
Chapter 241: [Anti-eye] (11,000 words!)

[====== Hand hit =====] Xia Ya reluctantly looked at the magic cannon one by one. The power of this stuff is too horrible and amazing! I almost worked my life before, Destroyed all the crimson murderousness, exhibited the dragon thorn, almost crashed directly, and barely be regarded as a serious damage to Dandaras. It was just a serious injury to the snake's body and a big gap. Laixi has been one by one one by one

But this thing is just a bombardment, and one third of the body of this snake is blasted into slag! The power of his full-strike is a lot worse than this magic guide. !

You know, Damandras has transformed once! Now its magic defense and physical defense are quite high!

Wouldn't it be a pity to throw away such a sharp weapon?

"Don't watch it." Ada quickly walked past Xia and saw the dismay in Xia's eyes, and said lightly: \\\ "Although the power of this thing is very good, it consumes too much energy. This is me The last one I could find was working, and the energy was exhausted just now, now it is a pile of scrap iron.

Scrap iron?

Xia Ya sighed, regretful in her heart.

The power of this magic cannon, once seen, will make people never forget. This thing is so powerful. If you can get dozens of such things, line up. No matter what enemy is in front of you, dozens of magic guides will fire in a round, and they will directly blast.... What can resist in this world? No matter if there are thousands of soldiers in front of you or some great demon mentor, isn't it a slag?

After all, Charlie still has the job of a county defender, and I can't help thinking that if my army can equip this kind of thing ... Hum! Next time you meet the Odin army again, what Hastings is white Sting's Black Flag Legion, so bombarded in the past, what Odin Wu Clinic died out!

When I was jealous, my heart became more and more pitiful. Bo ■ bit his teeth, and then he relented and turned away.

"Master, me, I'm still below, don't leave me **** ..."

From the abyss, Doodor's poor howl came.

After re-opening the magic carpet and taking Dodoro up, the three crossed the abyss "Come to the other side, gathered everyone, and continued to run away in the passage.


Under deep measurement, the reddish magma tumbled, and in the intense fire light, the magma suddenly violently violently stirred, and then the sound of the fire was scattered, and a huge figure burst into the sky from the explosion. Out!

The high temperature magma flowed on its body, but it could not give it any harm. After the huge body leaped up again, it jumped out to a hundred meters high and jumped into the waterfall water upstream. After the magma on the body fell into the water, there was a burst of heat from the water. In the sound of gurgling, a huge head protruded, opened his mouth, and issued an angry roar ...

A huge surface emerged, and Damandras' gasp was rapid, and the roar uttered far away ...


"I need to remind you that there should be a dead end ahead."

Running swiftly under his feet, Charlie yelled loudly towards Ada beside her.

Ada snorted and didn't say anything. Seeing that this guy was very tired when he ran. If it wasn't for Charlie holding him a few times, this guy could hardly support it. He looked very tired.

"Your physical strength looks like a woman." Xia was a little dissatisfied, and even Doodor took notice.

Going faster than Ada, this guy is still a train.

Ada's face was cold. Although his forehead was full of sweat, his cheek was flushed and his nose was short because of running too fast, but he took a cold look at Charya, and he finally said, "You thought you pushed that magic guide. Is it easy to come out? "

This passage seems to be very broken, presumably because when Xia and others passed by before, the killing agency was triggered, and they were almost crushed to death by the huge stone bombs rolled out here, although they escaped by chance, However, the rolling of the huge group of stones crushed most of the slabs on the ground in the channel, and because of the collision, there were many cracks on the wall. They ran all the way, and there were still some broken stones on the ground. Be careful, just trip over.

Although everyone is very tired and exhausted, but know that there is still a huge crisis behind them, everyone is desperately squeezing their own physical strength.

Finally, the passageway came to an end, and a huge door in front stood in front of him.

"I said, this is a dead end." Charlie stopped, staring at Ada.

"You originally stuck a shield in this door, but when we passed by, we accidentally put the shield

Moved away ... Hey the door is closed, what should we do?

Ada glanced at Xia, he didn't speak, but ran quickly to the wall of the passage, fumbled around, and still beat and snored around. After a while, he turned to look at Xia "" Have you triggered the authorities here? "

"Yes, almost crushed us all." Charlie nodded.

"How many stone bullets came out?"

