Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 298 Arms Dealer and Rejection

In the hangar of the Mars Fortress, an open space was cleared under Victor's instruction and command, and a simple 'shooting range' was built by the engineering team.

Said to be a shooting range, in fact, there is only one inclined gel wall, thick enough to intercept most of Umbrella's individual weapons.

While the engineering team was building the gel wall, William was not idle either.

I saw that there were boxes of dark gray weapon equipment boxes stacked around him and the Doom Warrior, most of which had been opened, showing the high-tech weapons inside to everyone present.

Now William is holding a modified Gauss sniper rifle in his forehand and talking to the Doom Slayer is a perfect example of what an arms dealer should be.

"Man, the gun I'm holding now... oh no, sorry for the mistake, it's supposed to be a small electromagnetic acceleration gun.

The power is enough to tear any humanoid within the range, but the charging time is long, and the magazine only has four rounds. It is recommended for accurate kills at ultra-long distances. "

As William said, he handed the Gauss sniper rifle with no bullets in the magazine to the Doom Warrior who seemed to be listening carefully in front of him.

The latter took over the Gauss sniper rifle that was said to be a gun, but it was a gun.

Upside down.

Doom nodded slightly, seemingly satisfied with the weight of the sniper rifle, then took hold and aimed the muzzle at the gel wall.

Pull the trigger, but only the sound of empty guns "click!".

"Dude, don't try this gun indoors, it's a little... dangerous." William said with a wry smile.


The Doom Warrior was also rarely impatient, but threw the Gauss sniper rifle into the exclusive equipment box, which meant that this gun... he wanted it.

Immediately afterwards, William took out a lightweight five-barreled rotating Gauss gun and actively loaded the chain.

Handed it to Doom and introduced: "The Gauss Minigun, as its shape suggests, is a weapon capable of tearing apart any target depending on the amount of ammo."

Doom took the Gauss machine gun, aimed it at the gel wall with both hands, and pressed the red button on the machine gun handle without hesitation.


The five gun barrels first rotated empty guns, and then instantly shot a dazzling blue flame, and the blue ballistics impacted the gel wall with a thickness of several meters.

The Doom easily suppressed the recoil of the rotating Gauss gun, and the thorn bullets shot out were 'engulfed' by the gel wall, vibrating back and forth like jelly.

The strong penetrating power of the thorn bullet still lasted for about four meters into the gel, and finally it lost its kinetic energy and stopped.


A few seconds later, the entire chain was emptied by the Doom, leaving only five barrels that continued to rotate.


This time, the Doom Warrior nods more, and it can be seen that this Gauss machine gun with fast firing rate and strong penetrating and tearing ability is very popular.

"Man." William clapped his hands and looked at the pile of equipment boxes behind the Doom Warrior and said:

"These are the individual weapons that Umbrella can use, and as we agreed before, they will all be given to you for free.

As for the ammunition, there is enough. If there is no more, you are welcome to come to Mars Fortress to 'purchase' at any time. "

Speaking, William also ordered Victor who was standing beside him: "Go, prepare a transport vehicle for our customers, we can't let customers carry this pile of things in their hands."

"Yes, boss."

Victor nodded lightly, and then let a marine drive a black construction vehicle to the side of Doom.

Then a group of Marines, without the orders of William and Victor, spontaneously transferred the equipment boxes containing weapons and ammunition to the engineering vehicle.

"." Looking at the engineering vehicle specially prepared for him, the Doom Warrior remained silent as he sat in the driver's seat without a cockpit.

Wave your hand.

A portal was generated in the hangar of the fortress, and the Doom patted the steering wheel, and the "happy" driving construction vehicle drove into the portal.


When Doom completely disappeared in the hangar, the portal also closed, as if the god of death had never been to Mars.

"Boss..." Victor at this time, looking at the place where the portal disappeared, wondered to William:

"Did you really give that weirdo a weapon worth 100 million yuan?"

"Ah." William waved his hand lightly and said, "After all, that guy helped me and Serena."

"So that's how it is..." Victor nodded with understanding.

"Okay." William glanced around at the soldiers and officers around him, and said in a low voice, "All will go to their respective posts."

"Yes." A group of people saluted William and then dispersed.

Victor also respectfully and whispered to William: "Boss, Doctor, she has entered the transition space and is expected to arrive at Mars Fortress in 10 hours."

"Well, I see, then I'm staying in a hotel in Mars City for the time being. You can deal with things on Mars first. Serena is here to help me." William said with a smile.

"Yes." Victor also saluted William and left the hangar to the command center of the fort.

"Selina." Immediately afterwards, William said to Serena who was standing behind him:

"Help me book two rooms at the hotel in Mars City, and then notify the security in the city to organize a convoy, and pick us up to the hotel when we arrive at the central station."

"Yes, boss... It has been arranged."

"Haha." William, who was walking towards the fortress station, shook his head and smiled when he heard Serena's quick response:

"You are always so efficient."

"The boss has won the prize." Serena also smiled slightly.

Then she walked quickly to William's side and tried to ask, "Boss, do you remember what you said in hell?"

"Words?" William was taken aback.

But he quickly remembered the 'guarantee' he had said, and then showed a helpless wry smile and said, "Selina, do you have to have a clear answer?"

"Yes." Serena changed her usual gentle face, but said with an unusual firmness:

"Boss, I want to know how you feel about me."

"This..." William raised his right hand and scratched his hair vigorously.

After a few seconds, he said: "Selina, what do you want me to say? Actually, you are more like my good partner, secretary, friend...

The main thing is...I now have two kids with Katherine, and being a father requires a father role model, get the idea. "

Hearing William's refusal, Serena's expression gradually dimmed, and she seemed very unwilling.

But there is no way, after all, William is a person with a family.

Moreover, William's current hometown is Canada. Although Canada is as open and enthusiastic as the Western world, most people are religious.

Opening before marriage does not mean opening after marriage. After all, the woman has to change her surname to that of the man, which is actually quite conservative in some aspects.

And William, a 'public figure', must never cheat. Of course, it's just not obvious. With his current status and means, he can completely hide his beauty in a golden house.


To be honest, Halsey is now "like a wolf like a tiger". If William's kidneys had already been "upgraded", he might not be able to bear it.

Can't handle any of them, William doesn't want to add another artificial intelligence that doesn't know about exhaustion at all.

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