Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 224 Chapter 224

Chapter 224 224. End Soon

【system information:】

[You consume 105,000 energy points to launch a deconstruction technique on "Seven Rings Rock and Soil System Battle Wizard Festa". 】

[Your deconstruction of the target has reached 50%]

【You have obtained the following deconstruction results:】

[1. Part of the recent memory fragment of the target:]

【.(not the point, pretending to be omitted)】

【2. Personalized panel letter information of the target:】

[.(same as above)]

Li Nuo was not stingy with energy, and decisively launched the deconstruction technique to obtain the first-hand intelligence of the enemy.

The battle background that a seven-ring battle wizard should have, opened the curtain in front of his eyes, showing a strong and tenacious side.

Festa's "spirit" is as high as 225 points, "will" is 70 points, and "spiritual blood bar" is 365/365 points.

He wears a psychic protection pendant with an item level of 77, which has a permanent 53,100 psychic shield.

With such a high amount of spiritual shield, it is difficult for Li Nuo to use "mind bombing" to defeat the opponent.

It doesn't matter.

This is expected.

Festa doesn't know the spell of "mind shield", no matter how high his resident mind shield is, it can't resist Li Nuo's "mind bombardment" scraping.

Continue to see other panel information.

Festa's magic robe is enchanted with the magic effect of "shield strengthening" of high power. He summons a "magic shield", which will have an additional 50,000 points of shield strength.

Not only that, the pair of magic boots on Festa's feet comes with "emergency teleportation". He can manually activate the teleportation, or let the magic boots automatically trigger the teleportation when his life is threatened.

Once the "Emergency Teleportation Technique" is activated, he will teleport 30 kilometers horizontally and leave the battlefield immediately.

The combination of "Giant Rock Barrier" and "Emergency Teleportation", coupled with more than 50,000 points of spiritual shield and magic shield, Festa has mastered the ability to counterattack on the spot after a sudden attack, and completely cut off Li Nuo's hope of killing him in seconds.

This is not over yet, as a battle wizard of the Seven Rings rock and soil system, Festa's frontal combat ability is equally astonishing.

He mastered as many as six high-level geotechnical spells.

"Summoning Rock Giant"


"Advanced Rock Cage"

"Bottomless Cave Summoning"

"Detect Rock and Soil Energy"

"Falling Mountain"

These six high-level spells cover the effects of summoning, large-scale damage, large-scale control, forced silence, and large-scale detection. If you take them out, they are enough for Li Nuo to drink a pot.

Look at his shield spell again.

It was the secret magic of the Pangula family, "Pangula Runestone Shield", a rock-soil magic shield strengthened with the secret text of the Pangula family.

It has a monstrous 99% resistance to kinetic energy and above 90% resistance to all other energy damage.

This magic shield is 94% resistant to death energy and 97% resistant to lightning energy.

Such a powerful attack and control ability, such a strong shield defense ability, combined with the emergency teleportation technique when dying, is enough to prove that the seven-ring battle wizard named Festa is the most powerful enemy among all the enemies Li Nuo has encountered so far. , the most powerful one.

Look at Li Nuo again.

A level 20 death thread wand, a level 20 death magic robe, a ring of wizard's head, a sword of silence like a short stone dagger, and a pathetic 40 points of "spirit" attribute value.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the gap between Li Nuo and Festa can be described as one in the abyss and the other on the top of a mountain.

There is no suspense in the battle between the two, and Li Nuo will undoubtedly lose.

But this kind of comparison of combat power based on superficial phenomena is really superficial.

Under the calm water surface, there are hidden "psychic bombardment" that stably causes more than 500 points of spiritual damage, "death incarnation" with an energy peak of more than 100,000 points, and dangerous thunderclouds entrenched in the sky...

as well as

No one can match Li Nuo's "information gap"!

Information gap is the fastest knife in the world to kill an enemy.

Those who hold this knife can always trample the weak under their feet, forcibly lower the strong to their own level, and then crush and instantly kill the opponent.

