Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 366 Days on Minos Island

"Hum... It's been a long time since I've been to Minos."

After hearing William's words, Halsey nodded in deep agreement, and at the same time manipulated the mouse to shut down her computer.

Immediately afterwards, she looked up at William who was already standing beside her and said, "Then how about we go to Minos with Rebecca?"

"Just waiting for your words." Seeing that the purpose of this trip was achieved, William said to Serena standing behind him:

"Serena, inform Robert who is still in the First Fleet to get him to the Infinity as soon as possible and go to Minos with us."

"Yes, boss."


Time: June 8, 2019.

Location: Minos.

Local clock: 09:14.

Minos in the early morning of Saturday has a dazzling sunrise, the unpolluted sky is extremely blue, and there are all kinds of seagulls flying around.

View of Minos from above.

On the surface, the entire island is basically the same as it was a few years ago, except that the degree of forest coverage has decreased a lot.

The base complex on the west side of the island has been remodeled by the engineering team to look like a small city, not a base for training superhuman recruits.

As for the god body construction factory in the center of the island, the construction of the god body has long been stopped because of the end of the training of the second phase of Sparta.

In order to ensure that the construction technology of the divine body will not be leaked, the manufacturing factory of the divine body was also dismantled a few years ago, and the files on how to build the divine body were also sealed in the hive archives.

The huge divine body storage space under Minos Island has also been remodeled by the engineering team, adding many training venues that simulate cities, rainforests, deserts and other environments.

At the same time, the underground facilities close to the surface were also transformed by the engineering team into a camp area large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

After all, before the establishment of the Astartes plan, Minos Island had already begun to receive a steady stream of children with psychic powers for training to become backups for the USS or ghost agents.

And now, Umbrella has also announced the existence of Spartans and Astartes, and is recruiting all young people who are of suitable age and genetically matched.

Then it is estimated that the scale of Astartes may not only be tens of thousands, so the huge underground camp of Minos Island can just come in handy at this moment.


West coast of Minos.

A large number of wooden stakes, barbed wire, high walls and other obstacles were set up on the beach to train the students on Minos Island.

Although today is Saturday, according to the one-week training plan for more than ten years, today is the day for all students on Minos Island to conduct various water-related training courses.

A large number of USS instructors in desert camouflage pants, white short sleeves, and desert camouflage officer caps were training students in black short-sleeved shorts on the beach.

Throwing a large number of USS instructors on the beach, the total number of students is about 5,000.

Nearly 3,000 trainees are backups for the USS and Ghost.

And the remaining 2,000 are the Astartes "suitable ones" who were selected at the beginning of the year.

According to the process of Rebecca and Halsey's transformation surgery, a 'suitable person' can be transformed from an ordinary person into a super soldier like the Astartes within one and a half months at the earliest.

But as a result of doing so, as early as the beginning of the year in the D-class personnel experiment, it was known that the combat power of the Astartes who had not received professional training was not a pass at all.

That's why it takes one year of intensive training, and a certain amount of special T-virus and vaccines are injected into these suitable people every day to gradually improve the physical fitness of each suitable person.

By the first quarter of next year, these two thousand suitable people will be able to become super soldiers second only to Sparta, and also have the fighting qualities of Sparta.

Five thousand trainees were scattered on the entire beach next to the base complex, grouped according to age, grade, and troop attributes, and were trained by a large number of USS instructors.

I saw that the students were sitting on the beach together holding a six-meter-long cypress tree, bearing the impact of the waves on their backs, and they had to hold the cypress tree together to do sit-ups.

Or a group of people were held down by the USS instructors from the waist down to the sea surface, and were 'sent' into the sea to practice holding their breath.

As well as crawling hundreds of meters under barbed wire fences within striking waves.

Such high-intensity training can only end at the lunch break from 11:30 to 13:00 and at the end of the day at 17:00.

On Sundays of every week, when all kinds of tactics are explained indoors all day, these children can get a real rest.

Although there are cruel devil training during the day, after finishing training at 17:00 and having dinner, you still need to accept two hours of cultural lessons.

But every Monday to Saturday after eight o'clock in the evening, that is, after the cultural class, the students can get enough entertainment and recreation.

For example, each dormitory has a Microsoft host, and each student is also equipped with a powerful game notebook, and there is no shortage of comics, handhelds, board games, and snacks.

And on the last two days of each month, the instructors will organize the students to travel to Africa, Europe and other continents, or they may go to the outer suburbs of the colonies in the solar system, or go to the resorts on the moon to have fun.

A combination of work and rest can ensure the normal physical and mental health of these children.

Of course, male and female instructors will also regularly explain some physiological knowledge to male and female students.

And the fit students of Astartes also receive these enlightenment education.

Even the two Colonels Hank and Kent had jointly submitted a petition two months ago to request William that before the suitable persons undergo surgery, the company will provide funds to allow the group of suitable persons to truly 'grow up'.

William also generously approved directly, and asked to select the best models in the entire human territory, so that these suitable ones can become real men.

According to Rebecca and Halsey's estimates, once one becomes an Astartes, although one will not lose sexual function, one will suffer from an extreme lack of sexual desire.

Therefore, the two chief instructors, Hank and Kent, hope that through a "mature ceremony", even if they become Astartes, those who are suitable can still have ideas and fall in love.

After all, Umbrella didn't want this group of Astartes to lose interest in women, thus making a family 'extinct'.

As William once said, one of the company's policies is people-oriented, and it is impossible to treat employees badly in any case.


A lookout on the beach.

Hank and Kent, also dressed as instructors, but with a colonel's rank pin on their left chests, stood on this nearly 20-meter-high lookout.

Now Hank has finally been promoted from the original lieutenant to colonel, and he is in charge of everything on Minos Island together with Kent.

"Colonel." At this time, the voice of the communication officer came from the headphones worn by the two people's left ears:

"The Phantom, which the boss is on, is expected to arrive in the skies over Minos Island in 20 minutes. Please get ready, two colonels."

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