Consumer male god

Chapter 466 The End of Dream City

All employees of the Mengyuan sales office and property management department worked overtime all night.

Really, people outside couldn’t believe it. Just those rich people who randomly took out tens of millions, and so many people actually waited all night!

Dream Garden is very lively this night...

It was not possible to check in upstairs yet, but the entertainment center and private club were fully available, so many people at the back of the queue simply refused to leave.

The VIP rooms on the fourth floor of the entertainment center are basically all used.

The older brothers and older sisters were busy playing mahjong and playing cards there, and when it was their turn, they went over to go through the formalities.

In fact, what can you do in the middle of the night?

There are no foreign-related procedures, only internal matters such as signing contracts, registering personal information, entering various fingerprint lock passwords, property management registration, etc.

They just stayed there like this. They were so sleepy that they would rather relax on the lounge chairs in the bathing center for a while than go home.

As a result, the ladies from the finance department and the bank who were left to work overtime were completely crazy.

Counting money made the banknote detector smoke, can you believe it?

Throughout the day today, the entire Dream Garden gathered approximately one billion and hundreds of millions in cash.

Most of them were taken away by major banks during the day and turned into their deposits, waiting to be transferred.

The other part was piled in the finance room, which was frightening to see.

More than 20 heavily armed security guards came to the Rhyme Company and the entire corridor was under security. If a ruthless gangster came to rob us, he would beat the shit out of us.

As for why so much cash…

It's a rare occasion like this, wouldn't it be stupid not to bring some extra cash?

In the middle, Han Lie went to the finance room to express condolences and found that although the ladies were tired, they were in very good spirits.

What's this?

This is trust in me!

So he immediately called the financial manager and ordered in front of everyone: "Each person counting money in the room is 8888, each person standing guard outside is 6666, and the remaining overtime employees are each 5000. Seal it in a red envelope before morning, don't miss it. !”

With a sound of "Ouch", the young ladies suddenly burst into joy.

Is it much?

Compared to what Han Lie earned today, it was not much.

But compared to what they did today, it was nothing less.

The atmosphere suddenly became warm and even heated.

"Mr. Han, you are so handsome!"

"I don't want to work hard anymore, please, please take care of my sister!"

"Sister Liu is a good thief, hahahaha!"

"Mr. Han, look here, look here, let's have sex, how about it? Do you want to take a break?"

"There is a bed in the back room, Mr. Han, come on!"

Northern girls have a bold personality, and the room was full of women, half of them married women, and the situation suddenly got out of hand.

Amid the passionate confessions from the young ladies, Mr. Han ran away.

Seriously, no kidding, the old women in Mengcheng really dare to take off men's pants after they get excited...

At almost 9:30 a.m. the next day, after complicated negotiations and discussions, the final sales figures were finally calculated.

The average selling price per square meter is 133,600 yuan!

Total sales... 5.4135 billion!

What is the acquisition cost of Mengyuan?

1.15 billion!

Net profit 4.2 billion!

When the final numbers came out, Shen Cheng, his secretary, Pan Dajun, and his uncle were all present.

Han Lie did not hide it from them and reported it openly.


My uncle only cursed one word and then collapsed on the sofa.

Shen Xing joked: "Good guy, I can't even make money as fast as you selling white noodles!"

Pan Dajun breathed a sigh of relief and clapped excitedly: "Okay, okay! The results have lived up to expectations. I can finally accept your gift with peace of mind!"

The secretary glanced over in surprise, as if he didn't expect that this person was actually so discerning.

Pan Dajun noticed the sight and said with a relaxed smile: "Mengyuan is in my hands. I will sell it slowly. It has been sold for 1.8 billion. I don't know how long it will take.

Now is the best time!

Good for everyone!

Boss Chen can now rest assured to promote urban transformation, win-win and win-win..."

Han Lie nodded and stated his position clearly: "I will instruct the finance department to pay the tax in full as soon as possible. Please rest assured, leader."

The secretary couldn't help but be stunned: "Full amount..."

Han Lie waved his hands lightly: "It's easy for me to make money, and I never use my brain on taxes."

What kind of courage is this for riding a horse? !

The secretary was completely convinced and rushed back to announce the good news. Boss Chen slammed the table on the spot: "If we don't support such an entrepreneur, who will we support? Hurry up and arrange representatives and committee members for him!"

The secretary reminded carefully: "The legal person is not Mr. Han, and he is also an outstanding young entrepreneur in Shanghai..."

Boss Chen immediately changed his mind: "Arrange it for his father!"

