in Nanjing Station. If not, it ’s in Nanjing University, Xianlin University District, Nanjing.

Yesterday ’s explosion, I could not have saved the draft, so today ’s second update can only wait for me to write back after participating in the event. If you are late, please forgive me, I will definitely come back as soon as possible!

Finally, I still ask for a monthly pass! Your support is my motivation

To be continued, such as

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