
Chapter 534: [Difficult (4) March! 】

Chapter 534 [Decision (4) Marching! 】

Chapter 534 [Decision (4) Marching! 】

He knocked out Dax, and took on his loyal magician servant. From this perspective, it seems that God's will is destined for our Lord Dodoro to go to the Imperial City. He did not complete the previous task, and met Xia Ya to return in the middle of the road. It seems that this time, our magician has to go to Oscar. Our uncle Xia Ya gave an order to speed up the team, and the whole team went nonstop to their base camp-Siltan County, New Town.

Charlie walked very quickly, especially after entering Siltan County, and immediately contacted the local garrison. Charlie then gave the convoy to the garrison, and he only brought Mr. Darwin and Oak, Leaving the brigade aside, headed straight for the new town.

It can be said that when Xia is returned, Green's mood can be described with relief-this unscrupulous boy finally returned! Just observing his duties, General Green is thinking about how to persuade his boss well. In the future, he must get rid of this bad hobby that is easy to disappear—Xia Ya came back and saw Green's first The sentence is: "Get ready, we are going to fight!"

At the beginning, Green did not understand Xia ’s words correctly. Green mistakenly thought that Xia knew the imperial order that ordered the Northern Army to send troops. It is estimated that Xia was planning to toss it out to deal with the imperial capital. Just ask.

So Green's answer was: "I'm ready. I've made Sharba's cavalry regiment ready to send troops. I'll pull it to the border and run for two days. If I look good, I should be back soon."

If Charya could, Green would almost faint on the spot!

"The Cavalry Regiment? Just the Cavalry Regiment is not enough. Order it. The Northern Army is mobilized. We will go in four directions. I hope that the situation in the North will be calmed down before the first snow in the winter."

Green's response to this was that the boss was crazy!

Yes, he must be crazy!

It's not just Green who thinks so! As soon as Xia Ya entered the city, the Throne of Seals held a military conference. Immediately, all the generals of the Northern Army in the new city thought so. The boss must be crazy!

Xia ignored the eyes of the crowd and pinned a map of the north to the wall.

Well, now let's briefly introduce the current situation around Char's "Northern Guard District".

To put it simply, the northern guard area of ​​Chaya now occupies sites in County More, County Syltan, and the former Corsica Military Region.

These three places form the present jurisdiction of Xia Ya, and outside the "Northern Guardian District", there are four warlord party sites with red round tables bordering it.

The distribution is equally divided, two to the east and two to the west.

It is worth mentioning that the two on the east are all bordering the Corsica region, while the two on the west are all bordering Syltan County.

The forces of the four warlords are called according to the tradition of the empire. They are all military districts and Tema military districts. Among the red round table groups of the Warlords, the strengths of these four military regions are not considered top, but they are by no means the weakest. If you do a math problem, the strengths of the four are calculated, and there are probably six or seven. Ten thousand horses, this is still a conservative estimate.

This is a very simple math problem. After the reorganization of Xia ’s northern army, the first corps now has 20,000 combat power. In addition to the cavalry, the total strength of Xia is only less than half of the opponent’s— -If the local security forces do not move.

From a normal military point of view, it is not impossible to fight, but to fight against the four at the same time with a weak force, that is definitely a flood of brains. But everyone at the meeting saw that their commander-in-chief's eyes were serious, and his expression was definitely not a joke!

"For the plan to send troops, the First Corps and the cavalry are all dispatched, and the local police forces can stay in place." Xia Ya took a deep breath: "Is the leader ..."

Xia soon expressed his thoughts that he had planned along the way.

The two Tema military districts to the west, the "Notting Military District" are the weakest of the four opponents, and Sia's plan is to let Shalba take the independent cavalry regiment. Nottingian military area has less than 8,000 troops, while Charlie's cavalry regiment is the base of the Rhoderian cavalry, with 4,000 Rhoderian cavalry against thousands of warlords, winning a lot.

