
Chapter 248: [Melin History]

"Merlin One One One One One One One"

Hearing the name, Sophia's face seemed a little weird. She squinted her eyes and looked at Nene with kindness. Nene's voice was a little trembling, and there was a fearful light in his eyes.

"Are you afraid of that crazy woman?" Sofia chuckled, and she sat down slowly, sitting opposite to Nene, her eyes finally falling on the bracelet on Nene's wrist: "This thing was forced by her Should I wear it for you?

Nene: "..............." Poor little girl. Sofia shook her head, looking very compassionate. She glanced at Nene's face: "What a pretty little girl, but this crazy woman has made this look. Alas, but this one is indeed her usual style of doing things. It just hurts you. Putting on such a thing is really unlucky for your little girl.

Unlucky? Suddenly, Nene felt anguish in her heart. Numerous emotions surged up, her body shook and she screamed, "Unlucky ?! She's hurt me!"

Speaking, the worm snarled the wrist with the bracelet, and snarled exhaustedly, "Wearing this thing made me look like a man, and a ghost is not like a ghost! For so many years, I do n’t know what happened. How much ridicule and white eyes! Everyone treats me like a monster !!! Even ... even the man I like, dislikes me as an ugly monster! "

Sofia smiled not f6, just looked at Tunai so lightly.

Nene suddenly moved in her heart, looking at Sofia's relaxed smile, recalling that although this woman just showed a little, she showed a powerful strength that surprised her. She couldn't help but start to stand up, facing Sofia. Dasao threw himself on his knees, and his head fell to the ground with a look of anticipation: "Sir ... you, you must be a great man with great talents, I don't know, you, can you hit me Something to ... "

"You want me to help you take this thing off?" Sofia's uncle suddenly smiled, staring at Nene, seeing Nene's look on her face, Sofia slowly and firmly shook her head: "Sorry, I don't It's not that I can do it, but I can't do it. "

"Why, why ..." Nene suddenly felt disappointed, but still refused to give up, staring at Sofia Grandma, but she understood Sofia's words. The superior in front of him was not "unable" but unwilling .

"It's simple." Sofia's eyes mocked: "I don't want to provoke the female star for no reason. You are not my daughter, nor my apprentice, why should I provoke such a trouble for you? Your opponent? Can you give me a reason to convince me? "

Nene could not help but stop.

Although Sofia's words were straightforward and polite, Nene couldn't argue that she and her partner were not relatives and relatives. Why would they want the other party to help themselves by risking offending someone as powerful as Merlin?

"But ..." Nene suffered the pain of this bracelet for many years. At this moment, when she saw an expert like Sofia, she had such a glimmer of hope, how could she be willing to give up easily? She was anxious: "I am one by one One by one I am willing to pay any price !!! I still have many years of savings one by one) Although I ca n’t say it is a rich country, but also ... "She said that she also felt a bit unreasonable. A woman seems to be a strong man who can stand in court with a guy like Merlin. "A strong man like this, how could worldly wealth be considered?"

Turan one by one one by one) "I do not lack money." Sofia smiled.

"I ... I'm willing to work for you. If you have any instructions, go to the soup and fire, even if it's a sword and fire, I'm willing to ..."

The smile in Sofia's eyes was stronger: "This way ... I'm a bit troublesome, but even if I had to deal with all the troubles I had, I couldn't help me.

This is also true.

Nene's face was anxious, and he hurried, "I, I still have ...

"You needn't say anything." Sofia shook her head. "Your strength is not bad to ordinary people, but if you want to play for me, it's really useless. As for money ... if I love you, Jinshan Yinshan It has been there for a long time. So, if you want to impress me, these costs are not enough.

Nene shuddered, but carefully tasted the words of the other person, but seemed to feel that the woman's attitude was a little loose in front of her) could not help but give birth to a glimmer of hope: "That one by one one by one you mean:}"

Sofia smiled more kindly and peacefully, reached out and held Nene's face, her eyes flickered: "In fact, your original appearance is a very beautiful girl. Your original appearance, the girls I have seen in my life, can have such a look purple. Few girls like you are born to be admired and admired by countless men ... … If it were to say that you have the biggest capital in your body, no matter what kind of wealth you have, even your little strength is more valuable than your gifted nature. ”

When Nene heard it, his face suddenly changed: "You ... what do you want?"