However, others cannot understand Li Nuo's advantages.

"Jarvis! The enemy you want to ambush is not Festa!?" Selina's voice sounded in Li Nuo's mind, full of anxiety and worry.

"Yes, Selena." Li Nuo responded calmly.

"No, Jarvis! Let's go! Get out of here! I'll help you lure Festa away, you can't be his opponent! He is a seven-ring rock-earth combat wizard, and his offensive ability is not as good as metal. As strong as Evocation, but defensively comparable to a holy wizard! Whenever he has a chance to breathe, he will summon powerful rock giants to help. Please leave, Jarvis, don't take risks! We can find other ways to fight To Fagan!"

Selena saw Festa flying quickly, and the anxiety in her tone became more intense.

Li Nuo took a deep breath, still calm and calm:

"The mystery of magic is not in power, but in change. At the moment of insight into the enemy, I have already won. Look out, Selena. This battle will be so fast that you can't imagine, don't blink."

After speaking, Li Nuo turned off the "soul sensing".

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the figure flying towards him.

He knew that Festa had found him.

The "perception enhancement" has been in effect, and Li Nuo's sensory ability has been greatly improved.

Li Nuo noticed the other party's gaze when Festa locked himself, the invisible wizard, at a distance of several kilometers.

The soil under Li Nuo's feet squirmed a few times, and a hard ground pierced through the soil, piercing his groin with a swish.

Li Nuo couldn't avoid it, and was immediately pierced by the ground thorn from bottom to top.

However, there was no scene of blood splashing.

The "Li Nuo" pierced by the ground thorn gradually faded and became transparent, and finally disappeared from Festa's sight.

"Psychic spell? Is it some kind of illusion?" Festa raised his hand, holding his long gray beard, with a solemn look in his eyes.

He touched the soul guard pendant under his robe, it was cold and showed no signs of being triggered.

"It seems to be some kind of illusion, an illusion that allows me to be recruited inadvertently. Things seem to be a bit troublesome."

Festa couldn't speak to himself, and there were several wrinkles on his forehead.

According to the action plan set by Master Fagan, before he gets close to the assassination site, he will write a letter and send it to get in touch with the demon brain parasite, Prin, who is guarding Lino Jarvis, and another retainer wizard.

After exchanging information with all parties and knowing the latest situation, I can take the field inspection report of "the mission is progressing normally" and return it to Master Feigen.

But today is very strange, the letters written to the three people including the demon brain parasite fell into the sea, and no reply was received, which had to make Festa vigilant.

The weirdest thing was the invisible human being, standing on island 102353, as if waiting for him.

"Is that person Leno Jarvis?" Festa felt more and more uneasy, and couldn't help being confused:

"But isn't Leno Jarvis a death-type wizard? How could he have mastered illusion? Well, it may be an illusion item, or he hired an illusion wizard to lurk in the dark. The illusion that can confuse me, at least Advanced. I have to be careful."

A thick rock-soil shield appeared around Festa.

Dozens of 100-meter boulders were compressed to the size of stones by magic power, and they circled and danced around him, forming a shield shell in which the stones kept turning.

Between these stones, from time to time, dark brown Pangula secret scripts flashed.

The Pangula secret text is like ties, chains, and blood vessels, firmly connecting the rocks to form an indestructible defense network.

At this time, Festa is still not sure who the person he met is.

Until he got in touch with the three of Prin and figured out the situation, he could only guess at the worst about what happened here.

Look at the island in front of you.

This is one of the most remote places in the entire Suman Islands, desolate and lifeless.

Master Fagan chose this place as the assassination location because he was sure that Leno Jarvis would come here after the wanted criminal, so that he could destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces without anyone noticing, and set up a frame for blame.

When I appeared here, the retainer wizard who was supposed to be guarding the wizard stronghold came to greet me.

But now, not only Puli and the devil brain parasite disappeared, but also the retainer wizard disappeared.

