
Chapter 539: [Big Wedding (2)]

In fact, when the Xia Ya wedding was once again on the agenda, the entire group in the northern garrison district was excited and busy for the wedding of their young leader.

For an emerging group, the weakness of the Northern Army is that its foundation is too shallow, and their leader Xia Leiming himself is a bit too young. According to the Byzantine tradition, if a man is married, he has With wife and offspring, you can be mistaken is an important sign of maturity.

After Xia Leiming's marriage, at least one can downplay his weakness that he is too young.

In addition, for Xia Ya's wedding, in fact, there are some special "ideas" inside the Northern Army.

You know, the last time Charya went to King Diduqin, he asked Adrik in public, and after receiving Adrik's promise, almost all the empires knew that Xia Leiming would become Adrick's future son-in-law.

This marriage seems to be a wonderful thing: Adrik is the minister of the imperial affairs, and Xia is the young and famous young empire. The marriage between the two parties is a beautiful thing.

However, to the actual details, this thing is not so simple, but it becomes more complicated!

In other words, the situation has changed a lot over time.

Let's put it this way, when Adrik promised Xia ’s daughter's marriage contract, the news spread to the north. Most people inside the Northern Army were very supportive and sincerely supported. After all, at that time, the general in the garrison district of Xia Ya had just settled down. It would be a very good thing if the central government in the capital of the imperial capital, such as the central military minister, could be a strong aid.

Moreover, Adrik is the old boss of Xia, a component of the Northern Army, there are many remnants of the original Rhoderian cavalry "and some other 〖Central Central Army remnants. And the internal generals of the Northern Army For example, the old men of the former Rhodesian Cavalry Regiment, such as Shalpa and Cato, are also very happy to see such a situation. Other officers, such as Green, and others such as Reinhardt, are also in favor.

However, with the passage of time, the throne of the Seal of God, especially nowadays, many people's attitudes have quietly produced some subtle changes!

To put it plainly, the Northern Weifang District is already too powerful!

"Yes" powerful, really powerful!

Strong soldiers and strong horses, sitting on the land and population of the seven counties in the north, with soldiers, horses, money, food and prestige, and completely independent of the control of the empire's central state! It can be said that the Byzantine Empire is now the strongest!

When a power reaches such a level, many people inside are afraid that their minds will inevitably be shaken.

Now even fools know that the Byzantine royal family is afraid that they are already powerless. "At this time," the first-class lords of the empire, such as Xia Ya, etc., are all candidates who are likely to become the Supreme Throne in the future!

This is definitely not a joke!

Xia ’s power has spread to the present, and the inner people's hearts are afraid that many people have already held the "independence" mind. Anyway, from the beginning of the exhibition, the Northern Army has never received the support of the empire's "central" central. "It was Xia and everyone who worked hard with one hand and one foot. Now the situation of the empire is deeper. One day, maybe General Xia, there is also the one who stayed in Osgir ...

that time……

Although many people don't say it by mouth, in everyone's opinion, the marriage contract between Xia and Adrik may not be a good thing now!

You know, when the northern military exhibition is in today's situation, it is imperative "to make this force completely independent!

Be independent from the root and the source! Let the northern sheep be completely independent of the empire's "central" central!

Previously, through a series of army reorganizations, the traces of the original Central Army have been basically diluted, and the internal officers of the Central Army have been cleaned. At the same time, the establishment has been broken. The traces of the Central Army were completely erased.

And Adrik ... he is the Minister of the Empire! 〖Middle〗 The commander of the Central Army!

And ............ Charya's status now can completely resist the Adric Chamber, and will never go down a star! Even from the comparison of powers, Xia ’s northern army has already surpassed the power of the imperial capital!

At this time, Charlie married Adrik's daughter ... and lost the meaning of "holding a big tree" in the past.

And on the contrary, if Xia marries Adrik's daughter, it will add a layer of "Emperor Capital" to the already independent Northern Army.

