Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 114 Umbrella's File Analysis 1

①Project: Non-staff personnel.

Read permission: Grade B, and above.

Project Description:

Non-staff personnel consist of soldiers from other countries who are directly or indirectly involved in anomalous events.

The initial personnel composition was based on the forty-four survivors of the "Shy Man" project event that occurred on March 22, 2008, including U.S. Army Major General Orles Hoot.

Under normal circumstances, non-staff personnel do not participate in containment operations, and they never ask Umbrella's internal affairs, just like soldiers in other countries who do not know the existence of anomalous phenomena.

However, when non-staff personnel perform normal military tasks and encounter an abnormal phenomenon, they will report to the nearest Umbrella military base as soon as possible, and assist Umbrella in carrying out containment operations.

The rank corresponding to Umbrella's internal employees is Class B, and the nature is similar to that of special agents.


②Item: One-time enhancer.

Read permission: Grade B, and above.

Project Description:

According to valid data, in Umbrella's previous containment operations, the death rate of the agents who first discovered the existence of anomalies was 87%.

Umbrella now has an intelligent artificial intelligence, Serena, that monitors the world through networks and communications to assist agents in discovering and investigating anomalies.

Although the appearance of Serena effectively reduced the mortality rate by 7.6%, it was not enough to completely improve and guarantee the survival rate of agents.

In order to deal with this phenomenon, in December 2007, Hive established a related research team.

The research team developed a T serum-like body-enhancing agent based on data from Dr. Halsey's research on black light and the T virus.

After many experiments.

On April 14, 2008, the Hive team successfully developed a serum code-named "Black Tyrant".

The difference between BT serum and T serum is that it is cheap, unlike T serum which needs to consume a Tyrant T-103 model to get 100 ml.

BT serum only needs a clone of General Ostrovsky to get five hundred milliliters of serum, a dose that can be used by five people.


Raise the user's physical limit in a short period of time.

Greatly enhances vision, feeling, strength, reflexes, etc.

Similar efficacy to T serum, but does not require the harsh injection conditions of biochemical armor.

side effect:

Any injection of this serum will cause great harm to the human body.

For example, the human brain and nervous system will control the muscle groups, limiting the body to only one-fifth of the force, to avoid damage caused by excessive force.

This is why when life and death are at stake, unbelievable extreme potential can be unleashed, but afterward it can cause irreversible muscle, tendon and skeletal damage.

The simplest and clearest explanation for BT is to lift the one-fifth limit.

The side effects can cause permanent damage to the body, but not let the user fatal, which is why BT is cheap.

However, those who choose to inject BT in an emergency will have the capital to fight against powerful anomalies.

Irreversible damage/death.

The result is selected by the user.

Those with BTs are B-level agents, or a small number of non-staff personnel, to prevent the tragedy of Camp Lemonier from happening again.


Containment files;

③ Item: Flatworm people.

Aliases: None.

Class: Euclid.


The object was first discovered on January 17, 2008, in a slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and was contained by Mobile Task Force Gamma.

The 'flatworm people' are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, typically Latino, with a darker complexion.

According to the identification information provided by the Brazilian authorities, the name of the project is ■■, the former gender is confirmed to be male, and the age is seventeen years old.

According to the description of the local police, the parents of the project were both deceased, and they were bullied by local gangsters and neighbors.


Attached File: Flatworms.

The length is about 2 to 3 cm.

Mollusks that live in water.

The head has black or white eyes, an elongated body, and a complete digestive system.


Flatworms have super regenerative abilities.

For example, using scissors to separate its head from its body laterally, it can re-grow its body below its head.

The special point is that a body without a head can also regenerate a new head.

One becomes two.

The highest test record was cut into 279 pieces, each smaller than 1mm.

Moreover, each copy is its own, and the experimental data confirms that they have exactly the same DNA.

Cutting its body vertically will result in death.

No lifespan.

The reproduction method is rupture reproduction, which means self-disruption to increase the number.

Sexual reproduction is also possible, and the flatworms are hermaphrodites and can regrow as 'self' after laying eggs.

The study found that the whole body of the flatworm is full of 'totipotent stem cells'.

Note: Totipotent stem cells can become any kind of cells, the most classic example is a fertilized egg.

Each 'self' of the flatworm has the memory of the most primitive individual and is a complete clone.

Weaknesses: Many.

If the water is too toxic, the flatworms will die.

Or the simplest and most rude method, taking it out of the water, drying it, stepping on it, and burning it will lead to the death of the flatworm.


This item has abilities similar to flatworms.

Totipotent stem cells are found throughout the body.

While its appearance remains that of a 17-year-old male, researchers are not short of the item's current gender.


Containment Procedures:

Subject is held in a special cell in Containment Center One.

The cell is located in a standard single room 200 meters underground in the containment center.

The serving plate must be paper with no cutlery (hand grasping) to avoid the project trying to split by cutting its own body.

If it is found that the project is trying to destroy itself with teeth, nails, etc., trying to split, the marines in charge of the custody have the right to use the flamethrower to destroy the clone to ensure the unity of the project.


The following is the content of Gamma Company's containment of this item;

At 14:24 on January 17th.

A woman surnamed Rorty alerted the local police station that her community was being attacked by a group of ■■(item name), which brought it to the attention of local agents.

Agents went to the location where Ms. Rorty called the police, returned a large number of naked items, and were carrying out indiscriminate attacks on people.

The munitions of the local gang are controlled by the project, which is a dangerous anomaly.

However, according to agents with knowledge of the situation, the project seems to have been oppressed, and only after gaining power through unknown reasons did it take revenge on people nearby.

The agents then contacted the nearest task force Gamma.

Item was easily contained by the task force.

In order to prevent the body tissue from being removed from the project, the Buenos Aires military base dispatched a large number of technicians to conduct a comprehensive "disinfection" on the site.

Ordinary citizens associated with this event were administered standard amnestics.

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