
Chapter 244: [Spiritual]

Selling vegetables?

Nene's eyes almost fell to the ground, she froze slightly, and immediately drank, "What's selling vegetables! Hey, you're away!"

Speaking, Nene would pull Sofia apart when she stretched out her palm, but after the palm was stretched out, Sofia stood still and just smiled at Nene. "Ouch!"

Nene suddenly screamed, one hand was already pressed against the other's shoulder, but suddenly withdrew back like a lightning. The original good palm suddenly swelled like a pig's hoof.

"Who the **** are you!" Nene put up with pain, a sword in her hand pointed at Sofia, but Sofia just looked at her with a smile, and looked at the tip of the sword in front of her, where was there a little fear in her eyes?

"Little girl, one more thing is worse than one less, just let it go." Sofia's rough big hand has been placed on Nene's shoulder. Her figure is much shorter than the mighty Nene, but with her With his hand so light, Nene sucked up suddenly. It was cold and snorted, and the whole person suddenly couldn't help but bend down. She was sore and sweaty on her forehead, but her body seemed to be suppressed by a force, let alone struggle and even I can't do it straight up.

I heard the woman in front of my ears laugh softly and said, "Hey, what a little young girl with fine skin and flesh-why is it so irritable? Come on, little girl, don't know the good people, I But you saved your life just now. "Little girl with fine skin and tender meat?

Hearing this appellation from the mouth of the woman in front of him, in a regretful and gentle tone, he suddenly let Nene's whole body tremble.

Our young lady, Nene, has lived to the age of nineteen this year. In these years, the most commonly heard titles are "collar" and "big head". What's more, titles such as "Heaven's Fortune" also often have the opportunity to listen!

But what kind of name "little girl" has never been heard since she was ten years old.

After hearing this title, Neiyue- first felt that the whole body was a bit cold, and stared at the woman in front with straight eyes.

Sofia grinned, as if still a little embarrassed, and the rough big hand slammed on the greasy gown on his body a few times before shaking his head: "What a reckless little girl, you know, that little girl with a purple head just now , I can almost kill you. "She? "Nene suddenly refused to accept:" I had fought with her for a long time, and she had no choice but to get me! "

"Little Nizi doesn't know anything, I'll tell you." Sofia dragged Nene and walked to the side of the road. He was born with a tiger-backed waist, but was dragged by Sofia, who was short on her two heads, unable to resist Involuntarily, Teng Teng pulled her to the shop door by the road a few steps.

The gangsters watching the war in the distance saw the horse thieves and looked at each other for a moment, and then they screamed and ran over.

Some even saw that it was wrong, and screamed with a saber in the distance, "Hey! Mother, let go of our collar!"

Nene had been re-entered into the tavern's door by Sofia, and the horse thieves ran to the door. Suddenly, Nene heard a scream from the inside: "Stop! Don't come in !!!"

Then he added quickly: "This is an order! All are here to stay honestly! No one is allowed in!"

The horse thieves only heard that the tone of the collar was extremely harsh, and even a little anxious, they stopped quickly, and the throne of the Seal of God was crowded at the door for a while. You see me and I see you, I dare not Go further.

In the pub, Nene had been dragged to sit at a table, her eyes widened, and she stared at an object on the table in front of her! There was an iron goblet on the table.

Just now, the woman who pulled herself in suddenly burst into a smile and grabbed the sword in her hand. Although the sword was full of gaps, it was forged from steel after all. She was caught by this woman, and she kneaded so randomly between the two slaps that she was turned into a ball! The hard steel in this woman's pair of rough hands seemed to be pinched into various shapes at will, just like pinching dough! And this woman's palms, let alone cuts, have not even broken a trace of oily skin! This random hand suddenly calmed down Nene's heart!

Nene thinks in her own heart. If you use your own strength, it is not difficult to bend an iron rod, but you need to knead a piece of steel at will like kneading a dough. What is this skill?

This woman's effort in both hands is so good ... not to mention rubbing steel, in case you have to offend this master, rubbing yourself a few times, but it can never be dealt with by herself. "You ... who the **** are you ?!" Nene lowered her voice, but her expression was tense, she stared at Sophia's aunt carefully, with a much more solemn attitude: "Sir ..." "I am not any." Sofia Grandma shook her head: "I'm a vegetable seller in a town. But, little girl, you were too reckless just now. If it wasn't for my thoughts, I didn't want to see you die here, I'm afraid, hum ... .... Nene didn't speak, just stared at Sofia.