"One by one, one by one" Xia thought about "" It should be two.) I blocked the first one. But I rolled out the second one. I had no energy. I could only take you all the way and ran away. That abyss, you can't escape until you cross the bridge. "

Ada's gaze flashed, he suddenly stuck it to the wall, using both hands and feet, and then he climbed up the wall like a human-shaped gecko, swimming dexterously on the wall, and soon climbed up On the ceiling, his body was almost parallel to decent, and he climbed on the ceiling for a while, then stopped and raised his fist twice.

After a while, he jumped down and stood on the ground, looking thoughtfully.

Immediately he ran to the iron gate, then calmed his face, pondered for a moment, and started to walk ...

Starting from the gate, he took a total of ten steps, only five or six meters away from the gate before he stopped. Ada looked up at the ceiling, and then turned his head: "Everyone, step back and lean on the door Stand! Come on! "

At this time, a roar came from the distance of the passage. Everyone heard the sound changed suddenly!

"That thing is alive again!" Charlie looked stunned.

"So stop talking nonsense! Just do what I say!" Ada shouted, using Zakutu again

Called again. Soon, everyone listened to his orders and stood against the door.

At the end of the passage, the roaring sound became louder and louder. Listening to the sound seemed to be faintly approaching, and everyone's face became increasingly ugly ...

"Quick! Xia!" After seeing everyone standing against the door, Ada took a few steps back quickly, but pointed to a position on the ceiling above him, "Blow this place away! Use your strongest move !fast!"

"Boom away?" Charlie stared.

"Nonsense! Hurry! Blast it open, the ceiling collapses, and the stones inside will fall! Then

A big snake is catching up! You can stop it with a stone golem! "

Charya's eyes lighted, "OK! Suppress the earthworm!"

He strode up two steps, separated his feet a little, held the fire fork, took a deep breath, and posed slightly. Suddenly he stopped drinking, his body leaped, and almost his head was on the ceiling.

There was a loud bang, and the red light made a big hole in the ceiling. As the rock shook off, the cave still appeared cracked, getting bigger and bigger, and finally a loud bang, a huge Shi Shencong Fall from the sky! The volume of this stone group is almost as wide as the channel, polished and rounded. After falling, it bounced in place twice, and the roaring movement shook everyone's face pale. If the stone group rolled back at this time Come here, then everyone will become meat sauce.

Fortunately, the terrain here is a **** that extends all the way down to the depth of the passage. After the stone community descends, it quickly rolls out.

Xia Ya was also afraid that her strength was not enough, and she stood up in the back, a fire fork blasted out, a red light blasted on the stone bomb, and immediately let the rolling momentum be three points faster! With the roaring rolling voice, everyone looked tense. Ada listened to her ears ......... Deep in the passage, Damandras's roar was getting closer and closer, and finally ... a loud noise came from a distance, and suddenly Damandras's roar sounded. Just stop! Aha!郧 The guy was hit! Xia Haha smiled, and then his look changed. "This stone can't smash that thing, what do we do now?"

Ada looked up at the hole in the ceiling: "Climb up!"

$$$$$ The cave on the ceiling is not difficult to climb. After going up, there really is a way out.

This is a passageway above it. Obviously, when it was originally built here, it was reserved to store the stone-bombs used to attack the enemy.

After crawling in, the space inside was quite small, and there were many stone bombs inside. These huge round stones were stuck in the passage one by one. Each side of each rolling stone was cast at the bottom The card slot fixes these rounded stones. The aisle stretched all the way up, the **** was very steep.

Fortunately, because the channel is square, and the rolling stones inside are round, there are always gaps in the corners, which can make people barely drill through. The people crawled forward for a while, and after drilling through the gaps of several stone groups, they stopped for a moment! There is no way ahead! To be precise, the way behind is not to go forward, but ... to go up! This is almost a vertical up and down channel! The stone bullets inside are stacked one by one, vertical up and down, and once one of them is consumed below, it will automatically fall to the next one.

Looking at the passage above the head, there are gaps, but if you want to climb up, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

"I hope this passage will allow us to climb to the ground all the time." Xia sighed.

"Beauty in thought." Ada sneered, accumulating too much limestone in the passage for a long time, and Ada's handsome face was already dark, sneer: "Here it is nearly one thousand meters underground!"

Xia narrowed her neck. "Where is this passage going up?"

I do n’t know if I go up. "Ada no longer cares about Xia, but squeezes over him and climbs up.