After all, it became an independent Northern Army system. Is it necessary to reintegrate into the Adrik system?

People up and down inside have all kinds of thoughts, but no one can tell the meaning of this layer clearly.

At this time, Charlie's marriage became a breakthrough for everyone. !!

Shortly after the Fourth Northern Military Region was calmed down, the new independent cavalry regiment leader within the Northern Army, Rheinhardt, suddenly took the initiative to openly write to Lord Xia Leiming, the commander of the Northern Army, and urged adults to get married!

Rheinhardt's reason is simple: Lord Xiaia, you were going to get married long ago, and you have been married for a year, but you have been delayed again and again, and every time you go there are some abnormal situations that delay ... Now, the situation is settled, the Northern Army is thriving, the internal and external stability, the situation is good, you can finally get married?

It stands to reason that Char ’s marriage was his private affairs. As a senior general in the Northern Army and a military officer, it was a bit of a bad business to write in a formal letter to ask Char ’s marriage. What is it like that you are a poor general who exercises the army and improves the combat effectiveness of the army, but is concerned about the marriage of the coach?

However, this situation is subtle and subtle. After Rheinhardt wrote, Charlie's command has not had time to approve. In fact, Lord Sophie, the chief of staff, deliberately withheld this approval for two days. Many other general officers in the Northern Army learned of Rheinhardt's letter, but all of them suddenly became gossip. At one time, the throne of the Seal of God, military officers at all levels in the army wrote. Urge Xia Ya to get married early!

In many of these letters, the rhetoric was quite fierce, and some said that Xia Ya's life was too hard for his country. Some people say that Xia Ya is so lavish and private, "It is a model of the Empire, and everyone in the army can't bear it. Others have raised the height of Xia's marriage to a level that is related to the life and death of the northern army. ..., ...

For a moment, the throne of God's seal and many words, the snow-like petition flew to the command.

Instead, Charlie smiled.

Looking at the army of officers and officers who are not doing their jobs, they do n’t care about military exercises one by one, but they all seem to become matchmakers and worry about their marriages all the time. Although these guys pretend to be ignorant, how can they not be in their hearts? understand?

He was very clear that some people who wrote for Rheinhardt made it clear that they hoped to draw a line between themselves and the emperor. From then on, the Northern Army is the Northern Army. Remove all traces of external forces! The Northern Army must not be put on an "Adriatic" hat! Instead, it should be a completely new "Xia Ya Lei Ming"!

These people, especially Rheinhardt, have ambitions or ambitions in their hearts, and some, like Rheinhardt, are purely desperate for the empire 〖China〗 The central government has long been completely desperate, pinning its future hope on itself And the Northern Army. There are also some people who write, they belong to show their positions "or show loyalty!

At this time, everyone knows that asking Xia to marry in writing means that he is loyal to the Northern Army, that is, he vowed to die and only loyal to the independent group of the Northern Army.

Everyone is writing a petition, "but you are not writing. Is it that you are secretly connected with the power of the imperial capital? Being in the Northern Army and facing the emperor in your heart is impossible?

So "for a while, the throne of God Seal, those petitions, and the entire Northern Army up and down, as if all the attention was focused on the marriage of Xia Ya.

The only people who did not write a petition were only a few people.

These few people who did not write a petition include the old crazy dog ​​Green. Green is one of the six loyal empires. He also came out of the background of the Imperial Capital Military Academy. "His loyalty to the empire is unshakable. At the same time, his prestige within the Northern Army is extremely high." There are quite a few speculations in people's hearts.

Many people even think that "General Green is afraid that he does not want to see Xia become an independent prince in the north!"

In addition, those who did not include Shalpa and Cato, the chief of the Army's General Logistics Department.

Both Shalba and Cato were the old men of the original Rhodes Cavalry Regiment, and they were once both Adrik's guards. If they are emotional, they should be most inclined to Adrik, and they also hope to see Charya marry the daughter of her old boss.

Therefore, the two men did not write the letter, in fact, they did not have any real political attempt, it was completely emotional.

