Time: June 20, 2024.

At this time, fifteen days have passed since the series of mind manipulation events hosted by Yuri Marin.

Under Umbrella's coercion and lure, all the UNSC gathered in the solar system have signed confidentiality agreements one after another to ensure that they will not be controlled and influenced by the mind.

Within the UNSC, senior officials and generals, down to the grassroots army, marines, and ordinary staff can also directly follow Umbrella's command after signing a confidentiality agreement, and no longer need to go through a cumbersome and bloated bureaucratic system. convey.

At the same time, the artificial intelligence led by Tina analyzes the data of Yuri's battleship, and at the same time uses the authority granted by the UNSC to conduct quantum screening on all colonies.

On June 6, 2024, which was also the second day after the "Naval War" broke out, Tina and other artificial intelligences finally locked a colony star system, which they believed to be the base of Yuri Marin.

The star system is about 10,000 light-years away from the solar system, and it belongs to a remote colony on the edge of the human territory, named the 'Hoozett-4' galaxy.

This galaxy is also a colony system jointly developed by Hozette Enterprise and UNSC during the first wave of colonization, so it is named Hozette-4 galaxy.

The composition of the Hozette-4 galaxy is similar to that of the solar system, with a star 1.5 times larger than the sun, and a total of seven large planets.

The first five are terrestrial planets, and the outer two are giant gaseous planets. The fourth terrestrial planet is in the habitable zone of this star system. This terrestrial planet is named Hozette-4d.

The mass, density, diameter and other data of the Hozette-4d planet are similar to those of the earth, and the Hozette-4 star rotates for 340 Earth days, and the rotation time is about 27 hours.

Hozet-4d also has strong geological activities, which makes it have a strong enough protective magnetic field and a thick atmosphere.

It also has oceans and continents, as well as a wide variety of low-intelligence protozoa.

Moreover, the atmospheric composition and atmospheric pressure are relatively friendly to humans. Even without breathing equipment, ordinary humans without any training can move and breathe freely on the surface of Hozet-4d.

Of course, some of the original viruses and bacteria on Hozet-4b are also a threat to humans.

Therefore, the UNSC research team has developed corresponding vaccines against these original viruses and bacteria that are harmful to humans.

Therefore, Hozet-4d belongs to the twenty-seven colony systems including Reach, which can be colonized without building a dome.

Now, according to various materials and intelligence, it was Yuri Marin who secretly presided over the establishment of Hozette-4.

When Tina and other artificial intelligence obtained the UNSC's authority and then conducted a comprehensive quantum screening, only the Hozette-4 galaxy had extreme anomalies.

And because the number of people on planet Hozet-4b has exceeded 50 million, the Astartes deployed on this planet is a company with one hundred and twenty people.

But Tina and other artificial intelligence discovered that this Astartes company seemed to have been besieged by the four local UNSC garrisons and the large army secretly cultivated by Yuri as early as a year ago.

The ratio of the number of people faced by this Astartes company is about 1/10000. There are only two Mammoths and dozens of heavy tanks on the ground. The air unit is only supported by dozens of Pelicans and two Vultures. boat.


According to the quantum screening of artificial intelligence such as Tina, it was found that even if this Astartes company faced an absolute disadvantage, it fought a desperate battle with the forces of the four UNSC armies and Yuri's army.

Although the one hundred and twenty Astartes could not escape the death in battle, before the last Astartes fell, the UNSC and Yuri also suffered great losses, about three Thousands of people have died to this Astartes bolter.

The reason for this situation is that the right to use the quantum communication device is in the hands of the local UNSC.

After learning of the tragic situation of this Astartes company, William, who had already returned to the solar system, confirmed his determination to have the entire UNSC sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Subsequently, under the strict requirements of William, Wang Zhaofeng led the engineering team to work overloaded, and urgently repaired the damaged warship.

Finally, at 14:14 on June 20, Haffa time, the renovation of all warships of UNSC and Umbrella was finally completed.

And at this time, the number of warships and troops concentrated in the solar system has reached the peak since mankind entered the interstellar era.

The UNSC has 1,474 warships of various types, and the number of combat troops, engineering teams, ground crews, and ship crews that accompany the ships is about 7.2 million.

On Umbrella's side, Zero, One, Two, Four, Five and the Containment Fleet also gathered.

Among them, the Third Fleet stayed on Reach Star according to William's order.

And the Astartes that were originally deployed in various human colonies also returned to the solar system one after another within these fifteen days.

Such large-scale warships and combat groups are moored around the dock, undergoing final supplies and inspections.

Just like the original intention of building the shipyard, it is an outpost for large-scale expeditions on the human side.

The target of the expedition that Umbrella and UNSC are going to carry out this time is the base of Yuri Marin, the Hozet-4 galaxy.

In the dock, a super-large hangar that can accommodate seventy gods, or four frigates.

In the hangar at this time, apart from a large number of F-X, B-65, Pelican and other aircraft of various upgraded models, there are a large number of heavily armed UNSC and Umbrella officers.

These officers range in rank from sergeant to colonel.

And in the center of the hangar is a large platform lift for loading ammunition for the god body or frigate.

The elevator rose to a height of about thirty meters above the deck, enough for all the officers in the hangar to see.

Standing on the elevator platform were senior generals and school officers from UNSC and Umbrella, including Andre and Mike.

Of course, William in the uniform of Commander-in-Chief Umbrella is also indispensable.

"Everyone!" William said to all the officers present by using the wireless microphone clipped to his collar:

"In a short time, we will go to the Huozett-4 galaxy, which is 10,000 light-years away from the solar system, to seek revenge on Yuri Marin who is hiding on the Huozett-4d planet!

Because of his own selfish desire to dictatorship human beings, he caused the casualties of hundreds of thousands of outstanding soldiers, and also caused tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people to suffer major impacts.

We human beings managed to get out of the economic impact caused by the titan, but because of this Yuri Marin, we once again fell into stagnation and turmoil.

This time, since World War I and World War II, soldiers of all skin colors, creeds, and nationalities gathered together again in order to launch a revenge expedition.

We will make that Yuri Marin pay the price he deserves! "


After listening to William's mobilization speech, the tens of thousands of officers present responded loudly.

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