Although this completely vertical channel is difficult to climb, fortunately, there are air strikes in the stone bombs, which can be used for everyone to rest.

After crawling for about a meal, everyone climbed hard. The old man dragged by the team, Charya had the best physical strength, but he deliberately fell to the end, and supported the weak people at any time, and suddenly heard a shout from his head. Two Zaku warriors crawled at the front, listening to their shouts, meaning that the front had come to an end. Rolling stone bombs stacked in this vertical channel have all crawled past. The top person has stepped on the top stone bomb.

Xia was out of breath, and forced the already exhausted Dodoro up to the top, and was about to say something, and suddenly heard a roar from his feet! The roar of Damandras is already at his feet! When Xia Ya's face suddenly changed, she suddenly cried, "No! Everyone climbs quickly !!! Fast !!! With that, he climbs up fast with his hands and feet, and constantly pulls the people behind him up! But almost at this time, a loud noise came from the roar of Damandras below! At the same time, the whole passage was shaking violently! At the same time, there was a sound coming from under my feet. There was a terrible sound ... Xia Ya's face suddenly changed! Not only did the **** snake catch up, but it also moved the mechanism !! Sure enough, with a loud noise coming from below, then a rolling stone deep under his feet I was touched! One by one, the rolling stones smashed down immediately ... You know, here is a sandwich that stores the rolling stones. Once the bottom one of the rolling stones falls, all of the above are blocked by one. Yes! The one on the bottom is empty, and the one above will immediately fall to fill the vacancy! In this way, those who are still trying to climb up in the passage will be crushed into meat sauce! The rumbling sound below The speaker kept on and didn't know that In the following serpent in the end even dry ▲ Damn! Chai Fangzi thing !! "Counterattack cursed the sentence.

Because there is more than one stone group falling down to listen to the movement! The rumbling sound almost kept ringing! The stone groups one by one fell below, and the ones above were loosened immediately! Xia almost used up the energy of feeding milk. He and Doodor fell to the bottom of the team and finally climbed up. Just as he climbed over the last stone group, a sudden sound came from below. Boom! For a moment, the sound of this loud noise almost made him worry that the place would completely collapse! Climbing up to the top group of stones, Xia Ya roared immediately: "Spear! Give me the spear! Hurry up! He can't wait for Ada to translate, and grab it directly from the Zaku people around him. Spears. At this moment, the iron spears in the hands of the Zaku have only five or six handles left. Charya moves quickly, and he rises up his divine power and pierces the fast spears of these spears sharply. In the wall, it was almost just a few breaths, and five or six spears were inserted in a row on the wall! Jump up! Stand on the handle of the spear! Hurry!

Xia took the lead and jumped up. No need for him to shout. Everyone immediately understood the meaning ............... When everyone was busy climbing up, there was a roar under his feet ... Falling down, the channel, which was originally blocked slowly and vertically, suddenly turned into a deep hole! If it weren't for Xia Ya's spear stuck in the wall as a foothold, everyone wouldn't even have settled, only to fall with the stone bullet! However, the spears with five or six handles were lined up in a row on the wall, but the area was also very limited. The crowd was crowded, and they were still crumbling.

"Ada!" Xia yelled, and Ada stood on the edge of the lance row. The guy heard Xia's drink and snorted, "Don't worry, I'm calculating our position."

This guy actually closed his eyes, and he was still so determined. The roar below was bursting, and occasionally came the angry roar of Damandras. Listening to the roar of this serpent with a bitter taste, Obviously, no matter how powerful it is, there are dozens of stone bombs stored in this channel, each of which has a weight of more than jin. Such dozens of huge round boulders smashed into a brain, which also caused this big snake to suffer a lot.

But Xia knew that Damandralas would not be killed by these stones! Even if it suffers a bit, it won't be long before it catches up.

After waiting for a while, Xia couldn't help but shouted again: "Ada!"

"Noisy." Ada finally opened his eyes and he snorted dissatisfied. "Don't you know that the calculation needs to keep the order? In case I miscalculate our position, everyone will die together."

But he finally raised his hand and pointed to the top: "According to our location, it looks like it is about five or six meters up. As long as you open a hole in that part, we can go out from here."

Xia Ya was anxious and climbed up hard. He was holding a dagger in one hand, holding a fire fork in one hand, and using a fire fork to drink the daggers, staggered into the wall, and then climbed up, and soon climbed to what Ada said. In that position: "Is it here? Just blow it away?"

