Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 491 Don't Want to Establish an 'Empire'


Mike, who was always smoking cigars wherever he was, took a puff of the smoke ring and asked William, "What about the remaining 14 million?"

"Ahem!" Before William could reply, Andre, who was sitting next to Mike, coughed violently.

The veteran of the fighting nation, frowning tightly, raised his hand to fan his face, glanced at Mike and complained:

"I said, you can't stop smoking cigars? Since you ate the life fruit, you really don't have to worry about getting mouth cancer, huh?!"

Mike also replied: "That's lung cancer."

"Okay..." William hurriedly stopped the quarrel between the two veterans who seemed to never grow up, and looked at Mike and said softly:

"As for the remaining 10 million refugees, let's put them in Africa for the time being.

Anyway, with an extra engineering team of more than 4 million people, it would not be a problem to build a refugee camp on that continent that could live there for a few years.

As for the food and entertainment funding, let the UNSC do it, I'm not going to let Umbrella clean up the mess anyway. "

"Ahem!" Andre coughed a few more times, and stared at Mike who was sitting beside him, then turned his head to look at William and said:

"Since the UNSC is mentioned, should we now consider how to reshuffle the composition of the UNSC?

After all, everyone from private soldiers to generals has signed Umbrella's confidentiality agreement. To be honest...

UNSC is already dispensable.

Let's go further, even if Umbrella establishes a country, we won't encounter any resistance. "

"The old man is right." As soon as Andre's voice fell, Mike on the side rarely agreed with the old friend's point of view:

"Maozi and I, as well as a group of old employees, actually hope that William you can lead Umbrella and lead the Russell family to the apex of all rights and financial resources."

"Haha! The Yankees are right!" Andre also rarely accused Mike of calling him a jerk, but laughed loudly:

"Although the original Soviet Union didn't treat me very well, the Soviet Union at its peak was like an empire, overwhelming Western Europe so much that it dared not breathe loudly.

In fact, I still miss the Soviet Union at that time, and now Umbrella can also become an 'empire'. When I think of this, I, an old man, feel excited! "

"Hehe." Hearing the words of the two veterans, William could only shake his head helplessly, and said with a light smile:

"Umbrella was indeed able to control all UNSC countries in just one night and establish a human 'empire'.

But now is not the time. The society’s perception of Umbrella still remains as a large-scale monopoly.

If it is rashly declared that the UNSC will be disbanded and that Umbrella will replace the UNSC to control the power of the entire country, it will definitely arouse the resentment of many people.

You must know that although young people nowadays like things such as "two-dimensional" and "ghost animals", there are still many people who have strong patriotic feelings and beliefs.

Therefore, UNSC must not be disbanded. Umbrella is still a company, and it must not become an existence that bans UNSC on the surface.

Besides, where there is an empire, there is an emperor, and I am not very interested in the position of emperor. "

"Hey..." (x2)

Andre and Mike, the best bad friends, sighed together when they heard that William had no idea of ​​building a nation.

"General, Lieutenant General." Serena, who was standing behind William, explained in a timely manner for William:

"According to my calculations and calculations, once Umbrella announces the founding of the country, the social support rate is only about 15%, so now is not the best time to ban governments and the UNSC."

"..." (x2)

Hearing Serena's words, the two veterans finally stopped joking and returned to silence.

William continued: "The UNSC must not be banned, but the UNSC needs to fully obey our command and orders.

Next, I will notify 049 to let Pluto's alien cultivation center cultivate as many inverse aliens as possible.

These anti-species will be deployed on every warship of Umbrella and UNSC. "

"Reverse species? What do you want them to do?" Andre wondered.

William explained: "In previous expeditions, it has been confirmed that Elizabeth Green's brood consciousness can ignore the interference of the jump space, and can realize real-time 'dialogue'.

In other words, no matter whether it is in the jump space or not, even a frigate without quantum communication can still talk to Elizabeth Green through the inverse alien.

And Elizabeth Green has lived on the Infinity for a long time, which also means that she can directly report all the information to me.

This can effectively avoid the situation where you were unable to contact me directly when Yuri attacked the solar system. "

"Well, you can have this." Andre echoed.

"As for the UNSC military..." William paused, then said to the two veterans:

"Let the two of you take the lead in reorganizing and reorganizing the UNSC Army, Navy and Marine Corps to match our Umbrella chain of command.

The number of the fleet will also be changed.

Our Umbrella occupies the numbers from the zeroth to the fifth fleet, and the UNSC fleet is organized from the sixth fleet onwards.

And..." William put his eyes on Mike again, and asked with a smile:

"Uncle O'Donahue, I heard that Yuri wanted to turn against you, saying that you did your best for Umbrella, but you were still a lieutenant general in the end, right?"

"That's right." Mike didn't deny it either: "But Yuri's clumsy trick can't shake me at all, plus...I'm not an ordinary person who can do a lieutenant general, hehe."

"Then..." William said with a smile on his face, "Uncle O'Donahue, from now on you are an admiral.

Umbrella doesn't have four or five stars. You, like Andre, are Umbrella's generals. "

"This..." Mike was in a trance.

Mike didn't care much about the fact that he lived under Andre for a long time. After all, Andre was William's adoptive father, so he should be in the lieutenant general.

But I didn't expect that William would actually give it to an admiral, and he was at the same level as Andre.

"Hehe." William explained with a smile: "Uncle O'Donahue, don't be too surprised, you have to be busy.

Before the signing of the confidentiality agreement, the UNSC army formed its own system according to its own generals and school officers, so it seemed very bloated and slow when it was mobilized.

So Uncle O'Donahue, I hope that you, as the general, can command all the land combat forces of the UNSC.

Cooperating with Andre will allow the forces between Umbrella and UNSC to be closer in coordinated operations. "

Mike, who was relieved, immediately promised: "No problem, leave these to me and Andre."

"Then please." William nodded and smiled.

"Oh, by the way..." William reminded Mike and Andri as if thinking of something again:

"Pay attention to removing some of the UNSC's' crooked melons and dates'. Through this expedition, I discovered some of the UNSC's ground force combat power, which is a mess.

Give these guys a repatriation fee to let them leave the army, so as not to lower the overall combat power. "

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