Sofia sighed, "The little purple girl finally put on a posture to deal with you. The bow and arrow technique used was called 'star drop.' This is the most powerful archery. Legend has it that an arrow shot, Even the stars in the sky can shoot down. Although you are good at it, this 'starfall' is a magical shooting technique, which unites the mind of the shooter himself, completely locks the opponent in his consciousness, and you No matter how sharp you are, you can't dodge it. However, this archery is the most overbearing trick, but it is very evil. Normal people ca n’t use it, and you need a special bow and arrow to use it. . That little Nizi, she has a copy in her hand, is she capable of reluctantly, and can calculate the power of the star drop by one or two points, just one or two points is enough. It took your life. "

Nene looked at the iron ball kneaded with his sword on the table. Although he was not convinced, he could only forcibly resist it, and took a deep breath: "Sir"

"I said that I am not a lord." Sofia shook her head again. "I just look at you as a little girl, and what, you seem to have something to do with an old mad woman I know. In case you die with me, On the contrary, I was still in a bit of trouble, so I just stopped this matter. Then, she stretched her fingers a little, it was the bracelet on Nene's wrist, and Nene was a stack first, then she looked pale as paper!

To say that our lady, Nene, is brave enough, and is also a character who is not afraid of today, but the person who is most afraid of her life, speaking of it, is the master who "gifts" her this magic bracelet 11 Merlin!

Upon hearing Sofia's words, Nene stunned her whole body: "You, do you know Merlin ?!

"I've been born here, and I'm the only one here. There are no other living beings of the same kind. Not to mention the same kind, even a guy who can accompany me."

Damandras looked at the broken transparent cover and sighed: "Although I know that I am a Damandras, but because I have the blood of four different creatures, I also have some more Strong talent. "

"Ability of four kinds of creatures?" Ada heard this, and thought carefully, then suddenly nodded: "So, no wonder you can molt nine times! It turns out that you are no longer a simple Damandras. You Being able to experience nine molts has also played a big role compared to the talents of other races you have.

"Yes, but unfortunately, it's much more lonely here." Damandras shook his head. "I had to find a way to make some kind of myself. So I started to breed offspring, otherwise, even if I do Powerful, but if there is only one of me and no one of the same kind, then there is really no such thing as such loneliness. "

Meal breeding?

Charya stared at Damandras with a strange look. Suddenly, "Hey, are you a male snake or a female snake? You, you, are you male or female?" Damanda Si stared at Charya fiercely, and an awkward anger flashed on his face.

"Stupid, don't you understand? This guy must have produced some mutations when it was created. This thing, I'm afraid it is hermaphrodite, and also experienced some mutations we don't know, so we can complete the breeding process alone. "

As Dora reminded her in her mind, Charya suddenly looked strange, could not help looking pale, and her heart was a little sick.

Androgyny? My day! What the **** is that?

"Burning! Burning!"

Totoro tore the magic carpet into pieces one by one ~ ~ and threw them all into the fire. The magician's expression had some crazy signs. He gritted his teeth and covered his face, while kneeling on the ground, kneeling in front of the fire, while pushing the debris of the magic carpet into the fire, muttering to himself what "great" Noble, Supreme Merlin ... "

It was just as if the magician had gone mad, and even the witch doctor had looked at Doodor with pity.

"Master Meilin, sublime and great, the supreme master, the contemporary miracle of magic, Lord Meilin ... please manifest yourself, save my master ..."

With a pious face on his face, Totoro threw the last piece of cloth into the fire ... Tangling for a moment, the flames flew three times higher, the flames swayed fiercely, and almost Dodoro's head was lit. Just then, in the fire, there was a sneer! "Waste, really waste! Disturbing my rest, don't you want to become a frog again?"

Suddenly, a long, round and strong thigh came out of the fire, and his foot fell on Dodoro's heart socket, rolling the magician to the ground and rolling it to the corner.

Something happened today, a little less, forgive me ~

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