
Hearing several movements like dragon roars, all Omegas couldn't help looking at the entrance.

Then they turned their heads and stared at the soldier standing beside Mike who was still chattering just now.

Even though everyone is wearing helmets and can't see each other's facial expressions, it's not hard to guess that they seem to be saying:

"You have to say something more?"

The soldier shrugged his shoulders, shook his head with his hands outstretched, as if to say, "It's not my fault."


Mike, the operational commander, was too lazy to dwell on these trivial matters.

He held the steady gun again, walked quickly towards the next entrance, and ordered in a low voice:

"Everyone pay attention, there are still powerful enemies ahead, and we are still advancing in teams."

"Yes, Captain."

The Omegas who received the order no longer messed around, and they adjusted their mentality and continued to move forward.

As it went deeper, the corridor became gradually darker.

Similar frescoes, similar patterns.

However, the faint orange light emitting from the end of the corridor reminded the Omega Company that the enemy ahead was by no means an enemy similar to the giant lion.

The class led by Mike was the first to pass through the passage.

They only felt suddenly enlightened and came to the high platform that seemed to protrude.

A soldier walked to the edge and looked down to see a 'lake' of bubbling hot magma.

If you stumble and fall...

Thinking of this, the soldier retreated.

There was only an artificial stone bridge in front of everyone, leading to a huge isolated island sitting on a magma flow.

There is a circular building similar to an ancient arena on the island, and the bursts of dragon roars come from the arena.

Holding the gun in one hand, Mike walked slowly onto the stone bridge, and couldn't help but turn around and look around at the scene around him.

Even the captain, who has always been able to keep calm, can't help but sigh:

"Jesus, I never thought in my life that a scene like that in a magic movie would actually appear in front of me."

Omega, who followed behind Mike, was more or less in the same mood as their superior.

Since joining UBCS, the limit of their rational ability has been greatly increased, and they should be immune to any abnormal phenomenon.

But the things in front of him have reached another level, which is too spectacular.

Of course, Omega just lamented the wisdom of the ancients.

After all, being able to create such a magnificent relic on a scalding lava lake is enough to make them feel in awe.


If they are afraid, then humans are not far from living in a state of trembling.

Soon, everyone quickly passed the bridge to board the island, and then passed through the huge marble pillar gate facing the stone bridge.

Finally poured into the arena.

What comes into view is…

A 'dragon' with crimson scales and a body like a water snake was lying on the marble floor in the center of the arena.

The unique thing is that it has nine necks and nine heads with slender cores.

Nine-headed dragon?

Or Hydra?

Seeing this, one hundred and twenty Omegas quickly entered a combat state, quickly forming a formation to surround the giant snakes.

"Hi!" (x9)

The nine heads of the giant snake were at different angles, staring at the 'little people' beside it, with their mouths wide open as if warning them not to approach.

The two sides are in a standoff.

Mike in the crowd clenched his rifle in both hands, looked up at such a huge creature, and sighed softly, "Command center, did you see it?"

"Yes, we have notified President Papoulias to assist, please be patient for a moment.

Attacks or shootings are permitted if the anomaly manifests strong hostility. "



As soon as Mike's voice fell, the giant snake took the lead in swinging its thick tail, trying to sneak up on a group of Omegas at the entrance.


Fortunately, the motion capture function of AAES triggered the alarm the moment the giant snake moved, allowing the group of Omegas to barely avoid the fatal blow.



"Clap! Tap!"


The original state of confrontation was suddenly broken, and the sound of gunfire and the roar of giant snakes resounded in the huge arena.

but after a few seconds


The nine heads and bodies covered with bullet holes smashed heavily on the marble bricks.


The dark green blood flowing out of the bullet hole corrosively reacted the moment it fell on the stone brick, causing plumes of white smoke to rise.

"Click!" The Omegas also took advantage of this gap to change the magazines one by one.

However, this time, no one stepped forward to confirm whether it was dead.

Because UBCS is well aware of the wise words of their bosses:

"Before you don't know whether the enemy is really dead or faked, don't try to get close to the inspection, and try a few more shots!"




"Clap! Tap!"



The giant snake who pretended to be dead never expected that humans would attack again, and the tricks of trying Bailing turned out to be useless.

Since it can't seduce humans, it will no longer hide anything.

The bullet holes where blood flowed in the body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the attack speed was also much improved.

This beast still knows how to play hard to catch and show weakness to the enemy?

The sudden change made UBCS, which maintained a record of zero casualties, encounter Waterloo for the first time.

At this time, one of the heads of the giant snake was staring at a group of Omegas who were evading shooting.



It predicted Omega's trajectory, opened its mouth and spat out a large amount of green liquid.



Along with the sound of liquid corroding metal, there were also human screams.

I saw that pool of acid, accurately fell on the head of the group of omega.

They were struggling, they wanted to leave.

However, the corrosion rate was too fast, AAES seemed to stick to their bodies, and finally fell into the green 'quagmire' and stopped moving.

AAES' titanium fiber clothing and titanium armor have good anti-corrosion properties to oxidants and reducing agents.

But in front of the acid of the Hydra, it was simply vulnerable.

"Boom! Boom!" A large number of grenades exploded around the giant snake.


Even if it was blown open, it still turned a blind eye, and it returned to its original state in an instant.

Broken head?

One more long.

strong acid.

Hundred-ton power.

Can't kill.

This is definitely the toughest containment Umbrella has faced since its inception.



Seeing the tragic death of his subordinates, Mike wanted to swear and vent.

But that will only occupy the channel, and even affect the combat efficiency, and will not help the containment operation at all.

This is the 'sadness' of being an employee of the company.

Too much personal emotion is a sin.

"Captain." Hank's deep voice suddenly came through the communication:

"Have your minions spread out and shoot it in the eyes to help Alpha control it."


Mike almost forgot there was a group of Alphas hiding in the dark.

Immediately, he ordered: "Everyone, act as the lieutenant said!"

"Yes, Captain!"

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