Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 406: The Real Face of War

The eastern part of the Malay island group.

The islands here are relatively large, and the farthest distance from each other is only about two nautical miles, and the closest one can reach the other shore in a short swim.

The sea water is crystal clear, and some islands have luxurious single-family villas and manors, surrounded by coconut trees and thick tropical vegetation.

And at the center of the island group is a huge island, its area is about three times larger than Minos in Umbrella.

There are large-scale military airports, base camps, defense facilities, research centers, arsenals and high-end employee apartment buildings built on the island.

The airport has a similar appearance to the Pelican, but in fact it is a counterfeit transport aircraft of the Hoozett Enterprise, and an attack aircraft independently developed by the Hoozett Enterprise...

However, if William was here, he would definitely 'praise' this attack plane, but it really looks like a Tejas fighter.

And at the airport at this time, a large number of ground crews, pilots and soldiers belonging to the Huozett Enterprise gathered.

The ground crew hurriedly checked the status of various fighters, adjusted the status and added ammunition for the fighters, and the pilots also quickly entered the cockpit to stand by.

The soldiers went to the nearby bunkers as soon as possible, and opened all kinds of anti-aircraft weapons, all looking like they were fully equipped for battle.

After all, Umbrella sent an entire fleet to attack, and there was no concealment at all, just coming with an unstoppable momentum.

Although the directors and executives of Hozett Enterprises tried to contact the UNSC and Umbrella in an attempt to negotiate.

However, when they wanted to negotiate, their communication had been cut off by artificial intelligence such as Tina, and they could not communicate with the outside world at all.


West coast of the main island.

There are a large number of ground fortifications, bunkers, bunkers, and large-caliber anti-aircraft guns, but these seemingly bluffing fortifications did not bring confidence to the private soldiers stationed here.


Umbrella owns the fleet, which means she has absolute command of the air and sea.

In modern warfare, without air and sea control is a dead end. Where can we talk about confidence...

However, even if there is no confidence, the soldiers have to bite the bullet and stay here.

Not because the vast majority of them are orphans, or because they want to repay Hozett's 'nurture', but because they have microchips in their necks.

If you want to remove the chip by yourself, ‘Bong~! '.

If you want to escape, you will also ‘Bong~! '.

So the soldiers had to 'live and die' with the Hozett Enterprises.

Just when morale was almost freezing, the Umbrella fleet appeared within sight of the west coast.

A commander in the bunker also saw the arrival of Umbrella's fleet through the display screen, and then used the communication to order loudly:

"Soldier! There is a famous saying in Huaxia, which is called 'Raise a soldier for a thousand days, and use it for a while', and now I..."

"call out--!"

It's just that the commander was greeted with a beam of orange 'light' before he could finish his mobilization speech, and was completely annihilated in this extremely 'warm' glow.


I saw the bunker where the commander was, as well as all the fortifications and anti-aircraft weapons, welcomed the particle beam cannon of the Umbrella fleet.

The high-energy heat instantly melted everything.

The fleet only fired a volley of beam cannons, and it instantly paralyzed the defense of the entire west coastline.



"Help... help me..."

There are disabled soldiers who have been attacked by the aftermath everywhere, and because of the high temperature, the beach is vitrified, and even...

The legs, arms, limbs and flesh of some soldiers were also fixed on the vitrified sandy beach, dying and wailing.

Taking advantage of this gap, a large number of Pelicans and landing craft arrived on the beach on the west coast, and unloaded the trainees led by Hank, Kent and Achilles from the cabin.

As soon as the trainees stepped out of the cabin, they saw this horrific scene.

At this time.

The left side of a Huozett soldier's face was burned by high temperature, his eyeballs seemed to protrude, and the corner of his left mouth couldn't close at all, and he could even see the teeth and Tongue.

As for the soldier's left hand and left leg, they were 'embedded' on the vitrified beach due to the aftermath of the high-temperature beam attack.

"Help me... help me..."

After seeing a ghost agent cadet beside him, the soldier seemed to exhaust all his strength, stretching out his right hand and crying for help.


"Bong~!" With a crisp sound, the soldier's neck burst suddenly, and red and white blood and tissues were scattered everywhere.

"Bong~!" (xN)

Immediately afterwards, on the beach on the west coast, Hosett soldiers, who had been completely incapacitated and dying, died of microchips installed in their necks.


Finally, the cadet who had just stepped out of the cabin of the Pelican couldn't help throwing up.

Fortunately, because of the combat in the atmosphere, none of the students were equipped with airtight helmets or masks, otherwise it would be too late to take off the airtight masks and helmets, and the vomit would accumulate in front of the students' faces...

Not only this candidate, but most of the students also responded in the same way.

Although they had seen various death situations through the textbook videos when they were studying on Minos Island, the impact of these death situations happened in front of their eyes, and the impact still made it difficult for the students to adapt.

"Children." At this moment, Hank's voice said softly in the communication:

"This is just a routine military operation. In the future, when you participate in various military operations such as containment and assassination, or even large-scale wars.

There will be even scarier situations, so bear with me and get used to it! This will be your normal life in the future! "

Hearing Hank's admonition, all the students also suppressed their inner discomfort, and responded loudly in the communication:

"Sir! Yes, sir!"

"Very well, then act according to the previously planned policy!" Hank ordered again.


Following the conversation on the communication, more than a thousand candidates were divided into two groups, and followed Hank and Kent towards different directions on the island.

And the individual equipment on the candidates is the earliest optical camouflage uniform of the USS. Although it has been eliminated, it is Umbrella's unique high-end technology even now.

Therefore, under the leadership of Hank and Kent, the candidates turned on the optical camouflage one after another, and carried out various secret investigation, sabotage and assassination operations.

The suitors of the Astartes, who wore the individual equipment of the Marine Corps, armed with various pulse guns, followed their mentor Achilles, and rushed towards the center of the island.

After all, the positioning of Astartes is a "walking humanoid tank", so the combat mission of frontal charge is given to this group of suitable students.

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