"Yes, boss." Kent nodded unsmilingly.

On the other hand, when Athena saw Ivan who was only one head shorter than her, she was surprised and said to William:

"Boss... Is this really Ivan? I remember the last time I saw him he was that old."

While speaking, she gestured with both hands, making a comparison with Ivan who was not far away.

"Ah, child, it's normal to grow fast." William smiled helplessly.

I saw that Ivan was also flustered uncharacteristically. After seeing Athena, his eyes slightly dodged, and he finally stood behind William and did not look at Athena...

Seems shy?

But everyone didn't care.

Immediately afterwards, William led Ivan and the blue team to the interior of the Minos Island base and asked, "Colonel, how are the children in the second phase?"

Athena and a group of USS followed behind William and Ivan, and Kent walked side by side with William.

He replied: "Everything is business as usual, and Athena has provided us with a lot of experience, as well as a lot of lost physical skills.


After all, the children in the second phase are batch training. I think in terms of comprehensive ability, etc., the gangsters in the first phase are still... The children have the upper hand. "

Hearing the old boss complimented him like this, Myron and Karl both showed proud expressions, but John kept his face unchanged.

"It's already pretty good." William nodded with satisfaction and said, "As long as they can drive the divine body, then this is enough."

"That's right." Kent echoed.

After the conversation, everyone left the high platform where they stopped and walked on the road inside the base to the beach.

Come to the beach.

Everyone lined up on the edge, and a group of 'young people' in black shorts and short sleeves on the beach were conducting a simulated confrontation in pairs.

These young people are not ordinary soldiers, but Spartan IIs with an average age of seventeen.

The average height of the second phase is more than 1.85 meters, the body is well-proportioned, and the skin has become dark due to long-term exposure.

Even if it is a simulated confrontation, the point is to stop, but they still have a lot of places to hang out.

After all, the second phase of Sparta also requires T vaccines and viruses to be injected in the morning and evening. Although the dose is much less than the first phase, the injection period is also much longer.

The common age for surgery is 13 and 14 in the first stage, and only three years to inject high-dose T products, but the second stage has at least six years.

Therefore, even if the second phase has not undergone transformation surgery, they are still superhumans, and their combat power seems to surpass the USS wearing biochemical armor.



After seeing the second phase of training in front of him, Ivan couldn't help sighing to William: "Is this the Spartan unit that only belongs to Umbrella and only belongs to us?"

"Of course." William was also proud.

Two hundred and forty Spartans, who have grown up, are training at the same time, and this visual impact is not covered.

Originally, Umbrella only had 14 first-phase soldiers, so he could still guarantee the company's status as the world's hegemon.

'It shouldn't be a problem to penetrate a galaxy. ' William sighed inwardly.


Suddenly, William felt a sound in his pocket, and then he took out the earphones exclusive to Serena.

Put it on and ask, "What's wrong."

"Boss." Serena's eager voice came from the earphone: "Egypt was attacked by an unknown force. After judgment, it was confirmed that it was an attack by an abnormal phenomenon."

"Egypt?" Hearing that there was another large-scale anomaly attack, William's original joy was completely gone.

He asked again: "What is the specific situation? What is the scale? How many casualties are there?"

"Boss, a barrier that is visible to the naked eye has been raised throughout Egypt, which makes me lose the monitoring of the whole of Egypt, so I can't judge the exact number of casualties." Serena replied.

Hearing this, William raised his hand and pinched his chin, frowning tightly and said, "So it is very likely that Egypt has fallen."

"Yes." Serena didn't deny it either.

"What about our agents?" William asked.

"The microchip implanted in the agent's body has not been shown, and the specific situation in Egypt cannot be confirmed." Serena replied.

"..." William's face became heavier.

Then he said to Kent and Athena beside him: "Colonel, Athena, Ivan will be handed over to you for the time being."

"Yes, boss." (x2)

Then William stroked the top of Ivan's head again, and warned: "Ivan, remember to do what you can, and don't let me and your mother worry about you."

Ivan, who knew that William was going to deal with the abnormal phenomenon, nodded and said: "Yes, I know, father should return to Infinity as soon as possible."

"Haha." Seeing that his son was so relieved, William also showed a bitter smile.

Then he turned to the high platform on the tarmac and ordered, "Blue Team follow me back to Infinity."

"Yes." (x3)

Then William led John and others back to the Pelican, and quickly lifted off to Infinity, which was staying in low-Earth orbit.


Two thousand kilometers above the ground.

I saw that the twenty warships of the Zero Fleet were 'parked' here, and the one guarded at the very center was the flagship Infinity, which was nearly eight kilometers away.

In addition, the containment fleet composed of three Phoenix-class aircraft carriers and two UNSC fleets are not far away.

Below the four fleets is the African continent.

It was supposed to be a landscape with a faint blue light, but there was an anomaly in Egypt, which was connected to the Asian continent.

A semicircular barrier was raised all over Egypt.

It exudes a strange red light, like a blood bag on the land of the earth.


Inside the bridge of the Infinity;

The layout here is similar to that of the Spirit of Fire. There is a large center console in the center of the bridge, with consoles and screens with different functions on both sides.

Serena sits in the captain's position and presides over everything, ordering the crew members sitting in their respective positions, or monitoring the status of the hull, and communicating with other ships.

As for Halsey, he was standing beside the center console, frowning slightly while manipulating the touch screen, as if trying to figure out what anomaly he was facing this time.

Behind the huge porthole at the front end of the bridge, William put his hands in the trouser pockets of his military uniform, and looked out the window with a facial expression similar to that of Halsey.

Seeing the unusual scene that can be seen outside the earth, his face became even more serious.

And the blood-colored barrier covering Egypt is like the Elizabeth Green red fog forbidden area magnified countless times.

What worries him more is the information blockade. Even if the containment operation is successfully completed, a large-scale amnestic may be required.

I thought that there would be no major events in four years, so I could relax a little, who would have thought that I was holding back.

"Hey." William sighed softly.

And immediately ordered: "Selina, notify UNSC countries to implement air and waterway control, and then let artificial intelligence monitor the network at all times to erase all discussions about this incident."


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