"If I'm right, it should be ..." Before Ada had finished, Xia had already pounded hard with a fire fork! With a loud noise, the fire fork blasted into the stone wall, and suddenly the red light burst, and the stone debris flew. This blow blasted out a large pit three to four meters deep! Before Xia Ya had time to pull out the fire fork, he heard a loud noise coming from inside, and then snorted, a rushing water came out from inside! Fortunately, Xia was holding a dagger in the other hand, and the dagger was inserted into the wall until it became unhandled. Although the rushing water flow was turbulent, Xia was immediately rushed and knocked back, but he was holding it tight The dagger did not let go, and the water flow washed out. Although the momentum was violent, it was obvious that the amount of water in it was limited, and the speed slowly slowed down.

Even so, the people standing on the row of spear handles were almost washed out by two. Fortunately, there was a companion who was dragged by shame.

Once Xia Ya waited for the water to run out, she yelled: "Asshole Ada! You almost killed Lao Tzu! Why did water come out! I almost got washed down!"

Ada sneered: "Who makes you too anxious, I'll do it before I finish talking."

Charlie gritted her teeth, finally stopped saying anything, and quickly climbed into the cave.

There was a sink in it, and the water was already running dry. After Xia crawled in, she immediately untied a bunch of rope from her body and threw it down: "Climb up the rope! Move faster."

$)) $$$$ At the end of the sink, Charlie pushed open an iron lid, and climbed up first.

This seems to be a place similar to f \\ & J in the "room". The space is very spacious, and behind him, everyone drilled out from under the iron cover.

The place where the crowd drilled out happened to be a sink, and immediately after coming out, the witch doctor took a bit of the staff and, with the light, everyone finally saw the place clearly.

This space is about tens of meters wide, and a cone-shaped metal boxes are stacked on the ground, and around the corners, there are round metal ingots stacked there.


Charlie looked at the sign-after a few glances, she couldn't help making a strange noise.

This place, look at the conical metal boxes and the iron ingots around ... "... It seems like a forge blacksmith?" Xia stepped up two steps and lifted an iron ingot in the corner. The weight is very heavy, it is several times higher than the average hinge of the same volume, and it feels like it is ...

"Iron fine?" Charlie frowned.

"It's a semi-finished product." Ada walked over, this guy waved the stain on the bullet and looked at Charya's hand: "Here is the forging workshop. It seems I'm not wrong."

This is indeed a forge blacksmith, because Charlie soon discovered what made him jealous! In a corner of this room, there is a huge metal shelf. On this metal shelf, rows and rows of weapons and armor are clearly placed! Obviously all finished products! Xia Ya strode over and reached for it. As soon as he reached out, he found that his fingers had not touched the weapon on the shelf before touching a layer of transparent film. This layer of film was extremely difficult to detect with the naked eye. Then I can feel that Xia Ya pierced the thing with a slight force, and looked closely. The texture of this film feels like leather, but it is extremely smooth. And my fingers touched it, and there was a faint sticky feeling, as if it was something inexplicable liquid ...

As soon as Xia Ya moved in her heart, she reached out and touched an armor. She took it off the shelf and looked at it, and she couldn't help but feel like iron texture! The armor feels extremely hard, and Xia even tried to poke it with a fire fork. Even the sharp and unforgettable fire fork, if it is not crimson and murderous, it is only a trace.

In terms of hardness, it is almost not worse than dragon scales! He grabbed another spear, apparently a spear from the style, but the length was shorter and thinner than the ordinary spear. I think it is a weapon made by the ancient goblins for themselves. Goblin, a small ethnic figure, uses this style of weapon.

Charya held the spear with both arms and slammed it hard. With his strength, even if it was an iron spear, she could twist and bend away. But after Xia Ya gave a low drink, there was a clear buzz on the spear, and the spear slightly vibrated, but there was no bending at all.

"Good thing!" Xia Ya politely grabbed the spear and stuck it in her waist and back.

There are a lot of weapons on this shelf, but most of them are short weapons. Xia Yashun picked up a few heavy weapons and grabbed a long-handed axe (in his hand, only (Can be used as a hatchet), and several spears he could find were collected behind him.

In the end, Xia Ya was pleased that he found a shield! The shield is very wide and thick, standing half a person tall and heavy, and the edges of the shield have been sharpened! Obviously, in close combat, it can not only defend, but also be used to chop the enemy.