And also an opponent outside the west: Beckerp Military District. This military region has a strength of about 15,000, which is the second strongest of the four opponents. Charya means sending the First Army of the Northern Army and commanding Green—with Green's military capabilities and the North With the strength of the First Corps of the Army, under the circumstances that the strengths of the two sides are comparable, there is an excellent general, Green, and the elite level of the Northern Army, there should be no problem in defeating the opponent.

It can be said that for the two opponents in the west, this assignment is not much of a problem.

But then, when it comes to the Eastern Front, Charlie's plan made everyone breathless!

"The Newika military region is in the northeast of Corsica, so there is no need to send too many troops, so that Sogel can call up 5,000 people in Corsica, make an attack gesture, attract the attention of the other party, and then Interact with them and hold them for a while. Newika only has 10,000 troops. They ca n’t pull them all out. We put on an offensive posture. They will pull out up to two flag groups to deal with it. Seoul put on a confrontation and told him that all I needed was to fight for the Seal of the Throne of Throne in about ten days. "

Having said that, Xia set his sights on the name of the fourth opponent on the map.

Bolo Military District.

Of all the rebel warlord party red round table camps, the Bolo Military District can also be considered a member of the front-line square formation. Because this Bolo military area has about the equivalent of a county, and it also has over 30,000 troops.

This strength is not inferior to that of the former Corsica Military Region and that of the Besta people.

It can be said that among all the empire's Tema military districts, with such a large area and a warlord who had the strength of a corps, this kind of power is not too much. The best of them, such as the head of the warlord party feathers, the governor of Armenian Military Region Hughes, is just a county site plus tens of thousands of horses.

Another example is El Salvador.

If only calculated mathematically, the strength of the Boluo military area can even be steadily ranked in the top five of all warlords.

But in fact, the real strength of the Bolo Military District can only rank in the top ten.

The reason is simple. Although the Boluo Military Region has a county land, the geographical location of Boluo is relatively remote and not too rich. Armenia, such as Hughes, is known for producing the 6 most elaborate armors of the Big Six. And what about the territory of the Governor of El Salvador ... it even has a name that makes people look up: Rhoderia!

Yes, it is "that" Rhoderia!

The home of the Empire's trump army Rodria Cavalry! From this name you can see that El Salvador's territory is famous for what it produces: a brave warrior!

So, what about the Bolo Military District, which also has such a large area?

Unfortunately, Bolo Military District is famous for producing the most delicious potatoes and Chinese cabbage on the Big 6 ...

Even the ruler of the Bolo military district, the Beinrich family, has a considerable "famous name" among the warlords of the empire.

It can be said that the Bolo Military District was established as early as a hundred years ago-it was one of the first batch of Tema Military Districts established by the Byzantine Empire.

The first-generation governor of the Boluo Military Region, Rondo Beinrich, was also known for his brave warfare.

But unfortunately, after a hundred years, this former warlord family has quickly become aristocratic.

In the last 30 years, they have replaced three governors.

Governor Sternt Beinrich, who took office 30 years ago, was in office for two years. The governor is said to be an avid fan of equestrian sports. But unfortunately, this hobby did not allow him to build a strong cavalry unit-the governor is said to have played a very bang polo. In the end, he also regretted that he died in this hobby: once again, he unfortunately fell off the horse during a polo match, and was then trampled by his companion's hoof.

The succeeding governor was the younger brother of the polo enthusiast named Romero Beinrich.

This dude is famous because of one of his hobbies: lascivious.

It is said that he married a total of eleven wives-maybe you see this figure will be skeptical, think that it is not that big, powerful people like this, more women, it is not unusual.

Well ... if this is not anecdotal, then ... one of his eleven wives is the widow of his dead brother (he not only inherited the position of his brother's governor, but My wife also smiled)-Do you think this is nothing? Then there are more fierce behind, and one is more sensational than the other:

His third wife, his half-sister! The fifth wife is his niece! !! !!

Are you dumbfounded? !!

This dude's approach is definitely not a word of "fierce"! It is simply a life like a sturdy animal! !!

But the tragedy was born.

The governor of the beast was twenty-six years in office, and after marrying his sister-in-law, niece, and half-sister, he probably presumed such a beast practice, and even the Lord could not stand it. He was really cursed: his eleven wives gave birth to eleven offspring.

