"It's just..." He Xi frowned slightly and said, "There is a big difference in age."

"Queen Keisha once taught me... after a million years, seven thousand years is just a little bit, isn't it?" Yan smiled.

"Indeed." He Xi's eyebrows became much more relaxed.

"Okay, let me tell Leng about this."

After Yan finished speaking, he used the cable base station built by Umbrella to enter the dark communication of Umbrella's main universe, and had a conversation with Leng who was spreading the concept of justice on the earth.


"Leng, do you still remember the child named Horusen? .

Yes, I need you to teach him personally, and to be his guardian...


Your stats are pretty much a match...

Leng, don't get excited, I'm not avenging myself...

calm down…

Well, when you come back in a few days, I will ask Tianji King to upgrade your body. "

Through the content of the conversation between Yan and Leng, it is not difficult to judge that Leng, who is arrogant in nature and second in school, must have gone crazy with Yan in secret communication.

But Yan is no longer his former comrade-in-arms, but the new queen, so Leng has to follow Yan's decision.

End the topic of Leng and Horusen.

Yan and Hexi began to discuss the Astartes, the first and second phases of Sparta, and even the remaining male primarchs.

Ultimately, the two queens no longer intend to make life-long decisions for the angels.

There are a large number of Astartes, but each of them has a relatively cold personality. It is not certain that all men will be as friendly as Xin Zhao and Myron.

More importantly, among the male primarchs, only Myron seems to be single.

John and Robert are intelligent and intelligent. Cortana and Evelyn, the taciturn primarch of Corax, live together with water elves who are proficient in sign language.


The Xiongbing Company and the Goddess of Victory spent two pleasant days in Angel City, and held the grandest wedding in the universe of "Super Seminary" on the third day.

The female angels from all over the known universe returned to the capital city, nearly a million female angels, dressed in pure white dresses, retracting their wings at the back to act as bridesmaids.

Angel Yan, who was wearing the crown, also shed her heavy armor and put on a white wedding dress that symbolizes longing for love.

Ge Xiaolun's momentum on this side was not weak either.

The more than 300,000 Marines and 10,000 Hell Paratroopers on the Goddess of Victory are fully armed, and the Astartes and elites of the Blood Ravens are also equipped with neat titanium armor and armor.

Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Cheng Yaowen and other comrades-in-arms of the Xiongbing Company even put on the unique black armor of China.

Hexi, Zhui, Moi and other high-ranking guardian angels accompanied Yan through the capital, and finally stepped onto the palace platform.

At the same time, the group of the Xiongbing Company was also on the other side of the capital, accompanying Ge Xiaolun across the city to the platform.

Under the eyes of everyone, Ge Xiaolun finally took Yan's right hand, and then the two walked into the hall of the palace together.

Standing at the front of the hall at this moment were Ge Xiaolun's parents.

In order to show the greatest respect, Yan let ordinary humans enter the palace for the first time, so as to witness her wedding with Ge Xiaolun.

After finishing a series of trivial ceremonies and a series of banquets, Ge Xiaolun and Yan, who had been in a state of ignorance, entered the palace.

As for what will happen in the court, there is no way of knowing.

Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaolun, with dark circles under his eyes, bid farewell to Liu Chuang, Lianfeng, Arthur and others with the energetic Yan.

After all, Ge Xiaolun wants to stay by Yan's side, learn more advanced technology and knowledge from Yan, and help the angels spread the concept of justice.

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's appearance, Liu Chuang, Arthur and the others knew that Yan could be called a 'queen' in every aspect.

For the time being, Xin Zhao has no troubles in this regard, mainly because Zhi Xin is still very young, and in front of Xin Zhao, she completely belongs to the character of the little girl next door.

After finishing the trip to Angel City, Angel Chase, who is an old acquaintance, led the people on the Goddess of Victory through the nine layers of defense, and finally left the Angel Nebula.

After activating the portal to return to the solar system and sending away the group of Xiongbing Company, Arthur, Jingnan and others continued the handover procedures, and it is expected that they will return to the main universe in ten days.

At that time, Umbrella's only visible force in the universe of "Super Seminary" is the caravan led by the Terra family.

The population of the earth in "Super God Universe" is five billion, and it also has a large number of civilizations. This place is simply a "sacred place" to make the economy more prosperous.

Of course, before leaving Angel Nebula, Arthur had already managed to get the two king-level angels, Yan and Hexi, to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Only in this way can the alliance between Umbrella and Angel be truly stable.

Ten days passed in a flash.

The Goddess of Victory officially returned to the main universe and joined the Seventh Fleet of the main universe. The temporarily stationed Blood Raven Astartes and elites also returned to the observer aircraft carrier.

And the first thing Arthur did when he returned to the main universe was to hand over the Seventh Fleet to the management of Artemis. He returned to Earth with Jingnan and confessed what happened that night with William, Halsey and Carl.

As parents, William and Halsey didn't say much. Although Carl was a little upset, he still chose to accept it.

Can there be any way, Arthur has already figured it out, and there are four Ivanas, one of whom is the former main god of Olympus.

During this time.

Leng Fei left the main universe and returned to the city of angels to undergo upgrade surgery on the four generations of bodies and sub-biological engines.

The upgrade is over.

Leng Yuyan, Hexi, Zhuihe Moy and the others had a brief reminiscence, and at the same time teased Ge Xiaolun, "No way".

It's over.

The joke is over.

Leng then returned to Umbrella's main universe, ready to contact Horusen in the manor.


October 1, 2055.


Russell Palace.

Located in the large meeting room on the west side.

William and Halsey sat on the sofa, and Horusen, who was a great-grandson, sat between them.

Horus has just turned five years old this year. Although he is still very young, it is not difficult to see that he will also be a heroic 'half god' in the future, with the potential to be a scumbag.


With the status and assets of the Russell family, no matter what a boy or a girl looks like, they can rely on the temperament of "a man who is close to a billion people" to be a scumbag or a scumbag.

Sitting opposite William and the others was Leng with his wings restrained, wearing a light yellow dress, and long golden hair scattered.

She didn't wear a ponytail or armor, which was far from the coldness in William and Halsey's impression, and she felt like a sister next door.

Leng made it clear the first time she came to this living room. After all, angels don't like to beat around the bush, but she still used some euphemistic expressions, saying that she came to serve as Horusen's 'mentor'.

In fact, Arthur had already told William about the fact that the angels were interested in Horusen, and William was just surprised that it was Leng who came.

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