
Hell plane.

The barren land here, the blood-red sky, and the hot air all show that this is an area where demons live.

Theoretically, if humans or creatures from other planes set foot here, the only consequence is death.

And around the crack, densely packed demons have already gathered.

Most of them are skinny humanoid demons, wraiths and evil spirits. These demons are at the lowest end of the hell biological chain.

The second is the "backbone" of hell, with well-developed limbs and grotesque appearance, but none of them can be separated from the human form.

There are also giant beholders, brain demons, and various demons with bat-like wings in the sky.

Of course, the hell guards with weapons are also indispensable.

Demons gathered under the cracks in a steady stream, or howling to the sky, or trolls bullying small wraiths and evil spirits.

The seemingly disorganized army of demons is actually waiting for an order from "above", and then rushes out of the cracks to invade other planes to complete the expansion of hell.

And this 'above' is none other than the Mek clan who call themselves angels.

In order to ensure their immortality and status, the Mecks chose to cooperate with demons to obtain a large amount of Yajin energy.

Letting hell invade and assimilate other planes is the common goal of Meck and the devil.

The Doom Slayer, who was able to prevent this phenomenon from happening, soon fell into an ambush and was jointly sealed by Queen Meck and the priest of hell, causing the fierce man to fall into a deep sleep again.

It was also the seal this time that allowed Queen Meck to gain insight into the world Umbrella lived in.

Moreover, Queen Mek believes that the strength of them and the demons is enough to destroy the human defense force in a short time and assimilate the universe where Umbrella lives.

After all, according to normal logic, how far can human technology go in just a few decades?

It is for this reason that Queen Meck is preparing to carry out her plans for an invasion.

But at this moment...

"For Umbrella!"

"For mankind! For the earth!"

"Die! Die! Alien bastard!"

"Demons? I slaughtered demons!"

Tens of thousands of Astartes and elite veterans sprung from the rift in an instant.

These were the Astartes of the three legions, and the berserkers of the six legions.

"Wow! Wow!"



In an instant, the sound of bolters, plasma cannons/guns, and melta cannons/guns firing, as well as the charging of kinetic energy swords and double-edged energy swords, resounded around the crack.

"Boom~! Boom!!"

Immediately afterwards, in the army of tens of millions of demons, small mushroom clouds after the explosion of tactical nuclear bombs rose one after another.

nuclear level.

Umbrella's primary mission when he came to Hell was to neutralize the main force of the demon army.

So the Astartes no longer hid it, and immediately adjusted the explosive equivalent of positive and negative matter to the limit of 4300 tons of TNT.

In less than a minute, the demons experienced a scene that was a hundred times more violent than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What the hell is this?

The demons followed the orders of Queen Meck and the priests of hell to gather at this crack with the desire to invade other planes.

But why are those warriors who are like tin cans and thin poles, killing their demons... easier than cutting vegetables?

Who the hell is invading whom?

Each Astarte has three generations of bodies. Putting them into the universe of "Super Seminary", it is equivalent to the concept that everyone is a god, which is completely a dimensionality reduction blow to demons.

However, due to genetic constraints, the elites can only rely on Umbrella's technology to rise to the quasi-second generation, which can be combined with the elites' swordsmanship skills to completely torture all demons on this plane.


The sharply reduced number of demons found that the momentum was wrong, and hurriedly fled in all directions, using their knowledge of the terrain as much as possible to escape the pursuit of the Astartes and the elites.

See here.

The Primarchs who rushed to the front immediately stopped pulling the trigger, and John still ordered all the Astartes on the communication:

"All cease fire, track down these fleeing demons, and use them to find the humanoid target code-named 'Destroyer'."

"Yes, Master Chief (Father)!"

Hearing John's order, the Astartes responded one after another, and then stopped slaughtering the demon, and followed the demon's progress instead.

During this period, many demons would find the right time to turn around and attack, but they all ended badly.

He charged with all his strength, but the body and the energy shield came into intimate contact, causing the demon to kill him.

Or launch a reflexive charge, but Astarte pinched the neck with one hand, and then pinched the demon to death with a little force.

The elites are much simpler and clearer, and directly use their best double-edged energy swords to cut off all these demons.

Some of the more fiery sergeants of the Astartes, wielding old-fashioned and ineffective chainswords, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the larger demons.

"Buzz~! Buzz! Puff! Puff!" The noise of the chainsaw sword cutting through the demon's skin and bone resounded at the forefront of the battle line.

"Die! Die! Charge!" There were also the battle cries of those radical sergeants.


"Give me a break! Don't kill all the demons, otherwise, where will I find that Doom Slayer and what kind of Queen Mek!"

However, there was a scolding sound from Myron in the communication.

"It's...Father..." And those sergeants froze in an instant, no longer continuing to slaughter demons.

The genetic seeds of this group of overly reckless sergeants all come from Myron, so their combat styles are a bit...'stupid'.

One hundred thousand Astartes and three hundred thousand elite berserkers, led by the four Primarchs, formally invaded the plane of Hell in reverse.

After occupying the rift area leading to hell and the main universe, Leng, Keisha and several angels used their agility and flying ability to eliminate flying demons.

At the same time, Leng also used her secondary biological engine to analyze the composition of these demons and assist Umbrella to locate the location of the Meck clan and find the location of the Doom Slayer.

Then the company's engineering team and technicians, equipped with airtight engineering power armor, entered the crack under the protection of the Martian Front Army and the Marine Corps, and began to build a temporary transmission base station.

The base station not only facilitates the transfer of technicians and troops, but also avoids the embarrassing situation where Queen Meck closes the crack and the troops cannot return to the main universe.

With the completion of the construction of the temporary base station, the formation of MS mechas began to enter hell one after another, preparing to use the firepower of MS to ensure the safety of the base station.

at the same time.

William and Serena, transformed into Upsiron and Emperor of the Earth, accompanied by a hundred personal guards, joined the army of Astartes and elites, and launched a reverse slaughter against the demons.

It wasn't until two hours after Umbrella invaded Hell that the demons and the Makers hadn't realized why humans and those thin and tall elites were so cruel.

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