Festa thought about it carefully, and decided that there was a change in the assassination plan that he hadn't noticed.

He was just about to turn around and fly towards the magical ocean current when a beam of white light shot from a sinister angle and landed on his giant rock shield.

This white beam of light does not seem to have any lethality.

After it touched the shield, it didn't emit dazzling sparks, but turned into a giant white python, which swam tightly against the shell of the shield, circle after circle, lingering with the shield like a courting animal.

Festa's heart trembled, he recognized the origin of this white beam of light!

This is "Shield Disintegration Ray"!

A spell ray that can greatly weaken magic shields!

As long as you master the runes that strengthen the shield spell, you can use the runes and the "shield cracking ray" to crack the rune shield, reducing the resistance of the rune shield to a heinous level!

Festa sensed the giant rock shield that wrapped him, and his face changed drastically.

His shield is being weakened!

Someone has mastered the secret scripts of the Pangula family and weaved them into a "shield cracking ray" to deal with him!

Festa raised his right hand, waved forward, and injected a surge of rock-soil magic power into his giant rock shield.

Dark brown magic power poured into the shield, and the giant rock shield swelled several times like a violently inflated balloon.

The white beam of light hovering around the shield was exploded by the suddenly inflated shield with a bang, turning into small crystal white light spots and dissipating in the air.

Festa didn't stay, and urged the flying spell with all his strength, and flew in the direction of the magic ocean current.

At this moment, dozens of thick magic chains emerged out of thin air, wrapped around the shell of his giant rock shield.

These spell chains look very strong, but when facing Festa's giant rock shield, they are extremely fragile.

Festa just waved his hand and poured a wave of rock-earth magic into the shield, and then used the shield to burst the spell chains.

His flying movements did not stagnate in the slightest, and his target was always pointing at the magical ocean current.

One after another spell chains appeared beside him, and one after another white beams of light chased from behind and shot straight at his giant rock shield.

Festa sensed the energy fluctuations behind him, and locked on to the source of the spell chain and white beam of light in an instant.

He clapped his hands in front of him.

With a clear applause, a large piece of rock and soil appeared in the space behind him.

In just two seconds, the rock and soil shaped by the magic of rock and soil turned into a huge rock cage with a height of more than 30 meters.

"bang bang bang"

The moment the rock cage was formed, it collapsed and closed inward at an extremely fast speed.

The gray rock blocks were squeezed by the mighty force of magic, and stone fragments shot out from the shattered rock blocks, lasing towards the inside of the cage.

A storm of fragments like a torrent of bullets appeared inside the cage.

"Hoho, I got you, damned assassin."

Festa snorted coldly, and looked back at the figure in the rock cage.

The cage collapsed inward, and the volume became smaller, and the figures in the cage were inevitable, and could only bear the violent storm brought by the flying fragments.

Festa just wanted to ask aloud, but saw the figure in the cage disappear with a bang. Only crude wreckage resembling metal shards remained.

"It's illusion again." Festa frowned.

Several white beams of light struck, pointing directly at his giant rock shield.

Festa poured magic power into the shield, broke through the "shield cracking ray", and pulled out his magic wand from the magic pocket.

He was going to take his enemies seriously.

His wand was a silver-gray stone pillar, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, with a fist-sized dark green gem inlaid on the top.

He raised the one-meter-long wand over his head, straightened the wand, and pierced the stone slab supporting his body under his feet.


The wand collided with the slate with a loud bang.

The ring-shaped magic shock wave spread outward from the stone slab, and spread to a distance of 100 meters in less than a second.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The wand hit the slate again, and shock waves spread outward like ocean waves.

Several white beams of light came, but were crushed by the shock wave in the air, not even touching Festa's shield shell.

"Now it's up to you to escape, cowardly reptile."

Festa's gaze was like a torch, and he looked around, locking on the figure who was knocked out of the invisible state by the shock wave.

He raised his wand and pointed at the figure.

