Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 338 The Truth of the Confidentiality Agreement Exposed

"An anomaly made of mean the 'Water Spirit'?" Halsey asked.

"That's right." William nodded slightly and said: "It is recorded in the file that as long as she enters the water body, she can increase her size exponentially...

So if she is allowed to enter the sea, I think the speed at which she inspects that sea area must be much faster than the detection machines built by us humans.

And with enough seawater, the water elf is equivalent to an absolute home battle, and it is impossible for the giant beast to threaten her safety. "

"But..." Halsey still had some doubts, and expressed her worries:

"If she enters the sea, the difficulty of retrieving her will increase exponentially. Once she loses control, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Don't worry, the water elf in the file seems to care about Corax very much, so there should be no problem." William waved his right hand lightly, signaling Halsey not to be so nervous.

He knew Halsey's concerns.

For example, the 'water-loving slime' contained more than ten years ago, although it has no hostility to humans, and is even very friendly to humans, once it enters the ocean, it is likely to swallow the entire ocean .

In Halsey's eyes, water elves also have the same attributes, and their IQ is much higher than that of 'water-loving slimes'.

But Halsey didn't know that the confidentiality agreement could "lock" loyalty, and William didn't tell this fact because he hadn't figured out how to explain it to her.

That's why he pushed Corax out, trying to reassure Halsey.


"William." But this time, Halsey was not so easy to fool. She stretched out her hands to shake William's right hand, and asked with an extremely serious expression:

"Tell me the truth, 049, Elizabeth Green, and the angel picked up from Venus have all signed non-disclosure agreements at your request.

Since then, even the containment among them, who are extremely loathing and hating of humans, has become docile to the company, and especially to you.

Talking about the longer time, Hicks and Hudson are immune to the wave band of the beacon, I guess...the company's confidentiality agreement must have some 'problems'. "

"Uh..." William was a little speechless, and the habitual smile on his face froze.

It seems that he still underestimated his wife...

After all, the No. 1 female doctor who can crack alien technology and translate ancient languages, and is the closest person around him, how could she not discover this phenomenon.

"William." At this time, Halsey changed his face and changed into a gentle look and said softly:

"I just want to make sure whether it is really possible to rely on the confidentiality agreement to keep the contents loyal, because the water elf's ability is too special, if I can't ensure that the company can control her 100%, I will not agree to let her Going into the ocean is too risky.

and also…

I am your wife and the mother of two children. Whatever secrets you have, you can share them with me. "

"Catherine..." Hearing what Halsey said, William also nodded helplessly, and told her the truth:

"That's right, you guessed right, as long as humans and humanoid anomalies sign a non-disclosure agreement, they will have absolute loyalty to me.

As for how I acquired this ability, I don't want to say it for the time being. "

Seeing that William finally told the truth, Halsey also showed a look of relief, raised his right hand with a smile on his face, lightly rubbed the top of William's head and said:

"It seems that my guess is correct, as long as it is confirmed that they will not pose a threat to us humans, and...

William, I will always be with you. "

William, who used to rub the tops of other people's heads, felt Halsey's touch and told a secret that had been suppressed for a long time. For the first time, he felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

‘If it was Halsey, she would definitely be able to accept the fact that I am a time traveler, or...she would have guessed it a long time ago. ’ thought William.

The two stayed together for a moment.

William raised his hand to signal Halsey to stop stroking, and unlocked the computer with a black screen, saying:

"Okay, I'm sending an email to Serena now, asking her to lead the Zero Fleet back to Earth's low-Earth orbit.

It is also necessary to inform the two veterans of the First Fleet, Carter and Mike, to prepare to go to the low-Earth orbit of the Philippine Sea to park after they are combined with the Zero Fleet. "

"Okay." Halsey had no objection to William's decision.

While William was speaking, he had written and sent two emails, then turned off the computer, got up and looked at Halsey and said:

"Then let's go back to our room and rest. Tomorrow morning, both fleets should be ready, and we have to continue working."


Halsey nodded, moved his hips away from the desk, and left the study room behind William.

Back to the bedroom.

Because it was too late and too lazy to dry their hair, the couple simply took a shower, turned off the light and went to bed after they were almost dry.



"Huh? What's the matter?"

"You said..." Halsey, who was lying on William's right side, suddenly wrapped his arms around his right arm and asked curiously:

"I remember when I first joined the company, I seemed to only sign a contract, so... does the contract also have the effect of a confidentiality agreement?"

"No." William, who was already a little tired, closed his eyes and said to Halsey: "Only a confidentiality agreement can ensure loyalty."

"By the way, Andre and Mike, as well as the hidden stumps of the Russell family who have been discovered one after another, have not signed a non-disclosure agreement. Why are they so loyal to you?"

While Halsey asked, she shook William's right hand vigorously to keep her husband from falling asleep.

In fact, it's not just a confidentiality agreement. When I met Mike for the first time in Manhattan, Halsey discovered that the lieutenant general of the Marine Corps treated William much like Andre and Hank.

Halsey had held this question in her heart for more than ten years, and today, when William finally told her the truth without reservation, it was an opportunity to satisfy her excess curiosity.

"They...?" William, who was breathing steadily, was awakened by the shaking when he was about to fall asleep, and then he replied in a daze:

"I'm not sure, but... I feel that it has something to do with my grandfather. In my impression, he always looks mysterious, and I don't know anything else."

"Is that so..." Halsey understood a little bit, but then asked again:

"Since those who signed the non-disclosure agreement are loyal to you, when you transfer the ownership of the company to our son in the future, will they still obey your orders, or will they obey Ivan's command?"

"This..." William really didn't know what would happen, but soon his tone became a little tough and said:

"Let me tell you... Now that Ivan is still young and lacks prestige, how can he take over the company? Well, don't keep thinking about what you have, go to sleep, and go to Troy tomorrow morning."


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