These are all good things! This iron-quality weapon is extremely rare on the mainland today! Even though it is a royal collection, although there are some iron fine weapons, but a small amount of iron essence is used to strengthen the edge of the weapon. It is almost impossible to find a completely pure hinge fine texture. Already.

And here ... this thing seems to be worthless, everywhere! Xia immediately looked at the pile of iron ingots in the corner with greedy eyes! If these things can be taken out, if they find artisans by themselves, wouldn't they be able to cast a large number of top-level equipment? !! "Don't even think about it."

Dora in her head mocked: "Now the iron-making skills of human beings are much worse than those of ancient goblins. Don't say you ca n’t ship these things at all. Even if you do, you ca n’t make them."

As soon as Xia Ya heard it, she suddenly looked sighed, and touched a few iron weapons behind her: "Well, it's not bad to have these gains.

"Have you seen enough? Hurry up and go!"

Ada stood distantly and looked at Charya holding her weapon reluctantly, looking cold. Don't forget that there is a big guy behind us chasing Charya and turned around: "Okay! Let's leave Joe soon . "

The gate of this forge is very obvious. It is not far away, and everyone is pleased that although the gate is closed, it is not iron but ordinary stone gate.

"It's nothing strange." Ada Dandan said, "For the construction of the goblins here, the forging plant is not particularly important. Naturally, it doesn't need to consume iron fines to make the gate. In my estimation, there must have been a place in this place. An ancient goblin guard guards this place, and this forging field is provided for those soldiers to replace their weapons when they are worn out on weekdays. It is not an important place and the natural defense will not be too tight. "

(Pauses) He turned his voice: "But) According to what I have ......... there is a problem."

He pointed to the stone door: "It's not difficult to open this door, but don't forget, the construction of the goblins here is very clever and intelligent! Once an external force forcibly breaks through and destroys the gate here, it will trigger other defenses here. Organ. I believe you haven't forgotten the rolling stones in that passage. Bar. "

Charlie nodded.

There will not be any killing authority here, but there must be a defense against the entry of foreign enemies. Once the door is breached, according to what I know ... "He pointed behind the door:" There is a hidden slot behind the door, it will There is a gate falling! Enclose it completely! This spare gate is just in case, the gate is not an ordinary stone gate, but a real big guy made of iron! Whether it's weight or thickness, we can't break through, so ...

"So what?" Charlie looked at Ada.

"How strong is your strength?" Ada looked at Xia Ya, and that look immediately made Tu Yao's heart a little uneasy. "Sia, how many pounds can you lift?

Charlie: ".........

$$$$ "Ready?"

Charya glanced back, and everyone stood beside him with a serious look.

"Once I opened the door, everyone rushed out at the fastest speed! Don't look back regardless of the servant! Must be fast! Fast! Ming-white?"

In the words of Xia Ya, the witch doctor repeated it to everyone in Zaku, and everyone nodded solemnly.

"So ... Yi Shi!"

Xia Ya pierced into her belt, took a breath, raised her fork, and sang! In the red light, the fire fork bombarded the stone gate, and a loud noise was heard, and the stone gate smashed! !! !! There is a spacious passage ahead! "fast!!!"

Charlie yelled immediately! Everyone ran out, but only took a step, and they saw the transport passage, and the ceiling above them suddenly sank! This sinking speed is very fast! Originally, the ceiling was more than three meters high from the ground, but everyone ran five or six steps, and the ceiling was almost pressed to a height of two meters! And this passage is more than ten meters long! The most annoying thing is that at the end of the passage, there is also a gate, which is slowly falling! At this moment, if Xia Ya is selfish, with his physique, if he strives to jump out, the distance of more than ten meters is just an instant effort! He can naturally run out by himself, but so many companions are afraid to be crushed to death here! Charya ran a few steps, and her heart was clear! With the length of this passage and the speed of the ceiling falling, no one can run out smoothly! At this moment he had tickled a third of the way, and yelled, "Don't stop! Everyone, run!"

Speaking, he stood with his arms raised, palms resting on the ceiling ...

Suddenly, the heavy pressure pressed Xia Ya's knees slightly. The power of this fall is more than just a jin! Strong talents such as Charya almost knelt down on the spot! He yelled loudly, and the crimson murderous burst out suddenly. He took a breath and suddenly the whole body muscles skyrocketed, and the bones made a clicking sound ...