Several rock cages more than 30 meters high formed around the figure, blocking all the way out of the figure.

"Haha! Got you!"

Festa laughed as he watched the figure tightly blocked by the rock cage:

"Let me see who you are! How dare you sneak up on me! Also, what did you do to Purin and the others!"

"Crack." The crisp cracking sound came from under Festa's robe, extinguishing the joy of victory he had just ignited.

"Oops! The psychic protection pendant has been penetrated! Damn it! Why didn't your psychic spell make the pendant heat up!!!"

Festa's face was pale, terrified!

He screamed again and again, and hurriedly activated the "emergency teleportation" on the magic boots when the soul protection pendant was shattered!

His magic boots burst into bright white light, illuminating a large swath of the night sky.

The white light flashed and then disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a blank light flashed on a certain island, and Festa's embarrassed figure emerged.

Festa glanced at the surrounding scene and was momentarily stunned:

"Didn't I teleport in the direction of the magic ocean current? How did I return to the range of the archipelago?"

He turned his head stiffly, looking at the rock cage not far away that was collapsing inward.

Those rock cages did not appear on the sea, but floated above another island.

He had always thought he was flying in the direction of the magical ocean current.

He didn't find out until now.

His previous flight direction was not aligned with the magical ocean current, and he was always flying towards the depths of the archipelago.

"Holy position. Spiritual magic attainments"

Festa has seen a lot and recognized his opponent clearly, like falling into an ice cave.


The head exploded.

A seven-ring battle wizard was reduced to a headless corpse.

His soul was separated from his body, hid in a crystal, and flew in the direction of the magical ocean current.

"Crack." The crystal was crushed by the invisible spiritual power, and the soul dissipated in a burst of wailing, leaving crystal fragments floating to the ground with the wind.

"Jie Jie Jie, a battle wizard of the Seven Rings Rock and Earth Department, that's all."

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and stopped next to Festa's headless corpse.

Li Nuo put his hands behind his back, calm and relaxed.

He scanned the surroundings with a deconstruction technique, then waved his right hand, and used the "wizard's hand" to put the corpse into the body bag, and put the loot into the magic pocket.

The work of cleaning the battlefield was completed in one go.

Li Nuo raised his head, looked at the floating clouds in the night sky, and felt emotional:

"Hey~ My spiritual magic is so strong that I didn't even use the "Thunder Cloud Technique", so I killed the battle wizard of the Seven Rings. I really don't know what kind of enemy can enjoy my man-made thunder calamity."

It was easy to say, only Li Nuo knew how dangerous the battle just now was.

As long as he made a wrong calculation, he could only ask Selena for help.

There are two key points in the whole battle.

One is not to give Festa the opportunity to use all of his high-level geotechnical spells.

You must keep this guy on the surface of the sea at all times, and then give up the "Summoning of Rock Giants", "Summoning of Bottomless Grottoes" and "Falling Mountains" that require the earth as a support.

These three spells, which are very difficult for Li Nuo, require the "earth" casting environment, and Festa cannot cast them on the sea.

This is a disadvantage that all rock and soil combat wizards who are less than the holy rank have.

Only after reaching the level of the holy throne, can the rock and soil combat wizards have the ability to temporarily create land domains on the sea.

The second key point is that Festa must be kept away from the magic current.

Li Nuo used "perception tampering" on this guy, making him think that he was flying towards the magic current.

But in fact, Festa has been flying deep into the archipelago, surrounded by land resources that can be used, but he doesn't know it.

It can be said that in this battle, in addition to the "mind bombardment" used for scraping, the 100-level "perception tampering" and "psychic illusion" contributed the most.

"Perceptual tampering" not only made Festa lose his flying accuracy, but also made him think that he was above the sea, unable to cast spells such as "Summoning of Rock Giants".

"Psychic Illusion" formed an imaginary enemy in Festa's vision.

The guy yelled something like "I caught it", and summoned a rock cage to imprison several targets. He thought he had caught Li Nuo, but it was just a few machine spirits who approached him.

