Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 359 The Opening of the 'True'

[If the host has no problems, the system will continue to remain silent. 】

'Well, it's all right. '

Looking at the scene outside the virtual window, William waved his hands, indicating that the system can be... silent.

【yes. 】

After the system responded, it fell silent again like a stone sinking into the sea, which also made William's ears quiet.

Immediately afterwards, with his hands behind his back, he turned away from the virtual window and walked towards the automatic door of the conference room.

William, who left the meeting room, did not go to Halsey who was studying the remains of the giant beast corpses in the Infinity experimental area.

Instead, he returned to his temporary office cabin next to the bridge, ready to take a look at the press conference held by Andre.

There are three directors in Umbrella, among which Halsey is too lazy to participate in various formal occasions, so after William announced his love affair with her, Halsey's popularity gradually increased.

As the owner of Umbrella, William often participated in various meetings and venues in the early days, and was even invited to participate in various interview programs.

It's just that after William and Halsey conceived their children, he began to slowly retreat into the background, while Andre attended various events as Umbrella's representative.

For example, the establishment of UNSC was all arranged by Andre.

So Andre has very rich experience in dealing with reporters who like to ask all kinds of tricky questions.

Especially this time, the existence of 'alien forces' and 'Sparta' will be made public, which will definitely attract a lot of questions and doubts from reporters, so at this time, it will be handed over to Andre, who is very deterrent in appearance, is the best choice.


As the automatic door of the office cabin opened, William walked into the cabin, took off his custom-made suit jacket, and casually put it on the back of the office chair.

Sit down.

After finally relaxing, William stretched his waist, his stiff and sore joints also made a "click-click-" sound.

Then he turned on the desktop computer on his desk, entered Umbrella's official website, and clicked on the live broadcast room titled 'Truth'.

The live broadcast at this time is showing the scene of Umbrella's fleet fighting fiercely with the mothership of the Reaper civilization.

I saw the 14 divine bodies piloted by the Spartans in the first phase, fighting together with various carrier-based aircraft, annihilating the small fighters belonging to the Reapers, as well as the disc-shaped 'city destroyers' battleship.

As for William at that time, he had already driven the divine body, and under the control of him and Serena, broke into the interior of the Reaper mothership.

At this time, the comment area in the live broadcast room also became 'in full swing';

"WTF??!! Those machines that look like giants can actually fight in the universe?!"

"Is this really a combat video from 2011? Didn't it lie??"

"How to lie, if there is really a large-scale alien invasion, why is there no UNSC fleet? It means that this video is old."



"I said why the UNSC was established after 2011, and governments around the world have also received orders for Umbrella's warships. It turns out that it is because we humans have encountered a common enemy."

"That's right! Humans will dominate the galaxy!!"

"No... what we want is the truth about the giant beast, why publish these?"

Wait for all kinds of comments.

The vast majority of people were shocked, surprised and questioned, while a few people still insisted on the concept of "there are no aliens in the universe" and believed that the video was fake and synthetic.

Of course, most of these remarks that the video is fake are "barring" for the sake of "barring".

In the audience, there were unavoidably some comments from the "secondary school", and there were also those who insisted on asking the truth about the giant beast, but they were all drowned in the countless comments.

Immediately afterwards, the mothership was destroyed by William and Serena. After the Umbrella fleet won the victory, the live broadcast switched to the video of Sparta II.

From the contact between the agents and the parents and children, interspersed with some training videos on Minos Island, and then the scene of Sparta II driving the gods to fight the prehistoric behemoths.

So far, the comment area is even more 'exploded'.

And it is even more polarized, thinking that the process of allowing underage children to undergo military training and undergo transformation operations to become super soldiers is extremely unethical.

However, people who support Umbrella's approach retort that if there were no Spartans, then as early as the moment the Reaper civilization attacked, both human beings and the earth would have become the "back garden" of aliens.

When the comment section was completely in contention, the video finished playing, and the live broadcast changed to the scene of the press conference held in Tokyo.


The scene of the press conference.

This is one of the only hotels in Tokyo that was not destroyed by the giant beast, so it was temporarily requisitioned by Umbrella and UNSC, and the press conference was held in the largest conference hall.

There were hundreds of people sitting in the conference hall, most of them were journalists with credentials, and representatives of various organizations.

The videographers standing on the edge of the conference hall in a 'concave' shape set up their own cameras and aimed at the front podium of the conference hall.

On both sides of the gate of the conference room are USSs wearing suits with red and white umbrella pins pinned to their necklines, responsible for security inside and outside the venue.

Since the facilities in this hotel are relatively old, there is no holographic projection screen installed, so the old-fashioned projection equipment can only be used to play the video of the Reaper and Sparta for everyone present.

After the video was played, Andre, dressed in the uniform of General Umbrella, stepped onto the podium as the representative spokesperson of both the company and UNSC.

"Everyone." Andre stood behind the podium, looked around at the people present, and said with a raised voice:

"The main purpose of releasing this video is to prove that our 'giant human mecha (divine body)' has ended the experimental stage and entered combat a few years ago, and has no connection with the giant beasts attacking all over the world.

In addition, the main reason for publishing the video of fighting aliens is that aliens are not as illusory as you imagined, but do exist.

On February 22, 2011, Umbrella first contacted and fought with the "Reaper" civilization, which was also the direct reason for the establishment of the UNSC.

As for the behemoths that attacked the major coastal cities around the world a few days ago, they are the remnants of the "Reaper" civilization, which have been hiding on the earth for these years.

It is also conducting gigantic experiments on the original animals and insects on our earth.

Umbrella, the UNSC, and even the existing technology of all mankind cannot completely scan the entire ocean, so they failed to discover this fact in time.

By the time we realized it, giant beasts had been attacked all over the world. "

Andre's remarks are exactly the "push the pot" interface that Serena prepared for him.

Aliens are always some black-tech biological experiments, and this reason makes it easier for people to accept.

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