Even the subordinates around Scharba and Cato quietly hinted that the two had better write a petition to show their loyalty. Both people have the same attitude: Lao Tzu's loyalty does not need to be shown by such a petition.

What makes people's minds different is Xia's own attitude.

In the face of so many petitions, the commander general did not make any reply. At the beginning, it was deliberately made by the chief of staff of Sufi, but afterwards, Xia always refused to express his attitude, and this attitude made people think deeply.

In fact, no one can fully guess the concerns in Xia Ya's heart.

To marry a poor worm, that was Charya's absolute wish. Whether in the past or now, Charya's feelings for the poor worm have never wavered.

But ... in today's situation, his marriage has led to an internal group, which is not what Xia wants to see.

It is normal for him now to have a little ambition. No matter who has absolute power like him in his hands, he will have some thoughts that he never had before, not to mention, Charya himself has no doubt about the Byzantine Empire. The royal family has no loyalty, allegiance to the royal family is a nonsense to him, and instead, it just depends on how unhappy his uncle is.

However, he never wanted to hurt the poor worm! Had it not been for the poor worm, Adeline, Xia would have slashed the Garcia Emperor!

In addition, there is a very important reason: he can ignore the opinions of others, but in any case, the opinions of Mad Dog Green and the two older brothers who work hard together Shalpa and Cato must pay attention to it!

So "Sia was silent when he saw Green and Shal Bakato stay silent.

Finally, he quietly wrote a secret letter to Green.

There is only one sentence in this letter: What do you think about my marriage?

To put it bluntly, Xia didn't want to give Green a room for ambiguity "and gave himself no room.

Green's reply came quickly: the knot ends!

The meaning of this statement is not easy to understand. But after thinking about it for a moment, Charlie understood Green's meaning: Although Green didn't support it, he didn't oppose it. In short, you can take care of it yourself, I don't care.

Understanding Green's position, the communication between Xia and his two older brothers was even simpler.

Charlie made a barrel of good wine and invited two brothers who had shared life and death directly. The three enjoyed the drink. Charlie bluntly stated his marriage. Sharpa and Cato also made no secret. What they think: You Xia have promised to marry the daughter of Lord Adrik, but now you are going to marry another woman. Although the woman is a poor worm, we all know each other, but you have an agreement with Lord Adrik after all , Adults have cultivated you, and we are the same old superiors, you now break the contract, but a bit unreasonable.

Xia Ya then said, "It is one thing to marry the poor worm yourself, but it never meant to return to the marriage agreement with Adrik. Actually, that is to say: I now marry the poor worm, and I will not marry Adrick in the future. Daughter, big brother I married together.

Sherpa and Cato were immediately relieved, and they immediately patted their **** to make sure.

Cato said that he would take out more than a dozen barrels of good wine that he had treasured in the ground, and used it at the Charlie wedding banquet. The director of the General Logistics Department, who was born of the smuggler, was indeed the same. Get good stuff.

And Shalpa shot the table immediately, saying that Xia was married, and he must be a best man, otherwise he would have a duel with him.

The brothers were drunk and broke up.

So, this big wedding is about to enter the agenda!

Just when the entire Northern Army Group was busy preparing for their commander's wedding, there was still one person in the entire Northern Army, keeping an unusually low profile.

And this person is ...



The lanterns and decorations in Denzel City brought out all the goodies that were originally used in preparation for the New Year celebration. Even the soldiers in the city put on their new uniforms, and the soldiers on duty in the city carrying the polished axe Yucca, all of them were holding their chests up, and worked hard to make them look right. .

In the cavalry battalion outside the city, the cavalry were transferred out for training of the guard of honor.

At this time, not many people noticed that another senior officer of the cavalry regiment, Miss Nene, was abnormal.

Nene was riding alone outside the city. She was galloping in the wilderness outside the city, galloping and letting the wind blow her head, and a cold air was sucked from her mouth into her lungs. The bitterer she felt in her heart.