", !!!!!!"

He exhaled so loudly, the sinking momentum suddenly felt! !! This ceiling is a whole piece! Although it is not iron, it is a pure iron casting thing! Charlie lifted it like this, the momentum of falling suddenly stopped, and everyone ran away.

But the ceiling of this passage was dropped, but the closed door at the end still kept falling! Soon, the Zaku people ran out one by one, and the witch doctor yelled at the door and shouted at Xia Ya: "Hey! Come out soon!

Charlie had felt exhausted at this moment, but for a moment, he was already red in his eyes, his body was trembling constantly, and he couldn't help getting shorter and shorter. Now, I barely moved two more steps in this way, but once I moved, the momentum of the fall was suddenly anxious! Charya exhaled and did not dare to move ...

At this moment, Ada had already reached the gate, and the gate had fallen to a height of only one meter from the ground! Charlie watched everyone go out, and suddenly her eyes caught Ada lying outside the door, and she showed a strange smile to herself.

A terrible thought flashed in his heart! Ada ... he yin me? !! He said there would be a gate after breaking through the door, but he did not say that there would be a passage! Not to mention that the ceiling of this passage will fall as a whole! !! With the length of this passage, it is impossible to run out! So he counted, he must let me support! !! But then ... I don't even want to run out ... Ada's last strange smile made Xia Ya's heart clear suddenly! He turned and shouted, "Ada !!!"

Ada squatted outside the gate, no more than five or six meters away from Xia, he sighed suddenly: "Goodbye ... Dora!"

This last claim to speak out, Xia Ya was suddenly cold all over! !! Dora?

Dora! !! !! He knew it! !! Dora is hiding with me? !! !! "You ..." Xia Yacai said a word, and she suddenly lost her strength, and was kneeled down again, her knees were rattling) before she gritted her teeth = "Ada !! You ... ......... "

"Sia, I don't want to hurt you, but I didn't expect Dora to hide in you, Ada sneer.

"You ... how do you know ..." Charlie was flushed, her crushed head dropped.

"Have you forgotten? In the snake's lair." Ada snorted. "Before I speak, you call out the name of the serpent-Damandras! I remember, I didn't say its name was Call it Damandras! "

Charya is furious! His eyes spit fire, and suddenly, Xia fell to the ground, letting the ceiling fall! He quickly twitched behind him a few spears of iron texture that had just been scavenged, and quickly inserted into the ground! Fortunately, these spears were used by ancient goblins. They are very short in length, so they stuck to the ground just to sink the ceiling! If it is longer, don't even think of supporting it at this moment.

How hard is the iron fine texture, and I heard a few clicks, and the momentum of falling was once again held up! Xia Ya climbed out quickly, but the sluice in the distance had almost fallen, with less than half a meter left! !! Ada stood at the door, looked at Xia, and shook her head: "You can't come out, I calculated-very accurate ........."

Just as he said this, Xia Kankan climbed to the gate! The gate was only thirty centimeters above the ground.

Xia was still in the door, and even if he continued to crawl out, it was too late ...

Suddenly, his face changed, and he suddenly laughed wildly: "You dead dragon, dare to kill me! Come and die with me !!!"

He didn't have time to crawl out, but suddenly reached out his hand. He tore off the waist belt and threw it out! Suddenly, the belt entangled Ada's ankle. How great Charya's strength was, Ada was immediately pulled down and lay down. As she pulled hard, Ada screamed and was dragged into the door by Shaya from the outside! !! The falling gate almost passed by Ada's nose! !! With a bang, the gate finally landed on the ground, startling a piece of dust! ) $) $ Outside the gate, everyone is completely shocked! That scene happened too fast just now! The most subtle thing is that, in the end, Ada lay at the door and said to Xia, the language was Byzantine! Most Zaku people don't understand! And the only thing I could understand was Doodor and the Witch Doctor! The problem is, Dodoro didn't stand at the gate after crawling out, and the witch doctor was so surprised that A-should come over! Xia suddenly dragged Ada in, the gate fell, and everyone was completely still.

"Ah !!! What do you do! What do you do!" Duo Sheng Luo suddenly jumped up and yelled frantically.

The witch doctor lost her composure, she screamed a few times, slammed on the door desperately, and fumbled around.

