Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 274 Angel with 'low intelligence'?

Project: 'Fruit of Life'.


Through the research and testing of D-class personnel, it has been concluded that humans who ingest the item can cure any disease, and can also obtain low-intensity physical self-healing ability.

Infection with T virus and black light virus with a fatality rate of 100% is ineffective against humans who have ingested the project in advance.

Ordinary people still have an 80% chance of recovering if they ingest the item within two hours before the disease.

According to the Bible, the project can also give humans eternal life.

However, immortality cannot be tested in a short period of time, so this experiment has not been continued for the time being.

After the D-class personnel who ingested the project, underwent a complete memory modification procedure, they were detained in the containment center and used as experimental materials for other containment objects.

September 10, 2018.

The containment center reported that Containment Object 049 seems to be very satisfied with these 'experimental materials', which can speed up its research on the 'plague'.

In the end, all D-class personnel who ingested the project died after various experiments by 049.


Project: 'Distinguish between good and evil'.

Alias: 'Fruit of Wisdom' (obsolete).


The project and the "fruit of life" were also plundered from the Garden of Eden by the owner of the company, William Russell, and the artificial intelligence Serena.

The appearance is similar to the 'fruit of life', but the color is purple and black.

While the Spartan Blue Team is in charge of conducting the "fruit of life" experiments, the Spartan Black Team is also responsible for monitoring the project's experiments.

Experimental materials: 4 D-class personnel.

The D-level personnel participating in this experiment all took the Mensa IQ test, and their IQs were 76, 92, 102, and 139 from low to high.


D-class personnel with an IQ of 76 are from Sudan and are militiamen under a warlord.

D-class personnel with an IQ of 137 have been implicated in at least 36 homicides, of which only 1 has direct evidence that the D-class personnel were responsible.

After the D-class was sentenced to death in the State of ■Country, he was handed over to Umbrella for 'custody' and classified as a 'beast' among D-class personnel.


The preliminary experimental process of the project is similar to the experiment of 'Fruit of Life'.

The black team escorted four D-class personnel into the airtight cabin and ingested four equal portions of the project's pulp.

Through the testing of technicians, all D-level personnel did not experience any changes in their physical characteristics after ingesting the item.

The D-class personnel then took the Mensa test again after connecting to the brain monitoring equipment in this cabin.

The test results were similar to those before the ingestion of the item, with no major changes.

After a series of psychological and logical tests, the D-class personnel are still the same as before, almost unchanged.

In the end, all D-class personnel involved in this experiment were executed and incinerated.


According to Dr. Catherine Russell's speculation, the abnormal phenomenon "Jehovah" moved the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve stole the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

And the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil' left in the Garden of Eden is likely to be an abnormal phenomenon 'Jehovah', used to warn the newly born giant 'human beings' not to eat.

After the object was determined to be ineffective, it was subjected to a destruction procedure aboard the Infinity.


On September 10, 2018, the afternoon of Earth Haffa time, the seventh day after the company discovered and recovered Chichi.

The experiments and tests on the fruits of 'life' and 'distinguishing between good and evil' have long since ended, and the 'fruit of life' is temporarily stored on the Infinity.

The Zero Fleet has long since left the Venus space and continued to cruise in the solar system. Its current position is about between the orbits of Earth and Mars.

Infinity number.

In a single-person treatment cabin.

The lighting here is soft, and the arrangement and pattern of objects are similar to the rehabilitation ward in the hospital.

In the center of the cabin, the female angel flowing from the red sphere was lying on a hospital bed covered with pink sheets and bedding.

Because of the four wings, the nurses on board prepared a double bed for her instead of a standard single bed.

At the entrance of the cabin, there are two female USSs in biochemical armor, guarding this 'sleepy' angel.

Because Halsey's experiments on her were not over yet, and she did not know whether she would be hostile to humans after she woke up, she did not send her to a containment center 6,000 light-years away.

At this moment, the angel who was supposed to be lying flat suddenly made a move with his hands stretched upwards.

And the four-winged wings behind her also seemed to follow her movements.


Immediately afterwards, the angel sat up comfortably after doing the stretching action.

And slowly opened her eyes, showing her unique dark gray pupils to others.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the two female USS immediately took off the firearms attached to their backs, and also reported to Serena through communication.

Serena, who learned of the situation, immediately informed William and Halsey.

The Spartan Blue Team and Black Team, who stayed nearby according to William's order, responded immediately and supported the two female USSs.

And Halsey, who was wearing a white coat, also led several doctors and researchers in the same clothes to this cabin within a few minutes.

On the other hand, William, who is still on the bridge, still needs a certain amount of time.

The angel sitting on the hospital bed did not show any hostile attitude when he saw the human beings around him staring at him.

Instead, she tilted her head slightly, as if she was very confused about her current situation.

Upon seeing this, Halsey, who was in charge of the experiment, asked, "Can you understand what I said?"

The angel was still confused, obviously unable to understand Halsey's words, and finally shook his head with a helpless expression.

Halsey then tested her common sense with a group of researchers, using objects and images.

Found this angel a bit...

'low IQ'.

There was no communication at all, some of her behavior was similar to that of a child, and she was resistant to Halsey and the researchers who repeatedly interrogated her.

She has been covering her ears and closing her eyes, unwilling to continue to cooperate with the test.

Then a researcher said to Halsey: "Doctor, if she is driving that biological mech similar to the god, then she should be able to understand English.

After all, the people who participated in the experiment on the surface of Venus heard a warning with a broad voice.

(pointing to the angel) But she… doesn't look like a pilot at all. "

Halsey did not immediately respond to the other party's words, but looked at the angel and thought for a moment.

Cai said: "Maybe that body needs a creature to drive, just like our fingerprint unlocking.

As for all the behaviors of the body, as well as the warnings it uses the waveband to issue, it can also be understood as a behavior pattern that has been set a long time ago.

(staring at the angel) She, maybe just a bio-battery. "

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