These mechanical spirits were given "psychic hallucinations" by Li Nuo, and they would naturally show the figures he wanted to see in Festa's eyes.

Like the "shield cracking ray" used to crack the shield, this kind of thing is only used to divert Festa's attention, and it was not Li Nuo's real ultimate move from the beginning.

"Looking at it now, although the psychic spells I deconstructed from "The River of Mind" are very low in integrity and relatively weak in power, just because they won't trigger the psychic guardian pendant and ignore the backlash of psychic magic, it is enough to let I have singled out many seven-ring battle wizards."

Li Nuo thought to himself:

"For me, the only wizards who can't be killed by force, other than holy wizards and star wizards, are spiritual wizards who have mastered the spell of "Spiritual Shield".

"When the total shield strength per second of "Psychic Shield" is much higher than the psychic damage caused by my 15 "Psychic Bombing" per second, I have nothing to do with the other party. I can only find another way to kill the opponent in other ways. Fortunately, the mental spells in this world have serious drawbacks, and only I can use them almost for free. "

"Wow~" There were waves on the nearby sea.

Selena, who was wearing a water-blue liquid robe, rose from the surface of the water, with some drops of water dripping from her body.

Standing on the water with jade feet wearing exquisite high heels, Selina stared at the indifferent Li Nuo with an extremely complicated expression on her face.

"Festa is dead." Selena was a little bit bitter.

"Yes, he's dead." Li Nuo turned around, looked through the woods, and smiled at Selina:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. In the soul contract, I promised to help you eliminate all criminals in the Suman Islands, and help you consolidate the authority of the Deep Sea Branch and control over the islands. I will do what I say, Selena. In the future There will be more outrageous wizarding forces falling, so be prepared. All criminals will be shot dead on the spot in violent resistance to law enforcement."

"But." Selena opened her mouth, not knowing where to start.

Li Nuo is right, all those who resist violently during law enforcement will be shot dead by law enforcement wizards. This is the privilege granted to law enforcement wizards by the No. 1 wizard law.

But somehow.

Selena always felt something was weird.

It's as if the "enforcement" mentioned by Li Nuo and the "enforcement" mentioned in the Unas ring decree have different meanings.

"You make me feel like the group of pale knights who have no scruples for the sake of 'justice'."

Selena held back for a long time, and finally found the words to express her meaning.

"Well, I think so too. But I am more rational than them. I will only attack enemies within my ability."

Li Nuo clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, ma'am. Let's stop chatting here. We have to pack up the scene as soon as possible, and then return to the inner circle. Master Fagan will realize that he is missing a leg by tomorrow morning at the latest."

Selena pursed her lips and nodded slowly:

"Okay, I'll erase all traces of the battle."

She looked up at the sky and noticed a small patch of dark cloud emerging from behind a puff of cloud.

Li Nuo followed her gaze and smiled nonchalantly:

"Don't worry about it, ma'am. I'll settle down. It's just a little trick I researched in my spare time. I wanted to test its power in battle, but Fiesta wouldn't give me a chance."

"You said it was a trick." The corners of Selena's brows trembled slightly, and there was a little awe in Li Nuo's eyes.

Due to the distance between Li Nuo and Li Nuo, Selina did not see the process of Li Nuo summoning the lightning energy.

All she saw was dark clouds growing rapidly across the sky.

She knew very well what kind of power of thunder and lightning was contained in that dark cloud.

The experimental accident a few days ago appeared in Selina's mind, and she thought of the magic laboratory that was completely blackened by the electricity.

She took a breath, and said in a trembling voice:

"Couldn't this be the lightning spell you researched a few days ago?"

Li Nuo was noncommittal, shook his hands, and focused on checking his magic pocket and counting the harvest.

Seeing that Li Nuo didn't want to say more, Selina calmed down when she was disturbed by the other party, sank into the sea, and went to erase the traces of the previous battle.

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