In this way, Han Laomen became an official inexplicably...

At around 10 o'clock in the morning, the director of the tax department came to the door after hearing the news and enthusiastically explained the basis for tax filing and the corresponding preferential policies.

Han Lie is not hypocritical. He enjoys the stipulated policies and does not engage in unreasonable tax avoidance measures.

The final actual tax payable was 896 million.

Han Lie waved his hand, pay it!

Then there was a sign on the door outside: Model Taxpaying Enterprise.

Immediately afterwards, Han Lie transferred Caiye's 1.284 billion in advance, which was equivalent to giving him a full year's interest in only half a year, which almost made Lao Cai burst into laughter.

After completing these two things, there was still more than 3 billion left. Han Lie directly transferred it to the parent company Han's Holdings, and then injected 2.1 billion into [Tianxing Equity Investment Company], replacing the money advanced by Pan Zi.

LP Pan Holdings and Minghao Holdings continued to invest, bringing Tianxing’s own funds to a total of 3 billion. Excluding the money invested in Byte, there are still more than 2 billion to spread around.

With sufficient funds, Tianxing's actions have become bigger.

Then Han Lie still had 1 billion left on hand, and suddenly found that he had no place to spend it...

The layout in the stock market is sufficient. Although the money raised from outside is used, the majority of the profits are already in Han Lie's hands.

After the reorganization, Gaoyuan Real Estate can use bank money and does not need capital injection.

The companies under Sky Capital have ridiculously abundant cash flow, and there is no need to spend any more money.

Finally, Han Lie gritted his teeth and said, "Hua!"

I transferred it directly to my personal account in the form of dividends, and paid another 20% personal income tax to the Magic City.

1 billion in dividends, 800 million in hand, and the small coffers are replenished.

Counting the public food money he gets from the Bai sisters' devil's cave every month, Han Lie now has 820 million yuan, less than 20 million rice gold, and 450 million consumption experience.

This money will definitely not be spent normally. I guess I can only buy a yacht or an airplane.

Now that he has money, Han Lie feels empty and feels like he has no interest in doing anything.

After handling the aftermath of the Dream Garden sale, the next step is the last thing before returning home - the City Dream Fund roadshow.

It's said to be a road show, but it's actually just a contract signing.

No investor needs any more explanation from him, just sign up and rush.

On the day of the road show, the Mengcheng government cleared out all the tricks and held this investment reception specifically.

Everyone who can come comes, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the system.

The grand occasion is even better than the Mengyuan sales, after all, the threshold is not that high.

The final count of the number of investors present exceeded 500.

But it was of no use. A total of 1 billion was issued for the priority level of Chengmeng Fund and 4 billion for the inferior level. In a short time, the amount was sold to 8 billion.

Normal funds require priority and are not easy to grab.

Because the priority is guaranteed, it is the kind that guarantees income during droughts and floods, and the normal interest rate can reach 6%-8%.

Han Lie gave 12%, but the result was still very cold.

In other funds, the inferior part has to be sold at a high price, and every possible method is used to deceive the investors. The so-called high risk and high return advertised will always result in high risk after implementation.

But on the Chengmeng Fund side, more than 7 billion are scrambling for the inferior position.

But there is no way, outsiders can't buy a penny.

The 90 dream garden owners directly covered the 4 billion inferior class.

The average is less than 50 million per person, but there are still internal differences.

The owners who bought a 588-square-meter house in Building A have an average quota of 60 million per person, which can be transferred through internal negotiation.

The owners who bought a 388-square-meter house in Building B have an average credit limit of 34 million per person.

After the group filled out the form, they went back to the Mengyuan clubhouse to fight in the afternoon.

Everyone wants to get more, but no one can get the amount that others have.

60 million is nothing?

I don't have enough money, but I can borrow it from outside.

In the end, no one was able to get a bargain, and they basically invested in full amount.

Then, the remaining 1 billion priorities also became popular.

After all, it is an annualized fixed income of 12%.

The 30 customers who had been passed away suddenly felt great happiness.

However, Han Lie only gave them a quota of 10 million each.

It was just too much pressure.

His former father-in-law and second brother both came to him, asking if he could be freed up for ordinary employees in enterprises and institutions.

The general complaint was that life was hard after the mining industry failed, basic wages were low, and consumption in the city was so high, blah blah blah.

Brothers and sisters in the financial world also came to get close to him, hoping to make some pocket money by taking advantage of his priority.

Therefore, Han Lie had no choice but to hand over the 700 million quota.

The result is still seconds empty.