Unfortunately, ten of them are daughters, and the only male, that is, his only son, is the result of the beast brother and his youngest wife, his niece! !!

This is definitely a tragedy-because it is the product of a close relative, it is said that the only son was born with some disabilities-it is said that the brother's hands are different from ordinary people, with four fingers in his left hand and six in his right hand. Moreover, it is rumored that this guy has another distinctive hobby: like to run!

Yes, it is "Ben"!

It is rumored that the Governor-General's favorite thing to do is to take off his clothes on a clear day and run a few laps around his luxurious and comfortable Governor's House, which is not enough. When the Governor was interested, he even ordered his guards to be stripped and run with him ...

Perhaps, this magical governor is a strange man with a lot of people in his bones.

The gentleman's name is Hillman Beinrich, but people in the Big Six will usually call him "Governor Ben" when they mention this brother.

It stands to reason that such a magical family can still exist to this day, and the Boluo military area has not fallen down and was annexed by other forces, it seems a miracle.

However, in fact, although the three governors of the Beinrich family are all weirdoes, in fact, it must be said that they have at least some abilities.

For example, the sturdy Governor of the Beasts who married his close relatives, although he was so lecherous that he even started with his own blood relatives, but his ability to govern was not too bad, and he also made a lot of military regions What the Governor is very envious of: He actually recruited a magician to serve his military area.

In addition, the Boluo military area also has more than 30,000 troops, even by the standards of the Byzantine Imperial Army, the quality of the army is not bad. This is due to the fact that they have a talent, a slightly better general, who has served the Governor for three generations and has been with the Beinrich family.

And even more amazing things are here!

The actual commander of the Bolo Military District is the governor of Polo, and his birth will surprise many people by opening his mouth-he used to be a puppet in the governor's house! Because he served the Governor of Polo from an early age, and grew up, he became the confidante of the Governor of Polo and was chased into the army to play. I did not expect that the puppet had quite a military talent and worked in the army. It's quite a bit.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why the Boluo military region actually survived the three ridiculous governors.

The allegiance of a magician guarantees the Beinrich family a loyal companion. A Tatar general with outstanding military capabilities, has managed the army very well for them. The best part is that Tatars do not have special power because they have no fertility and no offspring, and there is no threat of usurpation.

Therefore, although the Bolo Military District has a poor reputation abroad, in fact, their strength must not be said to be "weak."

What's more, they have a 30,000-strong army, an excellent and loyal general, and the help of a magician.

For this strongest opponent, Char ’s plan is:

"Bolo Military District, I will deal with it myself."

Green was the first to ask: "How many troops do you take?"

The meaning of this statement is obvious: you have all the soldiers in your family allocated, where is the army?

To deal with a military region with 30,000 soldiers, even if you Xia Leiming can fight well, I ’m afraid you wo n’t be able to use it.

... Xia ’s answer made everyone shocked!

"Five hundred riders in a strong riding camp, foot also!" Xia Ya smiled arrogantly: "I brought my own five hundred strong riding camps against the Bolo military area. Within ten days I will definitely defeat the opponent, and then return to the army and merge with Sogle. Then again ... "

"Wait, wait!" Green shouted, "Are you crazy? Xia ?! Five hundred rides! I admit that the strong riding camp is very elite, but five hundred to thirty thousand. Do you really think ..."

"I'm not kidding! I'm not crazy!" Charlie's tone suddenly became extremely solemn, and she slowly looked at the crowd, condensing: "I know the fears and doubts in your heart, but what I need now is your trust Obedience! Believe me, I'm not crazy, and I know exactly what I'm doing! I won't explain to you now ... I just need to execute the order unconditionally! "



How Xia Leiming persuaded his group of officers to carry out his crazy plan-a process that no one knows in future generations.

In short, this crazy plan, which seemed to be near death at the time, was forcibly carried out by the young general in the north with an extremely resolute will and an indisputable attitude. And because of this crazy plan, since then, the people on the Big Six have given this young general a new nickname: "Madman"!