Sofia smiled even more happily: "I said just now that you and I are pro-fellows, and I can't afford to offend a strong enemy like Merlin for a stranger, but ... if you and me become friends , Then, for the sake of my own family, even if it offends Merlin's actress, I have nothing to be unhappy about. "

"You ... I ..." Nene looked more nervous.

"Oh!" Sofia had a bitter face: "I always have a mind in my heart. I have a nephew, the son of an old friend and an old friend. Is that the kid, the nature is okay? It's ridiculous. It's not too old and you are not too old. Unfortunately, it's so old, but no girl likes it. I see it as an elder, and I'm inevitably worried. Beautiful enough ... so, if you would marry my nephew, it would be my own family ... Is that Merlin's woman, huh, although most people in this world are afraid of her, I am not afraid of that guy. You Become my own family, and of course I wo n’t watch her bully you so much ...

Nene paused completely.

She widened her eyes, opened her mouth, and looked at Sofia in surprise.

Sofia was not in a hurry, just smiled and looked at Nene: "How's it? Would you like to agree to this condition?"

Nene's face was dull, and finally she squeezed out such a sentence from her throat: "You, you want me ● marry ● your one by one one by one"


Nene looked at herself, and suddenly felt ridiculous in her heart, she blurted out, loudly = "What are you kidding me! I look like this) you one by one one by one"

"Poor little girl, you probably wore this bracelet for too long, even how beautiful you look. You forgot. You do n’t have to answer me, I will let you Look at what you really look like and you'll understand.

Speaking, Sofia Grandma Station number and i shouted at him, one-eyed, you scumbag, bring me to the mirror! "

After a moment, the one-eyed face had a bitter smile on his face, and came out from behind. He came up with a rusty copper-bottomed glass mirror in his hands, and placed it on the table. Sofia glared at him, and hurried with one eye U-turn and ran back.

This is just an ordinary mirror. Sofia took it in her hand. Her palm was gently wiped on the mirror surface, and her fingertips permeated a soft light. The inconspicuous mirror surface suddenly became bright. !! Sofia passed Nene to the mirror: "Take a picture of yourself and you will know."

Nene's face was strange, but she took the mirror subconsciously, leaned in front of her, and looked into the mirror, one by one, "Ah !!" She screamed suddenly, and threw the mirror on the ground if she missed it. One of the mirrors fell to the ground, and it suddenly broke into several pieces! Nene was surprised, couldn't help stroking his face with both hands, stared at 7 eyes, looked at the broken mirror on the ground, and looked at Sofia in front of him. "Then ... the man in the mirror, is it really me?" !! Is it me? "

"Of course." Sofia smiled: "You are such a beautiful little girl like Taobao Mall Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Coat, you should always have thousands of pets. If you can restore that look, only Afraid that men in the world will line up to please you and admire you. From then on, wherever you go, you will have admiration and admiration, and no one will say "Ugly Bagua, ..."

She said these words very lightly, and her tone was soft and gentle, but she seemed to give up a bit of ghostly charm.

Nene listened, and could not help but gradually loose her eyes, looking quite long ... But finally, she suddenly shook her head, her eyes restored her clarity, and stared at Nene: "I promised to marry your nephew, and you let me It looks like that in the mirror? "

"It's not about transforming you into a mirror, it's about recovery. You are the way you are, but I didn't change it."

Nene looked dignified, took a deep breath, and looked reluctantly at the mirror on the ground, but finally shook his head heavily: "... No! I can't promise you."


"I ... I already have a sweetheart." Nene looked complex: "I have made up my mind to marry him!"

Sofia smiled: "Don't you say that your sweetheart has made you look ugly? In this case, what are you thinking about him?"

Nene felt a little uncomfortable, but still shook her head vigorously: "No! Now that I've made up my mind, I can't like others any more, and I can't marry someone else. I can't agree to your condition.

"Oh?" Sofia wasn't furious, still looked at Nene so peacefully: "You know, this opportunity is rare, a guy like Merlin, there are not many people who dare to provoke her to help you, you can meet I'm also your luck ... Miss this opportunity, I'm afraid if I want to find other ways, there is no hope. You are obviously such a beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m, would you like to be beat Behind this ugly body is called 'Ugly Eight Monsters and Monsters?'

Nene's expression was gloomy, and her eyes were full of struggles, but she shook her head vigorously: "I said no, I just can't!"

"Then I won't be able to help you." Sofia stood up and smiled slightly. "Well, since there is nothing, you are just ... remember to lose the money you just broke before leaving."