The news that Xia Ya is going to get married has been repeated many times over the past year, but this time, it seems that it is really about to give birth. This time, it seems that there is no more thing to stop Charlie from having a wedding.

Inside the Northern Army, it wasn't that there was no Miss Nene's feeling for General Xia. On the contrary, there were not many people who didn't know.

Everyone knows this)), when it is best not to talk about Nia's marriage with Nene, it is best not to even talk to Nene.

Nene's face was full of haze, and she still made a cold look in front of people, but only when she ran out of the city and ran like a horse for a while, could she slightly release the depression in her heart.

Yes, he is getting married! After all, he's getting married!

It seems that his own thoughts have never been in vain, and he has never received a slight response from him.

Is it his appearance? God knows that she used to be a beautiful women's winter jacket m! But because of that Merlin ... have turned himself into this ugly look! But Merlin also seems to protect her true identity?

And Charlie ... is he really disgusting with his looks?

But it seems, it's not.

For Xia Ya, there have been some strange aesthetic views on women before. This is not a secret in the Northern Army. It seems that ... for his appearance, Xia Ya has never disliked it.

But ... he still doesn't like me!

In his heart, he never really had me inside!

Even if he followed him desperately! Even if he abandoned the foundation industry, he took his brothers and horses and fled to him!

Outside Denzel, there is a small river. This river did not exist before, but after the war, wasteland was opened outside Denzer. A ditch was dug here and a small river attracted.

This place is very remote, but Nene likes it very much, because there is no one here, no one will see the sad expression on her face, no one will hear her grieving sigh, no one will ......... Now she is secretly crying here !!

Sitting by the small river, Nene looked at the water. A calm water surface reflected her looks like a mirror. The ugly face couldn't help looking even when she saw it herself.

Yeah ... Such a look, which man would fall in love with me?

Nene suddenly pulled out a short knife and grabbed his head with one hand, and severely cut it off ... Yeah, let the idea in his heart be infatuated with fantasy, and let go of this head, and make a break with two swords ... ...

As soon as Nene's sword fell, a sudden laugh came behind her.

The laughter was very peaceful, and it seemed to have a light flavour like the morning breeze in the morning.

Nene hurriedly turned around and saw a figure standing just behind him more than ten steps.

The man was wearing a black robe, tightly wrapped, slender and slightly thinner. This is a woman. Although the robe covered her body, the curve of the figure still fully demonstrated this.

Nene has never seen such a beautiful woman!

Although she looks a little thin, and although her robe covers the whole body tightly, she is standing there just like a willow on the riverside in summer, gently fluttering, but it seems so natural, no A little deliberate intention.

This woman is standing there, smiling and looking at Nene. Compared with her figure, her appearance does not seem to be excellent, but her eyes are bright and touching, like the cold star on a winter night. The eyes of a woman can grow so beautiful!

The woman was standing there. Her appearance did not seem to tell her age. She said that she could be twenty, and that she could be thirty.

What even made Nene pay attention is that the woman's brown-black head is always rare, whether it is the Byzantine Empire or Odin or Landis.

This is a woman who seems to be ordinary but is very strange, standing there quietly, looking at Nene and smiling, then said a word gently.

"The head is cut off, it will grow again, but it will take a long time. If you go down with this knife, you can't regret it."

Let's say something, please take a look.

The hospital I left the night before yesterday, I took a day off at home yesterday, and resumed work today, updating this chapter.

In fact, these days, my heart has been very tense, and even gave up some fear.

There was something in my nose, and I was removed by surgery during the hospital stay. I was very nervous. I was afraid that it was a malignant thing. Fortunately, the pathological result was benign, but the doctor told me that this thing It is easy to recover, and it takes a long time to observe and regularly review the Throne of the Seal of God ~ ~ It makes me very nervous. In short, I feel really depressed and depressed recently.

Alas, God's estimation, after this operation, don't change this thing again.

Hehe, everyone will help me pray that this thing will not come back,

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