Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 474 'Alien Wave'


? !

Yuri soldiers in various military fortifications fell into a burst of confusion and panic after hearing and seeing the screaming alien.

The alien species is all too familiar to Yuri's soldiers and researchers.

After all, most of the genetic technology of the wild orcs, as well as the elite troops guarding their 'master' palace, came from aliens.


Neither their master Yuri nor the most knowledgeable researchers and scientists could make the aliens work for them.

But Umbrella did it.

Hundreds of thousands of aliens didn't care what Yuri's soldiers were thinking at all, obeyed Elizabeth Green who was on the Infinity, and launched an offensive towards Yuri's position.

"Fire! Fire!"

"Tu! Tu! Tu!"

"Crack! Crack!"

"Boom! Boom!"

As an officer standing in the frontline bunker yelled, Yuri recruits and the UNSC army who received mind control, as well as tanks and fixed-point defense guns deployed between the bunkers, began to attack the alien group rushing towards the beach. shooting.

"Puff! Puff!"


After being attacked violently and intensively, the Xiongfeng Alien who was charging ahead suddenly exploded, and the acidic blood quickly corroded the ground.

Just when the alien group's attack was blocked...



The extremely fast-moving messenger aliens, and the huge beast-shaped aliens whose bones are as strong as tank armor rushed out from behind the Xiongfeng aliens.

The mission of the Xiongfeng Xenomorphs is to use their bodies to block the first wave of intensive attacks, and serve as cannon fodder to protect the messengers and beast-shaped bodies behind them.

Just look at the messenger who was running extremely fast, relying on his small size, he immediately got in through the shooting port of the bunker.


"Ah! Help! Help..."

"Puff! Puff!"

"Tu! Tu..."

Afterwards, only the roars of messengers from various bunkers, the screams of human beings and the movement of bodies being torn apart, and the sounds of wanting to 'Tu' but 'Tu' not coming out' were heard.

Just relying on the messenger's charge alone made most of the bunkers useless.

"Boom! Boom!"

However, behind the bunker line, tanks that looked like siege tanks continued to bombard the alien group.

And the Yuri army in the city, after learning that the aliens launched an attack from the southeast of the city, a large number of controlled UNSC army, Yuri recruits, wild beasts, and virus snipers also rushed here to support the front.


As the messenger rushed into the enemy's beast-shaped body, it began to break fast unscrupulously, scratching, scratching, stabbing, and using sharp claws, sub-mouths, and tail tips to slaughter Yuri's soldiers.



Facing a beast-shaped figure that was much larger than the Beastman, the Yuri recruits and the UNSC army couldn't withstand a blow from the beast-shaped figure at all.

Especially those tiger-shaped bodies that use cloned tigers as their hosts, use their powerful limbs to almost flatten a human soldier with a 'slap'.


At this moment, a wild orc roared, facing the tiger figure that was madly slaughtering Yuri's soldiers.

The wild beastman still clenched his fists with both hands, and rushed towards the tiger body with an attack similar to the 'Hulk Smash'.

However, the tiger-shaped body did not fight against the wild orc. Instead, it retreated vigorously with all four limbs, jumping away from the attack of the wild orc.


The violent blow of the wild beastman immediately hit the ground on the ground, causing thick smoke and debris to splash everywhere.


Taking advantage of the opening of the Wild Beastman's front door, the tiger figure stepped forward, opened its huge tiger mouth, and bit the Wild Beastman's neck.

"Puff! Puff!"

While biting the wild orc's neck, the tiger-shaped body also used its sub-mouth to eject repeatedly, piercing the wild orc's skin immediately.


With the sharp claws and thick tail of the tiger's body, a series of "combo strikes" directly made the wild beastman lose his fighting power, and finally collapsed on the ground and wailed in a low voice.

Obviously, the tiger body inherits not only the strength, speed and strength of the host, but also the wisdom of the tiger when hunting and attacking.

Within a few minutes, this position was 'swallowed' by the alien torrent.

Of course, the losses on the alien side were also very large. At least one-third of the aliens were killed by Yuri's soldiers and fortifications.

And guarded by the alien group in the center, there are several inverse aliens that are similar to humans and wear the uniform of Umbrella's army.

These inverse aliens are protected by the larger alien guards, thus effectively conveying Elizabeth Green's orders.

At this time, the alien swarm, which received the latest order, began to destroy the fixed-point defense measures on the southeastern front.

For example, defensive facilities such as large-caliber electromagnetic guns, plasma cannons, and particle beam cannons.

Among them, it also includes the enhanced version of the Getter cannon on the top of the building complex in the southeast of City No. 5.

The Yuri troops stationed in other positions also sensed the intention of the alien swarm, and are continuously supporting the southeast position of the city, intending to prevent the alien from destroying the defense facilities.

For this reason, Yuri even did not hesitate to use citizens whose minds were manipulated to arm them and serve as cannon fodder for regular troops.

If these citizens encountered soldiers from Umbrella or UNSC, they might have hesitated to shoot.

But unfortunately...

The townspeople encounter aliens who have no morals or empathy.

What's more, Elizabeth Green, who controls the alien, has never regarded herself as a human being. If it weren't for William's influence, she might still maintain a deeply disgusting attitude towards humans.

Therefore, most of the aliens who rushed into the city chose to ignore these manipulated citizens, using their sharp claws to quickly climb various buildings, trying to destroy the Gait cannons deployed on the top of the buildings.

"Papa papa!"

The citizens whose minds could be manipulated did not know how to manipulate pulse guns. They gathered on the streets and under the buildings, shooting their heads up at the climbing aliens.

"Puff! Puff!"

After being hit by the dense shellless explosive shells, the bodies of several aliens exploded immediately, and the extremely corrosive blood was scattered freely.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Ah! Ah! Er..."

When the blood scattered to the faces, arms, shoulders and other body parts of the citizens, the blood began to carry out the alien's last attack, which was to corrode until there was nothing left to corrode.

The citizens controlled by their minds are just cannon fodder after all. They don't have the assistance of mechanical arms to aim, and they don't have the powerful arms like soldiers, so they can't effectively hit the fast-climbing alien.

Eventually, the xenomorph swarm climbed to the top of the targeted structure and began to wreak havoc on the threatening Gait cannons.

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