The cameo role is very simple.

In the charity party scene in "Iron Man 1", William, as an aristocratic entrepreneur, shook hands with Tony Stark to say hello.

This cameo also allowed William to meet Stark's "real person", Robert Downey Jr.

As for Meghan, it seems that the role has been greatly increased because of William.

She was changed from the original title female reporter to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent acting with Coulson, ready to participate in a series of Marvel movies in the future.

It can be said that Megan directly obtained the top resources because of the kidnapping incident.

And when William left the shooting venue, Meghan also hinted:

"Boss, I've been a Catholic since I was a child... So are you free to have dinner together?"

William knew what Meghan said.

She is only affected by the drawbridge effect and the banknote capacity.

He declined the other party, and went to Marvel's headquarters building to ask about USS and UBCS comics.

This time, I didn't expect that Marvel would actually come up with "Abnormal Evil".

Various rumors that it turned out to be the Athabasca incident have long spread, although the Canadian government has officially clarified that some kind of superbug broke out in the town.

However, there are still many people who doubt the authenticity and believe that the government has done illegal experiments, which led to the leakage of bacteria.

In this era of very unclear picture quality, someone has uploaded a video of the Umbrella helicopter formation heading for Athabasca on the Internet.

Netizens speculated that the government could not make up for its own mistakes, and finally asked Umbrella for help.

And the editors of Marvel, who are very middle-schoolers, have obtained a lot of inspiration from the Internet.

Thus was born "Anomalous Crisis".

The content of the first chapter is roughly as follows;

The heroine's name is Jill Valentine, the only female member of the former Canadian Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2).

After retiring, he returned to his hometown of Edmonton to serve as a police officer and lived a peaceful life.

Later, in Raccoon City, north of Edmonton, there were successive disappearances and the phenomenon of 'people eating people'.

(Athabasca was redefined by Marvel, a small and medium-sized town with a population of 2,000 to 50,000)

The chief dispatches Jill to Raccoon City to assist the local police in investigating related cases.

When she just arrived at the town police station, she was attacked by a 'person' whose face was severely gnawed, and started a self-redemption escape.

At the end of the story, the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Trained Abnormal Response Services) dispatched by Umbrella arrives in time.

A gun sergeant in STATS, Carlos Oliveira saved Jill from the brink of danger several times.

Jill and Carlos and other STARS members took most of the survivors and fled Raccoon City before the government carried out a full-scale bombing.

The first chapter ends with Jill riding a helicopter, looking out over the bombed city in the distance.

After reading the draft in his hand, William can only say that the editors have really big brains.

He just told the concept of the two units of UBCS and USS, and Marvel could come up with STARS.

Also no one.

And the settings of Jill and Carlos' faces, characters, etc. are similar to the "Resident Evil 3 Reset Edition" of William's original world.

Gilmour is out of the water.

Carlos is strong.

The day William read the comic was also the day after the release of Anomalous Crisis.

The sales directly overshadowed the settings of the original superheroes.

After all, the real middle-year-olds and netizens are all very concerned about the Athabasca incident.

Coupled with the character setting of Jill, and the mystery of Umbrella, the wallets of the group of people were drained in an instant.

And on the forums of major websites, the most discussed thread is whether Umbrella has special forces to face abnormal phenomena.

What's more, want to sign up directly.


But this is what William expected.

What the system says is to hide the common people as much as possible, but it doesn't say that it should not be known to the society at all.

What if a containment operation was fought on such a scale that governments around the world couldn't hide it?

Let people have a psychological preparation through the media, and it will not collapse because of the unacceptable, just like the concept of shooting various alien war movies in the original world.

Then Umbrella can slowly minimize the impact of the incident through Halsey's brainwashing technology.


Marvel has fulfilled William's expectations perfectly, and it's time to throw another wave of money.

The average share price of Microsoft is only $28.


Very cheap.

I'm sorry, Mr. Bill Gates, the richest man in the world.

The next Umbrella began to buy Microsoft stock aggressively, becoming the largest shareholder in an instant.

Because William needs to get the Xbox out and make "Anomalous Crisis" the first game in the world's first console.

At that time, Umbrella's influence will have a pivotal position among teenagers in North America and even the whole world.

Cultural output is formed.

In fact, in the Forbes list of the world's richest people at the beginning of the year, the first and second are Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

What about William?

Not even in the top ten.

William is still being complained by the Wall Street newspaper, saying that he was afraid that the world would know that Umbrella suffered serious losses, so he did not dare to let the company go public.

I don't know how these mentally retarded Wall Streeters can mock him after the acquisition of Microsoft.

But William didn't care about those gossips at all, and it was enough that Umbrella was a conscientious enterprise in the eyes of the ignorant masses.

There is public opinion, there is profit.

Otherwise, those newspapers would have evaporated.

William's original plan was to go to Hollywood on the West Coast to inspect the shooting progress of "Starship Troopers 2".

But he was afraid that some mad woman would be anxious, so he worked overtime and spent a week in New York to deal with the above affairs.

Returned to the Troy base in Hafa on February 14, 2007.

After arguing with the old strong man Andre again, William hurried to the entrance of the underground hive facility in the city center.


The second floor of Honeycomb Research Center, staff accommodation area;

Under the protection of Alpha such as Hank, William followed a USS to Halsey's dormitory.

And the USS who was dedicated to protecting Halsey, after leading William and the others to the door, said with a slightly strange expression on his face:

"Boss, Dr. Halsey has been in a bad mood lately... You should pay more attention."


William thought that he was just a few days late, so it was necessary to be angry?

But he still nodded, "I see."

Then he pressed the call button in the dorm and said, "Halsey, open the door, didn't you say you have new equipment to introduce to me?"

However, there was no response after a long time.

When he was about to press the button to remind again, Halsey's voice came from the microphone with a twisted voice:

"Come in...Come in, but it can only be you!"

"it is good."


With the automatic door opening and closing, William walked into Halsey's bedroom.

It's just that when he saw Halsey, he couldn't help sighing:

"How did you become this complexion?!"

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