Minoan underground facility.

In the observation room with a special glass wall for the floor and walls, William and Halsey stood side by side, looking at the fourteen giant mechas outside the wall.


At this time, Halsey was used to calling William by his real name. As long as he was alone, he would generally not call him the boss again.

After all, they have already 'frankly met' with each other, and they are just short of the last base.

Halsey looked at the machine in the center with the number 7 on the left chest, and explained to William on the side:

"The fourteen machines in front of you and me, each one incorporates the genes and characteristics of the Spartans, which is equivalent to expanding the Spartans seventy-five times.

From the literal point of view, John's body is the most stable and comprehensive. "

"The most stable?" William raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Halsey on the right side of the body, and asked suspiciously:

"Are these organisms still going berserk?"

"Runaway?" Halsey frowned slightly, as if he had heard this word for the first time, and said:

"These organisms have no thoughts, they are just a living body, how can they go berserk?"

"Well, that's fine." William sighed in relief.

If the biological mecha created by Umbrella can really go berserk like in "EVA", then it will be fun.

The earth can't withstand several 'impacts'.

Halsey didn't know what William, whose face gradually eased, was thinking, but continued to explain for him:

"The reason for the so-called most stable is not that you will lose control like you, William, but that each Spartan's body data is different.

Like Myron and Carl, their bodies completely inherited their own characteristics.

Myron's body far surpassed all other Spartan bodies in terms of strength and defense, but ranked last in response speed.

And Karl, her body has a strong balance and coordination ability, but is disadvantaged in defense and strength.

Only John's body, whether in terms of strength, defense, balance, etc., is the most perfect body of God. "

"Well, otherwise I wouldn't let John become Umbrella's Master Chief." William nodded.

"Except John." Halsey turned his attention to the number nine body, and said with a satisfied smile:

"Jerome at No. 9 is also very good, second only to John in all stats, even in terms of luck."


Halsey walked to the console on the side and smiled at William: "The general situation has been explained to you, then it is time for Sparta to control the power of 'God'."

"haha okay."

William also looked out the window with anticipation, ready to witness the moment when the god Umbrella created, "gets up".


underground facilities.

A special equipment room for Spartans.

Fourteen Spartans, with the assistance of technicians, donned uniform black tight-fitting uniforms, and their temples were also pasted with green neurosensors.

With an average age of 15 years old, their tender faces showed vicissitudes and perseverance that did not match their age.

The Spartans who have undergone transformation operations are no longer the "children" in the eyes of various units, and their actual combat experience far exceeds that of the Marine Corps and Hell Paratroopers.

Even as long as there is a military operation in Sparta, the morale of the containment force often rises sharply, and the mission success rate has remained at 100% until now.

As William originally expected, Sparta is not just a simple unit, but a benchmark, representing the strongest combat power of mankind.

As one agent put it: "Sparta never asks much, they just get the shit DONE!"

Fourteen fully dressed Spartans stepped down from the silver metal platform one by one and moved their bodies to adapt to the special tights.

"Crack it, click it."

Myron twisted the joints of his neck, clenched his fists and made a clicking sound, and spit out in a hoarse voice in the period of voice change:

"I'm really not used to not having Thor's hammer, I feel so insecure."

Having said that, Myron glanced at Carl on his left hand side with a smile: "Speaking of security, Carl, don't you think this outfit is awkward?"

I saw the overgrown Karl glanced at Myron and said with disgust, "I really don't know what your brain does."


At this time, John stood in front of the Spartans, looked at Myron and said in a low voice: "Number three, from now on you are not allowed to speak again, this is an order."

"." Myron straightened his back, put his hands behind his back, and said silently with his lips: 'Sir, yes, sir'.

John glared at Myron again, then looked at all the Spartans and said in a low voice, "Everyone.

I don't want to say superfluous words, and I'm not good at inspiration.

There is only one word, and that is to get things done. "

Having said this, John turned and walked outside and ordered: "Go, prepare to enter their respective bodies."

All the Spartans except Myron responded loudly: "Yes, Master Chief!"

Immediately afterwards, the Spartans left the equipment room accompanied by the technicians.

When they went outside, they were standing on the far left of the fourteen behemoth bodies, which was at the same level as the body's brain.

Look around.

At the back of each body there is a cylindrical plug with a white center and red ends and a protective umbrella logo printed on it.

The Spartans walked down the iron corridor in order, came to the insertion pins corresponding to their respective numbers, and sat in the insertion pins with the assistance of the technicians.

The latch door is closed.

From John's point of view, the inside of the bolt was pitch black at first after closing the door, but as the display inside the bolt slowly turned on, John could clearly see all the movements around him.

The insertion bolt he was riding was slowly entering the inside of the body.

"Click!" A sound represents the completion of the fitting, and the vision is converted into the eyes of the body.

At the same time, Cortana's voice was exchanged: "Master Chief, Neurosensor connection fluid (NCF) is about to be injected, I hope you can prepare it in advance."

Cortana's voice just fell.

John's plug began to gradually pour in some kind of viscous transparent liquid, which soon filled the whole plug.

This is the NCF fluid, which allows the driver to connect nerves to the body and provide oxygen directly to the driver's lungs.

When the NCF was filled, Cortana's abbreviated virtual image also appeared on the console in front of John.

The reason why Spartan can look down on it is inseparable from Cortana's assistance.

In order to ensure that the project to test the gods goes smoothly, Cortana needs to choose a Spartan, with him to enter the driving bolt and make a neural connection.

And she picked John.

Under the influence of NCF, it is equivalent to John and Cortana driving the god body together.

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