Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 283 The Indigenous Survival

in the transmission channel;

"Boss." Serena looked at the dim light all around, reached out and touched the channel with real touch, and couldn't help sighing:

"Otherwise, Doctor, she has no clue about the composition of this channel. This is simply contrary to the norms we know."

"It's just a violation of the 'truth' that we humans think of." William shrugged.

Even if human beings have entered the era of interstellar immigration, their cognition of the universe is still limited by the so-called 'science'.

If William publishes Umbrella's containment, it may instantly put 70% of scholars out of work, because they all violate 'science'.

However, Myron, who doesn't care about science at all, after seeing the beautiful and illusory scene at such a close distance, it doesn't matter:

"It doesn't matter whether it violates or not, as long as it is convenient and hassle-free, plus a beautiful one."

"Hehe, Myron, you always speak amazingly..." William shook his head and smiled.

Soon, everyone passed through this passage, which was only 100 meters in human senses, and came to the end of the portal.

As the first William to pass through the tunnel, he saw this pyramid-topped room made of stone, which has been transformed by technicians and engineering teams.

There is a rectangular device with multiple screens, and various cables are also passed through the tunnel to connect to this device.

This device is a signal transmitter for wired communication, which can communicate with Kepler 22-b and provide signals for the reconnaissance force of William and others.

There are also several technicians left behind, as well as four classes of marines, responsible for the safety of the technicians.

A Marine with the rank of sergeant, when he saw William and the others coming to this world, immediately stepped forward and saluted:

"Boss, do you still need our marines to follow you?"

"No need." William waved his left hand lightly and said, "You can stay here to ensure the normal operation of communication and the safety of the technicians here."

"Yes, boss."

After a brief conversation with the sergeant, William led Serena and John and the others out of the room at the top of the pyramid.

Go outside the room.

The first impression I gave to William and the others was that it was too desolate and dry.

Except for the vast yellow sand and the six Warthogs that the technicians had prepared early, there was nothing else.

"Boss..." Myron walked slowly to the edge of the stone platform, looked around and said, "The environment here is even worse than the environment in Africa."

"However, according to the test, it is concluded that the oxygen content in the air here is very rich, indicating that there must be a large area of ​​oasis on this planet." Carl said by the side.

"Okay, the more planets that are suitable for human survival are found, the better, anyway, I don't mind more." Myron shrugged.

"You're the only one talking." John came to the two and scolded Myron again.

As for William and Serena, they turned down the stone platform to the sand, and turned around to observe the pyramid buried by the yellow sand, leaving only the top room and the stone platform.

"Boss, the style of this building is similar to that on Kepler 22-b, and it should belong to the same civilization." Serena analyzed.

"Why do you like to build pyramids? It's strange." William shook his head in confusion.

Then he ordered the Spartans and paratroopers on the platform: "Okay, all on board the Warthog, we are ready to go."


A group of 29 people rode in six Warthogs, relying on its good off-road performance to drive up the dunes, overlooking the city ruins in the distance.

William, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, could vaguely see buildings with a height of 500 meters through the far-sighted function of his helmet.

Although the distance is far away and the specific situation inside the city cannot be clearly seen, William still feels that it is already a 'dead city'.

After all, the location of this pyramid is not far from the city, but the technicians and marines have been working here for two days, and have not seen any living creatures.

Then, six Warthogs drove in the direction of the city.

Serena, as the main observer of the operation, recorded everything she saw and analyzed it with Halsey on the other end of the portal.

Not long after, the convoy reached the edge of the 'city'.

Those towering buildings, corresponding to the cities in the human world, should be the office buildings or commercial buildings of large enterprises.

But these high-rise buildings are dilapidated and crumbling.

This dead city also has a large area of ​​small buildings, and even streets that have not been buried by yellow sand, etc. It is like another style of human city.

The convoy continued to travel inside the city and found that there were still many green plants, struggling to survive in this cruel environment.

Not only plants, but also many small lizard-like animals appear in everyone's field of vision from time to time.

At least it has been confirmed that this planet is not a 'dead star'.

The deeper you go, the more you can see traces of living creatures.

Suddenly, the slow-moving convoy stopped, and John, who was in the lead car, reported in the individual soldier newsletter:

"Boss, found traces of activities suspected of higher creatures."

Hearing this, William, who was originally observing the city, immediately ordered: "Everyone get out of the car and be alert."


The paratroopers who were instructed got off the car one after another, quickly spread out on the street, and looked for suitable positions to be alert.

And William also jumped off the Warthog he was riding, took Serena to the lead car, and joined John, Carl, and Myron and others.

I saw a lot of blood stains on the street in front of the head car, as well as torn fabrics similar to clothing.

The evidence that can directly prove that it is likely to be a higher creature is a set of footprints left by blood stains.

The walking style is upright feet, and the footprints also have textured lines that enhance grip and friction, indicating that it is wearing some kind of boots.

At least the injured species knew how to use tools and dress.

Myron squatted beside the pool of blood, observed for a moment and said to William, "Boss, it should have happened half an hour ago."

Hearing what Myron said, William looked at Serena who was standing beside him and said, "Drop a drone and scan the entire city."


Following Serena's response, the last Warthog with a tail compartment automatically opened the top compartment door, releasing four drones equipped with low-power anti-gravity functions.

The tail of the drone exudes an emerald green light and quickly lifts into the air, using the pulse function to scan the vicinity, and transmits all the data obtained to Serena.

After Serena obtained the data, she processed and processed it, made a thumbnail and uploaded it to everyone's individual soldier system.

Moreover, she also quickly discovered the 'person' who escaped injured and the 'thing' that chased the 'person'.

Then she reported to William Hui: "Boss, we found a suspicious target at ten o'clock."

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