Then Chengmeng Fund directly filled up the maximum number of investors.

70 qualified investors are divided into 700 million shares, each of which is still 10 million.

How did you come up with so much money?

This is a welfare benefit. I really don’t have to worry about running out of money.

A certain company can entrust anyone to come forward to hold 10 million investment shares, and then the holder "borrows" privately from colleagues and friends. 50,000 is not too little, and 1 million is not too much.

Don't think that anyone is qualified to lend 1 million to others. There are so many people eyeing this piece of meat. Why do you pay so much? Why do you have such a big face?

It has to be based on rank and status.

Some people who were not short of money looked down upon the 1 million quota and casually transferred it to their subordinates, who immediately received a wave of gratitude.

Is it reasonable?

Too reasonable.

Is it legal?

It is also legal and compliant.

This incident did not have any negative impact on Han Lie. On the contrary, now it was like the entire middle management of Mengcheng got on board with him.

It's easy to understand that the top people look down on the measly 12% annualized income and just follow the inferior ones.

There is no demand from the upper levels - it's mainly because of the quota. It's not embarrassing enough to risk your skin to earn 1.2 million with a quota of 10 million.

It's better to go out and grab the quota yourself and then distribute it as welfare.

Therefore, the conservative middle-class people in society, such as teachers, cold departments, mining companies, and bank white-collar workers, are particularly fond of it. They work hard to raise 1 million and earn 120,000 a year, which is almost equivalent to one or two years of salary in vain.

With things reaching this level, Han Lie's reputation in Mengcheng couldn't be any better.

Everyone expects him to make a lot of money and wishes him all the best.

Then everything really went smoothly.

When Chengmeng Fund officially entered the operation period, the stock index was in a downward adjustment period, and the timing was just right.

Then he doubled the leverage and went directly into mid-term stocks such as real estate, steel, and railways. As soon as the position building period ended, all stocks became prosperous.

When the first investor monthly report was sent back to Dream City, the whole city cheered.

There was no way to express his gratitude, so Han Yong was promoted to three levels in a row within half a year. He was a middle-aged counterattack and was transferred to the logistics department as director.

As a director, he is not greedy for money, does not blame his subordinates, and does not bribe his superiors. He is so popular that people offer him cigarettes wherever he goes.

But he still said "hmm" and didn't say much. He took the cigarette and put it out.

In the past, everyone said about him behind his back: "If you are bored, you will look like you will never achieve anything in your life!"

Now, everyone is giving thumbs up behind their backs: "Director Han is so calm! He has the air of a general!"

Ma Honglian also flew away. There were at least two mahjong games a day, one afternoon tea, one shopping game, and five to eight drinking dates.

There are so many people who will definitely not be able to go. Those who are rejected are not angry, they queue up and make an appointment the next day.

Relatives in the family have found reliable and promising businesses.

The uncle opened a high-end tobacco and alcohol supermarket in the shop next to the main entrance of Mengyuan. He had no rent and was given as a gift. The goods were at the lowest price, and the settlement was deferred for one month. The owners of Mengyuan and the guests who came here basically went to him to get them. Something, and no one pays for it.

The second uncle was dragged into the wholesale business of seafood. They went shopping for goods in other places. He was in charge of Mengcheng and almost monopolized all the high-end restaurants in Mengcheng in two months.

Sister-in-law, eldest brother, second brother, and Du Qingqing all have their own public offices and careers, and the people who protect them go straight to the top...

There is also a booming trend in the family, especially for Han Dongwu and Du Qingqing. The matchmakers who introduce their targets are almost all female directors, first-sister-in-laws of major banks and corporate offices, and they have become the top leaders in the blind date market.

When Han Lie ended everything in Mengcheng and returned to the Magic City, his heart was completely settled.

To this day, my parents and relatives no longer have any worries.

Before leaving, grandma held his hand and burst into tears.

"Lielie, grandma didn't expect it! The old Han family can reach this level! If I die now, I will be worthy of your grandpa who has suffered all his life!"

This made Han Lie dumbfounded, and felt a little sad in his heart.

One year after my rebirth, I managed to bring my family together.

Being able to see this scene that I have never seen before in my previous life can make my relatives happy and proud. I am not bad at being the pillar of support.

Next, it is time to pursue higher power, scenery, value and freedom.

Let’s start planning now. In a year and a half, I will compete with Brother Dong!

Two and a half years later, two horses in parallel!

Three and a half years later, follow the example of Mr. Ren!

Before 2025, win the last battle and start enjoying life!

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