Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 411 Alien Biological Weapon

"Well, you guys did a good job."

Knowing that they were ready to operate on Primarch Sparta, William was very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the new inverse species in one of the embryo sacs, and asked, "Why do these inverse species look so similar to humans?"

"It's all Green's credit." Halsey said in a timely manner.

"Green?" William looked at her in confusion, and asked with a slight frown, "You mean Elizabeth Green?"

"That's right." Halsey walked slowly to William's right side, crossed his arms and crossed his chest, looked at the Alien Queen, and explained to William:

"There is a 'hive' society between the aliens and their queen, which reminds me of Green and her infected, which is also a similar 'brood' society.

So when the research center was completed, I asked Carter to escort Doctor (049) and Green to come here together, assisting Rebecca and me to continue to study how to control the alien. "

Listening to Halsey's explanation, William also remembered that at the beginning of the year, Serena had reported to him that Elizabeth Green had also gone to Pluto.

It's just that the company will make various settlements at the beginning of the year, and needs to meet with UNSC and various partners to discuss plans for the coming year, so he didn't pay much attention to this report.


"Wait..." William was still puzzled: "Doctor (049) has the knowledge to assist in the study of aliens, how can Green help you...

I'll go, you shouldn't be the one who used her as the experimental material, right? ! "

With that said, William asked in disbelief.

"I'm sure I won't directly use her as an experiment material. She's a member of Damocles, so don't think about it." Halsey said with a smile on her face again.

Then she looked out the window and said softly, "I just used her blood to clone some... how should I put it, a humanoid.

After all, her blood and genes are extremely special, and the cloned body can hardly maintain a perfect human shape.

However, as long as there is a mouth, it is fine.

Then we let a face-hugger perform the 'injection' process on a clone of Green, but the obtained alien juvenile was also a deformed male peak.

So we started tweaking the clone, and finally got a clone with an undistorted appearance.

At the same time, we also successfully obtained the 'Queen's Egg' by using the experimental data of the Hozett Enterprise and a large number of D-class personnel.

In the end, the face-hugging insect of the queen's egg carried out the process of impregnating the undistorted clone, and obtained the alien queen in front of us. "

Hearing this, William also began to examine the queen carefully.

William found that the shape of this alien queen was a little smaller than the one he saw in City No. 7, and the skeleton with the crown on its head was also dark red.

"Boss." Rebecca also said from the side:

"Ms. Green has our human genes, and also has a large number of original strains in her body, allowing her to become the center of brood consciousness.

And this is only the queen bred by Ms. Green's clone, which also has the original strain that can adapt to strong acid, so this queen can obey the control of the real Ms. Green.


"Then the new inverse alien in front of us can also obey Green's command." William followed Rebecca's words.

"Yes." Rebecca nodded without denying it.

"I want to know..." William turned his head to look at Halsey, and asked with a slight frown: "The purpose of creating this new inverse alien and letting Elizabeth Green control it is...?"

"William..." Halsey did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you remember T-103?"

"T-103...Tyrant?" William thought of Umbrella's earliest batch of biological weapons.

"Yes." Halsey approached William again, and continued to explain:

"Umbrella's most mature biological weapon is an upgraded version of the T-103, a tracker codenamed 'Nemesis'.

It has more advanced independent thinking than T-103, can receive instructions and respond more quickly, and has stronger vitality than T-103.

However, the experimental data of the tracker is completely inferior to the later developed AAES II, and the cost is also several times that of AAES II, so I stopped developing the 'Tyrant' series of biological weapons.


Various forms of aliens can fill the vacancy of Umbrella's biological weapons, and they are more intelligent than tyrants, and they are more obedient to orders than tyrants.

After all, a new anti-species alien with a virus strain cannot disobey the order of the brood consciousness at all.

The production method is also cheaper than T-103 and Tracker, as long as these special queens have enough heat, they can be continuously produced.

Of course, these are just theories, and we need to further improve their social systems to verify whether they really have actual combat value. "


After listening to Halsey's explanation, William raised his left hand and squeezed his chin lightly, his frown also relaxed.


Umbrella is a biopharmaceutical company, and the most perfect product at present is the T virus he obtained from the system, and the black light virus provided by Elizabeth Green later.

The T virus has made super soldiers such as Sparta possible, and the T serum has also been developed, and the implantation of biochemical armor can enhance the combat power of the USS and future ghost agents.

The black light virus also has a corresponding 'black tyrant' serum.

However, the development of biological weapons for virus-infected people has not been very smooth, and a large number of 'by-products' have been produced.

Such as lickers, zombie dogs and the most common existence - zombies.

But only a team of well-trained soldiers equipped with basic marine equipment and pulse rifles can easily solve a large number of 'by-products'.

As for the T-103 Tyrant and Tracker, as Halsey said, the advantages are not prominent enough, but the disadvantages are obvious.

After being silent for nearly half a minute, William finally agreed: "Yes, your ideas are very good.

Especially in the case of large-scale wars in the future, if these aliens can act as cannon fodder for the soldiers, I agree with you to continue to study the alien project.

But before that, I want to see the actual combat capabilities of the aliens, and whether they can really obey Green's command perfectly. "

Halsey said confidently, "Don't worry, if I don't succeed, I won't take my salary."

'Yes, you don't want your salary anymore, you take my card, it doesn't matter if you have salary or not...'

William secretly vomited about his wife in his heart, then turned to look at Robert and Myron who came with him, and said softly to Halsey and Rebecca:

"Okay, now that it's determined that the alien has the value of continuous research, it's time for the five of them to completely become the real 'primarch'."

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