Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 347 'King of Monsters'


After hearing Serena's report, William said quietly without thinking too much: "Okay, I'll come right away."

Then William stood up, fastened the buttons on the collar of his white shirt, put on the military jacket draped over the chair, and left the cabin.

Walking out of the cabin and coming to the air corridor of the main deck passage, you can see the scenery outside the portholes on both sides.

The window shows that the Infinity is not in the atmosphere at this time, but in space, and the left porthole can still see the earth continent that has entered the night.

Passing through the air corridor, within a few minutes, William came to the outside of the bridge.

walk in.

I saw a group of crew members busy, either directing the warship to a designated area for reconnaissance, or contacting the ground forces to wipe out the remaining 'parasites'.

Serena and Halsey, who were equipped with prosthetic bodies, were standing by the center console of the bridge, and the two women seemed to be studying something.

Seeing this, William also walked to the center console and asked, "Selina, Catherine, do you have any 'strange' phenomena to report? Could it be that the giant beasts have started attacking the city again?"

"It's not such a bad situation." Halsey looked up at William who was already standing beside her, and said to Serena:

"Serena, show the boss the video captured by UNSC."

"Yes, doctor."

While Serena was speaking, a video was played on the screen on the center console.

What I saw on the screen was a drone with a thermal imaging perspective turned on, and the time displayed was 2019/06/03, 01:12.

The drone seems to be performing some kind of monitoring mission. After all, Japan is the hardest-hit area to be attacked by giant beasts, and it is also the last country to receive support from the divine body.

So the UNSC also dispatched more than a dozen warships to garrison, and let a large number of drones monitor the nearby waters to ensure that those giant beasts would not attack again.

However, at this moment, the drone captured thermal images of two large creatures suddenly emerging from the sea.

The video also showed a dialogue between UNSC military personnel, which generally means that there are giant beasts appearing on the west coast of Japan, and the mobilization of garrison warships and divine body formations to prepare for the enemy.

However, during the UNSC dialogue, the two behemoths captured by the drone did not attack Japan together.

Instead, the two behemoths were killing each other.

Judging from the shape outlined by thermal imaging, the larger one has multiple rows of bony spurs on its back, and it is a giant lizard with a long tail.

The other one is a huge insect-like beast with many legs on both sides of its body, looking like a giant centipede.

After the drone arrived and hovered over the sky to shoot, the content presented in the video became clearer.

The monitor lizard raised its limb like its left leg high, and stepped heavily on the body of the giant centipede, its two thick forelimbs grabbed the centipede's head.

Click it!

Suddenly, the giant centipede was torn into two pieces by the giant lizard before it struggled too much.

And the giant lizard still hasn't stopped its killing behavior. It uses its left hand to lift the upper body of the centipede, and its right hand tightly holds the centipede's head.


It crushed the centipede's head hard, and then threw the centipede's body into the sea.

According to the battle with giant beasts today, the number of giant beasts with the appearance of insects is 60% of the total number of attacks.

Moreover, insect-type giant beasts all have different degrees of self-healing ability. Only by crushing their heads thoroughly can these giant beasts be prevented from healing.

It seems that the monitor lizard also knows this, and moves smoothly, directly aiming at the vital points of the giant centipede.

After solving the centipede, the monitor lizard did not continue to rush towards Japan.

Instead, he turned around and returned to the deep sea area, and finally fell down and submerged in the water, completely disappearing from the sight of the drone.

Video playback ends.



After seeing the content shown in the video, William frowns tightly on the surface, as if thinking about the relationship between the monitor lizard and the centipede.

But in fact, William saw the appearance of the monitor lizard through the drone, and after the monitor lizard easily solved the centipede, he guessed that the monitor lizard was probably...


It looks like a lizard, with two short but thick forelimbs, and all the characteristics point to the monitor lizard being Godzilla.

Immediately afterwards, the screen content of the center console was switched and turned into a flat world map.

Most coastal cities on the map are marked with red circles, representing that the city has been attacked by giant beasts.

Among them, the coastal cities in the Asian continent have a large number of green signs, which means that these cities have not been attacked.

"Boss." Serena pointed to the city marked in green, and told William her analysis:

"According to the sighting reports of most of the ships going to the port of 'Shanghai', the crew members all saw a giant lizard fighting those strangely shaped giant beasts.

So boss, this giant lizard is most likely an ally on our side. "

"It may not be helping humans." Halsey waved his hand lightly, looking at the screen of the center console to explain his point of view:

"The giant beast race suddenly launched an attack on humans, which greatly affected the balance of the earth's existing ecology, so this giant lizard may also be adjusting the balance."

"Whether it's on the human side or not, it's helping humans fight now, and..." William said, pointing to the west coast of Japan and said in a deep voice:

"Since this is a picture taken not long ago, it shows that the giant beast race has not given up its stance of continuing to attack. The centipede that was just killed by the giant lizard is enough to prove this."


At this time, Serena focused the screen on the center console on Japan, and marked a large number of red dots around Japan

Said: "According to reports from the UNSC fleet deployed in Japan and the Spartan White Team, there are a large number of movements of suspected giant beasts around Japan.

And the UNSC major general in charge of Japan also asked the UNSC headquarters and us Umbrella for help. "

"Japan? Why do these monsters always want to attack Japan?" Halsey looked at the screen in confusion.

"Whatever their purpose is, go to support the UNSC." William looked at Serena and ordered:

"Serina, let the Infinity go to the sky above Japan, and at the same time dispatch the fleet inside and outside the atmosphere to Japan.

Also, mobilizing more than half of the divine body formations also went to Japan. It seems that those giant beasts want to put the decisive battle in Japan, so we will satisfy them. "


Serena, who received the instruction, nodded her head lightly, and then her pupils shimmered to control the Infinity, and passed William's order to the entire army.

"William." Halsey touched the center console screen, zoomed in to the position of Mount Fuji, and said to William:

"If the giant beasts want to land in Japan so much, then their most likely target is here."

{Everyone, the author will take a day off tomorrow, and thank you for your subscription, reward, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, etc. for your support~! }

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