Seeing that Sofia was about to leave, anxious inside, she exclaimed, "Wait, wait!" What? Changed your mind? "Sofia turned and looked at Nene with a grin.

There was sweat on Nine's forehead, and her eyes were red with anxiety. After many years of wishing, today I finally met an expert who can help herself. But if she survives so easily, I'm afraid she has a dead heart in her heart Now, just looking at Sofia, Nene was speechless: "I ... I, one by one, one by one"

She suddenly gritted her teeth: "Today's matter, I haven't thanked you ... I just fought with that evil woman, thank you for your resolution, I ..."

"No need to talk nonsense." Sofia looked cold: "I did it just now, not for you, but for myself. You and that chick are a little bit different, you have the female actress Merlin behind you, and the purple head There is also an old monster standing behind her. If either of you has an accident with me, it will cause me trouble. Although I am not afraid of the two old guys, I can avoid such troubles. Free. "

Nei Nei was speechless, but just knelt down on the ground, bursting into tears, and finally biting his lips.

Sofia looked at Nene and finally sighed. She slowly sat down again and shook her head with a bitter smile = "Okay: r I will be kind again one by one to see Nene's look showing a little joy, Sofia Dasao shook her head: "Don't be too happy, I didn't promise to help you. However, I can give you some pointers. "

After a pause, Sofia shook her head: "You get up and sit down first. I don't like talking to people like this.

Nene nodded her head. She sat obediently in front of Sofia's aunt, sitting there with her hands on her knees, looking as honest as possible. If it was seen by her gang of horse thieves I'm afraid they will stare out. When did our big sister Nene get the look of such a lady?

Grandma Sofia grabbed a jug on the table at will, but it was left by Nene and others before. She picked up a clean cup on the table, poured a glass for herself, and drank half of her head. Then he smiled and said, "Do you know what kind of person Merlin is?"

↓ She ... She is a terrible witch and a very powerful magician ... "Nene tentatively said.

"I didn't ask you these.

With a smile, Sofia flashed a strange light in her eyes: "Not to mention her legendary experiences that have been preached by the world, how much do you know about this woman?"

"???" Nene widened his eyes and stared blankly at the big sister in front of him.

Sofia sighed, grabbed the bottle and took another sip ...

"Actually, this woman is pretty pathetic.

"This woman became famous when she was young. When she was young, she was the best among the witches of Landis. She was less than 20 years old, and she had already surpassed her teacher. Cat Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m, originally like her; 8 bright women, rarely choose to become a witch. But partial (8 she is an extremely few guys.

When she was young, she was so beautiful. Even the Crown Prince of Landis had an admiration for her. On several occasions, she wanted to hire her as the imperial witch of the palace, but But she was firmly refused. This woman has a tough and indifferent temperament. She doesn't like to gossip about anything. Her temper is also lonely and proud. When she was young, she once said that looking at the world at the time, there were not many people who could see her. And in her heart, the only person who has always convinced her to take oral reverence from the bottom of her heart is the late genius. Hirafinkya is the generation of genius who created the magic of life.

When he was young, Merlin used to say this many times, ‘Hate ca n’t be born in the same age as Hierafinkya! If I could be born in the same age as such a great figure, I would marry such a wizard, even if I did everything I could! "However, at that time, we all thought that this guy was a lunatic. Only a lunatic would like an ancient character who had died for hundreds of years.

But at that time, although she was a bit lonely and proud, she was not so weird as she is now. At that time, she just didn't like to deal with people. She wasn't as sharp as she is now.

Hum, everyone in the world knows about her and the Landis royal family, knowing that she is forcing the royal crown to be handed down, the Landis royal family is afraid of her intimidation and dare not refuse, and she has helped the Landis kingdom to block Byzantium The invasion of the army ... Well, in fact, where is such a legend! The Kingdom of Landis can sit on one of the three great powers of the world, and there is naturally a loyal guardian of the strongest in the royal family. Nothing else, then the twelve knights of the Round Table Knights of the Landis Kingdom, They are all first-class masters. The ancient king's room with thousands of years' history is extraordinary. Even if her Merlin is even more powerful, she cannot force a strong king's room with her own rain.