However, for the well-known "Governor Ben" Hillman Beinrich in the Bolo Military District, the mood will not be very good at this time.

Charlie still rules things very well. After carrying out the plan with a strong will, he sent a document to the Bolo Military District through channels before sending troops.

In fact, Xia ’s northern army and the four warlords around it have been in contact for a long time, and in fact ... the relationship between everyone is not too bad.

As early as when the Odin Chixue Army invaded south, occupied Siltan County, and annexed the Corsica Military Region, the four warlords around it had been worried for a while. But soon, Xia took his newly established Northern Army southward, and battled Syltan County, killed the Red Snow Army, and conquered two sites in one fell swoop.

At that time, it was impossible to say that the four military districts around them had no ideas at that time. Among them, no one ever had an idea, and wanted to take advantage of Xia's unsteady footholds and conquer some sites to discuss the cheap.

But considering the fierceness of Xia Ya, this guy has defeated the cruel Odin Chixue Army! With that in mind, several companies flinched back then.

After Xia Ya established the Northern Army Group, he had secretly exchanged with the four warlords, and the purpose of the exchange was simple: procurement.

After Silton County was ravaged by the Odins, rebuilding their homes on the ruins and recultivating abandoned farmland required a lot of material. Among them, the Bestas helped a little, but it was impossible to rely on Bestas for such a large site. Therefore, at the time, Xia also purchased many things, such as food, such as agricultural tools, and seeds, through Dax.

Dax is the former ace intelligence officer of the Landis Kingdom, and secretly communicates with the Garos Chamber of Commerce. Relying on the networks and strongholds of the Garos Chamber of Commerce, Xia ’s purchasing groups have once ran here. The four military regions, and even Xia, even reached some secret purchase agreements with the four military regions through middlemen. It can be said that the two sides actually have some secret relationships.

Especially in the Bolo area.

The Bolo region has the largest territory and the largest population. Similarly, food production is also abundant, which is an important area for Charya to purchase supplies.

Even, Xia had some secret correspondence with the legendary Governor Ben. However, in the official world, we will never admit it.

In a way, it can be said that in the process of rebuilding Siltan County, the Bolo Military District helped Charya a little. Even the agreement that everyone secretly reached, the Boluo Military Region promised a small amount of material procurement for the Northern Army ...

From this point alone, it can even be said that the two are secret allies.

But unfortunately, what made the Governor Ben angry was that at this moment he was holding the official document from the "secret ally"!

In this official document, Xia Ya shamelessly declared that a buyer's team he sent disappeared in the Bolo area a few days ago, and he has reason to suspect that the Bolo people did the robber's work. The tough demands were that the Boluo people return the arrested caravan, and the murderers were raised, and a compensation amount of 100,000 gold coins was proposed.

At the end, he was very arrogant and declared that if the Boluo people did not agree to his request and did not pay him compensation, then he would bring soldiers and swords to fetch!

How can this be true! !! !!

Hillman Beinrich almost didn't twist his nose!

This is simply blackmail and blackmail! !!

What makes him vomit blood is that just two months ago, Xia Ya just sent someone to buy a large amount of food in his territory, and because of the two previous secret agreements ~ ~ he also Not to embarrass Charya, but to give a lot of convenience.

This Xia thunder is simply a white-eyed wolf! !! !!

I just bought food from myself and turned around and raised my butcher knife? !!

Bullies are not so bullied! !! Is it really when I'm afraid that you, a mob, will not succeed in Boluo Military District? !! !!

Huh, 100,000 gold coins? I ca n’t afford it! Can't afford to lose this person! !! !!

"Get ready! Mobilize the army !!!" The Governor Ben ordered a command very simply.

In his opinion, there is no need to reply to such a rogue request. Since you want to deal with me, just hit it!

In fact, he didn't know that Xia didn't expect the other party to promise his clear-cut rogue request, and didn't wait for the Boluo people to reply.

Just the day after this document was published, Xia had taken his top 500 riding camp, left the new city, and headed eastward all the way!

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