After receiving William's approval, John manipulated the divine body out of the queue and stood at the very edge of the cliff.

Let the gauss gun held by the gods change a new magazine, and said to Cortana standing on the console in a low voice:

"Check the status of the float cannon, particle beam saber and energy shield."

"In inspection…

After checking, everything is normal. ' Cortana replied.

"Well." John said solemnly in the communication again: "Spartan A-001 is ready to jump."

With that said, he made the divine body step forward and fell towards the crack like a free fall.

"John, good luck." William's voice came through the communication.

"Hey." At the same time, there was Myron's mocking voice: "Remember to bring me some special... bu..."

Before Myron's words were finished, the only thing left in the communication was the current sound of "buzz".

Through the panoramic screen inside the driving hitch.

When John saw him and Cortana, he had completely entered the space leading to the Egyptian underworld.

There was billowing lava flowing around, but the color was bloody red, and the previous entrance had long since disappeared.

It seems that this boundary also affects communication.

"Master Chief..." Cortana turned to look off the screen and said with a little worry:

"I can't detect the change of position, and I can't get the communication from the outside world. We seem to be floating in the same place..."

John still had the same face for thousands of years, and said calmly: "Don't panic, there will always be a way."

With that said, John hung the Gauss gun horizontally behind the waist of the god, and took out the beam saber hilt on his left waist.

Clenched hands.


The effect of the particle beam is adjusted to the maximum, emitting an extremely dazzling pink light, and then waving towards the side wall where the bloody magma is flowing.

[Detected that John's 'good luck' stunt took effect and successfully opened Douai's entrance. 】

With the sound of "咻-!", the surrounding magma disappeared instantly, replaced by a giant tunnel with substantial rock walls.

The divine body also changed from the state of just hanging and lingering back to continuing to fall, falling towards the faint red dot below.


"Master Chief!" Cortana said happily: "My exploration route is forty-five kilometers below us, which is the exit of this tunnel!

Outside the exit, there seems to be a huge void! "

"it is good."

John manipulated the divine body to retract the beam saber hilt, turned on the pusher on the back, and adjusted the posture of the divine body to accelerate and fly downward.

At this time, Cortana's smile gradually disappeared, and her expression became a little dignified.

Seeing his artificial intelligence showing such a face, John rarely asked: "Cortana, are you alright."

"Ah?" Cortana was stunned for a moment, then shook her head slightly and said, "It's okay."

"That's good." John focused on driving the divine body again, and comforted:

"Don't worry, if we help each other, we will definitely get useful information and get out."

"Haha." Cortana sat on the helm and stroked John's right hand.

"That's not what I'm worried about. I also believe that you can do what you say. In fact, what I was just wondering about was the depth of the tunnel."

"Tunnel depth?" John was a little puzzled.

"That's right." Cortana looked up and looked at John and said:

"To be honest, Umbrella's knowledge of the universe may far exceed his knowledge of the earth.

Since the boss established the company, our artificial intelligence and researchers have focused on the colonization of space, thus neglecting the study of the earth. "

"Indeed." John nodded lightly.

Cortana got up and looked at the panoramic screen, looking at the faint red light below, and continued to explain to John: "I can confirm that this rock structure must belong to the earth.

But if you count from the surface of Egypt to 45 kilometers below... that is the 'upper mantle' area, in theory, it is impossible to have a huge void.


Cortana paused, looked at the rock wall and said, "And the surface of the rock wall is flat, it can't be formed naturally.

Through inspection I found that the tunnel excavation time was 6 to 8 hours ago. "

Hearing this, John answered with a sullen face: "That is the period of time when this abnormal phenomenon broke out."

"That's right." Cortana nodded.

And said: "There is a Kola ultra-deep borehole in the Soviet Union, the exact depth of which is 12,262 meters.

And the depth of 12 kilometers, it took the Soviet Union more than 20 years.

In contrast, it can make the city of Cairo disappear and appear a distorted space of confusion, and can excavate forty-five kilometers in an instant...

In terms of technological content, this anomaly may far exceed Umbrella, and I think the level is at least classified as…

Exafanistei class.

At least. "

"Exafanistei..." John repeated in a low voice, his face even more solemn.

Cortana said solemnly again: "And those skeletons and mummies on the surface, as well as the six giant 'Anubis' we just killed, are likely to be the creation of abnormal phenomena."

There was a silence in the cockpit.

after a few seconds.

John clenched the joystick with both hands and pushed it forward, speeding up the flight of the divine body, still calmly and confidently saying:

"No matter what level it is, as an employee of the company, it is necessary to contain it."

Cortana, who heard the words, also swept away her previous worries, and shook her head and smiled at John: "John, you can always give people an indescribable sense of security.

Well, then let's go to hell together~! . "

"Haha." John Teng patted Cortana's head with his left hand and corrected:

"Don't forget that this is a reconnaissance mission. Unless the situation is urgent, there is no need to engage in combat, so don't forget that you have to search for the route back."

"Oh..." Cortana pursed her lips and replied.

Not too long.

John manipulated his divine body, getting closer and closer to the 'red light spot', and finally what appeared in front of him was a standard circular hole.


The god body went straight through the hole.

Vision suddenly brightened up.

I saw that the space here is huge, not like a mantle structure at all, and there is a substantial surface below.

The space is not a single existence, there is another hole about 500 meters high and 500 meters wide in front of the vision of the divine body.

What provides the light here is the scarlet magma in the edge area.

Then John controlled the divine body to fly down, and saw a dense number of 'people' on the surface.

These people were dressed in modern clothes, with dull faces, and consciously lined up to go to the hole.

Cortana left the console and floated to the front of the steering hitch, lying on the panoramic screen and saying:

"John, the group of people on the ground... seems to be a human being weighed."

John didn't answer in a hurry, but controlled the divine body to land on the surface, and squatted down to observe those people up close.

And said: "Cortana, scan this space, and the specific state of the group of people in front of us."

"Yes." After hearing John's order, Cortana returned to the console.

Her pupils emit a faint blue light, and she uses the divine body to improve her own functions, scanning the landforms and those 'people' here.

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