It's just that ... the King of Landis at the time was the Crown Prince who had loved her in the past. Her Majesty ’s admiration for Merlin naturally refused to embarrass her, but she even agreed to borrow the royal crown of the royal family ... but doing so turned out to be full of Merlin ’s reputation, making everyone in the world mistakenly believe that Merlin Strength is so strong that a king's room is afraid, hum! "

At this moment, the uncle said that his voice was full of resentment and dissatisfaction, and Nene could hear the curiosity in his heart, but only forbearing curiosity, but he did not dare to ask.

Grandma Sofia took a deep breath and shook her head with a bitter smile: "Oh, it's all about the past, but it still makes me so-excited ..."

"Lantith ’s wizards are a part of their own, and they have always resisted the Byzantine Empire ’s magic union chamber. This Merlin is indeed a natural wizard and is too proud. He actually ran to the Byzantine Empire and the magic union forced the ancients. The manuscript left by Rafinkia ... In the final analysis, she is still too arrogant, thinking that no man in the world is worthy of her, and only the ancient genius can be the object of her admiration. But she is also true The strength is so good that the magic union of the Byzantine Empire bowed their heads and confessed, hum ...

It is just that the Byzantine Empire and her party, despite achieving her higher prestige, also left her a section ... hehe! This woman who is so proud, and a woman who sees men like grass and mustards, has finally planted a boss, haha, she, she is, she is actually in love with a Byzantine man! With her unusually high vision in her heart, only the ancient ingenuity of Hirafinkya was worthy of her. It's weird but it's weird here. I can't help thinking about this matter so far. I am most afraid that Eros will blind his eyes to make such a mess.

Speaking of the Byzantine man that Merlin fell in love with ... Well, that guy is not bad, and the strength is considered to be top, but it is far worse than a strong one like Merlin. The appearance is just ordinary, the character is even more sloppy, and mean and shameless. God knows whether Eros is really blind 7 eyes, and actually matched these two guys together! But weird things don't stop there! A woman like Meilin is extremely beautiful, no matter she is intelligent or powerful-she is a first-class genius in the world, and she is famous all over the world! No matter which man can get such a favor, I am afraid that I will faint with joy! Not to mention, that is the King of Landis, but he kept thinking about Merlin. He heard that the queen he married later looked like Merlin.

However, a woman like Merlin who fell in love with the Byzantine man fell in love with Merlin.

Nothing ridiculous in this world! I heard that I didn't know what method the man used, but he actually cheated Mei Lin's heart. This woman is also really weird. She usually looks cold and arrogant in her temperament, but once she is emotional, she is ten times more crazy than ordinary people! I don't know what the man did to trick Melin's trust. Merlin promised the man to be his wife, but the man lied to Merlin. Merlin returned to Landis and just waited so silly for the man to work. He waited for ten years ...

The man never appeared again.

Since then, Merlin's temperament has changed drastically, and her behavior has become increasingly lonely and fierce, alas ... "

Hearing here, Nene has completely stopped! Although she grew up in a man's heap and was born ugly, she was still a woman after all, and she always had some delicate thoughts in the heart of her girl ’s house. When she heard this, she hated Merlin for so many years But still could not help but gave birth to a little sympathy and compassion.

This horrible woman who has hurt herself for so many years also has such a sad past? !! I heard Sofia sighed again and sighed: "If it ends here, it's fine. Unfortunately, Merlin waited for ten years and should have given up desperately ~ ~ But afterwards, I got another The news one by one, this female lunatic, actually went to Odin alone for that man, and broke into the palace of Odin alone! "

"Ah!" Nene was startled) blurted out: "She heard one by one that she was not for an Odin tribe?"

"Fake!" Sofia snorted. "If it wasn't for the people who really valued themselves, who would be willing to provoke the peerless and powerful enemy of Emperor Odin ?! Yesterday I did not update, explain, this is the" Yesterday, one of my brothers invited me to a dinner party, but I refused it. My friend said that I would introduce an old friend to me. I was the producer of the recent television station "Fei Cheng Don't Disturb", which is a popular TV show in Jiangsu. Many people have watched it, oh) I happen to have watched that TV show recently, holding on to the thought of wanting to listen to some gossip, so I went happily.

Originally, it was an ordinary dinner party for old friends, but a group of people on the table during the dinner, for a long time, I was single and unmarried, so everyone beat me, let me go to that festival, the producer brothers also had no good intentions Looked at me with a sly smile: "You dare to die, I dare to bury!" Friends also coaxed, "Come on, let's go, your profession and identity, even on that show, even more hot."

It's a pity that there is such a good opportunity for speculation, but my timid person is to stay away.

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