Totoro faced Cangjie, seeing that Charlie was locked in, the magician looked pale and screamed, "No! I have to find a way to save the master! It's over! If the master dies inside, I will die if I return. Ah! Shalpa will kill me! Africat will kill me! They will kill me! Even Merlin will kill me ... Ah! Merlin! Master Merlin ... !!! "

The magician shouted for a while, and suddenly his voice stopped abruptly, standing there with a strange look, his eyes and bones twitching.

"Merlin ... the great Merlin ...

The magician stood there abruptly, and after muttering a few words, he immediately took out the magic carpet presented by Merlin, and after releasing the handkerchief-sized magic carpet, it became a normal size. Totoro suddenly Like crazy, he snatched a dagger from the Zaku next to him, and poked and scratched it on the magic carpet.

A few beeps, a good magic carpet was cut by him! "Master Merlin! Master Merlin!" Dodoro looked mad, others looked stunned, and did not know what the magician did. Everyone had seen the benefits of this magic carpet, but saw Dodoro This baby took out so crazy to destroy ...

The gate fell, and the passage in the door, although the ceiling was supported by several spears, could not support it for a long time ... Anyway, the gate fell, but it was a dream to go out.

"You dead dragon, Lao Tzu killed you first!" Xia Wu was so angry that she stretched out her hand and choked Ada's throat! But Ada didn't resist, and the product looked at Xia Ya coldly. Even if Xia Ya choked his throat, he suddenly sighed, "You want to kill me?"

Charlie was full of anger, "You hurt me, why can't I kill you! Ada looked indifferently:" It's fair, you kill it.

At this moment, with a click, a spear was broken! The power of this fall is too great, even the iron spear can't support it! Seeing that one of the three spears was broken, the force of falling was suddenly unable to hold back.

Xia Ya hesitated for a moment, then suddenly let go of the hand holding Ada's throat, struggling to crawl back in the direction! He climbed two steps and pulled Ada back with a belt and dragged over! There was another clicking sound, and there was only one spear left! Xia Ya raised her last strength and yelled, her body almost moved forward two meters against the ground, and then she rolled hard, rolled out of the aisle, and rolled back to the forging field of Jiu-nian! Before he got up, he immediately pulled his belt and pulled Ada out of it! There was a loud bang, and the channel was completely down ...

The two gasped for a while, and Ada sat up: "Aren't you killing me?"

Xia Ya snorted. He stared at Ada tightly, his eyes were clear: "It's easy to kill you ... but I don't want to die here! You know this place so well ... you better give me another way !if not……"

"If I don't say it, I'll be killed now. If I say it, I'll be killed after you go out. The result is not the same?" Ada looked disdainful.

"Even if there are 3, 1 live films, it is always good." Xia gritted his teeth: "I count to three! You don't say, I will kill you now! One! Two! ..."

"Okay." Ada stood up, patted the dirt on his body, and calmly said, "You're right, you can live 3,1, which is good. But I can't help it."

"... What?" Charlie also stood up.

With a mockery in Ada's expression, he pointed at Charya behind him: "You forgot, do we still have a‘ comrade \\ & chase again? ”

Charlie turned her head and looked, at the other end of the forge, in the opened sink, a figure had slowly come out! A pair of arms protruded first and pressed against the edge of the sink, and then a slender body came out. The guy jumped out of the water grass, stood there, twisted his body, and loosened his long hair. It shrunk his hair, but exposed a pair of pointed long ears.

The place was dark, but its eyes were glowing with a faint light that illuminated it. Its appearance looks sharp and angular, just like the most perfect line carved out, and the handsomeness of the face is no less than that of Ada, who is also a beautiful man! The most important thing is that this guy looks full of a well-balanced feeling in the most perfect balance, and his slender figure almost reaches the perfect ratio! Plus that handsome face ~ ~ and those sharp ears ...

"My little prey, see each other again. It seems that you are not running fast enough." It smiled slightly at Xia and Ada, but the handsome smile had a deep vicious taste.

Charya's eyes widened: "You? Damandalas ?!"

Damandras slowly walked step by step: "Oh, did you understand that? Poor lowly creature. Now you see, this is my third form ... Elf! [Not updated yesterday, today This lengthened chapter is considered as a make-up job ~ By the way, ask for a ticket ~~~~~] =========== To provide you with the fastest and latest online novels Our website is Pinyin initials + NET phone User browsing =================

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