Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 165 'Saturation Clear'

"Their blood, as well as the tissue sample of the first alien body, will be destroyed." Li Mu said in a low voice, looking at the remains of the two 'survivors'.

"But..." Rebecca behind the helmet looked confused.

After all, this kind of thing has extremely high research value. As a future researcher of Umbrella, she definitely hopes to have the opportunity to use the company's various technologies to analyze it.

But the threat is also high.

Unlike a virus, there is no vaccine at all.

Then she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll destroy all blood and tissue samples later."

"Yeah." After hearing Rebecca's answer, Li Mu nodded in satisfaction.

The tone is no longer so cold and exhorted: "Always consider the comfort of human beings, is the quality that Umbrella employees should have."

"Yes, I see!" Rebecca kept his words in mind.

"Captain." At this time, the security guard with the flamethrower asked Li Mu:

"Do you Umbrellas have to deal with this kind of... this kind of strange thing in normal times?"

Li Mu nodded and said nothing.

"Can I join Umbrella after the blizzard is over?" the security tried to ask.

Li Mu, who was about to lead Rebecca to destroy the samples, turned his back and replied, "If you can pass the physical fitness test, yes."

Then he ordered in a more serious tone: "Before this incident is over, you are not allowed to leave here without my order, and you are not allowed to let other people enter here.

If someone does not listen to the dissuasion and shoots the signal first, if it still doesn't work... kill it directly.

Understand? "

"Yes." (x7)


Afterwards, Li Mucai took Rebecca out of the scientific research area and walked in the corridors connecting various areas.


"Hey, Li Mu, how many containment operations have you participated in?" Rebecca, who followed Li Mu, asked curiously.

"Counting this time, it's nine times in total."

"Nine times?!" Rebecca exclaimed: "You can be promoted to a Grade A employee by participating in or discovering three abnormal phenomena. Why are you still in the ranks of Grade B agents?"

"It's nothing." Li Mu glanced back at Rebecca and explained:

"Agents are the company's front-line troops who can face those anomalies in the first place, and UBCS and Mobile Task Forces are the containment and follow-up units.

And I just want to solve the abnormal phenomenon the moment they appear, and protect more people. "

"." Rebecca fell silent.

Li Mu, who she thought could shoot and kill 'people' without hesitation, was the kind of cold-blooded and ruthless special agent, but she never wanted to have such a selfless spirit.

She was deeply touched, and she also better understood the company statement: "We control, we protect".

"Hoho." At this time, Li Mu smiled rarely.

Persuaded: "You are only nineteen years old, and you are still very smart, you should study new equipment by the doctor's side.

Instead of coming to experience life in the special forces with a high death rate, I will notify Serena after the blizzard and let her send someone to pick you up. "

Four people died in just half an hour.

This really refreshed Rebecca's cognition, and then she nodded silently and asked in a low voice, "Then... how about you?"

"..." Li Mu didn't answer.


Due to emergencies, most of the personnel in the research station stayed in their dormitories, while security guards armed with pistols, shotguns or flamethrowers were responsible for patrolling and guarding.

Therefore, there is no one in the passages between the buildings and the various facilities except for the patrolling security.

Appears very empty.

This also made Li Mu and Rebecca quickly return to the laboratory on the second floor of the experimental building from the scientific research area.

However, they found that arrays of blood samples and tissues and organs had disappeared, and even the instruments that could monitor the blood had been destroyed.


Rebecca first said to herself in disbelief: "How is this possible! Can the blood of that thing still flow?"

"Wait..." Then he seemed to understand something in an instant.

She looked at Li Mu and suddenly realized: "It seems that every cell of this kind of thing is an individual creature, so a cell-level disinfection procedure must be carried out to completely eliminate them!"

Suddenly, when Rebecca reminded Li Mu loudly, Sander's voice sounded on the radio:

"Everyone, I'm Director Halverson Sander, and I invite all the staff of the research station to gather in the lobby of the main building.

I repeat..."


Li Mu immediately asked Rebecca, who was following behind him, "Rebecca, is there Sander who analyzed the blood samples with you?"

A slightly flustered Rebecca nodded and said, "Yes."


Immediately after.

When Sander released the broadcast to gather in the hall, the entire scientific research station lost its power supply, and the lights, heating, and air conditioning all stopped working.

The only thing that was still illuminating were the emergency lights hung at the entrances and exits of each room, as well as on the corridors.


Li Mu loaded the rifle, looked at the exit of the laboratory and said softly: "As long as a cell is infected, it will be assimilated into one of them, and they also have the memory of the former master...

That Dr. Sander could make perfect use of his identity to get in touch with everyone in the research station in a short period of time. "

"Click!" Rebecca also pulled the bolt.

Leaning tightly beside Li Mu, his tone trembled a little: "Then this means that apart from you and me, and the second group of security guards in protective suits, we can no longer trust anyone else.


"Even facing the entire scientific research station, or something like that." Li Mu said calmly.

"Li Mu... What should we do... This kind of creature has completely exceeded my prediction..."

Rebecca leaned closer to Li Mu again, unable to hide her fear in her voice.

"What should I do?" Li Mu answered while turning on the dynamic detection and night vision capabilities of the mask:

"Perform a saturation clearing operation."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he left here and went to the scientific research area, preparing to meet with the second group of security guards, and then carry out what he called the 'clearing operation'.

"Wait a minute!" Rebecca followed closely behind him and reminded:

"Li Mu, that kind of thing can simulate multiple forms at the same time, and it can also choose the attack method it thinks is effective.

If it is pierced by its limbs, it will definitely be infected. We can't stop those things in the entire scientific research station. "

Li Mu didn't stop, and continued to say to her: "No matter what, we must persist until the end of Blizzard.

It just so happens that the company has no actual combat record of black tyrants, so let me be the first person.

As for you, I will do my best to keep you alive, don't worry. "

Rebecca, who followed Li Mu, did not reply immediately, but quickly thought about how to solve assimilation and infection.

and many more…


"Li Mu!" Rebecca excitedly said: "I think nano serum should be able to effectively fight the erosion of that kind of thing!"

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